2024.11.30 16:29 Maleficent-Series-44 Thanks for all the help so far ladies:) Dm to help
All photos posted with consent and no trading (Stop dming me) submitted by Maleficent-Series-44 to nudebingo [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 16:29 ArtistaColapsado How many times can I switch devices?
So I bought a lifetime CSP 3.0 contract that I used on my desktop PC and I recently got a laptop and wanted to use CSP on it too but there's this warning that I can only switch between devices a limited amount of times, how many times are those exactly? I just want to use CSP on my laptop for like a month and then change it back to my desktop PC later, but I'm afraid it'll be stuck on the laptop permanently
submitted by ArtistaColapsado to ClipStudio [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 16:29 FPFP66 608, anyone else think top right’s score is a little high?
Not complaining, I do love a Gardy Party.
submitted by FPFP66 to immaculategrid [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 16:29 TimeSecurity9081 Is it okay that my previous company is requesting me to pay for a courier to send back my laptop?
Is it normal my old company [uk] is requiring me to pay for a courier for the laptop back to them
My old company - a small startup has said -
“It is fairly market standard for folks to arrange for a courier themselves and return their devices - I don't think it's a fair and reasonable request for you to ask me to arrange for the courier. It's unfortunately your responsibility to return the device.”
I am pretty sure this isn’t true? All my previous companies have sent a courier. I think they are just angry i left…
submitted by TimeSecurity9081 to careerguidance [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 16:29 sonnynomnom my first pixel art! learned a lot
submitted by sonnynomnom to PixelArt [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 16:29 CreatedPencil SWTOR on Steam starts running, then quits immediately
Hello! I'm trying to run SWTOR on Linux with Steam's Proton enabled. Unfortunately, I've had no luck in running it as it starts running but then it immediately quits.
I'm using Linux Mint 22 with Cinnamon 6.2.9. GPU: NVIDIA Corporation TU117 [GeForce GTX 1650]. The kernel version is 6.8.0-49-generic, Vulkan Instance version is 1.3.275
SWTOR is installed on a secondary drive with an NTFS file system.
I have tried to fix this with reinstalling the game, trying out different Proton versions, entering different values into the game's launch options and launching the game through Lutris with Steam being the runner.
Here's what happens when I start the game after running Steam from the terminal: https://pastebin.com/VjjSez6Z
I've seen some answers that say that the problem is the NTFS file system, even though I have tried running a different Steam game from that drive and it worked.
Am I missing some 32 bit libraries that I didn't install or something completely different?
submitted by CreatedPencil to linux_gaming [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 16:29 Cucud1 Unbanned request
Request for Unban and Apology
I hope this message finds you well. I’m writing to sincerely apologize for my actions that led to my ban from the Discord. Upon reflecting on the situation, I now understand that my behavior was inappropriate and disruptive to the community, and I deeply regret causing any harm or discomfort to others.
I fully acknowledge the rules I violated, and I take full responsibility for my actions. I understand why my behavior was not acceptable, and I assure you that I’ve learned from this experience. Moving forward, I will be more mindful of my conduct and will strive to respect the guidelines and values of the community.
If you would consider giving me a second chance, I would be truly grateful and will do my best to be a positive and respectful member of the server. I appreciate your time and consideration in reviewing my request.
Thank you for your understanding.
submitted by Cucud1 to aispongerehydrated [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 16:29 StunninKam self-love even for a normal day
submitted by StunninKam to AllDolledUp [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 16:29 Bosw8r My Vintage toy got an upgrade!
My 1988 Benjamin Sheridan Blue streak needed a cheeckriser. I just could not get aquick and comfortable, clear image through my scope. Now its just shouldering it and done! Clear view on the target submitted by Bosw8r to airgunhunting [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 16:29 Sensitive-Bear-1914 Which one? 😏
submitted by Sensitive-Bear-1914 to vscosloots [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 16:29 xatfi Tämä teko oli liikaa – olympiaurheilija määrättiin elinikäiseen toimintakieltoon
submitted by xatfi to xatfi [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 16:29 VETwithaVETTE Mono redpl players?
Do y'all get tired of getting my abhorrent Oculus deck's testicles drug across your foreheads? Jw
submitted by VETwithaVETTE to MagicArena [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 16:29 mq1coperator My Army Experience (2009-present)
submitted by mq1coperator to army [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 16:29 julianasancs qual é a real da coleta seletiva em bh?
recentemente, um pedreiro que trabalhou aqui em casa me disse que um caminhão da coleta seletiva sempre despeja o material em um lixão próximo à casa dele. antes disso, há alguns anos, outra pessoa também.me disse que eles não faziam a reciclagem, que despejavam no lixão comum mesmo. PORÉM, foram relatos de pessoas que eu mal conhecia, então sempre duvidei da veracidade. no fundo, penso que são pessoas que têm preguiça de separar o lixo...
aqui sou meio neurótica com isso, separo até embalagem de biscoito e levo pras lixeiras específicas 1 vez por semana (ainda não passa caminhão da coleta seletiva no meu bairro). se essas pessoas estiverem falando a verdade, admito que vou ficar bem triste. não pelo trabalho que dá, mas pela porra do planeta mesmo.
alguém tem algum relato sobre isso?
submitted by julianasancs to BeloHorizonte [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 16:29 XnitrO6 Got a question
I’m new to the group I’ve been playing fs since 2013 I just got 25 on pc wondering if anyone would wanna help out
submitted by XnitrO6 to farmingsimulator [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 16:29 AdCapital3619 Hilfe!
Ich habe gestern in einem Bekleidungsgeschäft Kleidung anprobiert und es war ein Kleidungsstück dabei, welches gebissen hat. Ich steige also ins Auto und mein Arm fängt an zu jucken. Als ich Zuhause ankomme sehe ich ihn mir genau an und es sind 3 Fette Stiche zu sehen. Ich dachte es wären Mückenstiche, doch es ist Herbst und es gibt wegen der Kälte eigentlich keine mehr. Als ich heute zu Mittag wieder ein jucken verspürt habe, sah ich im Spiegel einen massiven Stich auf dem anderen Arm (Siehe Fotos). Ich weiß nicht was es ist. Die Stiche sind groß und jucken, jucken aber meist nicht allzu lange. Ich weiß nicht ob es etwas mit der Kleidung zu tun hat, da ich sie ja heute zum Beispiel nicht getragen habe. Könnten das Bettwanzen sein? submitted by AdCapital3619 to Bedbugs [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 16:29 sasizza Impasto nelle tazze
L'utilizzo di utensili non convenzionali la ritengo un azione a favore del riciclo. Visibile in foto delle tazze utilizzate ad accogliere l'impasto per pizza napoletana. Quali altri contenitori non convenzionali vi vengono in mente da utilizzare allo stesso modo ?
submitted by sasizza to cucina [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 16:29 CupEquivalent5709 Ben 10 X Generator Rex drawing I did
Felt like drawing these two after rewatching that generator rex and ben 10 crossover
submitted by CupEquivalent5709 to cartoons [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 16:29 betabott Catch flights not feelings!
submitted by betabott to delta [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 16:29 Total_Bullfrog Can heroes standing in reinforcement circle of a lord join a battle?
submitted by Total_Bullfrog to totalwarhammer [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 16:29 BrepUL69 Really wish it was true
submitted by BrepUL69 to PiratedGames [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 16:29 NetherGamingAccount VKB Joysticks Causing a Bug
I posted a thread the other day about a bug in game https://www.reddit.com/starcitizen/comments/1h13ydp/bug_help_options_menu_wont_let_me_click/
I was able to figure out it's related to items plugged into my computer via USB. Looks to be my VKB Gunfighters.
The joysticks are up to date with the latest firmware. But each time I plug them back in my menu's bug, it's like the game glitches when it tries to recognize the hardware.
Anyone else ever run into something similar? Any clue how to resolve?
submitted by NetherGamingAccount to starcitizen [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 16:29 sadahide I was asked to resign from my church
Honestly, I'm shocked to be writing this. Last week, my board met with me to ask me to resign.
Backstory, about 4 years ago, I had a new Elder join the church's board. He butted heads with me, other elders, other staff, etc. imo, he was dictatorial and divisive. It took a while to deal with the problems, but after nearly 2 years of conflict, we were able to enlist help from our denomination and bring in a mediation team. We worked through issues and got to a place of forgiveness and reconciliation. Or so I thought…
2 months ago, it came time for our nomination committee meetings. As pastor, I am an ex official member. I have no vote, but have voice. I don't often raise concerns about people, but I have from time to time. I raised a concern about his wife for Elder. (We allow woman elders in our tradition.)
Over the years, a number of people have approached me about things she has said to them. She can be quite blunt and sometimes downright rude, especially to newcomers. There's even a few who have left our church that mentioned her communications as a factor. Anytime I shared these comments with other church leaders, I get the response, “this is just how she is. We can't do anything about it.” After I raised my concerns, she was not voted to be an elder.
She was very hurt and (breaking confidentiality) approached the nom com members to ask who voted against her. They (breaking confidentiality) shared what I had said, and she got upset.
So 2 weeks ago, they met with our board and announced they were leaving. They accused me of slander, not valuing teaching the Bible, and preaching a works based salvation. (None of this is true - and my board agrees afaik) But she is related to a number of people in the church, some of whom are good givers, and our board is freaking out.
Earlier this week, we had a special board meeting where they asked me to resign. This will have a significant impact on our family. We are in the process of adopting out of foster care, and this has potential to derail that process. My wife has been hurt at our church a number of times, and this piles on the pain.
I had a good Thanksgiving with my wife's family. My wife is a PK as is her mom. We got a lot of support and encouragement from our family. But now we're heading back home and the reality of the situation is coming to the forefront. Not sure the timeline exactly, but I get the sense they want me gone ASAP. I should get some severance, but that still needs to be negotiated.
Happy to answer any questions, appreciate any insights and all prayers.
submitted by sadahide to pastors [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 16:29 ForwardStuffOfficial Experiencing Bleeding and Pain After Using a Tight Cock Ring During Kegel Exercises – What Should I Do?
I've been consistently doing Kegel exercises for the past month to strengthen my pelvic floor. Recently, I decided to incorporate a tight cock ring into my routine to potentially enhance the benefits. However, during one of my sessions, I noticed blood on the sides of my penis. It seemed like it might be from a nerve or something similar. Since then, I've been experiencing slight pain in the area.
Has anyone else encountered this issue? Is this something to be concerned about, and what steps should I take to address it? I'm worried about potential injuries and want to ensure I'm practicing these exercises safely.
submitted by ForwardStuffOfficial to kegel [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 16:29 Sad_Cantaloupe_1918 Forgoten cartoon
When I was young (around 10 years ago probably) I watched a cartoon about a girl and a boy, when they go to sleep at night, they go to dream world were they I think are fighting monsters? I watched couple of episodes but then that cartoon was never to be found on TV. I also tried searching on YouTube and Google, but nothing. If anyone knows or anything similar could you please replay to this post, as this is one of my favorite cartoons I've watched. Thank you
submitted by Sad_Cantaloupe_1918 to cartoons [link] [comments]