What’s goin in your mini boxes?!

2024.11.30 16:24 ohmygoshjosh94 What’s goin in your mini boxes?!

Decided to make a little jewelry box out of mine. Any other good uses? What did u put in yours?
submitted by ohmygoshjosh94 to harborfreight [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:24 Corn645 IIL music by Gianni Marchetti, WEWIL?

Really just vita segreta di una diciotenne. I like all of it but mainly the more band sounding songs such as vita segreta di una dicitotenne 2, but I like all his stuff because of the melody and instrumentation.
submitted by Corn645 to ifyoulikeblank [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:24 dkongt [WTS] Citizen Cryston Diver, 4-212452, Quartz, Vintage

submitted by dkongt to Watchexchange [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:24 LittleArila Morreu e deixou mais de 1 milhão?o Estado deveria expropriar tudo

Morreu e deixou mais de 1 milhão?o Estado deveria expropriar tudo submitted by LittleArila to opiniaoimpopular [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:24 Ravi_chozha Some ancient meme in my storage.

Some ancient meme in my storage. submitted by Ravi_chozha to indiameme [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:24 RemarkablyUn0riginal A question of consumer ethics: in comparison with secondhand wool and leather could it be argued that through the entire production cycle of synthetic materials (for clothing) more suffering is caused?

Essentially, I need a good quality coat - not being able to fit into an older pure woolen one which I will donate. I'd like another wool coat. I understand and accept arguments against the wool industry as it is (in terms of suffering caused, not commodification). I've found a secondhand wool coat. Will I cause more suffering from purchasing a wool coat or a new coat made from synthetic materials - taking into account the entire process of production for the latter?
(I'm aware I could buy a secondhand synthetic coat, but the quality never seems to hold up as well as a well cared for wool coat).
I also need a pair of shoes for a new professional role. Synthetic vegan 'leather' seems to be of poor quality, from what I've read online, and it seems I will need to buy a new pair on an annual/biannual basis - if I haven't been fooled by reviews. I will also need to purchase these shoes at a steep price - I am broke. I can buy a pair of well cared for secondhand leather brogues for a quarter of the price. Which is the option will cause less suffering? Will my purchase of leather shoes legitimise the purchase of new leather?
I'm coming from a utilitarian position and I'm really not looking for deontological arguments, but an argument from a utilitarian position (if you wish to argue normative ethics we can discuss it separately).
submitted by RemarkablyUn0riginal to vegan [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:24 Acceptable-Ad-5773 What Kanye Could Talk About On Bully

This is sort of in response to a post I saw about how he may not have much to say at this point in his career. From snippets, it sounds like he's taking the 'they tried to cancel me but look how we made it' route but tbh I hope he doesn't overly lean into that. It feels like just a rehash of some ideas touched on in vultures and its especially weird when you got cancelled for a good reason.
Instead here are some subjects I feel he could (but probably won't) rap about on Bully.
• ⁠New Family Dynamic: Maybe some reflection on how he relates to his dad, or alternatively in what ways he hopes to improve compared to him. Also now that some time has passed he might be regretful of the way he handled the split so publicly or he could more clearly flesh out why he made the choices he did.
• ⁠Relationship With God: He’s obviously been a bit rocky with religion the last few years from Jesus Is King to not being on ‘talking terms’ with god to closing the Korea LP with a prayer. He could talk about balancing being a normal human being with a man of God. Accepting he has his flaws and vices but will always keep his faith.
• ⁠Political Issues (EXTREME REACH): Assuming he could discuss them SENSIBLY and genuinely, it would be interesting to see him flesh out some issues he’s genuinely passionate about. Talk about how black artists and athletes get fucked over in contracts by corporations (without blaming it on another ethnic/religious group). Talk about fugaze virtue signalling in media and hollywood especially. Talk about important issues in a sensible manner without delusion and bigotry.
• ⁠Self Reflection & Apology (EXTREME EXTREME EXTREME REACH): I don’t think Ye ever plans on apologising sincerely for what he’s said but if he did, addressing it through music would be the best way to do it. A track or two about how his mental state led him to say and do things to be contrarian or what he thought was right hurt people. How he recognises he needs to take responsibility for his actions and mental health.
submitted by Acceptable-Ad-5773 to GoodAssSub [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:24 rjpresslee7 Nosferatu (No spoilers)

I saw Nosferatu on Thursday night… I came out scared of the dark corners of my house, jumping at the sound of the wind hitting my bedroom window, I was completely afraid to close my eyes to sleep. This is everything I wanted and more.
Disclaimer: I am not embargoed as I am not press or a critic, so if anyone has any questions feel free to DM me and I’ll answer best I can
submitted by rjpresslee7 to movies [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:24 tempmailgenerator Randomly Sampling Points Within Polygon Bounds in R using Terra

Randomly Sampling Points Within Polygon Bounds in R using Terra
Efficient Sampling Techniques for Large Rasters

In the world of spatial analysis, sampling points within specific boundaries is a common but sometimes computationally expensive task. For those working with large rasters and vectors, like polygons across an extensive area, this challenge becomes even more pronounced. In the past, many users resorted to clipping the raster to the polygon layer, but as the size of the data grows, this method can quickly become inefficient and resource-intensive. 🔍
Take, for instance, the case of a geospatial analyst working with satellite imagery and land-use data. If the task involves sampling points across large raster datasets within the bounds of disconnected polygons, the traditional clipping method might seem like the only solution. However, with massive datasets, such as 10GB or 20GB rasters, clipping can lead to significant delays and put a strain on processing power. The question arises: is there a more efficient way to achieve this goal? 🌍
Luckily, in R, tools like the Terra package provide an alternative to raster clipping. Using layer bounds, it is possible to sample points within the extent of polygons without needing to modify the raster itself. This approach not only saves time but also reduces memory consumption, making it much more scalable for large projects. With this method, you can still ensure that your random points fall only within the desired polygons without overloading your system. 💡
In this article, we’ll explore how to perform random sampling within polygon bounds using Terra, walking you through the code and highlighting key steps. By the end, you’ll be equipped with a faster and more efficient method for sampling points in R, ensuring that your geospatial analyses are both accurate and resource-friendly. So, let’s dive into this method and see how you can make your sampling process much smoother and more efficient!

How the Scripts Work: Efficient Random Sampling within Polygon Bounds

In the previous examples, the goal was to efficiently sample random points within the polygon bounds of a raster layer, avoiding the computational burden of clipping large rasters. This task is particularly important when working with large datasets in spatial analysis, such as remote sensing data or environmental modeling. The solution provided in R, using the Terra and sf packages, allows for the sampling process to happen within the boundaries of vector polygons, which represent specific geographic areas of interest. The command rast() loads the raster data into R, enabling manipulation and sampling without actually modifying the original raster, ensuring the process remains efficient even with large files.
The first critical step in the script involves using the ext() function from the Terra package to extract the extent of the polygon data. This provides the bounding box, essentially a rectangular window, that defines the area within which the random points should be sampled. For example, in an analysis of land use, the extent would represent the geographical limits of a region, such as a forest area or a city. The bounding box derived from the polygons ensures that only points within these predefined regions are selected, making the analysis specific and meaningful. This approach also saves on computing power by eliminating the need for clipping the raster itself.
The spatSample() function is then used to sample random points from the raster, based on the defined polygon bounds. The function allows us to specify the exact extent of the polygons where the points should appear, thus ensuring that the sample is spatially constrained to the areas of interest. For instance, if the polygons represent different forest patches in a large national park, the random points will only fall within these forest areas, avoiding regions outside the polygon bounds, like water bodies or urban areas. This ensures that the sample is both accurate and relevant to the analysis, without unnecessary data manipulation or memory consumption.
The second solution, which incorporates the sf package, introduces the st_read() and st_transform() functions. These commands allow for vector data to be read into R as spatial features. For example, st_read() is used to import a shapefile containing the polygons that define the sampling areas. Afterward, the st_transform() function ensures that the coordinate reference system (CRS) of the polygons matches that of the raster data. This alignment is crucial for accurate sampling, as mismatched CRS can lead to errors or incorrect point locations. For instance, if the polygon data is in a different projection than the raster, it could result in sampling points outside of the intended area. By transforming the CRS, the solution becomes more robust and universally applicable, regardless of input data projections.
Lastly, the st_sample() function from the sf package is used to generate random points within the polygons. This function is quite powerful because it respects the geometry of the polygons and ensures that the points are spatially distributed within the correct boundaries. In the context of environmental monitoring, if you were studying biodiversity within different ecosystems, you could use this function to sample random points within forest patches, which would then be used for further analysis, such as vegetation surveys or soil sampling. The combination of these optimized commands provides a solid, efficient approach to random sampling within polygon bounds, making it an essential tool for working with large raster and vector datasets in R. 🌍
Random Point Sampling within Polygon Boundaries Using Terra in R

This approach utilizes the R programming language along with the Terra package, a powerful tool for spatial analysis of raster and vector data. The method aims to randomly sample points within the bounds of multiple disconnected polygons without the need for raster clipping, ensuring better performance when working with large datasets.

library(terra) # Load raster and polygon data raster_data <- rast("large_raster.tif") polygons <- vect("polygons.shp") # Get the extents of polygons polygon_bounds <- ext(polygons) # Generate random points within polygon bounds num_points <- 1000 random_points <- spatSample(raster_data, size = num_points, ext = polygon_bounds) # Plot the results plot(raster_data) plot(polygons, add = TRUE) plot(random_points, add = TRUE, col = "red") # End of code 
Optimized Solution Using Spatial Indexing for Efficiency

In this solution, the R programming language is again employed, but with an emphasis on spatial indexing using the sf package for more efficient point sampling. This approach is particularly useful when working with very large datasets where performance is critical.

library(terra) library(sf) # Load raster and polygon data raster_data <- rast("large_raster.tif") polygons <- st_read("polygons.shp") # Use spatial indexing for polygons polygons_sf <- st_transform(polygons, crs = crs(raster_data)) polygon_bounds <- st_bbox(polygons_sf) # Randomly sample points using the bounding box of polygons num_points <- 500 random_points <- st_sample(polygons_sf, size = num_points) # Plot the results plot(raster_data) plot(polygons_sf$geometry, add = TRUE) plot(random_points, add = TRUE, col = "blue") # End of code 
Explanation of Key Commands Used for Random Point Sampling in R

Below is a table that describes some of the key R commands used in the previous examples. These commands are critical for efficiently sampling random points within polygon boundaries, focusing on performance optimization and spatial analysis.
Optimizing Random Sampling of Points within Polygon Boundaries

Sampling random points within specific polygon bounds on large raster datasets can be a computationally challenging task. Traditionally, users would clip the raster using the polygons and then sample the points from the clipped data. While this method works, it is resource-intensive and inefficient when dealing with large raster files, especially in remote sensing or environmental modeling. With advancements in spatial analysis packages such as Terra and sf in R, a more optimized approach has emerged. Instead of clipping, we can sample directly within the polygon bounds, reducing unnecessary data processing and memory usage. This approach leverages the bounding box of the polygons to limit the area where random points are sampled, providing a more efficient and scalable solution.
By using the spatSample() function from the Terra package, users can directly sample random points from the raster within the polygon bounds. The function allows the user to specify the number of points to sample and the extent (i.e., the boundary box) within which the sampling will occur. This eliminates the need to manipulate the entire raster, thus saving processing time and system memory. It also ensures that the sampled points are representative of the polygons, which is crucial for studies such as land cover classification or habitat analysis, where only specific areas need to be analyzed. For example, in ecological research, sampling could be restricted to forest areas, excluding water bodies or urban zones, making the analysis more targeted and meaningful.
Another important consideration is how the sf package can be used in conjunction with the Terra package for vector data processing. The st_transform() and st_sample() functions allow for the proper alignment of vector and raster datasets by transforming the projection of the polygons to match the raster's coordinate reference system (CRS). This step is crucial for accurate point sampling since mismatched projections could lead to sampling errors. Once the vector data is properly aligned, random points can be sampled within the polygons using st_sample(). This method is particularly useful when working with polygon shapefiles or other spatial vector formats, offering a more integrated and comprehensive solution for spatial data analysis. 🌲
Frequently Asked Questions about Random Sampling within Polygon Bounds

How do I randomly sample points from a raster within specific polygon bounds?
You can use the spatSample() function from the Terra package in R to sample random points within the polygon bounds. Specify the raster object, the number of points, and the polygon bounds as the extent for the sampling.
What is the benefit of using the bounding box of polygons for random sampling?
Using the bounding box of the polygons limits the random sampling to specific geographic areas of interest, making the analysis more relevant and reducing unnecessary computation for large raster datasets.
Can I use the sf package to sample random points within polygon bounds?
Yes, the sf package in R allows you to read vector data (e.g., shapefiles), transform their coordinate systems using st_transform(), and then sample points using the st_sample() function.
Why is it important to align the coordinate systems of the raster and vector data?
Aligning the coordinate systems using st_transform() ensures that both the raster and polygon data are in the same projection, preventing misalignment during the point sampling process and ensuring accurate results.
What other functions are useful when working with random point sampling in R?
Other useful functions include rast() for loading raster data, ext() to get the extent of the polygon, and plot() to visualize the sampled points on top of the raster and polygon boundaries.
How do I visualize the random points on a raster?
You can use the plot() function to display the raster, the polygon boundaries, and the sampled points. This is essential for verifying that the points fall within the expected area.
Is random sampling within polygon bounds applicable to other spatial analysis tasks?
Yes, random sampling within polygon bounds is widely used in environmental modeling, habitat assessment, land cover classification, and even urban planning to ensure that sampling is limited to areas of interest, such as forests, wetlands, or agricultural zones.
Can I sample points across multiple disconnected polygons?
Yes, the methods described can sample points across multiple disconnected polygons. The polygon layer can contain several individual polygons, and points will be sampled within each of them, respecting their boundaries.
What are the performance benefits of avoiding raster clipping?
Avoiding raster clipping significantly reduces memory usage and computational load, especially when working with large datasets. Direct sampling from the raster within the polygon bounds eliminates the need for processing and storing large intermediate clipped datasets.
Can I control the density of sampled points within the polygons?
Yes, you can control the number of points sampled by specifying the size parameter in the spatSample() function or adjusting the number of points in the st_sample() function, depending on the density required for your analysis.
What happens if the raster and polygon layers have different resolutions?
If the raster and polygon layers have different resolutions, you may need to resample the raster to match the polygon resolution or adjust the sampling density to ensure compatibility between the two datasets.
This article discusses the methods for randomly sampling points from large raster datasets within specific polygon bounds. As datasets grow larger, traditional clipping methods can be inefficient, so the use of packages like Terra offers an optimized solution. Sampling directly within the polygon bounds helps reduce processing time and memory usage, making it more efficient for spatial analysis tasks like environmental modeling 🌍.
Optimized Sampling Approach for Large Datasets:

The ability to sample points within polygon bounds on large raster datasets is an essential skill for anyone working with spatial data in R. By leveraging the Terra package, we can optimize point sampling processes, making them faster and more efficient. Direct sampling from raster data without clipping ensures that resources are used effectively, especially for large-scale analyses 🌿.
In conclusion, random sampling within polygon bounds using optimized methods helps manage large datasets while providing reliable results. Using packages like Terra and sf, researchers can avoid the inefficiencies of clipping and handle complex spatial tasks with ease. The key takeaway is that precision and efficiency can go hand in hand when dealing with big data in geospatial analysis.
Sources and References Provides insights into the Terra package used for spatial analysis and random point sampling in R. For more details, refer to the official documentation of Terra at Terra Package Documentation .
Discusses the general concept of random point sampling in raster data and its applications in geographic information systems (GIS). Explore more in this detailed article on random sampling techniques at GIS Lounge .
Randomly Sampling Points Within Polygon Bounds in R using Terra
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:24 dkongt [WTS] Citizen Vega Diver, 1408-394551, Orange Dial, Quartz, Vintage

submitted by dkongt to Watchexchange [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:24 fsjescours مباراة التعليم الأولي: توظيف مربيين ومربيات التعليم الأولي 2024

مباراة التعليم الأولي: توظيف مربيين ومربيات التعليم الأولي 2024 submitted by fsjescours to estifada [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:24 Imaginary_Arm1291 What is this technique called? Ribbed shoulder shaping?

So my question concerns the shoulders on this top. Does someone know what this technique is called so I can look it up, or do you know of any pattern that does something similar?
From what I can tell they knit the front panel flat in stockinette and then picked up stitches on the edge of it to create the ribbed shoulders going horizontally?
Thank you!
submitted by Imaginary_Arm1291 to knittingadvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:24 Red-Faced-Wolf Day cabs vs sleepers?

I usually drive a Kensworth W900 day cab but looking at the sleepers. Is it worth switching over?
submitted by Red-Faced-Wolf to trucksim [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:24 notarobat Why are Irish pubs so monotonous?

Don't get me wrong, I do believe that pubs in Ireland are probably the best on the planet overall. But the beestout selection is so repetitive and very rarely has anything from the local area. Even when they do have something local, it will cost a fortune, and you'll be told how that particular brewery is on its last legs and struggling to stay afloat. How do we allow our government for multinationals selling low grade beers at premium prices at the expense of a potentially very lucrative local industry? Have Irish pubs effectively just followed the English model (owned by the drinks company) in a round about fashion?
submitted by notarobat to ireland [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:24 Mamasei Account for sale

Account for sale Vendo cuenta
Server 483 account for sale. It has a floating fortress at level two, full t10, beasts at level 20, two slots for research, 93k recruitment points and 69 faction cards. 22k diamonds and what you see in the photos, more information dm
submitted by Mamasei to LastFortress [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:24 SwiftMamba24 Are there any issues with a latex multi purpose primer in bathroom?

Are there any issues with a latex multi purpose primer in bathroom? I’m repainting my bathroom and it already has a layer of paint on it. I’m just changing the color. But the color is a bit darker and I wanted to use a latex primer to help with the color transfer.
Will this latex primer be ok? It’s the SW multipurpose.
submitted by SwiftMamba24 to paint [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:24 Good_Detective6568 Looking for Accounting and Finance Jobs in Qatar

Hello..I am a Semi Qualified Chartered Accountant (India) and a Commerce Graduate. I have 5 years of experience in Accounting, Auditing, Finance and Taxation matters. I am currently looking for a job aligning with my profile. It would be of great help if someone can refer me to their organisation.
Thank you in advance.
submitted by Good_Detective6568 to QatarCareers [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:24 LifeguardHeavy8717 wedge or trim ? (blood warning)

we never discussed wedge or trim. i told him i just wanted it to look natural but everything “ put together,” not hanging, it looks like he did maybe a combination of both ? i wanted a clitoral good reduction too, i think he may have brought the clitoral hood down with the labia ? the first picture is the before and then i will share the after -
submitted by LifeguardHeavy8717 to LabiaplastySurgery [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:24 dkongt [WTS] Citizen Vega Diver, 3J00-397037, Luminescent Dial, Quartz, Vintage, Full Kit

submitted by dkongt to Watchexchange [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:24 Kensterfly Unable to okay programs on STREAM DVR.

Unable to okay programs on STREAM DVR. Suddenly, when we select a recorded program in “My Library” all we get is an option to delete the show. We’ve been out of town for three weeks and have many shows to catch up on. But we can’t watch them because every single one of them gives us only the option to delete. I have closed the app many times. I have logged out and back in. Nothing works. It’s been working fine for the few months we have had Stream. Any ideas?
So far, we have been able to pull up the shows “On Demand” but we shouldn’t have to.
Stream App on compatible Samsung TV using the TV’s smart remote. (I have a Gemini on order.)
submitted by Kensterfly to DirectvStream [link] [comments]

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2024.11.30 16:24 dmsday86 Couple lures i just finished up. Thanks for looking

Couple lures i just finished up. Thanks for looking submitted by dmsday86 to LureMaking [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:24 Zoezeller Cleaning questions

Cleaning questions Recently moved back into my childhood home and my partner asked if our wood stove was blue or brown. This led me to realize how badly it needs a cleaning and probably some maintenance. I have no experience at all with wood stoves (besides watching my dad build fires in them as a kid). Anyone have tips for cleaning the outside of this? Products and procedure would be much appreciated!
submitted by Zoezeller to woodstoving [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:24 Comprehensive_Big931 First attempt at Grey scale!

First attempt at Grey scale! submitted by Comprehensive_Big931 to Coloring [link] [comments]
