(Repost) If I can't unsee it neither can you.

2024.11.30 16:40 Cookie-fighter101 (Repost) If I can't unsee it neither can you.

(Repost) If I can't unsee it neither can you. (This is reposted cuz my Reddit was being stupid and glitching)
submitted by Cookie-fighter101 to Epicthemusical [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:40 SpawnBat85 Golpe em banco

Uma amiga minha tomou um golpe no primeiro trimestre desse ano, onde os golpistas conseguiram abrir uma conta no nome dela, fizeram um empréstimo consignado de aposentado e ainda pediram 2 cartões. Aparentemente tudo de forma digital, porque ela não assinou nada e etc. Tomou conhecimento quando viu o furo em sua aposentadoria. O banco informou que foi tudo legal, que foi assinado e etc, dizendo não poder fazer nada. Ela precisou pegar uma boa quantia em suas reservas para quitar parte do empréstimo e conseguiu tranferir o restante da dívida para um banco de confiança, gerando um compromisso de longa data. Os cartões, o banco apesar de ter bloqueado, não a deixa cancelar e informar que enquanto o empréstimo não for pago, eles precisam cobrar a taxa de manutenção dos cartões. Ela trabalha, está bem abatida, seguindo a vida, mas acha que como não fez boletim e também não procurou ajuda na época, acha que atualmente não tem o que ser feito. Ela me contou o caso recentemente e falei que estava equivocada, que era possível sim e que ela não deveria deixar esse absurdo sem resolver. Pergunto a vocês, tem jeito? Como ela poderia iniciar essa "briga" na justiça?
submitted by SpawnBat85 to ConselhosLegais [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:40 Tipperary555 Saturday Match Thread: Leinster Club Senior Finals

Leinster Club Senior Football Final
Ardee (Louth) v Cuala (Dublin) - 5:40PM (RTE Player)
Leinster Club Senior Hurling Final
Na Fianna (Dublin) v Kilcormac Killoughey (Offaly) - 7:40PM (RTE 2)
submitted by Tipperary555 to GAA [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:40 Due_Application6752 Am I hot enough for you?~

Am I hot enough for you?~ submitted by Due_Application6752 to hotasianwife [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:40 ricthot Thought on Mars 4 for this kind of functional parts ? (picture inside)

Thought on Mars 4 for this kind of functional parts ? (picture inside) Hey guys,
Looking for advice. I've had my Ender 3 Pro for 4-5 years now and it nicely tuned and gives me pretty prints. I design my own stuff in Fusion.
Main hobbies being sim racing and flight sim, I create all sorts of DIY devices and parts for my rigs and sell some as well.
One thing I'm missing is the ability to print high quality switch knobs was thinking that a resin printer would be best for this, thoughts ? Below is an image of what I'm talking about.
I read some good comments about the Mars 4 as a 1st, budget friendly resin printer as well, thoughts on this one or anything much better in the same price range (e.g. Mars 4 is currently $271 CAD on Amazon). Would also buy a wash & cure station obviously.
Any thoughts on this and recommendations welcome.
My other option was to buy an A1 mini for higher quality/faster printing of small parts like this, but I'd really like to cut down on post-processing as much as possible (sanding, filling, , priming, repeat, painting...
submitted by ricthot to 3dprinter [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:40 OldSeaworthiness3354 Rate my setup out of 10

Rate my setup out of 10 submitted by OldSeaworthiness3354 to granturismo [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:40 Fungus_Zombie ps4 verison so laggy on ps5

ive got a ps5 and decided to play gta online and it was like 20fps on the ps4 verison but the ps5 verison of online works fine? why?
submitted by Fungus_Zombie to gtaonline [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:40 Me_67-nerd-bri2279 Does anybody else’s bird “sleep talk”

Does anybody else’s bird “sleep talk” I think my bird sleep talks. Every night, the later into the night it gets, and the sleepier he is, the more he “squeaks.” And that is the best word I can think of to describe the sound he makes. It’s like a low whine almost. Very soft, and he says words along with it. Full words in his “awake voice.” And the usual beak grinding. But this squeak and sleep talk mostly happens when he’s falling asleep/is asleep. Is this normal? Is it just a silly quirk? Or is this a “happy bird” thing/body language I’m not aware of yet. He’s been doing this all two years I’ve had him. Doesn’t have any health issues. Healthy, happy birdy. He does this when he falls asleep during the day too. Even when he’s out and falls asleep. Picture of the sleepy baby for tax.
submitted by Me_67-nerd-bri2279 to Conures [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:40 zZz1905 R.I.P 😔

R.I.P 😔 Used it only for 5 min
In those 5 min : a mf literally showed a d*** picture
submitted by zZz1905 to Vit [link] [comments]


submitted by Hazzerlol to memecoins [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:40 chunky_triceratops "Not your every day jersey" part 1. Game worn Croatian national team jersey

submitted by chunky_triceratops to hockeyjerseys [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:40 Stock-File291 Join me on pawns earn free paypal by sharing your internet and playing games

submitted by Stock-File291 to beermoneyglobal [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:40 Kev_Sev25 Necesito un consejo

Hola, cómo están.! Es mal visto, invasivo o incómodo entregar una nota en estos tiempos? Sucede que hay una chica de mi clase a la quiero conocer, parece tranquila, introvertida y quizás algo tímida, no lo sé, cada que la veo está aislada y cómoda en su propio espacio y eso llamó mi atención Por mi parte soy introvertido, físicamente no destaco y además de que soy tímido con las chicas y de pocas palabras Intercambiamos un par de veces las miradas y en algunas de esas veces, voltea o desvía la mirada, imagino que se pone nerviosa, no sé, son cosas que no entiendo muy bien, pero por alguna razón me hace sentir un poco más seguro y menos nervioso Tenía la intención de entregarle una pequeña nota, respetando su espacio, por que creo según yo, es un pequeño gesto y sin importar la respuesta que uno reciba, se lo queda para uno mismo, así que iniciar una conversación cara a cara, me es dificil Esto apenas se lo comenté a una amiga que es introvertida y me dijo que seria invasivo, por lo que me generó esa duda Chicas, que opinan de lo que quiero hacer, les parece bien? Es anticuado? Incómodo? Pibes, que consejos u otra manera de "romper el hielo" podrían sugerirme Podrá sonar algo tonto todo esto, solo que son cosas que no entiendo del todo
submitted by Kev_Sev25 to NecesitoDesahogarme [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:40 Savage3Beast Juice wrld on newer beats

After learning that the song Misfits was a stem edit it makes me wonder how much harder juice would sound on a modern day rage or plugnb beat. We already know juice was hella versatile as an artist and songs like KNIGHT CRAWLER & Syphilis show just how easily he could flow on unique beats.
If they removed his vocals off those guitar and piano beats and repleaced the beat with something newer that'll really highlight Juice's talent and let his flows shine.
submitted by Savage3Beast to JuiceWRLD [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:40 kjsadsjdsnkj cats are pretty stronk

i need a way to defeat them :3
submitted by kjsadsjdsnkj to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:40 AutoModerator GTA Online Modded Accounts for PC, XBOX, and PLAYSTATION (Old and New Gen) Tired of the grind?

Contact u/LeviAckermanGTA or join my discord if you want to get one like this. 💕 Discord:https://discord.gg/HBZtbeMPp9 submitted by AutoModerator to LeviAckermanGTAMods [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:40 WonderfulComb3282 HELP MEEE HELP (I CANT JOIN GTA V ONLINE SESSİON

gta v>story mode>inject yim menu>open yim menu>network>join public session
its doesnt work always quit session and can let me enter online can someone help me discord: mavicaramel
submitted by WonderfulComb3282 to YimMenu [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:40 RattachaiUWE [Academic questionnaire] Car users' perspectives and expectations toward electric vehicles across South West England, including Bath

🔗 LINK: https://uwe.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_b9rMyHVAyvuAojs
👉 ELIGIBILITY: Everyone are welcome
TIME REQUIRED: Approximately 10 minutes
I am conducting a survey for my master’s degree research. Your valuable insight will greatly contribute to the success of understanding the real user in the South West region, including Bath and further study.
Thank you very much for your time and support. Please feel free to share this with others. Your help is greatly appreciated!
P.S. All of the information from this research is displayed on the first page of the questionnaires.
Best regard,
submitted by RattachaiUWE to Bath [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:40 sky-viper Just chilling

submitted by sky-viper to cute [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:40 Antique_Outside_3596 Is it normal for someone to deny me my bandage, after i got hit by a car?

About 2 weeks ago someone in my family accidently hit my shoulder and upper arm with their car. My parents spent the rest of the evening yelling at me and telling i'm not allowed to call the emergency room without their permisson, because cleary i am putting them in a situation where they are risking a visit from child welfare. I went to see the doctor alone after my mom agreed to drop me off. And she was very nice, and asked if i wanted to report the traffic accident to the police, i said no. Luckily i was fine, the doctor told me i got a small injury on my upper arm, and ordered me to wear a bandage for the next 2 days with an ice pack. Next day i was about to go to school, i asked my father if he would help me put the bandage on because she advised me to get assistance. He said i don't need the bandage and that i was doing it for attention. Honestly, i think it was more about what they wanted people to notice and ask about. My mom told me she was tired of me always letting my frustration affect my brother, and if i want to move out before i'm 18, something they have agreed i might be allowed to do. Then i should consider maturing. I'm 15, and the injury wasn't the bad part, i knew i would be fine. Its about the lack of support.
submitted by Antique_Outside_3596 to internetparents [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:40 ScientistOk1310 Tips on giving D50 without blowing IVs

EVERYTIME when I give D50, I end up blowing the pt’s IV and it gets infiltrated. Especially when a pt only has 1 IV and is a hard stick, what are some tips I can do to prevent the IVs from infiltrating? I flush with 10 saline after.
submitted by ScientistOk1310 to nursing [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:40 fartobsessedswiftie A Queen

A Queen submitted by fartobsessedswiftie to taylorswiftarmpits [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:40 Blockisland1 Red tiger dash cam

Anyone got any experience or thoughts on them?
submitted by Blockisland1 to Toyota [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:40 Anonymous__Giraffe Try lang 😶

Try lang 😶 submitted by Anonymous__Giraffe to eyesgonemildPH [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:40 AutoModerator GTA Online Modded Accounts for PC, XBOX, and PLAYSTATION (Old and New Gen) Tired of the grind?

GTA Online Modded Accounts for PC, XBOX, and PLAYSTATION (Old and New Gen) Tired of the grind? https://preview.redd.it/8rs0fqcm7l9d1.jpg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0fdda1384115f3f5f5da670ff537b7ea268338b
Contact u/LeviAckermanGTA or join my discord if you want to get one like this. 💕 Discord:https://discord.gg/HBZtbeMPp9 submitted by AutoModerator to LeviAckermanGTAMods [link] [comments]
