Glad I never met Van - sort of

2024.11.30 16:40 HeadNoHurt Glad I never met Van - sort of

Just an anecdotal story some of you may find interesting. In the 1980's I was a recording engineer in Hollywood and I was in the studio for a few weeks with Michael McDonald and Ted Templeman (producer) doing vocal overdubs and mixing for Michael's No Looking Back album. Knowing that Ted produced some of Van's most iconic and classic records (Too Late to Stop Now, St. Dominic's Preview, Tupelo Honey), combined with the fact that I am a Van fanatic, I asked Ted how the sessions were with Van back in the day. His response: "I'll never work with that asshole again." I kind of dropped the conversation at that point :-). It was my dream at the time to work, even for a day, on a project with Van. I am actually a bit relieved that it never transpired. I like the Van of my imagination better than the Van that I likely would have actually experienced.
submitted by HeadNoHurt to VanMorrison [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:40 Ok_Mixture_8468 Which BSD character should I draw in the beast art style????

Sooo I wanna draw a BSD character in the beast art style which isn’t in the manga yet. Any suggestions???
submitted by Ok_Mixture_8468 to BungouStrayDogs [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:40 Able_Low_2359 Sunlight photo without bags my 09 vulcan 900 classic g edition

Sunlight photo without bags my 09 vulcan 900 classic g edition submitted by Able_Low_2359 to KawasakiVulcanRiders [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:40 A4Ganja2Man0 Badges of honour/Assembly required

Looking for these stickers if anyone has one to trade please let me know asap
submitted by A4Ganja2Man0 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:40 Captain_TRGZ This how I feel everytime fr XD

This how I feel everytime fr XD submitted by Captain_TRGZ to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:40 DiabloSol New Customers: $20 off 1st month. See it instantly @ sign-up. Unlimited ALL. Verizon company. Code: 3JHCNSG

Check out this page:, it has all the info you need to know about joining Visible. When you use my friend code, 3JHCNSG, you’ll get your first month of service for $20-off! That’s right. Verizon subsidiary!! Unlimited all (text, voice, data, and hotspot)! Amazing data & voice coverage in Mid-Atlantic.
submitted by DiabloSol to VisibleDiscountCodes [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:40 rat_outta_hell UPDATE: My downstairs neighbor HATES ME!! WHY!!!

Original post linked above
Update: My landlord gave my neighbor my phone number without my knowledge, apparently. He texted me on Thanksgiving (I wasn’t home), telling me my TV is too loud at night and it keeps him up. I find this strange because I usually go to bed by 9 PM, and on the occasion I do stay up I have any devices on the lowest possible volume with subtitles. I guess I can just straight up mute, or maybe he is mistaking the sounds of my partner and I whispering as the TV. I’ll try to accommodate, but either way I feel really uncomfortable with him having my number and having acquired it without my knowledge.
submitted by rat_outta_hell to Apartmentliving [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:40 etoilebIeue Preciso de opiniões sobre o meu chefe

Eu tô escrevendo isso mais pra ter uma opinião se eu tô me metendo em furada, ou se eu tô pensando demais sobre e tá tudo bem continuar onde eu tô. Esse post provavelmente vai ser longo, mas eu preciso de uma opinião boa sobre, por isso tenho que explicar a situação.
Eu trabalho pra esse cara já faz uns 3 ou 4 meses. De início, ele não dava muita bola pra mim e eu também não ligava muito pro que tava fazendo porque a loja dele é nova, logo, eu não tinha expectativa nenhuma de que iria ficar lá e só tava usando aquilo como tapa buraco até achar algo fixo. Eu comecei a levar as coisas mais a sério e trabalhar com mais eficiência quando descobri que ele estava analisando as coisas pra registrar a galera. Comecei a trabalhar exatamente como eu trabalhava no meu primeiro emprego, no qual fui muito bem elogiado, prestigiado e até o pessoal que eu atendia lembra de mim mesmo anos depois disso (eu era jovem aprendiz). Ou seja, comecei a ser proativo, rápido, eficiente e fazer tudo da melhor forma possível.
O resultado disso é até engraçado porque contando comigo, tinha outros dois que seriam registrados e o chefe valorizava eles, mas aí começou a me valorizar e já se livrou de um e vai se livrar da outra. Ele disse que a visão desses dois mudou muito porque eles não eram tão proativos quanto eu, fora que eles também já queriam sair porque queriam algo melhor e serem registrados logo.
O que me deixa em dúvida se eu tô fazendo a coisa certa em me dedicar pra esse lugar e confiar relativamente nesse cara é um misto de coisas porque, ao mesmo tempo em que ele é legal, as vezes fico com uma pulga na orelha com umas falas dele. Por exemplo, ao mesmo tempo em que ele adiantou duas semanas de pagamento pra mim, ele disse que não teríamos pausa, não queria ninguém parado ou descansando porque se a pessoa veio pra trabalhar, então vai trabalhar, e se ele mandar fazer algo, é pra fazer e sem discussão.
Ao mesmo tempo em que, no dia em que eu cometi muitos erros quando estava sozinho na loja e ninguém me ajudou, já que as duas meninas no salão sempre se recusam a me ajudar e só querem conversar entre si, o chefe me pediu pra ficar um tempo espairecendo porque eu tava tendo crise de ansiedade forte pelo quão errado tudo tava dando. Ele me pediu pra ficar eu relaxar enquanto ele mandava as meninas limparem o lugar todo, já que nenhuma delas me auxiliou e só ficaram conversando e vendo as séries da tv do salão, e depois pagou um Uber pra mim e me deu uma Schweppes no mesmo dia.
Ele também chama a minha geração de vagabunda, que nunca vamos conseguir crescer e prosperar, administrar uma empresa ou contratar porque só pensamos em descansar, relaxar e não em crescer financeira e profissionalmente, além de achar um absurdo a mudança pra escala 5x2 ou 4x3. Eu só fiquei ouvindo ele falar isso, mas ele repetiu três vezes que eu era diferente porque eu realmente trabalhava e fazia algo da vida, mas eu deixei claro pra ele que sou MAIS do que a favor da mudança de escala.
Ele também já me avisou e até me mostrou filmagem dos funcionários falando merda sobre mim, além de que volta e meia ele tá me dando uma gorjeta que varia de 20 pra 50. Ele já até me levou de moto até o ponto porque eu tava prestes a perder o último ônibus.
Mas ele fica meio exaltado quando algo de errado acontece. Lembro que ele bateu com força no teclado quando eu errei algo no computador, mas é engraçado quando ele tem esses momentos de estresse porque logo em seguida ele se desculpa e conversa com um tom extremamente calmo???
O que eu quero dizer com tudo isso é que o cara tem obviamente a visão padrão de empresário médio, que quer que todo mundo trabalhe MUITO e etc, além de as vezes ser perfeccionista demais sobre coisas desnecessárias e mudar a receita das coisas aleatoriamente (eu e outro garoto que ele confia já reclamamos sobre isso). Mas, tipo, até que comparado a todos os chefes que eu tive, ele tá sendo bem legal comigo? Eu fico com um pé atrás de me dedicar e me deixar levar por um gesto legal aqui e ali com alguém que tem uma visão padrão de empresário. Eu deveria abaixar a bola e trabalhar medianamente de novo? Mantenho o padrão e só vou levando porque a situação tá boa? Queria a opinião de alguém sobre e perdão o textão.
submitted by etoilebIeue to antitrampo [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:40 AG-InvisibleSpace 088093596053 - Weather Boosted Regidrago

submitted by AG-InvisibleSpace to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:40 mike_c0x_long I made an annoying stall team

I was listening to outta time by the weekend and decided to make the most annoying stall team I could think of
submitted by mike_c0x_long to DBLegendsReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:40 CatBudda Is the game legitimately difficult or unfair? Considering buying the game, but uncertain.

Elden Ring is a pretty big name in action RPGs, but I have a mixed record with souls likes, so I'm looking for input from people who actually play it. I consider two things unforgivable in a souls like. One, being killed in either one hit or one combo that can't be escaped, assuming below average or medium maximum HP. I can understand this happening for very fragile builds, but not for normal play. Second, inevitable damage. If there simply isn't a way to get through some things other than taking specific gear or enduring solid damage, that's a dealbreaker.
Another Crabs Treasure and The Surge were truly fantastic for me. Lies of P was a lot of fun up until the chapter 9 boss, who can kill you in one combo assuming you are a little over levelled. Ashen simply failed for me due to stamina being barely functional instead of moment to moment strategy like intended.
While souls likes are a style of game that seem really appealing, I'm heavily suspicious as to whether this game is legitimately difficult or simply cheap due to half the souls likes I've played falling flat. Anyone know if this would be a good game for me considering those 2 criteria?
submitted by CatBudda to Eldenring [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:40 Retartedretarde The yeat effect

Does anyone else consitiently feel like they’re about to ascend to another plane of existence when listening to yeat.
submitted by Retartedretarde to rap [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:40 Jh0501 Looking for training partners

I’m looking for some folks who are actively trying to train for their desired AFSW career. I noticed Socom athlete doesn’t have a training group for the state I live in. Is anyone in the Alabama area in this group & wanting to train?
submitted by Jh0501 to Pararescue [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:40 Sorin61 Fisetin exerts neuroprotective effects in vivo and in vitro by inhibiting ferroptosis and oxidative stress after traumatic brain injury

submitted by Sorin61 to Nutraceuticalscience [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:40 FreePop5311 Any Bills fans cruising on the ncl Prima on December 11th?

submitted by FreePop5311 to buffalobills [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:40 FANGORIAmagazine Slasher CLOWN IN A CORNFIELD Hits Shudder Next Spring

Slasher CLOWN IN A CORNFIELD Hits Shudder Next Spring submitted by FANGORIAmagazine to fangoria [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:40 Ledoms1de ich_iel

ich_iel submitted by Ledoms1de to ich_iel [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:40 satsui-no-hado 60 degrees. Comfort.

60 degrees. Comfort.
  • Brooklyn Dodgers Cooperstown fitted from MyFitteds
  • Hoodie from Fashion Nova
  • Sweats from No Boundaries
  • Nike Air Huarache ‘Scream Green’ (2021)
submitted by satsui-no-hado to SneakerFits [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:40 Public-Boat8205 Vote for Jungwon on idoki to gift him a birthday CM board!!!

Vote for Jungwon on idoki to gift him a birthday CM board!!! Engenessss please please please vote for Jungwon on idoki
We need at least 250 000 votes within 15 days and 400 000 by the end of the month. Good news is, it's not that hard either! Just check in daily and vote continuously (you'll accumulate more free hearts per day that way). There aren't any ads unless you watch ads for free hearts 😍😍
For more free hearts, you can also use my referral codes KNDEK2Q9 or 3N9ZGPDG
PS if you guys have your own referral codes, just share here so others can use it :))
PPS idoki is really fun and has a beautiful layout. Enjoy voting for our best leader! ❤️
submitted by Public-Boat8205 to Enhypenthoughts [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:40 abducting_aliens Hi everyone. I currently own 7hz Sonus and I’m considering buying Supermix 4. Is it a real upgrade considering the price difference?

submitted by abducting_aliens to iems [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:40 TryToNetZero migration of redis cluster from one network to another.

I wish to migrate my redis cluster from 1 IDC to another.
So normally when i check for options. i come across tools like redis shake. however this tool rquires that there atleast a node which is able to connect to both the old and the new redis cluster.
the poblem is that i have no such node available beacuse both of them are under their induvidual private network.
I can enable some sort of rsync to sync the rdb files but can i rebuild the cluster in the destination ?
Note : in my application some amount of downtime is OK not necessarily looking for a no-downtime solution
submitted by TryToNetZero to redis [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:40 Embarrassed-Study704 guys I found Steven Lee Paul Cobs’ dead body in my house 😱

submitted by Embarrassed-Study704 to inanimateinsanity [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:40 Advanced-Fox1159 Google slide tanks I made PT-3

Google slide tanks I made PT-3 submitted by Advanced-Fox1159 to USARD [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:40 Jablinski90 Qbittorrent remote + VPN doesn't work

So I'm having problems getting the app qbittorrent remote to connect to qbittorrent.
I have a VPN and set up the web UI. Problem is with or without the VPN on it says server not found. I have copied the exact IP address and port.
Can someone give me a step by step of how to set this up? There's no guides online at all that I can find.
submitted by Jablinski90 to qBittorrent [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:40 KoiSand Help!! What is the font used for Palutena’s Guidance in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate?

Help!! What is the font used for Palutena’s Guidance in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate? submitted by KoiSand to identifythisfont [link] [comments]