$COPI is listed on LCX!

COPII mediates Endoplasmic Reticulum to Golgi trafficking of thousands of cargoes. Five essential proteins assemble into a two-layer architecture, with the inner layer thought to regulate coat... reproduction, duplicate, copy, facsimile, replica mean a thing made to closely resemble another. reproduction implies an exact or close imitation of an existing thing. duplicate implies a double or counterpart exactly corresponding to another thing. copy applies especially to one of a number of things reproduced mechanically. copy someone in something He tends to copy his brother in the way he dresses. Small children often learn by copying. The scanner can copy images or text. copy something to something Highlight the text you want and copy it to the clipboard. The coat protein complex I (COPI) is an essential, highly conserved pathway that traffics proteins and lipids between the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and the Golgi. Many aspects of the COPI machinery are well understood at the structural, biochemical and genetic levels. COPI-coated vesicles mediate trafficking within the Golgi apparatus and from the Golgi to the endoplasmic reticulum. The structures of membrane protein coats, including COPI, have been extensively studied with in vitro reconstitution systems using purified components. This review describes the COPII and COPI coating machineries that generate carrier vesicles and the tethers and SNAREs that mediate COPII and COPI vesicle fusion at the ER-Golgi interface. COPI is a coatomer, a protein complex [1] that coats vesicles transporting proteins from the cis end of the Golgi complex back to the rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER), where they were originally synthesized, and between Golgi compartments. COPII was first described in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, but its basic function is conserved throughout all eukaryotes. Nevertheless, the COPII coat has adapted to the higher complexity of... COPII coats function in transport from the ER to the Golgi. Clathrin functions in receptor-mediated endocytosis at the plasma membrane when associated with AP2 adaptors, and in transport from... Here we review the biogenesis and functions of COPI vesicles, carriers that operate in the early secretory pathway. We focus on mechanisms mediating coat recruitment, uptake of cargo, vesicle budding and fission, and finally dissociation of the coat.

2024.11.30 16:31 adamsjmorgan $COPI is listed on LCX!

$COPI is listed on LCX! https://preview.redd.it/9arxvlzzf24e1.jpg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9b0e1674f5eecde4aab7d749d961ab62d6662c6
$COPI is listed on LCX! The utility token of u/CornucopiasGame, $COPI, powers its vast ecosystem! From in-game transactions to staking rewards and governance participation.
The COPI token is the utility token of the Cornucopias ecosystem, offering a wide range of features. It plays a crucial role in Cornucopias by facilitating various essential functions. All game related transactions on the platform necessitate the use of the COPI token.
Moreover, rewards for activities like staking, providing liquidity, gameplay , and operating nodes are distributed in COPI tokens. Staking the token also provides discounts, incentivizing adoption and engagement in governance.
submitted by adamsjmorgan to lcx [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:31 Ronaldosssiu Zinc Carnosine

Did anyone tried zinc carnosine? Some ppl said it helped them a lot.
submitted by Ronaldosssiu to ibs [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:31 ce-harris Bonhoeffer

The TBM wife and I (PIMO) went to this movie last night. There’s a lot of things he says to the German Church that the LDS Church should internalize. I’m fairly certain my wife didn’t hear the messages as I did. I want to suggest his book, The Cost of Discipleship, to our book group which is made up of all LDS members and see how the discussion goes.
submitted by ce-harris to mormon [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:31 thecocooilking Luxury hotel recommendations?

Looking to spend a weekend with a friend at a nice hotel downtown/inside the loop.
The plan is kind of a staycation, spend time with each other in the room etc. and go out for dinner. I want to get us a nice room where we can be comfortable and “romantic” all day.
Would love any suggestions. Thanks!
submitted by thecocooilking to houston [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:31 TeslaReferralDiscoun [BEST EVER] Tesla Referral Link

https://www.tesla.com/referral/michael72777 use link to place your order
submitted by TeslaReferralDiscoun to teslareferralcode [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:31 codexofthemoon Corey’s Craft Vietnamese on South St. is great

I stumbled in this place by accident and it rocked. I felt validated when I saw the reviews online were almost unanimously 5 stars (4.9 on google).
I don’t see this place discussed very often but I genuinely love it. Anyone else here love it like I do? I’ve been twice now.
Also the ownechef, Corey, is such a lovely person. He just wants to come by and chat with people it’s awesome. I love love love this place. I want it to get the attention it deserves.
submitted by codexofthemoon to PhiladelphiaEats [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:31 throwaway5939482 movie or a tv show, scene on a club/golf course

the scene has a group of women who have to work together to get into a golf course because they need to interrogate an old man there. one of the women is either blonde of ginger and she's famous somehow, so she acts really bratty and throws a tantrum to distract everyone while another woman sneaks in. the woman on the golf course finds the man and pulls out her phone, and i think she gets the old man's grandson on facetime as an incentive. the grandson asks what's going on but he's unaware his grandpa is being interrogated
submitted by throwaway5939482 to whatisthatmovie [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:31 Nose_tWitch12 Arthritis and a inflamed SI joint

31 female, pain caused by work as a house keeper and landscapesnow removal. I can't have any pain relievers that are consider NSAIDS, basically I live on Tylenol, Salon Pas numbing cream and a heating pad. I've done 2 months of PT, tried a gym to cut my weight down, tried the back injection (wonderful 2 weeks pain free) but things just keep getting worse. I seen a new Orthopedic Dr last week and he was able to better explain my MRI results. Slight bulging disk, arthritis, reeeeally angry SI joint, and cysts that sit inside. We talked about doing another injection and maybe down the line a spinal fusion. He didn't give me any advice on anything else that would help. I should stretch for my arthritis and move around but my SI joint is too pissed to be move and technically your supposed to rest and not move. I use a cane in which I feel doesn't help all that much except trying to keep balance (I'm using it correctly) and have considered acupuncture but not sure if it would be doing anything. I'm hoping that someone else is in the same boat and has had better success with something I haven't tried.
submitted by Nose_tWitch12 to backpain [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:31 Feisty_Cattle_4339 [Old School Hip Hop] Test Code

This was my small experiment with Suno to bring a track idea to life, and I would appreciate some feedback. I recently discovered Suno, and I’m really excited about this tool. It truly feels like a multitool that helps you transform your track ideas into reality in any music or vocal style. The lyrics are fairly straightforward, as I was more focused on exploring a vocal style that feels close to real. Thank you for your time!
submitted by Feisty_Cattle_4339 to SunoAI [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:31 bojanderson Black Pants

I like the black pants. I get the impression we might have settled into black pants for our conference rivalry home games (Minnesota, Wisconsin, Nebraska). We wore them against Wisconsin and Nebraska this year. We technically wore them last year against Minnesota last year with the yellow jersey. We've worn them a few other times against Minnesota I feel like.
Still holding out for white pants on the road sometime. Think those would on great.
submitted by bojanderson to hawkeyes [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:31 Ambitious_Power_1764 Gas station

For those of you that grew up in the 80s and didn't grow up in New Jersey. You may remember there used to be self service and full service gas stations.
At full service gas stations you'd get what amounted to a waiter to pump your gas, check your oil, check your tire pressure, clean your windshield, etc. and you never need to leave your car. You'd pay a little more for the fuel on the gallon and also tip the waiter.
If you didn't want a waiter, you went to "self service" gas stations.
You may also remember restaurants had smoking and non-smoking seating sections.
I wish restaurants would offer full service and self service seating sections for those that don't want a waiter and don't want to pay a 20% tip for 5 minutes of effort. I would 100% of the time sit in self service and get my own food and I would be thrilled to refill my own drink.
Disclaimer: I can't exactly remember the last time I even went to a sit down restaurant just because I loathe the idea of tipping.
submitted by Ambitious_Power_1764 to tipping [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:31 Application_Free Carpetas de Monterrey?👀

Me interesa
submitted by Application_Free to PacksMonterreyNLO [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:31 Fit-Percentage-8888 6 months and no ruling

I’m currently in court, suing my former employer—a large corporation in California—while I reside in Texas. I worked remotely for the company. The employer compelled me to arbitrate, and I complied. Since I am representing myself (pro se), this is my first time navigating such a process.
I filed a couple of claims in arbitration separately, as permitted by our agreement. During the arbitration process, I discovered that the arbitrator and the respondent (my former employer) knew each other, but this relationship was never disclosed. I received a bias ruling from the arbitrator. Additionally, the arbitration staff allowed the respondent to select the arbitrator without my input.
The defendant tried to consolidate my claims, but I refused since our arbitration agreement does not require consolidation. In June, I filed a motion with the judge regarding these issues, but there has been no ruling yet. Since I am pro se, I cannot engage in ex parte communications with the judge or court staff.
This delay has been critical for me. One of my claims involves defamation, which has severely hindered my ability to secure employment or housing. Without the judge’s ruling, I am on the verge of homelessness. How can I get the judge’s attention to review my motion after six months of waiting?
submitted by Fit-Percentage-8888 to AskALawyer [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:31 _t0xic_006 Vean lo que me tiró una IA que saca parecidos 😂

Vean lo que me tiró una IA que saca parecidos 😂 Jecsinior = Liam Payne
Juzgue usted
submitted by _t0xic_006 to Ticos [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:31 Efluis And I thought I slept great

And I thought I slept great submitted by Efluis to Ultrahuman [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:31 deiimis Need help with parcel forwarding from Finland

Hello. I would like to buy a couple of jackets from the Finnish online store, which is currently offering a large promotion on their products.
I contacted them and received an answer that the discounts are only valid in Finland and shipping is only done to a Finnish address. Although they also ship to other EU countries, they do not offer a discount anywhere, except in Finland.
I have also tried to reach out to a local Lithuanian company that works as a parcel forwarding platform and does have warehouses in various EU countries. They have told me that they do not have a warehouse in Finland yet.
I have a Vinted account, and I thought that it would be easier for someone to forward me these items through their system.
These are just spontaneous thoughts.
It's a little bit weird to ask, but maybe someone could help me with it?
submitted by deiimis to Finland [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:31 louloudu19 Quels sont les comportements considérés comme acceptables que vous considérés comme malpolis ?

Pour ma part, j'ai du mal avec l'idée que ce soit ok de porter du parfum. Sachant que de base on considère que c'est malpoli de gêner autrui en imposant sa personne dans un lieu public. Donc en faisant trop de bruit, en prenant trop de place... donc pourquoi le parfum fait exception. Dans la mesure où cela peut poser problème à autrui.
Ayant soit travaillé à mon compte, soit chez ma famille soit dans le public, je n'ai jamais passé d'entretien d'embauche et je suis tombée de haut en apprenant que c'était valorisé de recontacter l'employeur peu de temps après. Perso, je suis employeur je dis que je donne ma réponse le 12, tu me recontactes le 9, je me dis juste que tu es malpoli et que tu ne suis pas les consignes donc en gros c'est mort pour toi ! C'est juste délirant qu'on valorise cela.
Après et c'est un gros délire personnel j'ai du mal avec le manque d'humilité. Pour moi c'est incompréhensible qu'on puisse célébrer son anniversaire, faire un pot de départ... on est juste dans le culte de l'individu, du moi roi. Je ne comprends pas non plus que les gens acceptent les prix, les médailles... alors oui c'est normal d'être heureux d'être reconnu pour ses actions mais je trouve ca malpoli d'accepter. Il faut rester humble et refuser en bredouillant un "tout le monde aurait réagit pareil", "je suis loin d'être le meilleur acteur "... Même si on en meurt d'envie !
submitted by louloudu19 to AskFrance [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:31 SeriousMarionberry72 House rules for betrayal at house on the hill(BHH) 3rd edition.

I just bought BHH 3rd edition and I was wondering if there where any good house rules? Personally we double the threshold for the haunt to begin(from 5+ to 10+) since the haunt triggers so quickly.
submitted by SeriousMarionberry72 to boardgames [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:31 doortosomewhere 21 year old guy who is a certified skittle throwing therapist(THIS IS NOT AN ACTUAL CLAIM, IM ALREADY WANTED BY INTERPOL FOR MEDICAL MALPRACTICE) and is looking for some great people to talk to and become friends with! OH AND I LIVE IN GERMANY

AYEEE welcome to .. my post? To my life story? Idk welcome to… ME! i know i know, so far it doesn't sound that exciting and more like that one strange uncle you see once a year during family events, that just keeps rambeling about aliens, the goverment, and how pigeons are goverment drones, but keep reading and you might just discover I'm actually your great uncle which went missing 10 years ago. (Or i can play him for 50€ only cash or bitcoin accepted.)
Either way I have heard from some very trustable sources on this subreddit that I should write down some of my hobbies as that's apparently what people do which are considered "normal", now im not the biggest fan of just writing everything about me down cause well THIS POST WOULD BECOME A BOOK,(best seller Material? Perhaps, bin Material... Perhaps)
But ill throw some of the basics in there: I love photography, i love filmmaking, nature(taking walks in it and just exploring and propably tripping and breaking my ankle because i have the stability of that one grandparent you thought would really be done after that last stair fall) watching youtube and netflix ,playing games, talking to new people aaand traveling, not because i'm wanted by multiple countries their secret services for a variety of crimes, including but not limited to the ilegal smuggeling of koalas, becvause thats not something id do, which is why im not wanted, really, trust me:)
I don't care about your gender or country but because of timezones i preffer it if your european (Not a must at all though BECAUSE I DO WORK THE NIGHTSHIFT WHICH MEANS MY SCHEDULE IS ALL OVER THE FLOOR) Overall I'm just a social fucking weirdo who always is looking for more people to talk to (NO I AM NOT ADDICTED...SORT OF) oh and German people especially RISE UP, I NEED Y'ALL TO PRACTICE MY GERMAN.
You don’t have to be a social expert at all, its more then okay if your a bit shy as long as your just actually interested in talking and not as dry as the ground in most of the world will be in a few more years (GOD DONT WE LOVE CLIMATE CHANGE ? I MISS SNOW DURING CHRISTMAS, I CANT BE THE ONLY ONE??) and even tho i love to fuck around and just have fun im also Always here for you if there is heavier stuff on your mind (i’m quite a good listner and Always try to help) .
I love bringing laughter into people their lives but ill also be your totally not certified in any way therapist(I WILL EVEN GIVE YOU SKITTLES AND CALL THEM SPECIAL ANTI DEPRESSANTS, LIKE EXCLUSIVE SHIT, HELL ILL EVEN TAKE YOUR HEALTHINSURANCE)
If id describe myself i’d say i’m.. Quite energetic, Always up for fun stuff and exploring, kind of shy at the start, caring, and hmmm. Fuck I CAN’T BE THE ONLY ONE WHO ALWAYS STRUGGLES TO DESCRIBE THEMSELVES RIGHT? Like I honestly find it diffecult xd. Like I'm the fucker that googles"personality traits" and see what i relate with like some fucking quirky hippy in a coffee shop at 11am after taking too many shrooms the night beefore.
I’m on discord, insta, whatsapp, snap, pigeon mail carier service and dolphine communication.
So if your interested in talking to me just send me a chat or a message!^^
submitted by doortosomewhere to InternetFriends [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:31 aoohooa Can you guys help me with this little guy? It looks like an arachnid and a white flower combination. I’m from Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Can you guys help me with this little guy? It looks like an arachnid and a white flower combination. I’m from Buenos Aires, Argentina. submitted by aoohooa to bugidentification [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:31 Ok-Tennis330 Only people with low taper fades who know 💀💀

Only people with low taper fades who know 💀💀 submitted by Ok-Tennis330 to 19684 [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:31 MikkiB675 Returning player - tips needed

Hi all, I used to be a regular player. Had premium for a long time. Getting back into it now. I have some rare items that have been in my sdb for years. I've collected and hoarded lots of items. I'm looking to sell some of them. Would you say JN is a good indicator of how to price them? Also looking for some active neofriends if anyone is interested. :)
submitted by MikkiB675 to neopets [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:31 exstrat Insane 2 da membrane

Being an insane Caesar seems to reduces the amount of rebellions in Hellenic Rome. Oh Nero how judged ye wrong.
submitted by exstrat to crusaderkings3 [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:31 ohmydog- Saturday in the family

Saturday in the family submitted by ohmydog- to AccidentalRenaissance [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:31 PsychologicalFig7392 Join Our Guild BunnyGirlHQ

Info: Name: BunnyGirlHQ Server: EU / A-Plus Guild Rank: 10 (11 soon) Discord Players: 40/48 Requirements: Level 70+
We are a group of dedicated gamers across all playstyles—Free-to-Play, Dolphins, and Pay-to-Win—all united in a single alliance. Our goal is to expand and grow into a larger, more active community. If you're looking for a guild that values consistency, teamwork, and daily engagement, we’d love to have you join!
Feel free to apply directly or DM me for instant access to any of our guilds. We’re always looking for committed players to join us on our journey.
Why Join Us?

How to Apply:
  1. DM me for quick access or more info.
We look forward to welcoming new members into our alliance!
submitted by PsychologicalFig7392 to LordOfNazarick [link] [comments]
