Electric sawmill

2024.11.30 16:20 35thprojectile Electric sawmill

Electric sawmill submitted by 35thprojectile to ChainsawMilling [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 Bathead12 Good first album to start?

I have never listened to Tool but keep seeing them come up in top 10 lists. What is a good album to start for a newbie?
submitted by Bathead12 to ToolBand [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 ChaosMartinez what a ride

what a ride this journey has been very hard. it took three years after 15 years of addiction get this after destroying so many lives and relationships. I was able to look death in the eyes as a friend but life is jealous...so for now I can only push thought this experience one day at a time and lust for my friend in the dark. my wife of 20+ years left then came back after two years. she is still giving her body and heart to someone else, but still denying it. my children are grown. my mind is always dark even more now that I am not blinded by addiction. I don't sleep much...maybe 3-4 hrs every two days. my heart is cold, i feel alone, my so called friends are gone. today I will have my cry in the shower and put on a happy face and try to give my 8yo daughter the DAD that she deserves in hopes that one day i can see me as she does.
submitted by ChaosMartinez to SoberAndHateIt [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 Humble-Perception-58 Как называют "чинопочитание" на казахском? Просто "құрмет"? Или может есть еще выражение этого слова в виде слэнга?

Нужно для дз..В интернете есть только русская инфа,а про казахские толком найти не могу,в переводчике выходит обычные слова,что вызывает у меня сомнения(а мне хочется выполнить дз идеально)
submitted by Humble-Perception-58 to Kazakhstan [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 Rhyanstrys Selfie Saturday

Selfie Saturday Hope everyone is having a spectacular weekend
submitted by Rhyanstrys to pansexual [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 Zechs_marquie ONTUSDT - 1h

ONTUSDT - 1h ONTUSDT - 1h has produced the following harmonic trading signal. Fully formed patterns are green(bull)/red(bear), forming are yellow(bull)/purple(bear). To learn more about harmonic trading visit http://HarmonicTrader.com run by Scott Carney ( not me ) OR visit http://mitchrayta.com run by Mitch Ray ( also not me ). To support this service please follow or tip :-).
submitted by Zechs_marquie to triggertrading [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 kitten-king3596 Hellbent Ark

Hellbent Ark Welcome to Hellbent Ark! A low boosted low modded PVE Cluster with an especially deep love for playing Ark. So much so that we created a version of a shop that rewards you for PLAYING THE GAME! No P2W No Donations. Just hanging out and doing the thing we all love!
🎉🎉Thanksgiving Event🎉🎉 🎉🎉Boosted Rates on our Island Map🎉🎉 🎉🎉 Midnight Nov 28th-Dec 1st🎉🎉
Come get a head start!!
🦖 Hope to see you on the grind! 🦕
submitted by kitten-king3596 to playarkservers [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 Cool_Sprinkles_5219 Saturday mood

Saturday mood submitted by Cool_Sprinkles_5219 to TransGoth [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 Six_Feet_Under666 This is disgusting.

We need to remember that Bob was still someone’s son, That he was a human like all of us. Yes, he was problematic, But no one deserves to be bullied into death like this. It’s even worse that people on Twitter are still making fun of him after he’s gone.
I’m heavily disappointed in this Fan base for how we’ve been treating Bob for years, How we’ve Relentlessly bashed him and sent him death threats. Behavior like this is never the answer to someone being problematic. Bob was a huge part of MCR and their music, He doesn’t deserve to be defamed like this.
This isn’t me defending what he has said and done, but this man has been through so much and people continue to destroy him online. Do we not understand how this is affecting his family? He had people in his life who loved him, and Sick “Fans” are continuously poking fun at him ruining the Fan base all together with their hatred.
It’s clear that this is all affecting us, not to mention the band itself and Bob’s family. I truly hope that he can rest in peace.
Your Memory Will Carry On🥁
submitted by Six_Feet_Under666 to MyChemicalRomance [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 Advanced-Evidence-58 Dutch can see the future (with proof).

Ok, so John mentions that in the St. Denis bank robbery, Dutch could've prevented John's arrest. However, we know that had he prevented it, John would've likely drowned when the boat sank (He can't swim) and the epilogue and rdr1 would've never happened. At that stage, Dutch wouldn't want John to die and it's also how he knew that Gloria was gonna rat them out, and that's why he killed her. Also, when Dutch and Arthur are cornered by the army, dutch uses the same speech from the future which I don't think is a coincidence. That's also how he found Micah's location in 1907 after looking into the future and seeing that he was the rat, but he didn't know how to prevent himself from going crazy and that's why Ch 6 turned out like it did.
submitted by Advanced-Evidence-58 to reddeadredemption [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 benbara_ Two days ago I decided to give drawing a try. I feel like I'm 12 again but it feels nice.

Two days ago I decided to give drawing a try. I feel like I'm 12 again but it feels nice. submitted by benbara_ to learntodraw [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 haruwasbeer Protect your money and your account Verify phone number

Hello, i just claimed money on my account and now im behind a wall that says that i need to verify my phone number, i cant get in to my account anymore and when i put in my phone number i dont get a msg
How do i fix this??
submitted by haruwasbeer to vinted [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 Smooth-Mud400 Why is the first mass effect not on the xbox one xbox x backward compatibility list?

The lack of transfer of saves at the start of Part 2 will complicate the passage and make it impossible for Wrex to appear in Parts 2-3 and many other negative consequences
submitted by Smooth-Mud400 to masseffect [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 Zechs_marquie JASMYUSDT - 1h

JASMYUSDT - 1h JASMYUSDT - 1h has produced the following harmonic trading signal. Fully formed patterns are green(bull)/red(bear), forming are yellow(bull)/purple(bear). To learn more about harmonic trading visit http://HarmonicTrader.com run by Scott Carney ( not me ) OR visit http://mitchrayta.com run by Mitch Ray ( also not me ). To support this service please follow or tip :-).
submitted by Zechs_marquie to triggertrading [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 garycow Over the Top!

submitted by garycow to Traeger [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 xxxSlimShadyxxx Ashutosh vs Sajid Khan Fight

Link to fight
15 years later...can you imagine anyone caring enough about these awards nowadays to passionately fight over them? Can you imagine 2 Hollywood directors arguing like this on stage? Crazy....miss the 2000s.
submitted by xxxSlimShadyxxx to BollyBlindsNGossip [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 Brief-Serve-2535 Zacian raid need at least 3 invites 202647330724

submitted by Brief-Serve-2535 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 Rancilioran Transporting 22T Beef in Euro Truck Simulator 2 | DAF XF 105 Gameplay in 4K

Transporting 22T Beef in Euro Truck Simulator 2 | DAF XF 105 Gameplay in 4K submitted by Rancilioran to ETS2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 Embarrassed_Yak1094 [Amazon]32% OFF Samsung Galaxy Tab A9+ Tablet 11” 64GB Android Tablet- $149.00

submitted by Embarrassed_Yak1094 to Extradeals [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 MLGkiddo98 Link lvl

hey guys, i want to know where to lvl the links the best. Thx for helping out
submitted by MLGkiddo98 to DokkanBattleCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 carlosdangertaint Great children’s book by a local husband and wife, author and illustrator team for a Christmas present!

I was at a small bookstore in Geneva, NY looking for some Christmas presents for my nieces and nephews when it came upon this one. Upon further investigation, I found out that the couple who wrote an illustrated this book are from Delaware County.
With 44 pages of full-color illustrations, a funny moral tale told in rhyming verse, and a smattering of hidden references throughout, this book is perfect for anyone with a heart… whether it beats or not.
If you can’t find it, a local independent bookstore It is also being sold on Amazon.
submitted by carlosdangertaint to Delco [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 Southern-Link-117 Bay parking manoeuvres

On the driving test, when reversing into a space in a car park, is it acceptable to go slightly into the opposite space (with the 45 degree method) before reversing into your space? (obviously if there isn't a car there).
The car park closest to my test centre has quite narrow lanes so it is difficult to avoid doing this.
Similarly, is this a problem when reversing out after parking forwards?
submitted by Southern-Link-117 to LearnerDriverUK [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 oraclemirai3000 If Teen Titans had a Fighting | Starfire vs Wonder Woman (DCAU DLC) (Wallpaper Edit)

If Teen Titans had a Fighting | Starfire vs Wonder Woman (DCAU DLC) (Wallpaper Edit) submitted by oraclemirai3000 to teentitans [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 da_right1 Help!!! Tablet users!! Link issue

So, I had this issue a long time ago where dice links would never open and instead send me to a page for iPhone users via Chrome. The fix was setting up Firefox and making it default. Now that is doing the same thing that Chrome does. I came to terms with no free dice links and my black Friday token but now I cannot add people's links for trades and that is where I draw the line as friend codes are tedious. Anyone else have this issue and know the fix? Do I need to install yet another browser?
submitted by da_right1 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 NormalLife6067 Am I wrong to feel that my father should have canceled his overseas trip?

This incident happened when I was in my late teens.
My father booked a flight for his overseas trip a few months earlier (alone).
A few days before the flight, my mother was not feeling well. She had some cysts and skin infection around her eyes and it did not recover even after a few days. So, my father and I brought her to the hospital. There, the doctors checked and had to admit her to the hospital for a few days. She was placed in an isolation ward. (I do not know of the proper medical terms and am using common words in this post.)
A few hours before the flight, my father told me to take care of my mother and went back home to pack for the trip and then went to the airport to catch his flight. It was a one week trip.
I feel that my father should have cancelled his overseas trip so that he could be with my mother and provide emotional support to her. It was not a business trip or an emergency trip. It was just a leisure trip. I feel that he could just have postponed the trip after my mother got discharged from the hospital.
I mean how could a person still be in the mood for vacation when his or her spouse is unwell in the hospital? Shouldn't the person be there for his or her spouse in times of need? The person is the spouse, not a relative or a family friend.
My aunt (my mother's sister) and I visited my mother every day in the hospital. I could see that my mother was quite hurt that her husband (my father) did not stay beside her in the hospital. She had been a good wife to him and has also visited the hospital daily when my father was admitted in the hospital in the past. Three days later, my mother was discharged from the hospital and my aunt and I brought her back home.
I did not mention about this to my father as he is an egoistic person and might pick a quarrel with me or my mother.
I feel that if another woman was in my mother's situation, she will probably break up with him.
May family and I are from a community whereby divorce is considered a taboo. Hence, I feel that my mother just accepted such things as fate and carry on with her life.
Am I wrong to feel that my father should have canceled his overseas trip?
submitted by NormalLife6067 to amiwrong [link] [comments]
