How far into mid-game would I be?

2024.11.30 16:20 CoconutNew8803 How far into mid-game would I be?

submitted by CoconutNew8803 to CookieClicker [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 Kk22booo Finally I have reached my goal of 300 pounds 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

Finally I have reached my goal of 300 pounds 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 submitted by Kk22booo to ChubbyAndFat [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 EasyEntertainment551 why didn't blitz use the gem to goto earth

feel like this a plot hole why didn't blitz just go to earth he could open a portal and leave and then return when everyone is gone
submitted by EasyEntertainment551 to HelluvaBoss [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 JanCumin Which countries is the white Gram 17 available?

Hi all
I'd like to replace my aging Gram 17 with a new one and I really like the white one, but it seems like its not available in the UK. Does anyone know where it might be available? Ideally in Europe, but I have a feeling its a South Korea only release?
submitted by JanCumin to LGgram [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 _gullyboy_ Suhana Khan

Suhana Khan submitted by _gullyboy_ to DesiActressMasala [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 sus_amogus_sus_sus That's How I do it... (English: How It Works?)

That's How I do it... (English: How It Works?) submitted by sus_amogus_sus_sus to techsupportgore [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 NotYouJosh My Mind is blown and im actually in shock by the discovery of this...

Is this for real that the Spring Data Mongo repository maps the entities based on the method name!!?
like you mean i can write List findByLastNameHavingBalls(User) and it will work!!???
submitted by NotYouJosh to learnjava [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 Any_Display6586 Cracked version of Adobe premiere pro

Can I download cracked version of Adobe premiere pro in Macbook air m1 and If yes then how ?
submitted by Any_Display6586 to premiere [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 No-Crazy9006 Uti nifty 50 or utu Nifty next 50. Which one is better for Long term sip

submitted by No-Crazy9006 to mutualfunds [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 edotd11 Regieleki on me now. 3 local 363969227145

submitted by edotd11 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 dtreddit7507 What is the last really good book that you've read, and would recommend?

submitted by dtreddit7507 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 LocalOrca98 (F4M) - single dad nanny, SOL

F4M - Single Dad/Nanny (Holiday Edition)
You’re a single dad with a busy career and an adorable little one who keeps you on your toes. I’m the nanny you hired a few months ago, and while my main focus has been helping you juggle parenthood and work, there’s always been a warm, easy connection between us.
Now, it’s the holiday season, and the magic of the festivities seems to bring everything to the surface. From decorating the tree together to late-night chats by the fireplace after your little one is asleep, the lines between employer and friend have started to blur. Maybe it’s the soft glow of the lights, the cozy atmosphere, or just spending so much time together, but something has changed.
One snowy evening, as the house is quiet and we’re wrapping gifts together, the truth comes out: there’s a spark between us that neither of us can deny. What begins as an innocent confession quickly turns into something deeper, but the holidays are complicated. With your family coming to visit, balancing your child’s happiness, and figuring out what we mean to each other, we’ll have to decide if we’re ready to take this leap—and what kind of future we want to build.
I’d love to develop a heartfelt and festive roleplay with someone where we can explore the sweet, complicated, and emotional moments of this scenario. I typically write 5-10 mobile lines depending on the flow and tone of the scene, and I prefer to write in the first person.
(I am 18+ and all participants must be 18+.) Let me know if there’s anything else you’d like to adjust!
submitted by LocalOrca98 to RoleplayPartnerSearch [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 Few_Location_4550 Possible New Avatar for my channel

Possible New Avatar for my channel submitted by Few_Location_4550 to DeviantArt [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 anonymous-160500 What's this icon in the swiggy map?

submitted by anonymous-160500 to swiggy [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 Novel-Explanation178 tybw isn't ready for HIM yet

submitted by Novel-Explanation178 to bleach [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 NsRepublicOG My weather widget already saw the sunrise

My weather widget already saw the sunrise submitted by NsRepublicOG to softwaregore [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 Jaihobharat2 A guy who went to prison 3 times,had two failed marriages, a failed suicide attempt, and two years spent in rehab at a halfway house yet can still get married and have a child
while i am a law abiding citizen, went to goodschool, come from good family, have interesting hobby, eat clean ,workout and work at good firm yet i am single
submitted by Jaihobharat2 to SingaporeRaw [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 Magin_Shi Is this a legit herman miler aeron 2nd gen?

Is this a legit herman miler aeron 2nd gen?
submitted by Magin_Shi to hermanmiller [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 random1029384 Cost of LL Premier?

Hello! Starting to plan trip in late 2025.
Can anyone tell me the current price of the LLPremier passes?
submitted by random1029384 to WaltDisneyWorld [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 Aggravating-Plate590 Sometimes, family finds you

Sometimes, family finds you submitted by Aggravating-Plate590 to Smilepleasse [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 Intelligent-Zone3926 Eu sou babaca por só querer que sejamos amigos de novo?

Bem, ao longo do ano, me aproximei de um colega de classe (ambos temos 17 anos) e, desde julho, algumas pessoas começaram a dizer que ele queria ficar comigo. No início, ignorei, pois éramos apenas amigos. Em setembro, durante uma festa, fiquei sabendo que ele gostava de mim e estava muito abalado por não saber como se aproximar (chegando a chorar ao desabafar sobre). Apesar disso, eu continuei evitando o assunto quando conversávamos. No início de outubro, durante outra festa, ele criou coragem e veio falar comigo sobre seus sentimentos. Eu não soube como reagir e disse que tinha medo de estragar nossa amizade, mas ele estava muito mal, dizendo que nem conseguia contar à psicóloga o que sentia por mim. Alguns dias depois, resolvi me desculpar e disse que estava disposta a tentar algo, mas ainda tinha medo de estragar nossa amizade. Começamos a sair e conversar com frequência, mas eu o enrolava quando surgia a oportunidade de ficarmos, embora dissesse que isso aconteceria em breve, ele ficava visivelmente frustado por isso. No final de outubro, ficamos pela primeira vez, e ele me disse que queria algo comigo. Foi a primeira vez que ambos viveram algo assim. No fim de novembro, tivemos um desentendimento por causa de uma situação envolvendo minha melhor amiga, o que criou um clima tenso entre nós. Quando tentei resolver as coisas, ele pediu um tempo até que eu me resolvesse com ela, pois isso estava afetando nossa relação. Depois que me resolvi com minha amiga, procurei ele novamente (em questão de três dias), mas ele disse estar confuso e não saber se gostava de mim da mesma forma que eu dele (isso me deixou muito confusa). Além disso, durante os dias que não conversamos, ele disse que parou para pensar, e não era apenas essa situação que o incomodava. Ele se sentia mal por achar que estava me iludindo, e não queria ter algo se fosse para se sentir assim. Quando o pressionei para esclarecer o que estava acontecendo, ele evitava dar respostas diretas sobre o que queria. Agora, estamos há uma semana sem nos falar e ignorando um ao outro na sala de aula. Ele disse à minha melhor amiga que “não sente minha falta” e que, no momento, não consegue ser meu amigo, pois fica um clima ruim, mas que talvez isso seja possível no futuro.
*O que me deixou ainda mais magoada foi que, no mesmo dia em que ele me pediu um tempo, convidou todos para seu aniversário, que será em duas semanas, mas não me incluiu... E tudo isso aconteceu em menos de dois meses, mas, nesse período, acabei realmente gostando dele. Fiquei chateada pela forma como ele lidou com tudo, especialmente pela falta de consideração no jeito como nossa “relação” terminou. Eu só queria que pudéssemos continuar sendo amigos, mas, acima de tudo, entender o que aconteceu, já que ele parecia realmente gostar de mim.
submitted by Intelligent-Zone3926 to EuSouOBabaca [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 venomspice Get $1,000 USD off for a new Tesla with this referral

Sharing my referral link for when you order your Tesla. You’ll get $1,000 off the purchase of a Tesla product.
submitted by venomspice to TeslaReferralsCode [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 WinterCar786 2004

I was looking through storage and found my old tama connection!!! I used to sneak this one to school and play with it 😂😂
submitted by WinterCar786 to tamagotchi [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 InLoveWithBooks Bored 21F looking for long term company/a best friend

Not really interested in men so please don't text me...
I adore reading, fanfics, listening to music and I occasionally play video games.
Tell me things you're passionate about and I'd love to listen. Feel free to just unload onto me, tell me your woes, yap and I'll listen... tell me whatever is on your mind and I'll gladly listen :)
submitted by InLoveWithBooks to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 Informal-Snow4831 Earth is getting destroyed. SpaceX selected some people to go to mars to get safe. Will you avatar get in a space rocket based on it?

Earth is getting destroyed. SpaceX selected some people to go to mars to get safe. Will you avatar get in a space rocket based on it? submitted by Informal-Snow4831 to RobloxAvatars [link] [comments]