How to get Australia monster rewards if you’re from USA or UK?

2024.11.30 22:59 That-Topic-5167 How to get Australia monster rewards if you’re from USA or UK?

Wanna get everything but is there any way to do so? Any codes being sold for the Australian rewards or nah? Is there any videos explain how to get it if ur outside of Australia??
submitted by That-Topic-5167 to CallofdutyPromotions [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 22:59 MK19 [WTS/WTT] Vortex Razor HD Gen II 4.5-27 w/ ADM Recon & Aadland Engineering caps

Optic serial number:
Selling this Vortex Razor HD Gen II 4.5-27x56 w/ EBR 7C MRAD reticle mounted in an ADM Recon FDE & Aadland Engineering caps and Vortex SV-3 throw lever. Mount is Tanodized FDE ADM Recon S 1.54” height 34mm 20 MOA (AD-RECON-20MOA-34-FDE-TAC). Optic was mounted to LMT MWS for about 10 days and I just don't have more than 300Y, so this is WAY too much optic for me. Asking $1975 shipped or open to trade for a NightForce NX8 1-8 in Dark Earth w/ FC-DMx reticle.
submitted by MK19 to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 22:59 Sevenset7 Should I keep the new VR2 we just got?

Okay friends, help me out here. I’ve had the PSVR1 for a few years and we’ve enjoyed playing it and many of the games on it. I impulsively bought the VR2 during the BF sales. Seemed too good to pass up. I hadn’t done any research on it since it’s been out, so little did I know that it only works with the PS5, and won’t work with the VR1 games. Only have the VR1 with a PS4 still. Have a PS5 but it’s in a different location not suitable for VR.
Not opposed to getting a new PS5 during the BF sales right now as I’ve known we’d eventually upgrade the PS4 to a 5, or hell even the 6 if it gets here quick enough, but it just hasn’t been a necessity yet. And now seeing that we’d have to get an entire new game lineup just to play the VR2, and would have to switch back to the VR1 just to play the older games (planned to sell the VR1 to recoup some costs until I found out we’d lose the games as well), this has me firmly on the fence about keeping the VR2 and upgrading everything or just sending it back.
Looking at the current VR2 game lineup hasn’t made me really want to keep it either. Our favorite games have been the VR Worlds, Rush of Blood from Until Dawn, the Vader episodes and a handful of others. But I’m not seeing anything close to that type of fun out for the VR2 yet. The Star Wars VR2 game seems about the only one we’d really enjoy, plus maybe a few hidden gems.
So I come to y’all now to help me decide based on what we’ve enjoyed from the VR1. Do y’all think it’s still worth upgrading based on the current game lineup and possible upcoming games? Or would we be better served to continue holding off and see what the future holds for new games and/or a VR3??? Thanks for any input!
submitted by Sevenset7 to psvr2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 22:59 altxxxn Constantly injuring hamstring. what to do/what will happen?

I am regularly taking slip and falls where I do the splits and I think pull? Tear? Sprain?My hamstring. It’s like no matter how cautious or careful I am it still happens and I’m at the point where my legs are so weak I need both arms to help walk up the stairs and I’m only in my early 20s… It’s only really my left leg too cause that’s the leg I always seem to slip into the splits on. The back of the leg feels kinda numb to the touch but I can still walk on it and usually do as I have work and school.
I just want to know what I can do to help prevent this and make my legs better. What’s gonna happen to me if I keep injuring this same leg it’s already happened like 7 times.
submitted by altxxxn to medical_advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 22:59 Alex51xx Need help with feast room ideas

Hi there, hope you are doing great. Me and my friends on the Mistlands now, and I decided to make feast room, thing on our base. Is anybody have good references or examples?
submitted by Alex51xx to valheim [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 22:59 OAKLAND5027 We can bag on Jameson all we want for trashing Spider-man, but we can't deny he is a solid dude and didn't give up Peter when he knew his life was in danger. He may hate Spider-man and is a jerk but he's a good dude.

We can bag on Jameson all we want for trashing Spider-man, but we can't deny he is a solid dude and didn't give up Peter when he knew his life was in danger. He may hate Spider-man and is a jerk but he's a good dude. I guarantee anybody else in the Bugle would've folded, but he didn't, that means something.
submitted by OAKLAND5027 to Spiderman [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 22:59 madiveritas É possível aprender a gostar de futebol?

Talvez essa seja uma ajuda meio estranha que estou pedindo, mas queria saber se vcs acham que tem como “aprender” a se interessar por futebol e curtir de verdade, já sendo uma pessoa de 30 anos q nunca ligou muito pro esporte 😬 é que vejo os torcedores surtando, gritando, chorando, e penso: PARECE DIVERTIDO! Queria fazer parte! Mas toda vez q assisto algum jogo me vejo perdendo o interesse depois de algum tempo. Será que existe como eu começar a me envolver mais com isso e começar a de fato sentir essa emoção toda em algum momento? 🤔 ou será q existem pessoas q simplesmente não tem isso no DNA e sou uma delas
submitted by madiveritas to futebol [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 22:59 wowoakie LF tangled (4⭐️) trade for either 5⭐️

LF tangled (4⭐️) trade for either 5⭐️ Red handed or Oh my cloak for Tangled! Thx!!
submitted by wowoakie to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 22:59 Coyote-Savage Tickle tickle

Tickle tickle submitted by Coyote-Savage to foundsatan [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 22:59 BatmaNirvana Fenix 7 Pro SS, Enduro 3 or Instinct 2x

Hi I'm looking to jump back into Garmin, I used to have the Fenix 7 Pro SS a couple months back and I loved it but I couldn't justify the cost because I wasn't that active. Now I'm more active and looking to push my health to new levels I'm ready to jump back in. I prefer the MIP versions, my question is should I stick with the last gen MIP king the Fenix 7 Pro SS as they are on sale right now for $650 or should spend the extra $250 get the current gen MIP king Enduro 3 which goes for $900? I'm also open to the Instinct 2x that goes for $350 but it has the older sensors. The Fenix has been pushed out of my price range for just a mic and diving seals and features.
submitted by BatmaNirvana to Garmin [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 22:59 Riki_Draws “I had this feeling that those insignificant moments were incredibly precious” 🍂

submitted by Riki_Draws to attackontitan [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 22:59 xatfi Kansanedustaja odottaa vauvaa

submitted by xatfi to Uutiset [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 22:59 mr_remy So many acorns I acan’t even

So many acorns I acan’t even submitted by mr_remy to comedyheaven [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 22:59 Embarrassed_Abroad70 PSR disaster strikes Newcastle United – Nightmare | Live Streams, Free Score & Result, Online Update, TV Channel Schedule and More 🔴

PSR disaster strikes Newcastle United – Nightmare | Live Streams, Free Score & Result, Online Update, TV Channel Schedule and More 🔴 submitted by Embarrassed_Abroad70 to fotbals [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 22:59 Top-Courage4938 Para pessoas que moram em Curitiba PR - Baladas

Pessoal não posso publicar na comunidade de Curitiba então vou colocar aqui. Quais baladas vocês recomendam para ir sozinho, meus amigos tão tudo sem dinheiro....
submitted by Top-Courage4938 to desabafos [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 22:59 kermitTheFrogEater SWAPPING-

SWAPPING- Yours must be fm dbl and error c
submitted by kermitTheFrogEater to DragonAdventures [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 22:59 Glittering-Fox5413 Chapter 8:9

Those who enunciate with their tongues what is not in their hearts and gossip about Us are illinformed and have denied the truth.
submitted by Glittering-Fox5413 to FurqanTrue [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 22:59 art_lipchalk My new 3.5T Prestige GV80

Got it this past Monday and have zero complaints. Got the OTA update and now have wireless CarPlay. So nice!
submitted by art_lipchalk to GenesisMotors [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 22:59 twooticks What available versions does this phone have already?

My phone is the Redmi note 13 pro plus, am I stuck on UNOMIXM or is there a region where it's already in the November security patch? I've seen in some that this phone is already in Can anyone help me out?
submitted by twooticks to Xiaomi [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 22:59 ThisDice S20 Ultra LCD replacement

Hi, it's not the first time that i am repairing devices but however it is my first time being asked by a friend to repair a S20 Ultra LCD. I plan to repair the whole frame with the LCD as its the safest route based on my experiences, but i noticed that the phone has a variety of models and i want to know if all the models uses the same LCD
submitted by ThisDice to AndroidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 22:59 Zeconation Absurd script level

This game literally overrides my instructions in order to execute a script.
I'm telling my goalkeeper to distrubute the ball to my fullbacks and what he does?
He kicks the ball to middle of the pitch when there was no press on our players and it leads to the last minute goal.
As soon as he kicks the the ball I knew it was going to be a goal because team I was playing against was the team that scored their last 90% of their goals between minute 80 to 90. I concede a goal at minute 90.
Fuck this games scripting ass lazy coding.
That's all I'm going to say.
submitted by Zeconation to footballmanagergames [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 22:59 Open-Television-8529 Starlight Media Scam??

Just received this random message from eleanor, saying she will pay me $5 if i subbed to this random entrepreneur's youtube channel and liked the most recent video, is this a weird new scam? she sent a code for me to give to her "financial representative" along with giving her some "basic" information.
submitted by Open-Television-8529 to Scams [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 22:59 Swimming-Original659 23M A friendly neighborhood cynic looking for the same

Hi, as the title explains Iam a cynic and as such i hate so much shite from Astrolgy through homeopathy up until whatever stupid shit is currently trending. I get that this way of looking at the world isnt popular but its who I am so I just roll with it and hopefully you and i can vibe over it
I love sarcasm, dry and dark humor (George Carlin type shit ) (dont mistake me for a ricky gervaise type of person, that mf stinks), As a grown ass man i spend way too many hours playing games, however i also do productive shit, school, painting, 3d modeling, reading way much. (its almost like im an adult capable of doing adult stuff) I watch a shit ton of tv and cook the best food ever to exist in the space of my kitchen.
If for some reason you actually read all of this we might just be friend material so feel free to dm
submitted by Swimming-Original659 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 22:59 Kaiser_3369 Was it really self inflicted?

Was it really self inflicted? submitted by Kaiser_3369 to AngryCops [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 22:59 Oldtimer-Sysadmin Vytal Multicam Black

I was thinking about snagging another set of grips for a my EDC OD P-01. Currently rocking case hardened kraken in the thin style. I kind of want palm swells, but was also eyeing the new Euclids. While I was trying to make up my mind I saw a new color of Multicam Black, which I haven't seen before. I love that color and think it would be filthy on the OD P-01. Before I go for it though, I was hoping someone could send me a picture, or point me at one on the vytal site so I can see what they look like. Anybody have this color yet?
submitted by Oldtimer-Sysadmin to CZFirearms [link] [comments]