Picture of Alyson Hannigan, aka Willow Rosenberg on “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”, circa 90s

2024.11.30 23:02 JB92103 Picture of Alyson Hannigan, aka Willow Rosenberg on “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”, circa 90s

Picture of Alyson Hannigan, aka Willow Rosenberg on “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”, circa 90s submitted by JB92103 to BuffyverseBabes [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 23:02 Crazy_Customer7239 The Twin Towers built with Legos.

The Twin Towers built with Legos. submitted by Crazy_Customer7239 to flipsticks [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 23:02 Grandayyy1 1000 Francs bill

Found this 1000 francs bill circa 1945 not sure if it’s worth anything. I found some close matches on eBay for $400-$500
submitted by Grandayyy1 to numismatics [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 23:02 ONABONA325 Cinder from RWBY

Cinder from RWBY submitted by ONABONA325 to AnimeART [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 23:02 Successful_Finish_81 A Class Sentinel Ship. Red and Black, 7 thrusters. Eissentam.

A Class Sentinel Ship. Red and Black, 7 thrusters. Eissentam. submitted by Successful_Finish_81 to NMSCoordinateExchange [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 23:02 Tajn0st Discurso sobre autoconfiança somente gera mais redpill e aumenta consumidores de coach de sedução

Eu sou modesto e gosto de ser modesto, normalmente ser confiante sempre flerta com a arrogância. Eu sou confiante com o meu trabalho, porque são processos que eu repeti centenas de vezes ao longo dos anos, com a prática posso dizer que eu me tornei bom. Essa regra não funciona para relações interpessoais dessa natureza, quando o homem quer convencer o parceiro(a) para haver intimidade.
Sempre ficará dependente do outro para haver consumação da relação. No meu trabalho, eu não preciso pedir permissão de ninguém... Faço apenas o que eu tenho que fazer e consigo o resultado desejado sem a dependência do outro.
A personalidade modesta é o que eu sou e não há como mudar. Não é possível se tornar um galanteador e acreditar que aquela mulher te quer, somente porque eu sou eu e confio no meu taco. Isso é pura arrogância. Parece que ser confiante passa por um processo de ignorar a própria realidade que me cerca.
Essa postura me incomoda muito. Se a pessoa me conheceu e não me quis, azar. Entretanto, passar por uma protopersona para conseguir mulheres me soa infantil.
Acho essa dica muito ruim quando se quer construir relações românticas e duradouras. Basicamente é mentir para o outro sobre você.
Boa parte das mulheres que eu fiquei na minha vida foi porque gostaram da minha lata. No final, aparência é o critério mais preponderante nesse contexto.
Sinto que a pregação sobre a confiança é mais para o acalento das almas que nasceram com a estética que pouco agrada a maioria das pessoas.
Esse tipo de discurso aumenta mais a quantidade de homens frustrados e que tentam, através de cursos de sedução, conseguir uma parceira. O rapaz não consegue uma parceira, não é por ser babaca ou por ser uma pessoa ruim, é puramente pela estética. Parem de ser cúmplices desse mercado.
submitted by Tajn0st to opiniaoimpopular [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 23:02 challengersclub_ How would you describe your mindset atm?

submitted by challengersclub_ to theXeffect [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 23:02 hiya1487 I think my symptoms of many years are most likely prostatitis?

Hey all, So as mentioned in the title I’ve had the below symptoms for many years which has definitely affected my life (since 16) I’m now 37. I think the trigger was stress from school & masturbating very quickly but could also be other reasons.

extremely painful sensation in lower abdomen if urination delayed say on a bus or not a convenient time to go. When I do go the flow is very weak & I need to sit.
frequent urination
premature ejaculation
anal fissure/ burning sensation after BM
Does this point to prostatitis being the likely cause? Also should mention I had a urethral stricture op when I was 19 after going to the gp about above symptoms but I think that was a mistake as the surgery didn’t help symptoms at all.
submitted by hiya1487 to Prostatitis [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 23:02 Cats1234546 [WTB] FDE Shopping List

Picked up a cheap anderson AR for $280, Going for a cheap two-tone and looking for these parts.
FDE: - DFCO Kung Fu Grip (Plugged) - Magpul CTR - Magpul 30rd PMAG Gen 2s & 3s (Black too if ya got em) - BCM Stubby Gunfighter VFG MLOK - MagPulls - Radian Raptor CH - Radian Talon ambi - Undecided on the top, maybe a cheap LPVO? (Vortex?)
Other: - Noveske KX5 1/2 28
Unsure about prices but I’ll just say I have $200 atm to spend. Cheap is the name of the game, but y’all know a lot more than me. Thank y’all so much!
submitted by Cats1234546 to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 23:02 SAMIHOSXIII I got Razors M3 but it's not in my garage.

I got Razors M3 but it's not in my garage. I'm so livid rn, it took me three days and more than 25 failed attempts,I haven't done any pvp nor free roam ever since the update dropped. I finally got the M3 but as I posted before just like the huayra & the mustang, collected them from the lock up but they don't show up in my garage. I'm so gutted that I'm not gonna touch this game mode until they fix this crap.
submitted by SAMIHOSXIII to needforspeed [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 23:02 SilentWoodpecker6538 Group BBQ

submitted by SilentWoodpecker6538 to unioncircle [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 23:02 Elegant_Rock_4686 [IRTR] Seeking Guest for Fishbowl topic episode.

That's Effin Weird NSFW Over 70 episodes - 2 years running https://www.podbean.com/ea/pb-fh2zj-11d9257 Conspiracy, cults, mysteries, odd encounters, news, Usually an hour long
Looking for anyone who would be willing to talk about a bunch of random topics for about an hour. It's like a spinning wheel of weird or odd topics taken from reddit and we talk about them and discuss our thoughts on it. It's fun to see the rabbit holes we go down! If you like talking about Weird stuff and know a bunch of random info then this might be for you. Also if you have discord and a good mic that will help. DM if you are interested.
submitted by Elegant_Rock_4686 to PodcastGuestExchange [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 23:02 Jotas_Artplace (WIP) Charlie "MoistCr1TiKaL" sketch

(WIP) Charlie submitted by Jotas_Artplace to AnimeSketch [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 23:02 Kreceir Gigi and Raora collab! And they will be playing Poppy Playtime: Chapter 2!

Gigi and Raora collab! And they will be playing Poppy Playtime: Chapter 2! submitted by Kreceir to Hololive [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 23:02 MealResident What is wrong with KOPAP3?

What is wrong with KOPAP3? Level 12 Quest btw and my strongest is lvl 11 and weakest lvl 9. Why the need to put enemies so difficult on lower lvl quests? I just get oneshoted. Am I supposed to do a thousand side quests before I move to the new story quest or what?
Wth is this game design????
submitted by MealResident to Knightsofpenandpaper [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 23:02 ColaRunning Looking for the follow Van Cleef and David Yurman Dupes!

Looking for the follow Van Cleef and David Yurman Dupes! David Yurman — Petite Albion ring in Paseolite - size 7 Petite Albion ring Black Orchid — size 7
Van Cleef — Vintage Alhambra earrings in Malahite Mother of Pearl Alhambra necklace Alhambra Bracelet 5 motifs Black Alhambra Necklace multiple motifs Black
Thank you in advance! I’m new to this sub so unsure how to find certain seller names’ contact info that I’ve heard good things about.
submitted by ColaRunning to RepladiesDesigner [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 23:02 ImKindaSlowSorry This girl located near Joshua Tree (in 29 palms) needs a home

This girl located near Joshua Tree (in 29 palms) needs a home Let me know if this kind of post isn't allowed here and I'll take it down.
This is Dottie. She's super sweet and I love her but I already have two dogs so I can't really afford to keep her. This was supposed to be temporary but I've been having a hard time spreading the word due to my lack of social media presence. I asked a few friends but only one person posted her and she doesn't have many followers so the word didn't spread very far.
The last photo is her playing tug of war with my dog so as you can see she would do great in a home with another big playful dog but if she ends up in a home where she is the only dog I'm sure she wouldn't mind having all of the attention to herself lol
We are located in twenty nine palms right near Joshua Tree and Yucca Valley
submitted by ImKindaSlowSorry to JoshuaTree [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 23:02 Abikidd My sis and I went to see the APPLE VISION experience!! It was AMAZING! 10/10

My sis and I went to see the APPLE VISION experience!! It was AMAZING! 10/10 I recommend everyone to go watch it NOW!!! Abel was so close to my face yo lol and it was like I was right there inside the ambulance and everything! Soooooo coooooolll!!! 🥰💕💕🔥🔥🤩😩
submitted by Abikidd to TheWeeknd [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 23:02 CrimzenMooncrest13 All true

All true submitted by CrimzenMooncrest13 to InternetCity [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 23:02 Puzzleheaded_Air7612 Regieleki on me 887504835938

submitted by Puzzleheaded_Air7612 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 23:02 shteverhim Zamazenta starting in a few minutes 361787488019

Starting soon! Please be online
submitted by shteverhim to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 23:02 blitzballaking Looking for Pikachu Exclusives

Hi all,
Looking to create a living Dex so need the following:
Sandshrew Alolan Sandshrew 2x Oddish Growlithe Mankey Grimer Alolan Grimer Scyther
Can trade back Eevee exclusives or help with trade evos etc. thanks!
submitted by blitzballaking to PokemonLetsGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 23:02 Prestigious-Candy-99 Beer anyone?

I’m (42f) debating going to Olde Salem for their anniversary thing this evening. Thinking of going myself because my friends are busy. Anyone looking for something to do? I’m liberal and atheist, but will hang out and conversate with anyone, as long as you don’t try and convert me 😉
submitted by Prestigious-Candy-99 to roanoke [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 23:02 battlevxp Photos from Manchester Night 1

Photos from Manchester Night 1 submitted by battlevxp to fontainesdc [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 23:02 juradais Aliexpress : annulation sans remboursement ?

Bonjour !
J'ai acheté plusieurs fois sur Aliexpress sans soucis. Mais le 01/11, suite à une mauvaise manipulation, j'ai commandé 6 produits. Dans la foulée, je les annule et demande le remboursement. Je le reçois pour 2 d'entre eux 4 jours après. Mais à ce jour, 29 jours plus tard, je n'ai toujours pas reçu le remboursement des 4 autres. Sur les produits en question, il est bien indiqué que j'ai été remboursé. Mais rien de mon côté.
J'ai contacté Aliexpress via leur chat, et ce, déjà à 3 reprises. A chaque fois, les interlocuteurs me demandent de voir avec ma banque ou me redonnent le lien sur l'onglet Commande qui indique (de manière automatisée) que la commande x a été remboursée par Aliexpress ; ils me disent qu'il faut patienter. Sauf que je vois bien qu'il y a un problème, sinon je n'aurais pas été remboursé uniquement de 2 produits. Je leur demande de vérifier avec leur comptabilité car je n'ai rien sur mon compte. Je leur ai également envoyé une capture d'écran de mon compte avec la ligne des 2 objets remboursés d'indiquée et où on peut voir qu'il n'y a rien d'autre. Mais rien ne bouge et ils finissent par ne plus rien avoir à me dire et la conversation se cloture automatiquement... Très frustrant.
Avez vous déjà expérimenté un cas de figure similaire, et quelle solution avez vous trouvé ?
submitted by juradais to AskFrance [link] [comments]
