How do I get past this without... disabling the presumably very important drivers??

2024.11.30 22:52 the_doorstopper How do I get past this without... disabling the presumably very important drivers??

How do I get past this without... disabling the presumably very important drivers??
submitted by the_doorstopper to insurgency [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 22:52 Ask4MD Nancy Pelosi shows no sign of freeing the Democratic Party from her grip

Nancy Pelosi shows no sign of freeing the Democratic Party from her grip submitted by Ask4MD to Conservative [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 22:52 torrso Is the food worse than the song?

submitted by torrso to crappymusic [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 22:52 VGinc Дуже погано працює домашній інтернет

Якщо коротко, то останнім часом дуже погано працює домашній інет від Київстару. Не оптоволокно, просто звичайний інет. Раніше він поганенько працював, але працював. Зараз же раз в кілька хвилин ( може бути й в 1 а може бути й раз в пів години ) зникає на кілька секунд інтернет й через 15-30 секунд повертається. Через такі розриви неможливо грати в онлайн ігри, неможливо дивитися трансляції в комфорті й тд. Раніше такого не було, зараз днів 5 тому з'явилося. Київстар не їбе що то таке й нічого робити особливо не хоче. Кілька місяців тому міняв провід для інету з ними, патч корд та купляв новий роутер Asus AX1800, все працювало нормально. Але зараз щось не так . Будь ласка, скажіть що я не один такий. Ну й якщо є поради то пишіть, буду вдячний.
submitted by VGinc to Ukraine_UA [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 22:52 wewdwtnizrub Aukey Canada Black Friday Coupon Code

Unlock the Aukey Canada Black Friday Coupon Code
Save 10% to 20% off with these Aukey Canada discount codes for December 2024. Find the latest Aukey Canada coupon codes
submitted by wewdwtnizrub to dealssofjuly [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 22:52 Electronic_Welder902 Gram negative or fungal?

I have used benzoyl peroxide for about 3 and a half months but my condition has gotten worse and it has made no difference. Because of this I will go back to the derm, is it probable that it is not bacterial and that it could be gram negative since it has not responded to benzoyl peroxide or can it be fungal which I now am trying to treat it as?
submitted by Electronic_Welder902 to Folliculitis [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 22:52 Vyrious FOMO need help with regions

I’m kind of set on Frem and want to end on Kourend to try CoX. But not sure what my last region should be and where to put it in the order.
Now I have decided to play a mage style and thinking of going 3/1/6 or 0/4/6. My relics are kind of set in Animal Wrangler > Dodgy Deals > Clue Compass > Friendly Forager. After that probably Slayer Master > Banker Note > Grimoire > Last Stand.
Please help me! I got plenty of time to grind and am a noob when it comes to osrs so any region is “new” to me.
submitted by Vyrious to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 22:52 LeavesInsults1291 TJ Hockenson vs Arizona or Mark Andrews vs Philly

Arizona is the 26th ranked defense and Philly is the 30th ranked defense according to Yahoo Fantasy… so a slightly easier matchup for Hockenson. Also, I feel both have shootout potential… who to start?
submitted by LeavesInsults1291 to fantasyfootballadvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 22:52 runawaysoveryfast After all the waiting

After all the waiting I almost forgot that I ordered it. Totally worth the wait.
submitted by runawaysoveryfast to PunkRecords [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 22:52 Easy-Pirate-7631 MATH1700

Hi has anybody done this unit? Is it suitable for beginners who aren't that great at maths? How were the assessments like? HDoable?
Thanks to anyone who responds!
submitted by Easy-Pirate-7631 to uwa [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 22:52 Ill_Adhesiveness263 Human doesn’t leave his best friends behind huh

Human doesn’t leave his best friends behind huh submitted by Ill_Adhesiveness263 to skibiditoilet [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 22:52 eddiebuerk Lifters in a 2001 Chrysler LHS - Should these have some spring to them? If they don't, are they bad?

Lifters in a 2001 Chrysler LHS - Should these have some spring to them? If they don't, are they bad? submitted by eddiebuerk to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 22:52 HighCouncilorofKaon My fire DPS Deathstrokes

My fire DPS Deathstrokes I made my own Deathstroke, I like it
submitted by HighCouncilorofKaon to DCUO [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 22:52 TwoWilling2005 7-2 frame drops

I haven't had any issues at all with frame rate until 7-2, i dont know if any other future levels will have the same problem but every time I hit a checkpoint or a new area loads like when the clock tower falls I get a big fps drop. I have a capable pc that can run doom eternal at a stable 120 so I don't think that's the problem. One thing I noticed is very low cpu and gpu usage (cpu average 20 percent) (gpu 10 percent). I know it's a very minor issue but I'm picky so Any help is greatly appreciated.
submitted by TwoWilling2005 to Ultrakill [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 22:52 TheNukeMan96 Any tips to improve this island?

Any tips to improve this island? submitted by TheNukeMan96 to dragonvale [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 22:52 Moses1923 Please help

Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here:
submitted by Moses1923 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 22:52 Ilovebreadandbutter Is it worth buying XRP now?

In 2018 XRP rose to $3.1 then fell back to around 40 cents. It was also a huge bull run then a crash. Will this current bull run crash as hard as the last? Or do you think it will reach a equilibrium price that is much higher since so many institutions are implementing it?
submitted by Ilovebreadandbutter to XRP [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 22:52 frvnco1 Going for the first time! How should I go about getting into a gym?

The title, basically. Been training for 13 years and never been to Thailand but finally going in December and I’m super hyped. What is the best way to go about getting into a gym for a few days? Do I just walk in like a goofy foreigner and say I wanna train? lol being in a new country where English isn’t the main language is a bit daunting and I’d be lying if I said I was a little nervous about having to put myself out there😂
submitted by frvnco1 to MuayThailand [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 22:52 LorkhanChim Alguém para conversar e se possível jogar algo?

procurando pessoas com idade próxima a minha (18) para fazer amizade e talvez jogar algo (isso geralmente ajuda manter a conversa divertida)
submitted by LorkhanChim to AmizadeVirtual [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 22:52 Effective_Move_4685 На пример; Дали пазарот, побарувачката ја утврдува вистинската цена, или мојот единствен дом, за мене е само мене индвидуално, колку ми значи?

Или со други зборови, дали сте вие материјалисти или пак, понекогаш по некои свои критериуми ја утврдувате вредноста?
submitted by Effective_Move_4685 to mkd [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 22:52 Ok_Impression_7211 Mollejas

Mollejas Sopa
submitted by Ok_Impression_7211 to jugueteando [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 22:52 ManagementPrevious98 Misfire

I have a random misfire code on & Ls swapped 94 obs Chevy.
submitted by ManagementPrevious98 to LSSwapTheWorld [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 22:52 TKP_DK Does anyone know why?

Is there any reason i wouldn't get Tarantula or Shark here? I didn't use any konsumables, lose any battles and none of my fighters got defeated. Maybe it took a little too long but that would've been Shark then
submitted by TKP_DK to mkxmobile [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 22:52 BlaulichtBrick Ich habe genug von gefrorenen Fingern. Handschuhe für die Fotografie

Hallo zusammen,
ich bin auf der Suche nach den perfekten Handschuhen für die Fotografie. Ich bin oft in extrem kalten Bedingungen unterwegs, vor allem bei nächtlicher Astrofotografie in den Bergen oder bei Sonnenaufgängen, wo die Temperaturen schnell auf -10°C oder kälter fallen können. Bisher habe ich mir dabei immer die Finger abgefroren, weil meine Handschuhe entweder nicht warm genug waren oder ich sie ausziehen musste, um die Kamera richtig bedienen zu können. Das möchte ich ändern.
Die Handschuhe sollten in erster Linie warm halten, da ich oft stundenlang draußen bin, und gleichzeitig so flexibel sein, dass ich problemlos alle Knöpfe und Rädchen meiner Kamera bedienen kann. Grobe oder steife Handschuhe sind für mich keine Option, da ich damit nicht präzise arbeiten kann. Außerdem wäre es ideal, wenn sie winddicht und robust genug sind, um auch bei schwierigen Bedingungen auf Bergen zuverlässig zu funktionieren.
Hat jemand Erfahrungen oder konkrete Empfehlungen für Handschuhe, die diesen Anforderungen gerecht werden? Ich wäre sehr dankbar für Tipps, die mir helfen, in Zukunft nicht mehr mit klammen Fingern fotografieren zu müssen.
Vielen Dank!
submitted by BlaulichtBrick to Fotografie [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 22:52 RedundancyDoneWell Contingency planning during silo design

submitted by RedundancyDoneWell to SiloSeries [link] [comments]