I’m honestly at a loss for what to put main skill seeds into at this point. What would you do?

2024.12.01 01:30 Fulcrum-Myth I’m honestly at a loss for what to put main skill seeds into at this point. What would you do?

I’m honestly at a loss for what to put main skill seeds into at this point. What would you do? submitted by Fulcrum-Myth to PokemonSleep [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:30 PompeiiLegion Thoughts on season 1/3 way finished?

What are everyone’s thoughts on the team since we have completed 12/34 games this season? How have you been liking Schuster’s coaching/style/selections?
submitted by PompeiiLegion to SCFreiburg [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:30 Quiet_Lunch_1300 I wish Kevin Hart had stayed longer.

I liked he and Phil’s cute friendship.
submitted by Quiet_Lunch_1300 to Modern_Family [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:30 mooplup How to ascend fast for endless cycle

submitted by mooplup to CookieClicker [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:30 redkritcode How can I move my coolify setting from coolify to self host?

I migrate my website to coolify around 3 months ago. everything is working fine. but I didn't have must update with the website so I have plan to move from coolify cloud to my home server.
Am I able to do that?
I found some article said that I have to copy data folder from coolify server but for coolify cloud I don't have access to that data folder.
submitted by redkritcode to selfhosted [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:30 CesiaFace My shy guy having some turkey

My shy guy having some turkey submitted by CesiaFace to cats [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:30 genki1605 making little PB cookie sandwiches with these 👌

submitted by genki1605 to glutenfree [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:30 Fuzzletron Let it Snow

Let it Snow submitted by Fuzzletron to TheNightFeeling [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:30 Ok-Fuel5600 Wolves & Ladies, by me

submitted by Ok-Fuel5600 to ImaginaryWesteros [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:30 DJFUSION1986 I Love The POE2 Currency .. but GGG For the love of god why .. why ... Just looks freaky..

submitted by DJFUSION1986 to pathofexile [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:30 Strict-Bet477 How much upt is required for Tom team

I was told by someone you needed like 20 upt and up. Is this true
submitted by Strict-Bet477 to AmazonFC [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:30 No-Entertainment3597 How do I get pass through this?

I can make it all the way into the left side but that's when my invisibility meter runs out and I can't recharge because the power source is regenerating
submitted by No-Entertainment3597 to Carrion [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:30 Consistent_Art_9004 Will the downy ball work?

Hi! My top loading washer was probably made some time in the 90s and doesn’t have a fabric softener spot. I would like to try out Downy purifying rinse on my blue collar hubbys stubborn and smelly work clothes. Do downy balls actually work?
submitted by Consistent_Art_9004 to laundry [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:30 ExternalFly5923 Y'all talking about the amount of aura he had in 2020, but the amount of aura he had in 2021 was insane that I felt the aura from the screen and then his freeform was just perfect I've never seen a man with perfect freeforms and a perfect face to match it almost looks like he was aurafarming

Y'all talking about the amount of aura he had in 2020, but the amount of aura he had in 2021 was insane that I felt the aura from the screen and then his freeform was just perfect I've never seen a man with perfect freeforms and a perfect face to match it almost looks like he was aurafarming Yb just do everything better he eat better, he sleep better, he drunk better, he dance better, he go to jail better, he do everything better
submitted by ExternalFly5923 to NBAYoungboy [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:30 juan-lupeismybunny Looking for an online job

I really want an online job but iek where to start in all honesty. I have no experience with anything and I'm 18 so i DEFINITELY have no clue on where to start. I don't have a computer but I do have a tablet. Anything will help, pls😭
submitted by juan-lupeismybunny to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:30 Og1Kenobiiiii Homey enough?

Homey enough? submitted by Og1Kenobiiiii to bettafish [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:30 AutoModerator Bigg Boss Season 18 - Live Feed Discussion Thread December 01, 2024

Welcome to Live Discussion Thread of Biggboss Season 18.
If there is no Live feed on a day, use this Thread for general discussions
Follow Rules and don't post spoilers without marking them
Don't bring Political/Religious discussions on this Sub, its Permanent ban
submitted by AutoModerator to biggboss [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:30 RogueStargun Rogue Stargun is discounted for Black Friday

submitted by RogueStargun to MetaQuestVR [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:30 Jacob_knowsbest1 Thoughts on this 04 Cat Eye?

I know its prob overpriced but I can't seem to find a cleaner one for the money. Really cant afford a new 40k truck but everyone says these can last a life time. Any thoughts on this one? Thanks
submitted by Jacob_knowsbest1 to Silverado [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:30 PactownSS What video game song came on in the middle of playing that you thought was amazing?

I remember playing Super Metroid and i entered Lower Brinstar and was blown away on how good it sounded
submitted by PactownSS to gaming [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:30 BvbblegvmBitch What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by BvbblegvmBitch to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:30 AutoModerator 2024, CW 48 - Weekly Random Discussion Thread

Weekly thread for casual and random topics
This is a casual space, and you are welcome to make submissions about topics that do not quite deserve an individual submission.
Topics that can be submitted here:

Sample submission queries:
Topics that should be strictly avoided:
Any individual submissions for meetups, mental health support, relationships, queries, feedback, suggestions, or Tech support outside this thread will be removed.
Please help us keep the community sociable by avoiding submissions related to illegal activities and following basic Reddit etiquette while addressing others.
submitted by AutoModerator to Coimbatore [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:30 Gov-Mule1499543 TEAMPUNK Or TEAMREIGNS

TEAMPUNK Or TEAMREIGNS Are you ready for PUNK or REIGNS too/2 turn on themselves at/@ WarGames SS/Survivor Series
I sure am
submitted by Gov-Mule1499543 to BrandonDE [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:30 tooLateButStillYoung search and optimization, how relevant is it for computer vision?

Is the following topics very relevant for foundational models and NLP/CV? I am thinking of taking search and optimization class next quarter. Do you recommend taking this class if I am thinking of pursuing PhD in Computer Vision?
• Week 1: Numerical Optimization (I)
(first-order and second-order directions, line search, various accelerations)
• Week 2: Stochastic Search
(simulated annealing, cross-entropy methods, search gradient)
• Week 3: Classical Search
(heuristic search, adversarial search, sampling-based planning)
• Week 4: Reinforcement Learning (I)
(MDP, value and policy iteration, temporal-difference, Q-learning)
• Week 5: Reinforcement Learning (II)
(deep Q-learning, policy gradient, policy improvement theorems)
• Week 6: Bandits and Monte Carlo Tree Search
(concentration bounds, upper confidence bound, MCTS, AlphaGo)
• Week 7: Combinatorial Search (I)
(constraint programming, SAT, conflict-driven backtracking)
• Week 8: Combinatorial Search (II)
(integer programming, cutting planes, general nonlinear problems)
• Week 9: Numerical Optimization (II)
(gradient projection, Lagrange duality, interior point methods)
submitted by tooLateButStillYoung to learnmachinelearning [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:30 Brief-Serve-2535 Hosting regidrago raid ending soon 2026 4733 0724

submitted by Brief-Serve-2535 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
