Subaru HT-TR690 CVT Breakdown: The Planetary Gearset

2024.12.01 01:41 Robert_Mauro Subaru HT-TR690 CVT Breakdown: The Planetary Gearset

The Planetary Gearset
Here is a very quick look at the HT-TR690' CVT's Planetary Gearset. This planetary gearset sits in the Intermediate case of the HT-TR690.
This planetary gearset, combined with the forward clutch and reverse brake are what changes the TR690's direction. The three parts combined are what creates the HT-TR690's signature P-R-N-D shift chirp. How it's used and its placement are one of the things that makes the TR690 line of CVTs unique.
Watch each vid in the series as they come out to see a deep dive into the Subaru Lineartronic HT-TR690 CVT, including a full teardown and cutaway, plus, explanations to the various sounds it makes and the most common problems when servicing or maintaining.
#planetarygear #planetgear #planetgearset #planetarygearset #SubaruAmbassador #SubaruAmbassadorRobert #TR690 #HTTR690 #Lineartronic #CVT
submitted by Robert_Mauro to SubaruAscent [link] [comments]

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It's on if you are wondering.
What I was wondering about is can I play as a strong mf ? Like the game keeps describing my character in a weak manner constantly. It says my character has delicate shoulders, it says the sister's bf can beat me up and Imre has to save me like I am some damsel in distress. I don't relate to this at all. Does it get better or is the game just not for me?
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2024.12.01 01:41 TheFairySeshMother Love song recommendation

Long story but need help here. Me & my soulmate spent 10+ years on & off together cant live with cant live without kinda thang ya know? Our fave bands to send songversations by communication using specific songs were a song said what we felt. Interjection btw im a journalist with so this should be easy for me but iv been on a weekender with bestos & my brains on a come down so need help please thing is i broke up with him 4 years ago (he called me his rocket queen since the start) in an act nutter madness which iv regrettinge every day since caused by a long & emotional rollercoaster &we've been a long game having aspd & bpd well lets just say when i broke off i TOTALLY destroyed his whole life & hes still recovering from the impact of the breakup 4 years ago so fast forward to april 24 he went out his way to get my attention X & he got it ax7 guns n roses bfmv def leppard & biffy clyro can anyone suggest a good song in this kinda area that could be about unrequitted love from a her to him standpoint? Perhaps a female singer? I need a song that says im sorry iv changed il never hurt u again let go of the past & star over afresh & if uv this far thank u very much so suggestions are appreciated cheers guys
submitted by TheFairySeshMother to PowerMetal [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:41 binkb0nk UC App Issue w/ 0 Unit Class

To my understanding we have to input all of our classes exactly as is from our CC under the coursework section. Almost every semester, I’ve taken a 0 unit non credit tutoring course that shows up on my CC transcript with a “pass” as the grade. However, when I try to input this for my coursework I get a notification saying that any class I input has to be over 0 units. Idk what to do here or how to surpass this. I used TAP to transfer my courses and didn’t have any issues inputting the course there. PLEASE HELP :’)
submitted by binkb0nk to TransferStudents [link] [comments]

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2024.12.01 01:41 Aggravating_Craft281 Boruto Fic request. Saskue and sakura's son they though died

6 years before sarada is born sasuke and sakura had a son, who was killed before their eyes as a baby by an enemy.
They never tell sarada about her older brother.
During a mission in another village that is weeks away from konoha sarada is separated from her team ( she was put on another team for this mission) and is about to be killed when a man in a cloak and mask saves her and kills her attackers easily.
The masked man picks her up carries her to a little cabin in the woods that seemed to appear out of nowhere. (He had flared his charka so Seals that he created that hide his home would deactive) the man never speaks to her, just heals her wounds as best as he could and feeds her.
When she is healed but she still can't walk he carries her, all the way to konoha, sneaks past the guards gets into the hokage tower and holds her in his arms waiting for morning.
In the morning naruro arrives and when he sees sarada in a masked man's arms he flares his charka alerting saskue and sakura who where on their way to the hokage tower.
When they arrive He gives sarada to her mother sakura, and secretly leaves an invisible and undectiable mark on sarada that will let him teleport to her when she is in danger, while moving hair away from her face, he then to the shock of everyone activates the sharigan, so he can remember sarada's face forever. He then teleports using his own version of the flying thunder god technique.
Every time sarada is in mortal danger he appears no matter where she is.
submitted by Aggravating_Craft281 to NarutoFanfiction [link] [comments]

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2024.12.01 01:41 ReadyCareer7355 Umbanda

Embora algumas pessoas tenham conhecimento disso, muitas ainda não sabem que sou umbandista.
O problema reside no fato de que, sempre que menciono minha religião, a primeira reação daqueles que não a compreendem é associá-la a práticas como a macumba, o demônio ou o diabo.
A questão fundamental é que a verdadeira umbanda, não a distorcida por alguns de seus próprios frequentadores, não envolve fazer mal a ninguém em momento algum. A umbanda acredita que, independentemente dos erros do passado, o que realmente importa é o que se aprendeu com eles.
Quando alguém chega a um centro, terreiro ou casa de umbanda com um pedido para separar um casal, por exemplo, essa pessoa deve ser orientada e informada de que, ao buscar atrasar a vida de outra pessoa, está, na verdade, retardando seu próprio desenvolvimento espiritual. Como disse Alan Kardec: "Nascer, viver, morrer, renascer ainda e progredir sempre, tal é a Lei". Nossa missão neste mundo é progredir constantemente, renovando-nos diariamente para o bem. Nesse contexto, recordo uma citação de Chico Xavier que aprecio: "Tudo passa e tudo se renova na Terra."
A Umbanda se dedica à caridade, à simplicidade e à humildade, concentrando-se, sobretudo, na orientação, no amadurecimento e no fortalecimento de nossa própria fé.
Acreditamos que, independentemente da intercessão de nossos guias e mentores espirituais, nada se realiza sem a nossa fé, nossa determinação e nossa capacidade de lutar para alcançar nossos objetivos.
Nesse caminho, não incluímos prejudicar, atrasar ou interferir na vida de outras pessoas, pois, como aprendi com Xangô, a verdadeira justiça vem da retidão, e justo é aquele que tem a consciência tranquila.
A Umbanda é mais do que uma religião, é um caminho de luz, amor e aprendizado. Convida-nos a trilhar o rumo da verdadeira justiça, baseada na retidão e na paz de espírito. Nosso compromisso é com a caridade, a simplicidade e a humildade, e nosso objetivo é o fortalecimento da fé, do amor e da compreensão.
Aqui, não encontramos espaço para prejudicar ou atrasar a vida de outros, pois reconhecemos que nossa jornada espiritual é única e sagrada. Em vez disso, celebramos o crescimento pessoal e o bem comum.
Na Umbanda, encontramos um refúgio onde a fé é a luz que nos guia, a esperança é a força que nos impulsiona e o amor é o elo que nos une.
Com sincera dedicação, convidamos a todos a explorar a essência profunda da Umbanda. Embora possa parecer incomum incluir citações espíritas neste breve retrato da Umbanda, é precisamente aí que reside a magia desta prática espiritual.
Na Umbanda, abraçamos a diversidade e a pluralidade de crenças, entendendo que a verdade de cada indivíduo é única e sagrada. Quem sou eu para julgar a sua verdade? Quem é você para julgar a minha? Neste caminho de amor, respeito e espiritualidade, celebramos a pluralidade das Umbandas, reconhecendo que há espaço para todas as verdades e todas as jornadas.
Viva a Umbanda, viva às Umbandas, e que essa jornada de descoberta espiritual enriqueça nossas vidas e nos una em harmonia e compreensão.
Axé, Amém, Namastê, Shalom.
submitted by ReadyCareer7355 to Umbanda [link] [comments]

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