FBW Issues (A380 & A320)

2024.12.01 01:51 Single-Accident-394 FBW Issues (A380 & A320)

I have installed the FBW A380 and A320 and none of them work properly. When I load up the A320 the cockpit screens are all black with on of them saying "If you're seeing this, instrument didn't load"
And for the A380, I can't seem to turn on the engines as none of the cockpit switches work for me, the front steering wheel of the plane is always turned to the left(see attached pics)
I have uninstalled both the planes and reinstalled them (again with FBW installer) but to no success. I have also reinstalled flight simulator but nothing has changed.
Does anyone know what's wrong?
submitted by Single-Accident-394 to MicrosoftFlightSim [link] [comments]

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submitted by TheScorchedKing to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

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This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
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Can anyone confirm that I will be able to board with two personal plus a suitcase?
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I typically water sparingly but did water briefly yesterday
It gets a good amount of sunlight based on the sun position
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2024.12.01 01:51 cookiesandcreamzz 21F hiii talk to mee please !

tell me something abt your day, like just yap to me if you're bored too. i just need someone to talk to.
ykw maybe it even becomes long-term, then u can send me music recs and we can be friends and call and stuff or u can stream to me while you listen to me say random stuff or whatever. but yeah, hopefully we vibe!! send me a chat :>
if i haven't responded yet, i've probably fallen asleep TT
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