Is friendly fire really necessary in left 4 dead games , back 4 blood I think expert would still be difficult with out getting shot by your team by accident

2024.12.01 01:39 Emotional_Finance_13 Is friendly fire really necessary in left 4 dead games , back 4 blood I think expert would still be difficult with out getting shot by your team by accident

Would friendly fire off nerf these games I find it's an unnecessary game feature
submitted by Emotional_Finance_13 to l4d2 [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:39 Piratedking12 THIS is how you troll people complaining

Not throwing bitch fits. Good job jet actually having a sense of humor about it and not going baby mode
submitted by Piratedking12 to fishtanklive [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:39 NewspaperOtherwise83 I think I have a crush on my teacher

First of all I live in a country where student and teacher relationships are not a reason to get fired (but they're still seen as not ideal). We're both on our late twenties, he's even two years younger. And he'll stop being my teacher in about 2 months.
He noticed me since the introduction day but we didn't talk for weeks until I approach him to ask him for feedback. I told him I could email my project to him but he suggested we could do it face to face. At that point I didn't really think he was that attractive. That was our first interaction ever and since then he always helps me when I ask him for help which has been a lot recently.
I've caught him looking at me and then he looks away when I notice it. For example I was applying lipstick and he was looking at me and when I noticed he looked away.
Then last two weeks he's been sitting super close to me, like really close to the point we brushed against each other. He doesn't do that with others. There's also some playful banter between us but nothing too obvious. He always winks at me when saying goodbye. And he also reassures me after an assessment that I shouldn't worry because I have for sure passed the assessment which he doesn't do with other students (I asked them). I started to develop a strong crush on him. He's tall, soft spoken, nerdy (I'm doing computer science).
So I might be over thinking but it seems he has more considerations with me. I'm a good student so I understand why other teachers like me (as a student) but this seems like something else?
submitted by NewspaperOtherwise83 to Crushes [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:39 azhurite 70% win rate... almost 9000 trophies...

70% win rate... almost 9000 trophies... submitted by azhurite to ClashRoyale [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:39 One_Concern1284 What foreshadowing/knowledge do you want earlier on in the story??

Hey Everyone,
Just curious what foreshadowing/knowledge you think they could sprinkle in casually in the earlier seasons. A couple things that come to mind is

  1. The flesh memories for snitches. Totally makes sense why they have them but maybe could be added in when Harry learns about quidditch in S1 so its a big through line to s7
  2. Neville using his dad's wand for the first 5 books. Maybe somewhere in 1-4 Neville talks about it with a teacher or something. Kinda show us early on that Neville isn't great at magic at the start because of the wand not talent.
What do you think of those and anything else you want to add?
submitted by One_Concern1284 to HarryPotteronHBO [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:39 Okoeguale Couple Uses $12,000 Wedding Fund to Save Injured Dog Found on Road: ‘She’s Part of the Family Now’

Couple Uses $12,000 Wedding Fund to Save Injured Dog Found on Road: ‘She’s Part of the Family Now’ submitted by Okoeguale to nottheonion [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:39 krzysztofgetthewings I am closing my business, but I'd like to continue selling product online. Suggestions?

I have operated a small spa for the last several years, and I was the sole proprietor. As of January 1st, I will be closing my spa to pursue another full time job opportunity. I will be maintaining my license and never plan on letting it go.
My business does have a website that I mostly used to show my hours, the services I offer, and the prices. I have never sold much retail product in store, and have never sold anything online. Ideally I'd like to turn my website into a drop shipping platform but I don't know the first thing about doing that.
Any do's and don't's? Recommended drop shipping companies?
submitted by krzysztofgetthewings to Esthetics [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:39 Ok_Cook_7244 [Pc] Summon Me :)

I would help you with any bossfight you want:))
submitted by Ok_Cook_7244 to BeyondTheFog [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:39 gamegod123 Disturbing the Neighbors?

I never really thought about it until now (3rd year). It worries me that all of the flashing lights might be disturbing the neighbors across the street. Should I be concerned? No one has ever said anything to me but this was the first year I added a pixel tree into the display and I’m worried people might find it to be too much. Anybody else have this issue?
submitted by gamegod123 to lightorama [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:39 IceFlat8285 M22 - UK - Looking to make some friends

Not doing much this Saturday night. Anyone wanna talk and see where it goes. Drop me a message and we can get to know each other. 👋
submitted by IceFlat8285 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:39 Beneficial_Plan_3731 The Anne-Gilbert-Winifred love triangle ruined Gilbert and Anne’s romance for me.

Love triangles are messy by default, but to involve Gilbert in a love triangle where he half-heartedly courts Winifred and has apparently always loved Anne feels messy and makes him very disagreeable to me. He progressed so far into a relationship with Winifred that her kind father, who always treated him well and like an equal, offered him the world on a plate in addition to his daughter’s hand in marriage, and Gilbert allowed it all to progress this far despite apparently having underlying feelings for Anne for several years. As kind as he may be, Gilbert’s justification, when breaking the news to Winifred that he will not be proposing to her, that he simply didn’t know until he suddenly knew is such a weak justification that it’s hardly one at all.
I don’t find Gilbert abruptly choosing Anne over a well-settled life in Paris, studying at the Sorbonne and engaged to an intelligent, kind, and cleverly funny girl, romantic. Rather than being elated that Gilbert and Anne would finally be together, I felt upset on Winifred’s behalf and could only imagine her humiliation and heartbreak.
Meanwhile, Gilbert and Anne’s romance relies heavily on us, the audience, knowing that they’re the official pairing in the books. Gilbert and Anne’s relationship is neutral at best for most of the series, occasionally skirting into amicable, and the only real indication of Anne’s apparent feelings for Gilbert is her unexplored and fierce jealousy toward Winifred after a sudden spark of attraction toward Gilbert in S3E5. The beginning of the relationship that we’re shown between Anne and Gilbert really only had time to develop in between S3E5 and S3E10. Meanwhile, even if it was mostly offscreen, Gilbert and Winifred are a presumed couple from S3E2 onward.
Again, in writing a love triangle, the writers and showrunner relied on shallow tropes and writing decisions that ruined the romance and tenderness of the dynamics in the novels. I would much rather have seen a play on Anne’s jealousy toward Gilbert’s girl-friend, presumed to be his girlfriend and fiancée, at Redmond College, as shown in *Anne of the Island,* and the dawning realization that she loves Gilbert when Gilbert almost dies from unexpected illness.
submitted by Beneficial_Plan_3731 to Anne [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:39 Classic-Reflection87 That feeling when the whole family is back (most)

That feeling when the whole family is back (most) submitted by Classic-Reflection87 to Gunners [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:39 DetectiveDocAaru the hardest part in the game! i

the hardest part in the game! i who made this?
submitted by DetectiveDocAaru to IndianGaming [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:39 Historical-Back-865 Juan or Gus flex?

And Burrow or Daniels?
submitted by Historical-Back-865 to Fantasy_Football [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:39 Fireborn_Knight Searching for a PCB part name. Info below

Searching for a PCB part name. Info below So I've been looking for both of these parts for about 6 months on and off now, but I don't have a clue what it is.
The part in question is shown on an "EMG terminal buss", which is a connection break out for EMG pickups for guitars, and the "EMG 9v power buss"
They have both on board version, and a free floating version. Both are 1x6 pin, 2.54 pich, tube like thing that allows for jst/dupont female connectors to fit in, while the tube itself has 6 linked pins used for 9v battery supply for their various guitar components (the red ones). They also have a non liked on board version that is used for the break out connectors for their parts.(The black one)
If possible, I'm interested in finding both the through board version for a breakout board I'm making, and the off board version for the 9v connectors since I liked the idea of having the female ends of my ground cables join up on onf of these rails.
Thanks in advanced!
submitted by Fireborn_Knight to AskElectronics [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:39 Turbulent-Thing3104 [WordGirl]

[WordGirl] submitted by Turbulent-Thing3104 to explainthisscreen [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:39 blickywiththestiffy Need Serious Advice

10-Man, PPR, 1QB. Started the year 0-6, and currently 6-6 and holding down the 4 seed for the final playoff spot.
There are two other teams at 6-6, but I am 2nd in PF. Currently winning 53.7 to 15.7 but projected to lose 130.60 to 136.70 to the 1 seed.
Do I start Taysom or Otton at TE? I can’t start both as Henry is in my Flex (started Achane and Monty at RB) and WRs are ARSB and Puka.
submitted by blickywiththestiffy to fantasyfootballadvice [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:39 Particular_Rate9832 [mobile] [2015??] a game about a sheriff lady killing zombies.

the moves where kicking. and gun and i dont remember any other moves. it had levels and pretty cool 2d game
you could only move foward and backwards. if you moved backwards the lady wouldn't rotate the direction instead just walk backwards
submitted by Particular_Rate9832 to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:39 Left_Painter_4441 Base building help

I SUCK at building i normally just watch a video with my town hall layout and just paste it in and let it be but i want to make my own but don't know when to start
submitted by Left_Painter_4441 to ClashOfClans [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:39 Sad_Let_9313 2 more voting drivers get tickets because Doug Ford put bicycles in car traffic.

2 more voting drivers get tickets because Doug Ford put bicycles in car traffic. submitted by Sad_Let_9313 to TacticalUrbanism [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:39 DJBENEFICIAL Mono x fails at same time

I've tried 2 different prints, both have failed at the same (roughly 75% of the way through the print) failure is just a clean stop on all parts of the model. The display screen also doesn't say "print completed at 100%, it just stays at 100% and freezes (I have to turn it off and back on to do anything). Please help! Let me know if you've run into this or have any guidance, thanks!
submitted by DJBENEFICIAL to AnycubicPhoton [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:39 JadedCat18 Symptoms

I got diagnosed with vestibular migraines years ago but I haven't actually had a hardcore episode in a few years. Well unluckily for me the past month has been hell because I'm in an episode (I believe it was triggered by extreme stress.) I have an MRI ordered and a neurologist appointment but it's not for months yet. I've been having extra symptoms that I didn't have before. Who knows if the diagnosis is even accurate honestly. Do any of these symptoms resonate with people?

submitted by JadedCat18 to VestibularMigraines [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:39 vrwriter78 Any Hellenic Pagan Witches? I started a new subreddit (Crosspost)

Hello everyone! I asked for permission to post this (thank you Kai-ote). I am a Hellenic Pagan Witch and I decided to create a new subreddit for people who work with or worship Hellenic (Greek) deities and wanted a more inclusive space to discuss different practices.
The reason I created it is mostly because I've seen some people feel a bit like they don't fit in some of the other Hellenic polytheist communities that have a very traditional, historical emphasis. So my goal is a friendly and eclectic space that welcomes both historical practices and modern neo-pagan practices.
I'm of the mind that's helpful to know some of the history, but we also need to allow for UPG (unverified personal gnosis). So both viewpoints are welcome as long as everyone is friendly and openminded. I also wanted a space that is magic/witch friendly.
So any of you who are interested in Greek dieties or who already work with Greek deities in your practice, are welcome to join.
Blessed be.
submitted by vrwriter78 to EclecticWitch [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:39 Total_Welcome_9760 I can't do this anymore

I'm only hurting myself. I have to detach and disconnect from him for my own well being.
submitted by Total_Welcome_9760 to twinflames [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:39 Tasty_Resident_2427 Can anyone trade?

Can anyone trade? Add me in Monopoly GO! My Friend Code is MGO926JPQ5RG
submitted by Tasty_Resident_2427 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]