2024.12.01 01:38 PretendElevator2 Emotional changes after a concussion
I got a concussion almost 4 weeks ago, and have been struggling with symptoms ever since - it’s improving very slowly, as long as I don’t do too much. (I have a slight theory that my symptoms are as bad as they are still because I went in for quite a stressful day at work after the injury rather than going straight to A&E…)
One thing I’d like advice/to hear other people’s experiences about is the emotional regulation. I’ve always felt all my feelings very strongly, and have spent the last decade and a half learning how to process this, untangle my thoughts from feelings, etc. Since the concussion, it feels as if all that work has disappeared, and I’m processing things as if I’m a teenager again (in my early 30s now). It’s draining, and I’m trying to avoid any emotive environments as I don’t think my poor little brain could cope with it. My moods are all over the place, and I’m finding that old hurts (formative childhood experiences) that I’d been making peace with are feeling very fresh again.
I think part of this is because I can’t do some of my usual Mental Health Hygiene at the moment - I can’t write my journal as I usually do daily to help unstable my thoughts - but part of it feels like Emotions Are Different Currently.
Does anyone else have experiences like this post concussion? Has anyone found anything that helps? Does it get better?
submitted by PretendElevator2 to Concussion [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 01:38 Street-Dependent-647 American justice
submitted by Street-Dependent-647 to cantstopimamerican [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 01:38 Geeze423 Is this L or F? TYIA
submitted by Geeze423 to PoloRalphLauren [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 01:38 JealousAnxiety5828 He’s perfect
submitted by JealousAnxiety5828 to bettafish [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 01:38 CorduroyMcTweed I bet the top rotates...
submitted by CorduroyMcTweed to UnexpectedMyst [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 01:38 petpman Baby McDonald's Nugget
submitted by petpman to mildlyinteresting [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 01:38 DarkAngel6297 Where should I request to play a tracker module song file?
submitted by DarkAngel6297 to amiga [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 01:38 Odd-Bad600 Ukrainian president says NATO membership can end 'hot phase' of war
submitted by Odd-Bad600 to freenews6872 [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 01:38 ToothChipperz This is my favorite Emote from Chapter 5. What's yours...
submitted by ToothChipperz to FortNiteBR [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 01:38 Brio-Rivka I love you!!!! Whoever reads this!?!?
If you see this post, let it be a checkpoint for your mental health. Take a break from whatever you’re reading or scrolling through. Stop looking through comments for arguments. Stop engaging in these arguments online. I want you to take care of yourself first. The world wants you to take care of yourself first. It doesn’t matter who you are. This shit is so bad for the soul. Please take care of yourself, I love you and enjoy your day. Ingat lagi 💞
submitted by Brio-Rivka to MentalHealthPH [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 01:38 ActivateGuacamole Regieleki right now: 0884 2910 4117
submitted by ActivateGuacamole to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 01:38 chopper365 Best Streaming Service To Watch Real Madrid vs Getafe La Liga Match from Europe in HD/4K
Stream the Real Madrid vs Getafe La Liga match in Europe with Zest4K.com.
2024.12.01 01:38 fire_iDrxp123 Next event/theme
So basically there will be another frenzy mode and shot clock challenge for nba emirates cup theme but they haven’t said anything about who will be the player card for the new shot clock challenge but probably on monday or Tuesday they’ll announce what or which cards will be in the next theme
submitted by fire_iDrxp123 to NBA2KMOBILE_ [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 01:38 wewdwtnizrub Allergy Buyers Club Black Friday 2024 Promo Code
Discover the Allergy Buyers Club Black Friday 2024 Promo Code
Unlock Savings of up to 70% with Allergy Buyers Club Promo Codes in December 2024.
submitted by wewdwtnizrub to YoursCoupea [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 01:38 Chart-trader EWZ: Brazil got hammered after being threatened a 100% tariff. I am sitting on a roughly 10% loss. However we are sitting at major support here. If we break below Brazil is basically toast (some say it is anyway).
submitted by Chart-trader to Beat_the_benchmark [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 01:38 Extreme_Nectarine_29 Polkadot 2.0 to Launch in Q1 2025, Development at Final Stages
submitted by Extreme_Nectarine_29 to CryptoCurrency [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 01:38 Pure-Stretch-1207 Typical British empire *where the sun never sets*
We all know submitted by Pure-Stretch-1207 to CallOfWar [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 01:38 nurmeinezweicents Muss ich aktiv werden zwecks neuem Glasfaseranschluss?
Servus, kleine Frage weil ich mich mit der Materie null auskenne,
Folgendes Szenario:
ich wohne im Altbau uraltes Haus,
aktuell beziehe ich einen VDSL Anschluss über Telefonbuchse TAE 100MBit bei o2.
Jetzt war vor ca. einer Woche ein recht aufdirnglicher Futzi von der Telekom, wie er sagte, da. Als ich ihn gebeten habe sich auszuweisen, hatte er mir einen QR Code von seinem Namensschild gegeben, dabei kam dann raus das er für Ranger arbeitet und lediglich Produktberater ist. Jedenfalls fing er direkt an mir zu erzählen er bräuchte unbedingt meine Kundennr. vom aktuellen (o2) Provider von mir, er wolle einen Technikertermin ausmachen zwecks "ummelden" etc, er hat recht schnell, für mich recht unverständlich gesprochen sodass ich ihm dann auch ohne Umschweife sagte so, an der Haustür, gebe ich prinzipiell nie Daten o.ä. raus, er solle mir doch eine Mail oder einen Brief schicken. Ist er nicht wirklich drauf eingegangen. Er meinte ich müsste zur Telekom wechseln, es würde aber zu meinen aktuellen Konditionen bei o2 laufen und nur auf dem Papier würde sich für mich was ändern. Ich müsse es aber machen, da ich sonst in einigen Wochen ohne Telefon und Internet dastehe. Naja, daraufhin meinte er dann ich soll einfach eine Telekom Hotline anrufen, die er mir dann noch gegeben hat und ich solle dort doch bitte erwähnen wer er ist. War auf jeden fall ein komischer Typ, der mir dann noch stolz von seinem neuen Auto und seinem aktuellen Gehalt (?) erzählte..
FF ein bisschen: Ich hab dann mit meiner Vermieterin telefoniert (die sich mit der ganzen Sache auch nicht sooo auskennt, sie ist auch schon etwas älter) sie hat dann bestätigt, dass sie wohl im Rahmen der aktuellen Glasfaser Förderung einem solchen Anschluss im Keller zugestimmt hat. Sie hat aber auch direkt gesagt, dass sie glaubt bestehende Telefonleitungen seien davon unbetroffen und für mich würde sich nur was ändern, bzw ich müsse nur aktiv werden wenn ich ebenfalls Glasfaser haben möchte. Das beißt sich ja etwas mit dem was mir der Berater da gesagt hat. Ich weiß natürlich, dass der wahrscheinlich nur daran interessiert ist Verträge/Dienstleistungen an den Mann zu bringen trotzdem bin ich mir unsicher.
Natürlich habe ich vor am Montag bei der Telekom Hotline anzurufen und mich da durchzufragen, aber letztlich denke ich, dass auch die dort daran interessiert sind Geld zu verdienen und wie ehrlich da mit einem umgegangen wird, ist meiner Erfahrung nach dann auch einfach Glück wen man am Ende der Leitung sitzen hat, deswegen hier meine Frage an euch, kann mir jemand genau sagen was ich aktuell tun sollte? So wie ich es verstanden habe kommt dann eine Glasfaserleitung in den Keller und da frage ich mich, kann das von dort einfach wie gewohnt über meine Kupferleitung in meine TAE Buchse laufen?
Prinzipiell stehe ich Glasfaser recht offen gegenüber, Lust auf einen Providerwechsel habe ich aber eheeeer nicht, wenn es nicht sein muss. 100MBit reichen mir vollkommen.
Danke für jede Hilfe 😊
submitted by nurmeinezweicents to de_EDV [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 01:38 Present_Attorney_743 I’m trying to get a new computer. I’ll draw anything you want for 50$
submitted by Present_Attorney_743 to artcommissions [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 01:38 I_hate_math_sorry I want to dropout of highschool
I just turned 17 recently this last october. I realized that i don't know if i have the will or ability to finish highschool the way that i want or planned. My grades have been honor roll this whole time from 8th to 11th. As a now senior i decided to take 3 AP classes. I have AP Art which i enjoy, AP Psych which i also enjoy, and AP Literature which i do not enjoy but stayed in due to the fact that staying means that i do not have to do a senior portfolio to graduate which is important to me since i balance a part time job and don't plan to go to college immediately and simply dont havethe time to be worrying about an extra set of work. The homework i get from these classes alone feels like a lot and barely manageable.
Recently my history teacher assigned us 3 assignments before thanksgiving break. Two of which are group projects (i do not like anyone in the class and am already worried abou trying to figure this out by myself). One is due 3 days after i get back and the other is due 5-7 days after we get back. The other one we were assigned to do as homework during break. I didnt realize that being in his class would be the equivalent of AP stress because as far as i know it isn't what i signed up for. My counselor is not going to help me switch any of my classes. I don't really want to except for my history teacher. But with the amount of stress i have, im spending all of my days off of work catching up on homework. It is extremely isolating and i don't like anyone at school to trust them anyways. But the point is it sucks. And i don't feel like i can do it anymore. The thought of school increases my already depressed self and every other day while im at work i contemplate killing myself. Literally debating it and what would be the best way to do it and everything I don't have money or access to therapy. I think the easiest thing and what seems the most healthy is to drop out and hope that i can get into a trade eventually and keep working, saving, and starting my life. It feels like the most stable thing. If i can't make myself feel better then maybe i can rearrange my life into a place i am actually fulfilled with. Maybe that will change how i feel about myself and life.
My mom's already freaking out about having Bs and Cs because i usually get straight As and like one B. Right now i have all Bs and C every once in a while when i get a missing assignment which i usually fix. She's making comments about how im basically about to fail and how im not going to go anywhere and how my life is on a downward spiral because my grades aren't exactly where theyre normally and how i have to promise to raise them. Ngl i slack a little bit but its not intentional and its either because i fall asleep (i may have narcolepsy . i have a sleep study scheduled in january. Regardless my mom thinks i use it as an excuse too much) or i just don't have the mental stimulation from being so depressed so i wait until i have the time to focus on it so i don't actually screw it up or end up having a sleep atrack trying to do it. Which i end up using the time to sleep anyways so i can get through the next period. I only do this if i feel like i can find time to do it outside of class. Either way i catch up and figure it out though. My mom's input mames me feel extra hopeless about myself and how i see where im at. Even if i seem to be doing fine and like i can handle the "encouragement" i feel like im doing all i can and if it still isn't enough then i don't want to deal with lectures anymore.
Anyways, i know that technically im so close to graduating but i don't feel like i can do it. It feels like i either sacrifice my mental health or i sacrafice my school. My mom would probably say to stop working. And although i get the logic with that, i feel panicked about starting my life late. Im trying to gtfo as soon as possible. Right now work is the only thing that ends up being a pretty decent part of my day/life aside from having too much time to myself to get in my head. I feel productive. And i know that the money i earn with my work will get me somewhere. Waiting around for 9 more months for school to end feels like im doing nothing for myself. The only solution that feels reliable is to
Gain control of my life instead of trying to balance a power struggle of what i want vs. Societal norms and expectations Do this by: dropping out and using my current knowledge to obtain a GED and go into trade for something i like (cooking) Saving money, close my joint bank with my mom to start my own bank account at 18 Saving for a car and trying to obtain enough independance to eventually get in my name so i dont share with parents and leave eventually
I don't want to stay feeling stuck like this in life and thinking about all my fallouts with people and school. I realize thats the only thing that makes me feel as miserable as i do and if i cant break free from such toxic cycles and environements i can be alright. I dont care about senior traditions and i went to prom last year. I just need to know if theres any way i can do it this early or if i have to wait until i basically graduate which could be never if i end up offing myself (ik i sound dramatic but i really do get days that feel that bad). I don't really know how else to go about myself here
Any advice?
2024.12.01 01:38 No-Anteater-2912 Got my dye stealer on 11dpo, currently cd 3
I can finally post my tests. I had a very strong positive very early on. 100% know my ovulation date so when I started spotting I was worried. Currently 4 weeks 1 day and I had my dye stealer on 11dpo. hcg draws 291 on the 26th, 471 on the 27th and 5000 on the 29th. submitted by No-Anteater-2912 to TFABLinePorn [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 01:38 Aggravating-Ad5544 Pikaclaus
Community owned coin guys, get in right now and let’s get it to the moon, we pushed to a 700k MC after getting rugg pulled, need to show these people what communities can do when we come together 🚀🚀🚀🚀 Join the discord🚀🚀 Be apart of the movement 🚀 https://discord.gg/8jMEBgWm submitted by Aggravating-Ad5544 to SolanaMemeCoins [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 01:38 Suitable-Evidence538 Fear
Hello. I love this sub and laugh out loud when people are banned, so if this is my turn for being stupid, I am ready. that said- I have a question on fear.
I know this works. I have experienced so many successes and I know more are sure to come.
I feel fear, often. I am aware my circumstances are merely effects, and not causes. I have done the "inner work" for years, and have had generally a very successful (can easily find gratitude) life despite painful failure, (which I suppose is the story of most if not all humans). My mission im currently on is for financial abundance, a career worth having, investing in.
Fear often grips me. It never says "I won't get my career" or "this doesn't work". on the contrary I know this is working. but the fear keeps saying "it hasn't happened yet", and then I spin out for a few hours. I can affirm, imagine myself back on track generally quickly- but my question is this.
Do I need to "let go" of the fear before I can continue on my mission, or will it subside as I persist. and if it is the former, how do I do that without losing my progress on my current mission. the fear then gives way to new fear like "because I was afraid, have I now squandered my mission. will I know create more evidence and fear based circumstances in my life?"
I am following the 4 steps in the index as my main process, as well as personally I just like to gratitude journal, affirm though the day, and take inventory of where im not forgiving/being a jerk, and changing those patterns over the course of days.
submitted by Suitable-Evidence538 to JosephMurphy [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 01:38 Zealousideal-Ad7707 New bike can't get wheel on
I just got a new bike online am I stupid or did this front fork come messed up
submitted by Zealousideal-Ad7707 to bicycling [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 01:38 Tatem1961 How did Son Masayoshi become the richest person in Japan despite being a 3rd generation Zainichi Korean, a group that has faced massive discrimination in Japan for more than a century?
submitted by Tatem1961 to AskHistorians [link] [comments]