Considering picking up a Polk Audio MagniFi Max AX SR setup

2024.12.01 01:40 deeedubb Considering picking up a Polk Audio MagniFi Max AX SR setup

Anyone have any feedback on these units? It's a full 7.1.2 system and would replace out my Samsung HW A650.
The retail is $899, but I have a hookup and can get it for half price at $449.
submitted by deeedubb to Soundbars [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:40 Fistic1 Gabby R, 105 lbs of cute

Gabby R, 105 lbs of cute submitted by Fistic1 to boxingbeauties [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:40 Unlikely_Night_9031 Work place harassment/defamation

Im having a lot of struggles in the workplace. I have been harassed by several people, even my manager making comments about my mental health. People and insinuated that I take cocaine and there are massive underlining insinuations about much more hostile/disgustingly horrible things. I have complained the HR several times and was forwarding copies of the emails to my personal email, but then all the emails from my personal account were deleted without be doing so so I don't have the records anymore and my work emails expire after so many days. HR has said to me that they either did not investigate the complaint or it was not valid and even challenged me on my I thought it was harrasssment. I think it's a case where people are insinuating things to my face or around me enough for me to make the connection to they are talking about and that it's directed at me (by doing impersatioms of me or repeating things I recently said) but obviously not direct enough for me to be able to make a solid accusation about rumours people have started. I honestly don't know what to do and my life has been ruined by this. I have been trying to get a new job for over a year now and am at my wits end. I want to get a lawyer but I don't have any much tangible evidence and doubt anyone has made and public publications. I have no friends at my work. I feel that a serious legal investigation needs to take place but am concerned people will lie and my professional reputation will be damaged further. Looking for advice on this.
submitted by Unlikely_Night_9031 to legaladvicecanada [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:40 Hour_Yogurt_4132 ¿Hola, alguien para hablar?

Veo que todos lo hacen, para ver cuanta gente quiere platicar
submitted by Hour_Yogurt_4132 to RedditPregunta [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:40 aert4w5g243t3g243 What are the most popular beginner (almost meme level) watches for under $100?

Quick background: i used to wear gshocks as a kid. Wore no watch for years and then wore a garmin for the last 10. Been experimenting with wearing “normal” watches and gshocks again.
I’m basically a complete beginner, so I’m basically just buying the “most popula highest recommended” for cheap until i can really figure out what i like, and then maybe id spend more on something else. Also buying just what i think looks cool.
Here’s my small CHEAP collection (not including anything over $100)

I think I’ve got the sporty models covered lol, but i really like how the duro and even a168 look on the wrist.
What watches can i add to this collection to test out some different styles and sizes?
submitted by aert4w5g243t3g243 to Watches [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:40 ChargerstoLA Sony A7000 Open Box for $318. One more left in Burbank

Just bought one in Cali and there is one more available online at the Burbank location.
submitted by ChargerstoLA to Soundbars [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:40 ID-Overlander Old Jeep FC

Old Jeep FC Another old FC. This one is used as Zamboni for an outdoor ice rink
submitted by ID-Overlander to Jeep [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:40 Lavendermink13 What's the creepiest/ perverted thing a customer has said to you?

I have a lot of stories but this one comes to mind. I am a 36f working in a grocery store. About 4 years ago, I was kneeling stocking the meat counter and I guess my underwear was showing a bit. Later I had to go on register and a much older man comes up to my lane and asks if he can give me a compliment. I say sure thinking is would be about customer service or something and he proceeds to tell me that he loved the way my underwear was sticking out of my pants and it looked so good against my complexion. I started wearing high-waisted pants from then on.
submitted by Lavendermink13 to retailhell [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:40 HailSneazer Here’s Criag Allen Gar, yes I know the paint job isn’t great

Here’s Criag Allen Gar, yes I know the paint job isn’t great submitted by HailSneazer to PrintedWarhammer [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:40 Saltedline Georgia sees third night of mass protests after ruling party suspends EU talks

Georgia sees third night of mass protests after ruling party suspends EU talks submitted by Saltedline to worldnews [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:40 CharismaRIS New Team added(SNC) Team Builder

Gamertag-Thunderdragon410: (*Masonville Sharks) PS5
submitted by CharismaRIS to NCAAFootball25 [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:40 SnooGiraffes5682 Failing Bio 1306

I’m taking biology 1306 right now with Dr. Farmer and I feel like an absolute failure. Everyone is getting high grades and I have yet to pass a single test. the finals coming up and I am scared. even with extra credit, I might end up failing this class and I literally can’t because of my financial aid. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.
submitted by SnooGiraffes5682 to UniversityOfHouston [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:40 venomforty it changed my life

it changed my life submitted by venomforty to TheSubstance [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:40 Dull_Improvement5722 Help Needed - new to strike installations

Help Needed - new to strike installations Hey folks,
First time poster, long time lurker. I’ve been in I.T for some time and I just started taking a stab at installing an electric strike for the first time as a favour to a long time client.
I’m not new to readers and such, just the lock hardware.
As you can see in the picture, I’ve marked with pencil where my latch bolt will feed in to the strike. It is way too low for the strike the manufacturer recommended to me and I’m wondering if those of you who have experienced this can steer me into the right course of action and perhaps the right strike for this application?
The door had a mortise lock that used a deadbolt and Sargent tech support recommended that I replace it with their 32d lock body, which I did.
Thanks for your help.
submitted by Dull_Improvement5722 to accesscontrol [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:40 __mongoose__ How the compass works. Why E/W brings you back to origin.

submitted by __mongoose__ to trueearthscience [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:40 Rare-Argument-5070 I’m going to bed, bye!!

I’m going to bed happy this time, and now with a brand new christmas hat :p
shoutout u/sweeterthan-death for making it
submitted by Rare-Argument-5070 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:40 jammer311 Mocha Is Enjoying WWE Survivor Series: War Gamnes Tonight! Go Team Original Bloodline!

Mocha Is Enjoying WWE Survivor Series: War Gamnes Tonight! Go Team Original Bloodline! submitted by jammer311 to MilkMochaBear [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:40 zKaczor Is there any way to NOT include this temperature in the overall temperature?

Is there any way to NOT include this temperature in the overall temperature? My window air conditioner registers as a thermostat (via Matter) and is always registering extremely low (it’s not 39 degrees in the room). Is there any way to ignore this temperature reading in the Home?
submitted by zKaczor to HomeKit [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:40 i-dont-like-you888 one of the best movies i’ve seen

one of the best movies i’ve seen went to see wicked only because ariana was in it & i cried about 3 times 😭 1000000/10
submitted by i-dont-like-you888 to truearianators [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:40 Agreeable_Ladder2791 What are my chances of falling pregnant?

My (F) partner (M) and I had unprotected sex on day 6 of my cycle. He pulled out before he ejaculated and I also took a plan B twelve hours later. The thing that’s making me nervous is he had ejaculated (hands only, none of it got inside me then) about 45 minutes prior and only cleaned up with a towel. What are my chances of falling pregnant???
submitted by Agreeable_Ladder2791 to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:40 maevenimhurchu He gets it

He gets it submitted by maevenimhurchu to PornIsMisogyny [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:40 BobbyLucero Navratilova condemns New York Times for calling female athletes ‘non-transgender women’

Navratilova condemns New York Times for calling female athletes ‘non-transgender women’ submitted by BobbyLucero to lgbt [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:40 Caramelkizzzz Package stuck in walnut California since 11/27

Package stuck in walnut California since 11/27 Package was supposed to be delivered yesterday. Now no date and this generic message it’s always something with Fed ex
submitted by Caramelkizzzz to FedEx [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:40 Last-Bumblebee-4331 Looking for mouse suggestions.

Have had a model o for a few years now and want to get a new mouse.
Currently looking at the WLMouse Beast 8k Mini and a local seller has a Finalmouse Ultralight X Small. Open to suggestions
submitted by Last-Bumblebee-4331 to MouseReview [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:40 CarefulExaminer According to this week’s Watchtower: ‘Assist my brothers with food and drink when you see them hungry and thirsty and visit my brothers who are in prison’ = ‘Put your trust in my supposed brothers who are not hungry or thirsty or in prison and give them absolute obedience’

Can’t believe I once believed in this travesty! Why do they do so much injury to the scriptures? 😭
Even if Jesus’ words applied spiritually as Watchtower claims, and the food and drink were taken to be spiritual, would that not imply suggesting providing spirit food and drink to his brothers, instead of the other way around?
submitted by CarefulExaminer to exjw [link] [comments]