a little problem qith Gigabyte Control Center.

2024.12.01 02:20 Motor_Original2567 a little problem qith Gigabyte Control Center.

Well... after installing a couple of updates directly from G.C.C. I noticed the temperature of my G.P.U. rised almost 10 C°, and I dont know why. Normally the temperature was 32 - 34 C° without using any software but after the G.C.C. upgrades it raised between 40 - 42 C° with no software running...I tried to uninstall and then make a clean install of G.C.C. using the last version, but it was useless, the problem persist.
I´m using the latest drivers for my Nvidia RTX 4070, drivers and BIOS are updated, my case and fans are clean, so I can't figure it out what is the problem.
In the piture you can see the actual temperature with no software running, as I wrote, before the update was at 32 - 34 C°... now this :(
I hope someone can help me.
submitted by Motor_Original2567 to gigabyte [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 outilmary generateur silencieux 2835 kVa

generateur silencieux 2835 kVa
Description: generateur silencieux 2835 kVa
Lien Web: https://prixgroupeelectrogene.com/pubs/ge/6559-generateur-silencieux-2835-kva/
Autres: 2 KVA - 3 KVA - 4 KVA - 5 KVA - 6 KVA - 7 KVA - 8,5 Kva - 11 Kva - 14 Kva - 16 Kva - 17,5 Kva - 22 Kva - 23 Kva - 28 Kva - 33 Kva - 34 Kva - 35 Kva - 38 Kva - 40 Kva - 45 Kva - 50 Kva - 55 Kva - 62 Kva - 66 Kva - 71 Kva - 75 Kva - 77 Kva - 82 Kva - 88 Kva - 90 Kva - 100 Kva - 110 Kva - 125 Kva - 132 Kva - 150 Kva - 165 Kva - 175 Kva - 185 Kva - 190 Kva - 200 Kva - 220 Kva - 230 Kva - 250 Kva - 265 Kva - 275 Kva - 300 Kva - 330 Kva - 350 Kva - 360 Kva - 385 Kva - 400 Kva - 410 Kva - 440 Kva - 450 Kva - 485 Kva - 500 Kva - 510 Kva - 525 Kva - 550 Kva - 590 Kva - 600 Kva - 615 Kva - 630 Kva - 660 Kva - 700 Kva - 710 Kva - 715 Kva - 720 Kva - 725 Kva - 750 Kva - 770 Kva - 825 Kva - 830 Kva - 880 Kva - 900 Kva - 920 Kva - 1000 Kva - 1020 Kva - 1100 Kva - 1175 Kva - 1250 Kva - 1375 Kva - 1400 Kva - 1430 Kva - 1550 Kva - 1650 Kva - 1700 Kva - 1760 Kva - 1915 Kva - 2000 Kva - 2045 Kva - 2100 Kva - 2200 Kva - 2250 Kva - 2500 Kva - 2650 Kva - 2800 Kva - 3000 Kva - generateur silencieux 2835 kVa
submitted by outilmary to machinebtp2 [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 hxrtbrxkgxrl doing fan mail with nichole’s kids over

did anyone else find it in a little bit of bad taste to do fan mail while nichole’s kids were staying with them. i felt really bad for blake bc she obviously really wanted to be involved and i’m happy they let her, but i can’t imagine how it might have hurt her feelings to watch all her well off aunts??? (idk the right term) get a bunch of random gifts for no reason from strangers when she wasn’t getting anything.
im sure the kids act like they love everything for the camera even if they don’t and i hope they sent blake and the other kids home with a few little things that they didn’t wanna keep, but idk it made me sad watching her sit there, i noticed the older girl (not sure of her name) standing near in the beginning and eventually wandering off.
submitted by hxrtbrxkgxrl to Crazymiddles [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 fayxiie Available Facebook Group for PN January 2025 Students!

Please feel free to join the group if you are attending the PN Program this January 2025, especially if you are attending the IAHS Campus! I am focused to aiding us, students, to ensure we stay updated and help each other out when needed.
Link to group: https://www.facebook.com/share/g/b5s4i8zSirrAVEzW/
submitted by fayxiie to mohawkcollege [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 NearbyKangaroo3379 Does anybody else have this problem?

So basically the issue is I can’t use shotguns on any map the problem started after I had a really good game on stakeout than after which is when the problem started has and body else had this problem or know how to fix it
submitted by NearbyKangaroo3379 to blackops6 [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 Perfect_Sun_1472 Sypherpk pk=player killer 👎pk=plate killer 👍

Sypherpk pk=player killer 👎pk=plate killer 👍 💀💀💀💀💀
submitted by Perfect_Sun_1472 to sypherpk [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 DarlingLuna Can someone please make her outfit more detailed and textured?

submitted by DarlingLuna to PhotoshopRequest [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 Rasinbranhater Trouble with my mother

I (17 f), have been having trouble communicating with my mom recently. It’s hard to explain, so I’ll just give an example. Today she was making loud noises when dealing with pots and pans, and asked her to be more mindful. I asked that she try to not hit them together as it hurts my ears. No tone, I had asked her in the nicest way possible. she replied with a quick “fine. I’ll try to be more careful for your sensitive little ears”. I asked her if she was upset by my request and she said no, but she clearly was. So, I said the way she responded made her sound like she was angry. She immediately started yelling at me and telling me “not to analyze every little thing she says”. I will admit, I have talked to her before about the way she says things, but every time I do she is always clearly upset, and she won’t listen to my concerns. Btw she banged the pots and pans louder after that lol. I guess I’m asking, how do I effectively communicate to her without her getting angry? Any advice is appreciated.
submitted by Rasinbranhater to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 SDSpaniard Regi on me- 10 minutes - first 5 - 9332 5995 0639

submitted by SDSpaniard to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 HalfOwlDay [For Hire] Experienced Remote Marketer: Boost Your Client Acquisition with Social Media + Automated Follow-up

I specialize in designing and managing highly effective social media campaigns with automated follow-up systems that can significantly enhance your business's client acquisition efforts.
Here's what you can expect from my services:

Rate: 5USD/Hour
If you're interested in leveraging my expertise, please send me a message. Don't miss out on the opportunity to maximize your client acquisition potential. Let's connect today! :)
submitted by HalfOwlDay to jobbit [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 pandadogunited What is the weirdest compliment you have received?

submitted by pandadogunited to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 InacreditavelSerect Sapos em Nepo

submitted by InacreditavelSerect to AssisteTontao [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 Simonbargiora What if the sith didn't have a rule of 2 and there were as much sith as the Jedi.?

Before order 66 by our great emperor Palpatine crushed the evil Jedi there were thousands of vermin. There was only 2 sith lords to fight agianst the Jedi pests how did they manage to exterminate the jedi?
submitted by Simonbargiora to StarWars [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 SpareTie6343 Anybody have any extra

Anybody have any extra Add me in Monopoly GO! My Friend Code is MGO682LPF9TD
submitted by SpareTie6343 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 crimeSpice meirl

meirl submitted by crimeSpice to meirl [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 fuckgenderlessperson Dawn Treader - Bloom & Decay (2024)

Dawn Treader - Bloom & Decay (2024) submitted by fuckgenderlessperson to MetalPorn [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 xxxTheIceManxxx CFB was not good to me today…Hoping for another huge NFL hit like my last one! Long shot parlay and a conservative +100 for tomorrow’s 1pm games 💰🧊

CFB was not good to me today…Hoping for another huge NFL hit like my last one! Long shot parlay and a conservative +100 for tomorrow’s 1pm games 💰🧊 submitted by xxxTheIceManxxx to sportsbetting [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 Zzx4k Nick Panken - Delightful Dust (2024)

Nick Panken - Delightful Dust (2024) submitted by Zzx4k to IndieFolk [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 Fun_Pair_4494 She cannot be serious…

She cannot be serious… This has to be a fucking joke. I cannot believe this is the Christmas experience she’s giving her kids.
submitted by Fun_Pair_4494 to GyMOMsnark [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 d-ohrly P.O.D. - Whatever It Takes

P.O.D. - Whatever It Takes Huge nu metal track that nobody has heard
submitted by d-ohrly to numetal [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 Embarrassed_Diet_295 What if instead of "Yeezy" his nickname was "Yeetus"?

What if instead of Name your favorite Yeetus songs
submitted by Embarrassed_Diet_295 to Kanye [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 Pseudo9390 Tried Practicing Digital Art using someone else's Line Art

Tried Practicing Digital Art using someone else's Line Art Colors by me
Line art by Fukahire
Disclaimer: The line art for this was not done by me. It was done by an artist named Fukahire.
I'm not sure if posts like these would be allowed but I wanted to practice using Clip Studio Paint after purchasing it through a sale. So although the line art was not done by me, the coloring and shading was done by me
I would like to get into digital art and I thought coloring someone else's line art would be good practice for this. I haven't done that much studying into colors and shading so I would like to know how this looks and where I can improve
submitted by Pseudo9390 to learntodraw [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 jvc72 Buy Signal Quant USD - 30 Nov 2024 @ 21:17 -> USD97.64

Ticker: QNTUSD
Exchange: CRYPTO
Time: 30 Nov 2024 @ 21:17
Price: USD97.64
Link: https://getagraph.com/crypto-currencies/QNTUSD/ENG
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 cremasterchef John Textor já é ídolo do Botafogo?

O homem mudou a trajetória do clube, se fosse no meu time, eu consideraria ídolo sim
Sem sacanagem no dia de hoje, parabéns fogão!
submitted by cremasterchef to futebol [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 EmergencyArugula293 cara me bloqueou do nada

sexta retrasada eu sai com um cara q ja tinha me chamado pra sair antes a gente se conheceu no tinder e ai na primeira vez q ele chamou n deu pra eu ir ent a gente pegou o instagram um do outro e remarcamos nessa sexta retrasada, saimos pra um barzinho e fomos conversando sobre trabalho e tudo mais ate q ele começou a receber ligações ai atendeu e disse ser do irmao dele, um tempo dps entra um cara la e vi falar com ele e quando me vê ja solta um "vejo que você ta ocupado" e começa a rir, eles foram conversando por mais um tempinho e eu n prestei mt atenção na conversa pq n era da minha conta, ate q o irmao dele fala "cuide do meu garoto, e vai embora, dps disso a gente conversou mais ate q ele perguntou se eu fumava e eu disse q sim ent ele sugeriu q nós passássemos na casa dele dps e eu disse q sim, chegando la ele tinha leds no quarto e colocou um baco exu do blues pra tocar, me chamou pra fumar na cozinha e a gente ficou fumando ate q a gente terminou e foi pro quarto, ele mandou eu sentar em qualquer lugar e ai eu sentei bem na cama (so tinha uma cama e a cadeira do computador q era onde ele tava) ele levantou e veio sentar do meu lado e começou a me elogiar mt nessa a gente se beijou e acabamos transando, e foi isso, meio q a gente passou horas deitados conversando dps vendo videos no YouTube e ele perguntou se tava tudo bem eu dormir la e eu falei q sim, mas ai ele ficou recebendo mensagens e disse q era o irmao dele q tinha passado mal, dai veio me deixar em casa e pediu desculpa, blz ate q vamos pro sabado eu vou no mercado e dou de cara com ele la mas a gente n se fala pq eu to indo embora e ele ta chegando e a gente ta bem longe um do outro e eu n to afim de esperar ele chegar ate mim, qnd eu cheguei em casa mandei msg e ele disse q queria mt ter falado cmg, ai vamos pro domingo de madrugada 3 da manhã p ser exata, ele me manda msg perguntando se eu ainda to acordada pq ele quer passar rapidao p me ver eu falo q sim ai ele vem c o irmao, a gente fica se abraçando e beijando e ele dizendo q meu cheiro n saia do casaco dele e um monte d outras coisas, so q eles iam passar aqui e ir comprar cigarro e o irmao dele ta mt agitado querendo fumar dai ele diz "vai vc q eu quero ficar aqui agr com ela" ai ele diz "pois vamo la comprar dps a gente volta aqui e pega ela e a gente vai p tua casa se ela quiser" eu falei q sim e enfim fizemos isso, ficamos conversando os 3 teve uma hora q ele saiu e o irmao dele disse q ele nao parava de falar d mim mas eu n dei mt confiança a isso e so ri, dps de um tempo o irmao dele foi dormir na cozinha e a gente ficou no quarto conversando so deitados msm abraçados e dps de um tempo transamos, ficamos abraçados, vimos videos juntos e ele basicamente começou a me contar sobre todaa familia dele e os problemas q eles tinham alem de me fazer perguntas sobre com quantos caras eu transei (e eu falei a vdd q so transei c 2 ent ele basicamente era o segundo) e eu tb nunca namorei, mas ele pareceu mt interessado em tudo da minha vida ate de perguntar onde eu ia passar natal e ano novo e falar sobre ser pai e nao sei oq, dps disso a gente meio q tirou um cochilo la eu acordei e por n conseguir dormir falei q tinha q vir p casa, ficamos nos falando a semana todaaa e do nada hj ele me bloqueou, me senti realmente mt usada, mas tb acho q tive um pouco de culpa por n ter tomado tanto cuidado e ter feito as coisas sem pensarkkkkk
submitted by EmergencyArugula293 to relacionamentos [link] [comments]
