2024.12.01 02:20 goofygoober_4 Super Duolingo Subscription
Honestly, I need to hear from all of the Super Duolingo subscribers- Is the Super Duolingo subscription actually worth it?
submitted by goofygoober_4 to duolingo [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:20 PretendRegister7516 Feeling lower on Season Pass this time around? Here's the Season Mission XP Breakdown
submitted by PretendRegister7516 to MarvelSnap [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:20 NaiveResearch4366 6 stars each
submitted by NaiveResearch4366 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:20 seirf_hcnerf What's this?
Just seen in Rohnert park.. it moved away out of sight in about 2 or 3 minutes. submitted by seirf_hcnerf to bayarea [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:20 lordekio o que acha de pessoas esquisitas?
eu estudei em uma escola que tinha muita gente bonita chegou uma idade onde tinham festas e tudo mais eu era deixado de lado por ser esquisito, isso por ter preguiça e ia todo dia com uma blusa de frio e ficava com ela o dia inteiro a mesma blusa, quando troquei de escola eu tive a oportunidade por um ano de frequentas algumas festas foi incrivel porem era so ate as pessoas verem que eu era um pouco esquisito e era deixado de lado novamente, as vezes isso me chatea mas geralmente essas memorias ficam adormecidas nao sei o motivo ou controlar...
submitted by lordekio to desabafos [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:20 bacon_yes47 What's up with this giant shenron?
Is this something from xenoverse 1 someone please explain submitted by bacon_yes47 to dbxv [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:20 stupidtwin What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by stupidtwin to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:20 Saysonz ELI5 who 'pays' the tariff
Was having a discussion with a group of people about tariffs and who actually pays them.
Lets say a good is $100 and being imported into USA from Mexico with a 30% Tariff, there was a difference of opinions
A: The company selling into USA now sells it to the supplier for $130, with the $30 (the 30% tariff) being paid by the Mexican supplier to the USA Govt, effectively being 'paid' by the foreign company.
B: The company selling into USA continues to sell it at $100, but the USA supplier adds on a 30% tariff (since it is a Mexican good) and sells it to the consumer for $130, meaning the tariff has been wholly paid by the USA.
In both options the price goes up by 30% for the consumer but I'm curious which one it is and who effectively 'pays' the tariff (of course the consumer does, but before that).
submitted by Saysonz to explainlikeimfive [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:20 acidcorpses Is full removal possible?
Hey, so back in 2021, I got a butterfly tattoo on my arm from a friend who was just starting out. Some of the tattoos she’d done on herself looked decent, and I was young and didn’t really know any better. She tattooed my bicep, and honestly, I hated it the moment I walked out of the shop. It started looking weird almost immediately, and a few days later, it bled a lot and left me with horrible scarring and a green shadow around the tattoo area
To fix it, I tried a “cover-up” where another friend added some details to make it more appealing. It was better, but I still didn’t love it. Eventually, I went for a real cover-up: a big, heavy matryoshka-style design. I liked it for about a month, but now I can’t stand how it sits on my arm—it just doesn’t look right on my smaller frame. To make things worse, this last cover-up left me with even more scarring, which is super frustrating.
Now I’m trying to figure out if full removal is possible, or if I could lighten it enough to do another cover-up that I might actually like. The shape of it is the main thing that bothers me. I’d really appreciate any advice or opinions on what my options might be!
submitted by acidcorpses to TattooRemoval [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:20 Zakc58 .
submitted by Zakc58 to AuronPlay [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:20 Thedolllady1992 Indy Friends- Cake Bake Shop compared to Carmel location?
Hi friends, I am thinking of going to WDW in Fall of 2025, not for a vacation but for the college program. I heard about the Cake Bake Shop, and my school is somewhat local to the original in Carmel (my school is near Lafyette area of Indy). For any other Indy locals: How does the Disney Cake Bake Shop compare to the Carmel location should I just eat at the Carmel location before I graduate in May? Thanks in advance.
submitted by Thedolllady1992 to WaltDisneyWorld [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:20 theeeblackmamba Flex help:
Amari cooper, Quentin Johnston, Jaylen Warren or Gus Edwards?
Fringe playoffs, must win to stay in playoffs!
submitted by theeeblackmamba to fantasyfootballadvice [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:20 Ok_Calligrapher7541 ?
submitted by Ok_Calligrapher7541 to enem [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:20 adrianakundaliniyoga Live Online Kundalini Yoga Class for Depression, Nervous System and Neutral Mind
submitted by adrianakundaliniyoga to kundalini_yoga [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:20 jmota_ My Dio and the World Tattoo!
Session 1/2 done!! Can't wait until it's done next month! submitted by jmota_ to StardustCrusaders [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:20 Background_Panic8745 Names that have ko or co in them?
I need Feminine names that start with Dra Masculine names that start with Dra Feminine names that have ko (or co) in the beginning or middle. Masculine names that have ko or co in the beginning or middle.
submitted by Background_Panic8745 to namenerds [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:20 mmr_ My life is going great but I still feel the pain
My gf (24) broke up with me (m/26) last year. A little backstory - we connected pretty much instantly. It started 3 years ago as a full green flag - we were both excited to see each other and time was passing like crazy during our dates - we were mostly just talking, having a walk and had plenty of laughs.
My family background is that my mom raised me single, had a very tough upbringing in terms of just being poor and feeling worse than others, but I was always cheerful and funny I guess so no one really rejected me and I had a pretty good social life with plenty of friends. Eventually I graduated from college, found a very well paid tech job and I could start to live the life I always wanted.
My previous gf didn’t really show me support when I was trying to open up about my past or tough emotions. Before entering this new relationship I shared the hard past I’ve been through and I received full support and understanding. She shared with me that she’s suffering from depression and anxiety disorder bc her parents pushed her to become a doctor, and I showed her support and understanding as well.
For the first ~10 months of our relationship I was the happiest I’ve ever been - we traveled together and in general spent quality time. We showed each other all of the 5 languages of love. We rarely disagreed on anything, but if happened, we were resolving it in a healthy way. After those 10 months she gave me a letter in which she wrote that she’s not feeling emotionally close to me and that maybe we’re not matched that well. I was shocked because she showed no sign of distancing or that something might be wrong, and I’ve never felt this close with someone.
After that I went to see a psychologist because I cared about this relationship and realized that I tend to keep the tough emotions to myself (regarding my family or self esteem, thinking that its not that big and I can deal with it). She was very impressed with what I did and reassured me that she doesn’t want to end things.
She took a break from med school bc she felt depressed and anxious of going into future she doesn’t want to. During the next ~8 months I showed her as much support as I could. She told me many times that I’m very important to her and she loves me. Eventually she decided she wants to study abroad and I also supported her in that - saying that it’s the most important for me that she feels happy with her future career and it’s not a problem for our relationship at all with my remote work and short, frequent and cheap flights (between where I lived and where she wanted to study).
One day she said she needs to talk with me and again, out of the blue - told me that she’s not feeling close, and doesn’t want me to lose my friendships here (bc of moving abroad) and in general have doubts and maybe we should break up. Again - in total shock, we talked it through and she told me that after this conversation she feels very close to me again.
Next week she told me she loves me and she’s not thinking this way anymore, and 2 weeks later she broke up with me out of the blue, saying she feels she can’t give me the love I deserve, that I gave her a lot of support, that I did nothing wrong and she needs to start a new chapter in life living abroad (without me, she event told me that if she stayed here she believes we’d still be together). I let her go and felt emotionally exhausted and ruined.
After a month of NC she reached out to me, we talked a lot about what did not work between us and she told me that it was her fault she kept her doubts for months to herself without confronting with me and asked if we could try again. Next 2 months I was working on what we agreed on, talking more about emotions and feelings. She eventually went abroad, again was telling me that she loves me, is grateful for me and that she misses me. We together booked a flight for me to visit her, and 2 days before my flight she called me to break up with me again, saying that she still has doubts (again kept it to herself for longer, she could talk about it with me when she was still here) and can’t give me the love I deserve.
It ruined me even more because I just started to trust her again and got dumped by a phone call. I took this year to attend therapy, travel, found new hobbies and stuff. We talked like 2 times during this year to give each other life updates. I found myself in a life now that I achieved and experienced many great things this year, but still feeling a void. I started dating like 3 months ago, could enter a new relationship but eventually I didn’t feel the same excitement and passion I felt previously. I’m kind of starting to miss my past relationship because it felt very much one of a kind, even though I feel hurt with how it finished. I felt she was my real soulmate and it’s really hard to meet someone like her again.
submitted by mmr_ to BreakUps [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:20 Downtown-Fruit-3815 AITAH for insisting my wife NOT pack sweaters for a warm vacation?
I (28F) and my wife (29F) have been fighting over this for approximetly month now and I feel like it's driving me insane and that Im just being a huge a-hole over it. We are leaving to go to Thailand, where some of her family is from and has been multiple times, next week and are staying in and around Bangkok and Pattaya city. Around a month ago we did a big clothing haul as we wanted cute clothes. I bought a handful of long dresses and skirts and she bought 3 sweaters. The sweaters are super cute chunky sweaters with lil frogs and mushrooms however even today the forecasted high in Bangkok is 90°F. I brought my concerns up then that this might not be appropriate wear at that time and suggested maybe we order some other stuff for the upcoming trip and leave the sweaters at home in the US. She shrugged me off and placed the order for them regardless. Well today is our big packing day and lo and behold she is trying to pack said sweaters and they are taking up a lot of suitcase availability. I asked her again why she would even want to pack sweaters knowing it's going to be that hot and humidity and if she wouldn't wear a sweater here in the US in 90° weather why she thought it was appropriate there. She has been giving me the semi cold shoulder ever since so I am really wondering if I am the aitah or not
submitted by Downtown-Fruit-3815 to AITAH [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:20 Familiar-Composer784 Cough Syrup is criminally overrated.
Blaine has had some of the best covers and I always hear people saying that cough syrup isn't just his best cover, it's THE best cover. If you think that, KYS (keep yourself safe ❤️)
Just jokes, just jokes. But seriously, there are easily five of JUST Blaine's covers that are better.
2024.12.01 02:20 Freaktography ABANDONED for 30 Years - The Muskoka Sanitarium
submitted by Freaktography to Freaktography [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:20 Marona420 LORDSIDE ROLEPLAY
submitted by Marona420 to samp [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:20 Wardi_Boi Brother Yamcha of the Yam Chapter has fallen to a Saibastealer
submitted by Wardi_Boi to 40kmemes [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:20 themtheirbones Norcal on a metal wall
Anyone know what this spider is? Looks like a skull on its back submitted by themtheirbones to spiderID [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:20 fernuffin Sore in nostril
Our Nubian, Charlize suddenly developed a sore/growth in her nostril. Any idea what it could be? At first I thought mucus from the cold but today it looks bright red and raw. submitted by fernuffin to goats [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:20 Only_Professor8857 Pella Church Types
I was wondering if there are any churches in Pella that you could describe as lively (but not too lively), and on occasion people may have 'a word', either in the church or in personal conversations. The goal is not to go to a place that is about exciting as a piece of cardboard, exciting, but they don't go too off the rails , and are in tune with the Lord. See what I mean? Thanks if anyone has insight into that realm. The people in my life that were the most friendly and helpful in my life seem to be mostly dutch or of Belgian origin and was thinking about retiring there one day.
submitted by Only_Professor8857 to PellaIowa [link] [comments]