2024.12.01 02:30 gabriel_dgraf Amigo?
Sou "amigo" de um kra que é pai, deve ter uns 45 pra cima, já que ele tem uma filha com 22 e outra com 19, já viajei com ele, fui em passeios com a família dele, já saí só com ele, ele é empreendedor tem uma empresa e ganha bem, ele é uma classe média. Saí com ele a última vez quarta feira, fui, porém já avisando, foi planejado antes, uns 2 dias antes combinamos, ele pagou tudo e ainda me deu 70 reais pra eu tirar umas fotos minhas, tipo, naqueles banners de filme de criança e tirar foto com papai noel, obs, tenho cara de menor de idade, parecendo ter uns 13 a 15 anos, tanto q recebi pirulito do papai noel e ele queria q eu sentasse no colo dele, tenho 19, aceitei claro, mas o problema nao é esse, nesse sábado, hj, ele me mandou mensagem cedo, porém eu madrugo e durmo de dia, já que to desempregado, ele queria q eu fosse na igreja com ele, e até negociou dizendo q íamos pegar umas mangas no condomínio, ele tem uma casa no Alphaville, uma das, as outras n sei. Eu disse que nao tava a fim, e voltei a cochilar, ele continuou insistindo e disse q tava 20 min de casa, ele chegou em casa e tocou a campainha e ligou umas 10 vezes, nao visualizei e nem atendi o portão, e ele deveria saber que quando eu digo nao é nao, e msm assim ele veio, dps mandei um áudio dizendo, man, eu madrugo as noites e durmo de dia, tu devia ter planejado antes, e mandei mais um dizendo, espero que tu nao tenha vindo aqui em casa. Ele visualizou e nao respondeu nada... Nao sei como fica agora, e nunca entendi oq ele sempre quis comigo, já que ele me conhecia desde qnd eu era criança, eu era o melhor amigo da filha dele, eles foram pros EUA e dps de muitos anos voltaram para cá e ele conheceu a pior fase da minha vida, onde tava numa depressão profunda que durou 3 anos, os pais da minha amiga que abranje ele, pagaram meses de terapia pra mim, me levavam em brinquedos pelo menos uma vez no ano, mas nunca fomos próximos, ele diz q eu faço ele rir, pelo meu jeito de ser, e ele tá tentando me mudar com o dinheiro, como por exemplo, ele disse que iria me dar 100 reais se eu pulasse da escada rolante em um local com brinquedos onde tinham varias almofadas, nao topei claro, não é da minha índole coisas loucas assim, já que eu nao considero ele um amigo pra coisas assim, eu já dei um não pra ele uma vez que ele me chamou pra sair, que talvez tenha sido pra ir na igreja também, e aquela vez eu dei O Corte, disse que eu nao ia e que se ele viesse aqui só iria gastar combustível, e eu achei que se eu falasse um nao ele nao iria fazer a msm ousadia que ele já fez e que já dei um corte na última vez. Agora tô meio, acabou a amizade ou oq? Por q infelizmente eu tava precisando dele pra conseguir um trampo na área q eu quero, e também ele tinha me prometido ano passado que me daria carteira de motorista como presente de aniversário 18* em troca dirigiria pra ele 3 meses, porém qnd ele tava na cidade eu tava sul, (obs, sou do centro oeste), e assim, a amizade dele é insignificante pra mim. Oq vcs acham q eu faço, continuo dando moral pra ele se por acaso ele vier com papo ou eu já começo meu plano B de vida? Plano A era carteira de motorista e emprego com ele, porém pelo que vejo não dá pra dar continuidade já que faz 1 ano e meio que ele me enrolou sobre a carteira de motorista. Meu plano B é ir pro sul e voltar a trabalhar com meu antigo patrao na área q gosto, porém lá eu começaria a viver do zero, morar sozinho, etc
submitted by gabriel_dgraf to desabafos [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:30 unknown_shayari Looking for Data Engineer hiring, looking for referral also
submitted by unknown_shayari to bigdata_analytics [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:30 Pinoy-Brock Pokemon Go Accounts December Sale ($150-$200-$200-$200)
Pokemon Go Accounts December Sale ($150-$200-$200-$200)
Account #1 Pokemon Go Level 45 with 100 IV Shadow Mewtwo - $150 Account Details
• Google Mail • Link to your own Google Mail • Year 2022 • Level 45 - Mystic • Change Nickname Available • 678 Pokecoins
Storage • 650 Pokemon Storage • 1500 Item Storage
Pokemons • 105 Legendary (12 Shiny) • 177 Shiny (19 Shundo) • 67 Hundos • 2 Mythical
Highlight • 100 IV Shadow Mewtwo • 100 IV Purified Shiny Entei • 100 IV Shadow Suicune • Armored Mewtwo • Masterball
Photos via IMGUR
Account #2 2016 Pokemon Go Level 43 - $250 Highlights
• 1035 Legendary • 13 Armored Mewtwo • 943 Hundos • 468 Shiny • Shiny Mew Research
Details • Link to your own Gmail • Year 2016 • Level 43 Instinct • Change Nickname Available
Storage • 3300 Pokemon Storage • 2050 Item Storage
Pokemons • 1035 Legendary (48 Shiny, 7 Hundos, 17 Shadow) • 102 Mythical (5 Shiny, 1 Hundo) • 468 Shiny • 943 Hundos (50 Shundo)
Others • 527 Pokecoins • Masterball Research • 634,000 Stardust
Photos via IMGUR
Account #3 6/8/2016 Pokemon Go Level 48 - $250 Details • Link to your own Gmail • Year 6/8/2016 • Level 50 (Need task to reach level 50) • Change Nickname Available
Storage • 3250 Pokemon Storage • 650 Item Storage
Pokemons • 469 Legendary (30 Shiny, 2 Hundos, 58 Shadow) • 497 Shiny • 1306 Hundos • 65 Mythical (3 Shiny, 100 IV Darkrai)
• 74 Pokemons under 1500 CP with 3 moves (Great League) • 56 Pokemons under 2500 CP with 3 moves (Ultra League)
• 2016 Level 50 (Need task to reach level 50) • 1306 Hundos • 161 3 moves • 3M Stardust
Complete Photos via IMGUR
Account #4 2020 Pokemon Go Level 43 with Apex Legendary (Non-Spoofed) - $250 Details • Link to your own Gmail • Year 2020 • Level 43 Valor • Change Nickname Available
Highlight • Apex Ho-oh • Apex Lugia (Research) • Shiny Mew • 100 IV Mewtwo, Yveltal, Shadow Articuno • Armored Mewtwo (Traded)
• 2050 Pokemon Storage • 1200 Item Storage
• 216 Legendary (37 Shiny, 3 Hundos) • 185 Shiny • 114 Hundos • 37 Mythical (8 Shiny)
Other • 4.8m Stardust • 932 Pokecoins • Masterball
Complete Photos via IMGUR
Important Reminder: • The Pokemon Go data will be linked to your own Google Mail • Message us for inquiries
submitted by Pinoy-Brock to PokemonGoAccounts [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:30 FinancialSecret9502 Pharmacy always shorts me on Ajovy refill. EVERY TIME
Has anyone else dealt with this? Everytime I pick up my 3 month Ajovy they only give me 2. The paperwork they hand me says 3, online it says 3, everything says 3 but they only put 2 in the bag. Then they make me pay the full amount again for the remaining 1 that they left out, and it takes forever for them to get it cleared by insurance...WHHHYY!??!
I feel like I'm losing my mind why does this keep happening!?
This is Walgreen's by the way.
submitted by FinancialSecret9502 to migraine [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:30 AutoNewspaperAdmin [AU] - Umpire helps out England | Sydney Morning Herald
submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:30 ayt97 [US-NY] [H] PayPal, Venmo [W] Fellow Ode Gen 2
Hi I’m looking for a Fellow Ode Gen 2 as I’m tired of manually grinding my coffee. Would love upgraded burrs but not a requirement at all.
Located in NYC specifically Astoria, Queens so would love a local exchange if possible to avoid shipping but not a dealbreaker.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by ayt97 to coffeeswap [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:30 Mopheadout Personal Experience with Hostile Architecture
Has anybody had any personal experience with hostile architecture and whether it affects them directly, either as a unhoused person or not!
submitted by Mopheadout to HostileArchitecture [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:30 BravoFive141 Snowy cat photoshoot ❄️
Source: YouTube | @FurryFritzCatographer submitted by BravoFive141 to MajesticCats [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:30 Offres Space Shooter Z
submitted by Offres to ArcadiaOnline [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:30 Skury22xD Ambessa looks really strong ngl.
submitted by Skury22xD to leagueoflegends [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:30 xxdanioo Second Ectopic
Well, I’m 24 hours out post ectopic/tube removal. I’m sad. I’m sore. I’m grateful to still be here for my 21 month old son.
My first ectopic was August 14th. Placement scan after a week of bleeding showed a 6w2d embryo with a heartbeat in my right tube. I had zero pain during this pregnancy. Due to the heartbeat the surgeon and I decided surgery would be best rather than MTX. We removed the tube.
I found out I was pregnant again on November 18th. I had faint lines at 12&13 DPO. First HCG on Nov 26 was 219. Nov 28 was 522. Thought it was low but happy it had doubled this time around. I read the results at 345pm. I had severe abdominal pain at 445pm, which is when I figure the rupture started. I figured it was just some cramping, I was probably in denial. Had rectal pressure and central to left sided pain, but was able to get through making supper and caring for my toddler. At 8pm I started slightly spotting. At 9pm I told my husband we should drive into the city to the emergency room to be safe.
Emerg doctors poked and prodded and pulled blood. Did a bedside scan and “thought they could see something in the uterus”. They did a cervical check and said it was closed. They sent us home just before midnight and to come back the next day for an ultrasound with the radiology department.
After I had the ultrasound the doctor confirmed I had ruptured and we would be doing surgery. They pulled 200cc of fluid from my abdomen during surgery to remove my remaining tube.
I’m home now and just very heartbroken. I wanted to go through pregnancy one more time and then we would be done. We will not be pursing IVF.
So anyways, I’m just very sad and heartbroken right now. I’m happy we tried again, but I’m sad over back to back ectopics in such a short span.
Just thought I’d share my story and I’m open to any questions.
submitted by xxdanioo to EctopicSupportGroup [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:30 Scared_Ad_1848 Looking for 2 players for 3v3 pro am team. ps5, my PSN is b-court. North america
submitted by Scared_Ad_1848 to NBA2kTeamUp [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:30 DownUnderMeGrundle Is it rare to have both a YOD and a Thor’s Hammer in a natal chart? I am curious what these aspects represent archetypally, and what significance it may hold to have both aspects “pointing” to the same house / planet.
Before I began studying astrology as a hobby, I received a reading from an astrologer. I am unsure if I knew my exact birth time when I had the reading, so first things first, I’m unsure if I even have these aspects in my chart. For context, the chart I posted here is my accurate natal chart. I’m curious to learn more about these aspects, and should my natal chart contain one or two of them, I am on a quest to learn more about what they are ready to reveal to me at this point in life. I’m at a crossroads with my professional career and recently ended a relationship. In many ways the entire world is my oyster, and I am curious to learn more about my individual soul purpose / quest, and deeply called to understand how I can best serve the “big” why, to be of service to humanity and all life during this time on Earth. Lastly, I was late diagnosed at 31 (2 years ago) with AuDHD (Autism/ADHD) — it was such a relief to recognize how my biggest insecurities and sources of anxiety had an archetypal explanation, which dissolved a lot of loneliness and anxiety. When I was first diagnosed, many close family members had a hard time understanding the Autistic aspect, questioning the accuracy of the diagnosis, meanwhile, from my lived experience, there is no doubt in my mind that I am absolutely an Aspie. This is paradoxical because in my career (one of my STIMs), I am extremely outgoing, charismatic, passionate and excel at connecting with the people I work with on a near-instant soul level. Many people do not see the internal processing I navigate, being deeply intuitive, sensitively aware and psychic. I found myself energetically drained, in a 1.5 year burnout period, and it wasn’t until I learned about the diagnosis that I came to understand how neurodivergent energy is much more of a high commodity with a low supply. I am curious if my chart has any teachings for me to understand how to flourish in my relationships, instead of self isolating and preferring my solitude over the connection I yearn for more than nearly anything else. I would be more than happy to offer a donation to receive some insight into my chart, or I’d be thrilled to send a lil cute package as a gift to say thank you for exploring it with me. I’d love to explore any and all of these topics, and anything else you may notice as significant! - Do I have a YOD? - Do I have a Thor’s Hammer? - What do these aspects mean? - Does neurodivergency appear in the patterns of natal charts? - Does my chart highlight an area of focus or ideological framework for my souls mission / work? - How do I balance feeling like an alien who wants to find home, and simultaneously craves the fulfillment of surrendering into my Earth life & relationships Thanks for reading and considering to read my chart! Many blessings. submitted by DownUnderMeGrundle to astrologyreadings [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:30 champagnesupervisor Day 13 of Ferber baby still crying at bedtime
Isn’t the baby supposed to stop crying at the initial put down by now? She’s usually crying 20-40 mins at bedtime before falling asleep. I’m following wake windows to determine bedtime. (2 hours after 4th nap is bedtime) so I know she’s ready for bed.
This feels like is hurting her now… not sure what to do. We began sleep training her at 4 months and 1 week. Everything I’ve read said crying should stop between nights 4-7
Please help I feel awful and want to comfort her but I don’t want to undo any progress this may have made? Help???
submitted by champagnesupervisor to sleeptrain [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:30 Complex-Value-5807 Fastball - Out Of My Head (Official video)~{#11-1999} www.fastballtheband.com
submitted by Complex-Value-5807 to TheHot100 [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:30 X3D9 Meet my new car, Samuel Ulrich Prescott Everett Randall Sterling Maxwell Anderson Shaw Harrison Bradley Roy Osborne Sinclair (the Fifteenth)
submitted by X3D9 to TeenagersButBetter [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:30 KonoFerreiraDa What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by KonoFerreiraDa to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:30 Awkward_Extreme_6305 Attention all Wattpad Story Lovers and Fantasy Enthusiasts!
What if the final avatar of Vishnu, Kalki, was born in today’s world—a world filled with corruption, injustice, and darkness? The Kalki Chronicles: The Final Awakening is not your typical mythological story. It’s a tale that dives deep into the raw, painful journey of a god born into a middle-class, struggling life, with no divine glory in sight—only the harshness of reality. In this reimagining of Kalki’s prophecy, we explore the contrast between divinity and darkness like never before. Our hero may be a divine being, but he’s also a boy who witnesses the worst of human nature as a child—suffering betrayal, abuse, and the crushing weight of an unjust world. His journey is about survival, inner turmoil, and finding his purpose amid chaos. The prophecy says he will save the world, but how can someone so broken and lost possibly fulfill such a great destiny? This is a story about the collision of divinity and the darkest corners of humanity, about a boy’s painful quest to find his true self and rise above a corrupted society. This isn’t a tale of shining armor and pure virtue; it’s raw, it’s dark, and it’s filled with moral dilemmas, powerful emotions, and a hero who’s struggling just to survive—before he becomes the savior the world needs. Are you ready to witness the birth of Kalki from a completely new perspective? Join me on a journey where the divine meets the darkness of the human soul, and where even gods must fight to find their purpose in a world that’s lost its way. What would happen if a god, destined to save the world, was born into this mess we call reality? Would he be able to fulfill the prophecy, or would the world’s darkness consume him before he even begins? Check out The Kalki Chronicles: The Final Awakening and let’s dive into this epic, painful, and dark tale together. I’d love to hear your thoughts and feedback as we unravel this journey. Ready to get hooked? Link🔗: https://www.wattpad.com/story/384739343?utm_source=android&utm_medium=link&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details_button&wp_uname=Vikramadhityan submitted by Awkward_Extreme_6305 to Wattpad [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:30 mbeenox ChatGPT alien takes on earth religions.
submitted by mbeenox to ChatGPT [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:30 MusicAnime I regret going back to Helluva Boss
Ik the series went slow ever since EP 9 so I was like screw it I’m leaving! Then TikTok made me like, “Ahh fuck it, it better not be THAT bad!” I’ll let you guess on what I was traumatized. submitted by MusicAnime to IdentityV [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:30 JerkfaceEquestria I can already tell her arc this season is going to be extremely predictable
submitted by JerkfaceEquestria to DisventureCamp [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:30 EmergencyPepper7320 Promo pack rates
I completed 5 battles and didn't not get a single pack in the chance rewards, anyone else experiencing this
submitted by EmergencyPepper7320 to PokemonPocket [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:30 Eternity_Xerneas Harold Rigging The Votes vs Courtney Throwing The Challenges
I've noticed that when it comes to Harold rigging the votes most people are like "Well it was Courtney so it was okay" and used Duncan's bullying to justify cheating someone else.
Yet when Courtney tried throwing challenges (not technically cheating) to get Gwen out she's the bad guy even though Gwen did steal Duncan from her and showed no remorse
So is it just "Courtney= Bad"
submitted by Eternity_Xerneas to Totaldrama [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:30 SeaAd5444 Holy overpayment
I mean I wanted him on the pens but JESUS. A 1st 2nd 3rd AND a 4th. Maybe I'm coping but fuck CBJ just fleeced Minnesota. submitted by SeaAd5444 to UrinatingTree [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:30 700x Do you still like the banter?
submitted by 700x to sixwordstories [link] [comments]