
2024.12.01 02:30 Disastrous-Can7358 Sapph-Fire

Sapph-Fire Bowman Chrome Sapphire has been quite the rip. A 3 gold 2 green full house of Cruz is wild.
submitted by Disastrous-Can7358 to baseballcards [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:30 UsedQuit Cannot load game, stuck on Reconnecting screen

This happened starting yesterday. Every time I try to start a game in any mode (including single player tocker trials TFT) the game won’t launch. Eventually I get a pop up saying LoL isn’t responding and I get stuck at the reconnecting screen. Reconnecting doesn’t work. Restarting client doesn’t work. Restarting computer doesn’t work, still will get stuck at reconnecting.
Uninstalled and reinstalled the game completely, doesn’t work and issue still persists.
Riot/league is allowed through firewall/antivirus.
Anyone have an idea how to solve?
submitted by UsedQuit to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:30 GoddessKatriina You exist to serve, and I exist to enjoy. Balance restored.

You exist to serve, and I exist to enjoy. Balance restored. submitted by GoddessKatriina to findommes [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:30 SkylineAstronaut Potencial da multiclasse Ladino/Frade

Olá, pessoal. Na minha campanha atual, estou jogando com o seguinte grupo: - Meio-elfo ladino devoto de Tanna-Toh (eu) - Kallyanach paladino devoto de Khalmyr - Sereia druida devota de Oceano - Humano cavaleiro - Elfo bárbaro (Destreza)
Meus 4 amigos são frontline. Não vou dar pitaco na build de nenhum deles pq minha opinião não foi pedida. Mas querendo ou não, eu sinto que tá faltando um suporte dedicado (meu personagem já tava com história pronta, então não quis jogar fora pra fazer um suporte desde o primeiro nível), e então pensei em fazer um multiclasse com frade, para providenciar esse apoio essencial por meio das minhas magias. Em questão de história, faria bastante sentido, visto que meu personagem é um ladino a serviço da igreja de Tanna-Toh, com toda a vibe acadêmica dessa organização. A questão é: nunca fiz multiclasse antes, não sei qual seria uma proporção boa de níveis de ladino e níveis de frade. E outra coisa, meu mestre ia criar uma distinção específica pra mim, que contaria com poderes que exaltariam o lado especialista do meu personagem. Segundo ele, "com essa distinção tu sempre terá uma solução pra qualquer situação". A distinção teria a marca (que eu ganharia sem gastar slot de poder) mais uns 4 ou 5 poderes.
E aí vem o dilema: eu quero muito a distinção, tanto por essa descrição dela, quanto pela história do meu personagem, mas eu entendo que ela competiria com os níveis de frade E com os de ladino. Queria opiniões sobre a situação, se a multiclasse ladino/frade é válida, e se acham que seria possível conciliar as três fontes de poderes...
Informações relevantes sobre meu personagem até agora:
Sunael Veritas, Meio-elfo ladino devoto de Tanna-Toh, Nível 3 FOR 0 DES 4 CON 1 INT 4 SAB 3 CAR -1 Poder geral da raça: Acrobático Poderes de nível: Sombra, Mente Criminosa Poder concedido: Voz da Civilização Poderes de Origem (regra da casa, uma origem regional e uma base): Sábio Matemático (Permite lançar Concentração de Combate e Orientação que não são considerados magias ou efeitos mágicos), Venefício (Assistente de Laboratório) Poder por complicação Honra de Ladrão: Saque Rápido
Estive buildando o personagem pra ter bastante utilidade em perícias e contribuir em combate com ataques furtivos e venenos, e tava pensando em ir pro lado do mosquete no futuro.
submitted by SkylineAstronaut to Tormenta [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:30 AutoModerator Huddle up - Time for chitchat!

What could you talk about ?

P.S. As per the sub's general policy, NSFW content will not permitted. Violation will warrant an instant ban.
submitted by AutoModerator to IndiaMentalHealth [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:30 Ecstatic_Reaction230 Bamboozled

Bamboozled Just found 2 rainbow tipped butterflies together?? STARRED and non-starred?? Well there’s the rng luck for 2025 used up😂
submitted by Ecstatic_Reaction230 to Palia [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:30 EatDatPineapple445 Help I accidentally chose s&s for casion as a first time run and have no one to do it with!

What opitional preps should I do? I didn't know s&s was the hardest. Xbox S/X if anyone wants to help.
submitted by EatDatPineapple445 to gtaonline [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:30 Icy_Catch_7565 How many of you think that vibe can be just as important/maybe even more so than 'looks'?

submitted by Icy_Catch_7565 to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:30 Zestyclose_Sink_9353 does a man's manliness play a role in you seeing him as a potential partner?

before I say anything, I wanna say that I'm 20 years old and I'm very ignorant about a lot of things socially related, so if i say something stupid let me know and I'll learn from it.
for the past few months I've been doing a lot of introspection about my ummmm, very bad dating history, I've basically never had someone reciprocate my feelings, and this had hurt my confidence and self-image a lot, and one of the possible explanations I found was that I wasn't really manly, ever since I was a kid I pretty much rejected any notion of masculinity, my gender was never a factor for me when it came to finding hobbies or doing things, I just did what I liked and that more times than not it didn't align with what a "man should do/be"
fast-forward to college and I started to become more self-conscious about how other people saw me, I started taking better care of myself, tried to learn as much as possible about life, relationships, social etiquette, I was a sponge for information, still am, and what I discovered is that women are attracted to manly men (shocker, I know) and that kind of started making me self-conscious about it, I'd say I'm physically masculine, I am tall (for my country at least) I have broad shoulders, I have facial hair, body hair everywhere, some muscles even though I don't work out, thick hair, and a masculine voice, but my mannerisms, humor, modulation, expressions, interests, aren't masculine, I'd describe it as what would be considered a stereotypical flamboyant gay man, and I've become more and more worried that that's what makes me unattractive to women, they'd see me more as a gay best friend than a man who is attracted to women, and if that's the case then I'm fucked, because this is who i am, I've tried making more guy friends, using more masculine expressions, show interest in stereotypically male hobbies like sports and video games, but there's a limit to how much i can change before it starts feeling like I'm not myself anymore, for example I hate male perfumes and always use more floral or baby perfumes, so, what's your perspective on this?
submitted by Zestyclose_Sink_9353 to AskWomenNoCensor [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:30 LightningEdge756 Viewers who enjoy both sub and dub, how do you decide which anime you'll watch subbed or dubbed?

Just wondering since I enjoy both. If I watch a series subbed I try to make sure to watch at least one episode dubbed (and vice versa), just to get a feel for what the voices are like.
Whenever I watch a nostalgic anime from the childhood days, I tend to watch em subbed, not because old animes tend to have bad dubs lol but because I've already experienced em in dub form.
I also tend to prefer watching comedic anime dubbed, not sure why tbh, I guess because hearing the jokes and crazy moments in English just makes it funnier to me in some way.
submitted by LightningEdge756 to anime [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:30 saddetective87 Space Cases (1996-1997) [all episodes]

Space Cases (1996-1997) [all episodes] submitted by saddetective87 to fulltvshowsonyoutube [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:30 Bigchi3602 2019-22 Pure Aero grommets

Does anyone have a link to get replacement bumpers and grommets for the 2019-22 pure aeros?
submitted by Bigchi3602 to 10s [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:30 newtongeiszler i miss my stupid fuckin boyfriend man how tf do yall do this shit?! 😭😭😭😭

i miss my stupid fuckin boyfriend man how tf do yall do this shit?! 😭😭😭😭 FLAIR: SAD!
submitted by newtongeiszler to LongDistance [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:30 DataDork8 Newly increased referral credit! Save up to $2,000 (Model S/X/Cybertruck) or $1,000 (Model Y/3) on a qualifying Tesla model with my referral. These cars are a blast. Thanks!!

Tesla made car buying super easy-zero hassle/all online. The cars have space and performance that make it perfect for family trips or daily drives.
Save up to $2,000 with my referral code and make the switch! Incentives might not last, so act now if you're interested. Happy to answer any questions and share the pros and cons.
Check referral eligibility
Use My referral:
submitted by DataDork8 to teslareferralcode [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:30 Arson_Bunny2 Help?

Help? The circled cookie is on my main liek team for beast yeast lvls and such, but she’s so freaking bad, I’ve brought her toppings to max lvl and also her beast treat whatever it’s called but her damage output it horrible, any like suggestions on how I should switch her out with or just to liek get better? I haven’t played since like 2021 and just started getting back into playing this game for like a month
submitted by Arson_Bunny2 to CookieRunKingdoms [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:30 BroMandi [Costco Wholesale] Costco Members: Skylight 15" Smart Touchscreen Calendar and Organizer w/ 1 yr Plus Subscription + Free shippiing $227.99 [Deal: $227.99, Actual: $277.99]

submitted by BroMandi to RedditShoppingDeals [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:30 Professional_Lab204 Winter Weightloss

I’ve lost 25lbs so far in 6 months. I’m worried winter is going to be my downfall. I have 45-50lbs to lose still. I’m someone who gets very sad in the winter. It’s hard for me to make it into the gym. I want comfort food. I’m stressed and in school while working full time. And I need the sun.
What are some winter habits that keep you mentally and physically well? How do you stay on track? Any weightloss friendly comfort meal ideas?
submitted by Professional_Lab204 to CICO [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:30 Typical_Cap895 [CAN-ON] When it comes to benefits, what is a "Plan Holder"?

When it comes to benefits and Coordination of Benefits, what is a "Plan Holder"? Can you provide some potential examples of a Plan Holder?
If there's a family of 4, and the dad has health/dental benefits and his wife and children are under his name, is every member of the family considered a Plan Holder? And thus there are 4 Plan Holders?
submitted by Typical_Cap895 to AskHR [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:30 Acrobatic-Bug6420 Do you think her ears will stand?

Do you think her ears will stand? I included her geneology. I'm very curious yo wether or not her ears will stand. she's only 9 weeks so quite a bit before we could tell but I'm really curious as to wether or not they would. what do you guys think? (Extra pet tax :))
submitted by Acrobatic-Bug6420 to DOG [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:30 lilferg_ First Top 5 Pick

First Top 5 Pick submitted by lilferg_ to TheProgramCFM [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:30 ReadingOk4057 Do items proc twice with shyvana Q?

I can't find anything on Google.
submitted by ReadingOk4057 to shyvanamains [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:30 K3lvin3 Trades?

Trades? submitted by K3lvin3 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:30 jadescurse We Figured Out the Ending!!!

The ending will conclude with Killua waking up to finally seeing Gon again!
The From series is taking place at the New World due to one of the calamities!

  1. The talisman and Hunter Association are exactly the same.
  2. The Night and day symbol on it represents Gon and Killua
  3. The Matthews family are the MC’s but Gon has no family so that makes Killua and the Soldyck family the MC’s in this series
  4. Julie ability is the result of her awakening her Nen ability
  5. Boyd is Killua’s subconscious version that SO HAPPENS to find the talisman before the Soldyck family show up…
  6. The MiY is Don Freecss trying to kill his grandsons boyfriend, so he can continue their bloodline
It’s so obvious; it’s probably more connections I’ve failed to point out.
They said the answers are in the beginning…
Huh begins with Gon sailing away from an island via boat…. Now the only way they can escape is… you guessed it; via BOATS!!!
submitted by jadescurse to FromSeries [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:30 No-Volume7464 Got the SRO mounted and zeroed today 🎯

Got the SRO mounted and zeroed today 🎯 submitted by No-Volume7464 to CZFirearms [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:30 real90semo I just started to watch this show and I'm nearly done with season 2. There's something that's bugging me...

The producers and camera crew completely ignore that so many of these people are still using when they're out of prison. In season one whenever Alla was on camera you could tell she'd be up and down until she was consequently caught. Season two had several people who seem to constantly be high on camera (Lizzie, Matt, Tracie) and it's just never mentioned?? At least not until they're re-arrested or caught. To top it off, men like Clint and Scott are enabling their partners and it's always just glossed over?? It's so much darker than I expected to see on a reality show from the 90df producers but I guess I can't be too surprised considering the type of people they've let into the 90 day franchise.
Surely I can't be the only one who feels a little gross watching it happen??
submitted by real90semo to loveafterlockup [link] [comments]