2024.12.01 02:20 xoxoxxxooooxox It hurts how true these posts are
My wife and I have been together since the end of 2017. I could full pages of what we have been through but it wasn't until the end of 2022 when I caught her cheating (planning to have raw sex with many people because she can't get pregnant) that I left and she finally got diagnosed with BPD. Since then I have told myself that everything I went through wasn't in vain as we were finally able to put a name to the evil. Now she's on medication and is the polar opposite but instead of being crazy and making a scene, now she plays mind games and gaslights me. I just wanted to share that I'm not at the point where I can leave just yet for reasons but that it honestly sucks lurking here and seeing that almost everything that people mention, is true.
submitted by xoxoxxxooooxox to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:20 AnEvenBiggerChode How can I learn to accept having autism with intense social anxiety?
To preface this may be a bit disorganized because I am drunk, and trying to ensure that while the explanation of my issue is throughouh the amount of unnecessary information over shared is kept to a minimum. It is absolutely illogical and weird but I feel very ashamed and disheartened that I have autism. I can somehow accept the fact that I have extreme social anxiety that almost goes beyond anxiety into psychosis territory, and accept that I have bi-polar which leads to stupid financial decisions and ridiculous irritability and near or complete emotional breakdowns without feeling shame but autism is just something I can't accept it or just drop an "it is what it is" and be okay. Fueling the negative fire around my negative thought pattern around autism is the fact that it is actually noticed and pointed out at times by people. My current boss, past bosses, and some HR managers in interviews have asked if I'm diagnosed which is a major problem for my anxiety which will be explained soon. Does anyone have any advice for how I can tackle this issue? My social anxiety makes this much worse, with every misstep of unrealistic borderline delusional rules meaning I need to get the hell out of where I am and never speak again because I am unbearable to hear, and this statement is only slight hyperbole if it even is hyperbole because of all the very potent negative emotions I feel. Additionally these moments that trigger my anxiety haunt me, as my brain often replays these memories and I feel a portion of those intense negative emotions. As old memories lose their emotional impact or are forgotten, new ones are created, so there's usually always at least a few painful memories my mind can loop when it chooses to. This makes the issue seemingly impossible to solve: I need to accept autism as a part of me, with the main negative side effects being social difficulties. Due to my anxiety any social misstep or oddity means I am an absolute failure of a person who should never speak again, but surely the shame I feel from my diagnosis is likely aiding my anxiety in some way. Unfortunately recognizing positive traits I have doesn't help my anxiety, nor does rational thought even in the moment. Additionally exposure so far hasn't been very helpful, if it all. Nor has medication, over a decade of therapy, and a major decrease in drinking and a near complete lack of smoking weed helped to get my anxiety down to what I imagine a reasonable level would be. I'm not naive enough to think I can live a life free of anxiety, but I'd like to imagine there's a way to work my anxiety down to a point where I am not immensely uncomfortable around people whether they're stranger or family/friend, and that maybe one day the emotions from a trigger could end quickly in seconds or minutes like they used to instead of occupying hours with intense negative emotions. I apologize for any typos and incoherence with my post, I am farily drunk and recovering from a weed hangover which makes typing legible sentences as opposed to legible paragraphs difficult. Thanks to anyone who read this, even if you can't solve this seemingly impossible problem the fact you read shows you care and in my eyes that makes you a really kind person which is an awesome trait to have.
submitted by AnEvenBiggerChode to autism [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:20 SpecialistAd7240 We are your leader
You dumb ass muppet. All you need is strings. This Reddit literally dictates what you post about. It’s funny how that bikini already fits horrendously worse than it did just just a couple weeks ago…and it was bad then. XOXO. You warm toilet seat. submitted by SpecialistAd7240 to WhitneysDelusions [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:20 walrusAssault Armor percentage vs. AC in Diablo 1
Hello, I've been playing Diablo Hellfire recently and I've been wondering about items I've been getting with armor percentage bonuses. I don't really get how they work. For example, I got a "Glorious Cap of Harmony" with 4 armor but the bonus stat is +80% armor. Currently, without any kind of headgear on, my character is AC 72. With the cap on it's 79.
So the bonus stat is an extra 80% of the base 4, which is 3.2, rounded down, bringing the armor bonus to 7? Why not just say the cap has 7 armor and be done with it? Seems a bit silly unless there is something I'm missing. Thanks.
submitted by walrusAssault to Diablo [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:20 Alone-Cauliflower142 Looking for Intermezzo Audiobook
By the one and only Sally Rooney. Much much appreciated, thank you!
submitted by Alone-Cauliflower142 to MsFreeBooks [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:20 KonoFerreiraDa What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by KonoFerreiraDa to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:20 No-Personality-3728 Disappointed
I saved up to go on a trip with a friend while on the trip I decided to get pokemon cards as a souvenir but the vendor sold me fake packs which i didn’t realize until after I opened them.
submitted by No-Personality-3728 to pokemoncards [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:20 No_Veterinarian I really really want to love Protonmail but….
There is literally no way to get down to one mail application on Apple mobile devices.
2024.12.01 02:20 CharmingPersonality1 Soy yo o las redes sociales son un nido de mensajes negativos y toxicidad?
Nosé, honestamente hace unos días me desinstale instagram y la verdad me siento mejor psicológicamente. A veces siento que el algoritmo de instagram y muchas redes sociales en general promueven mensajes bastantes noscivos como la idealización, la superficialidad, el egocentrismo, la hipersexualizacion. Por un lado siento que también los algoritmos te terminan encerrando en una burbuja ideológica recomendando contenido de tu agrado que solo termina generando un sesgo de confirmación y posterior radicalización de cualquier tipo deideologías que se imaginen izquierda, derecha, del político que se te ocurra.
submitted by CharmingPersonality1 to AskArgentina [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:20 ProbablyYoung Does anyone know what this little red light means?
I updated my pc last night, turned it on today and it's come on.
submitted by ProbablyYoung to pchelp [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:20 Terrible_Wealth_4023 I think bro wants sir pentious
submitted by Terrible_Wealth_4023 to hazbin [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:20 Acceptable-Medium754 Module 2 on the READING
How can I do better at the reading on module 2!!!! It makes no sense. I got 2 wrong on the first module and got like 10 wrong on the second. How can I help myself? I feel like I was too nervous and not comprehending the questions.
submitted by Acceptable-Medium754 to Sat [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:20 Wardi_Boi Brother Yamcha of the Yam Chapter has fallen to a Saibastealer
submitted by Wardi_Boi to WarhammerMemes [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:20 Technical-Nebula-380 Trading sw axe for candy
That lol
submitted by Technical-Nebula-380 to MurderMystery2 [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:20 anopeningworld Why did the Chicano cross the road?
To get to Aztlan on the other side.
submitted by anopeningworld to Chicano [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:20 ArrivalBrilliant616 I'm a first year at TMU
Wanted to clarify the jump from high to uni has been a bit rough. If my GPA for my first semester is below 1.67 but my overall cpga for the entirety of my first year is above 1.67 due to my second semester, will I still be put on academic probation?
submitted by ArrivalBrilliant616 to TorontoMetU [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:20 Unhappy_Sandwich4388 Click for click
submitted by Unhappy_Sandwich4388 to TikTok [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:20 kaibigangoso To whoever decided to put this in Imaginarium Theater…
I hope you step on Legos barefoot. Seriously the ruined serpent last time is far better than this
submitted by kaibigangoso to Genshin_Impact [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:20 theurbanlegendhunter Everyone who breaks the rules in r/askouija or spams create posts shall ______
submitted by theurbanlegendhunter to AskOuija [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:20 Kikkomori Is there anyway to force which EGO I want to corrode? (Spoilers for Canto 5)
As of this post, I am currently trying to beat 5-30. I am using the strategy of Ishmael defending so NClair can deal damage without clashing. Just one issue: NClair loses SP very fast. This wasn’t a problem in my first run, when NClair distorted into Hex Nail, and could deal far more damage to multiple targets. However, I’m currently a little broke noob nowhere close to sharding an NClair of my own, so I’m using my friend’s support NClair. Unfortunately for me, he’s using Cavernous Wailing, Sinclair’s non-default Zayin EGO. As a result, in every subsequent run NClair has distorted into Cavernous Wailing, dealing far less damage necessary for me to beat Ricardo. Is there a way I can force NClair to distort into Hex Nail, or were his original distortions into Hex Nail bugged, with the normal procedure being distortion into Cavernous Wailing?
TL;DR, I want NClair to distort into Hex Nail, but he has Cavernous Wailing equipped, and he’s a support, so I can’t change the EGO.
submitted by Kikkomori to limbuscompany [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:20 English_person2 can’t find someone to give me a good deal so i’m putting this here. does anyone have a good offer?
submitted by English_person2 to Soundmap [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:20 Sea_Ad8179 Have a picture of my baby and his cousin standing infront of eachother, want it to look like a street fighters video game. Can someone help me with this? Ken and ryu fighting in another
As above
submitted by Sea_Ad8179 to PhotoshopRequest [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:20 xunderthesunx How I Manifested an SP to do something spontaneous by scripting.
I’m back, five minutes after my last post.
If you’re mad about it, fight me. 😌
Anyway. Decided to talk about the time I manifested with scripting. I’m kinda mad about it now because I used my iPad to script at the time. I tried to find it recently but I’m sure I deleted it. If I find it, I’ll post it here as embarrassing as it might be😂
So, this happened in 2022! I was working in the emergency department at a hospital (I intentionally manifested working there) and we had a new guy come in. At the time, I thought nothing of this guy. I actually had a crush on a different guy I was manifesting (he was so cute 😩). I decided to manifest him after manifesting seeing the wagon that I talked about in my initial post here.
But anyway, new guy comes and starts talking to me and the best part was that my actual crush was training the new guy. So whenever new guy would talk to me, my crush would be nearby. Days go by and it’s kinda clear that the new guy likes me. Turns out, we’re both into gaming so I give him my gamer tag along with my number (I’m quite ballsy when I like someone) and the next day he texts me, asking to game.
I say "yes’ and we start gaming regularly from then on.
Eventually, I start to like new guy more, especially because old guy was paying me with only increments of attention (I actually got old guy’s number wayyy later but that’s another story).
One day we’re gaming and the new guy starts saying things that really imply that he likes me but he won’t directly say it. At this point, he’s getting on my nerves and I really want him to ask me out.
So what do I do? I script. I have a new iPad now but my old iPad is the one I scripted on and saved the letter.
I pulled up my notebook app, grabbed my pencil and dated the paper for the next day.
So if it was August 10, 2022, I dated it August 11, 2022.
I then wrote as if I was telling someone what the new SP was going to do.
So it went something like this:
(New guy’s name) is so sweet and funny. We get along great. We game everyday and I have so much fun. I can tell that (new guy’s name) likes me. He’s always saying things that give me hints that he’s going to say it any day now. In fact, I know he’s going to ask me out. It’s going to happen while we’re gaming, he’s going to randomly ask me to do something spontaneous and I’m going to be so surprised and wonder "where the heck is this coming from?" I can’t wait to see (new guy’s name).
And yeah, there was a little more to it but nothing greatly different than the little details I added above and that’s truly what I remember. As you can see, I included little things that were already happening and things that were going to happen.
I didn’t hope, I didn’t feel, I didn’t believe. I just knew what I wanted to happen and wrote what he was going to do.
And then I said it with conviction that if SP says something spontaneous like what I scripted, then I KNOW I MANIFESTED IT.
I did this right before bed.
After work the next day….THE NEXT DAY, I’m gaming with SP. We are just finishing up a game and waiting in the lobby. Why does this man randomly ask me to go on a road trip with him to Boston to see a band I’d never even heard of called "Bright Eyes?"
Y’all my heart sank. I couldn’t believe it….but also I could at the same time because I wrote it just yesterday that he’s ask me to do something spontaneous while gaming.
I had to play it off so hard and pretend not to die.
I’ve never seen this man outside of work at all. We had just met and not even a few weeks later, he’s asking me to go on a ten hour road trip with him just to see a band.
I’d manifested before this but this definitely helped build my belief.
I hope this gives you motivation!
submitted by xunderthesunx to lawofattraction [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:20 Daflehrer1 MAGA - Thy Hatred Is Projection
submitted by Daflehrer1 to alexjones [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:20 Emergency-Banana5065 What color should I go? Blonde is causing lots of breakage.
submitted by Emergency-Banana5065 to HairDye [link] [comments] |