Template to Congress: I am writing to address the ongoing incursions of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) over sensitive military airspace in the United Kingdom. These events, which began on November 20, 2024, have persisted for over ten nights

2024.12.01 02:20 hunterseeker1 Template to Congress: I am writing to address the ongoing incursions of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) over sensitive military airspace in the United Kingdom. These events, which began on November 20, 2024, have persisted for over ten nights

Template to Congress: I am writing to address the ongoing incursions of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) over sensitive military airspace in the United Kingdom. These events, which began on November 20, 2024, have persisted for over ten nights submitted by hunterseeker1 to TeamNightShift [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 TylerDurdanLives Couldn’t resist Blackfriday deal!

Couldn’t resist Blackfriday deal! Massive p
submitted by TylerDurdanLives to Wheels [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 princessdylank zacian raid - 087454203160

submitted by princessdylank to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 Own-Training1099 Repost the last game you screenshotted with

Repost the last game you screenshotted with submitted by Own-Training1099 to repost [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 Previous-Apricot271 Best vacuum for a house cleaning business

I am looking for a vacuum for my house cleaning business. I'm looking for something that is medium-light weight is easy to maneuver, and doesn't break the bank. I've always used shark stick vacuums which have been pretty nice but this last go around with the current model I have, I'm about ready to move on to a different brand or style.
submitted by Previous-Apricot271 to CleaningTips [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 Top-Huckleberry8464 Some niggas don’t give a Fuck

submitted by Top-Huckleberry8464 to TheCapitalLink [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 FewTask4913 [PC] Dark Souls Remastered, need help with Gwyn.

password: 1234
submitted by FewTask4913 to SummonSign [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 GroundbreakingLeg515 Add me for gift exchange 9954 9440 2955

9954 9440 2955
submitted by GroundbreakingLeg515 to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 Avandy10 26 m Someone entertain me at work

submitted by Avandy10 to LetsChat [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 Affectionate-Dot4685 After ~7 months of daily M use, I knocked it off thanksgiving day. What was your experience ?

On turkey day, i imagine it was still very much flowing through me. Ate and ate, and was fine-ish. Friday, I slept non stop. Amazing how easy it was to go back to sleep. I took some melatonin and crashed for the night. Today, while nothing meaningful was accomplished, I was up walking around. I get it, it's early, but there were glimmers of...ambition, hope. I apologized for my shitty behavior. Tomorrow is the last day before I have to down shift, get back to work. I plan to ease into exercising. Candidly, I have procured Wellbutrin, and have a script for adderall, both of which I am hoping I don't have to make use of. I remember the first weeks and months going by I'm a blur, but the last several months it was like I was a shell of myself, almost robotic. Any tips, pointers, and personal experiences are appreciated. Godspeed.
submitted by Affectionate-Dot4685 to StopSpeeding [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 Ha1fA1ive Anyone wanna do this?

submitted by Ha1fA1ive to AdoptMeTrading [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 Adventurous_Top_4033 Why dosen't Sgt Johnson wear a helmet?

Isn't it dangerous to not wear a helmet in battle? Also don't they have communication gear too? Why dosen't he wear a helmet?
submitted by Adventurous_Top_4033 to HaloStory [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 Mean_Image8226 any way to have kanon with the eng, all ages, voice patch all in one package?

submitted by Mean_Image8226 to Kanon [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 misterultimate5699 BFB Randomized Episode 31 Voting Results - StrawPoll

BFB Randomized Episode 31 Voting Results - StrawPoll submitted by misterultimate5699 to BFDIVoting [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 omaha_stylee816 Prosperity Pot 88

did anybody else's limits change for this game? the smallest spin I'm able to make right now is $7.04. If I want to play the max multiplier the smallest wager is $77.44.
I want my $1.76 max multiplier spins back!
submitted by omaha_stylee816 to Bovada [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 Accomplished-Ask5599 Add meeeeeee

Add meeeeeee https://i.airbuds.fm/68./u0eGuQAuT2
submitted by Accomplished-Ask5599 to airbuds [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 fruitloops204 4 weeks to coach all star team

Selected to coach the 10u all star team and I have 4 weeks before our first game (first game first week of Jan). I’ve coached now for several seasons of rec and but my first time coaching a team full of talented kids. Any tips on what i can do to get our team ready. 4 weeks seems like a lot but with the holidays etc I don’t know how many practices I’ll actually get with the full team. The kids are talented so I’m looking more around team building / focus on formation. But like I said, anyone who coached all stars have any tips. Thanks
submitted by fruitloops204 to SoccerCoachResources [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 bongonzales2019 This TikTok NOMTW comment hits so hard

This TikTok NOMTW comment hits so hard God damn. 😓
submitted by bongonzales2019 to wicked [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 AutoModerator Summer Camouflage Clogs

submitted by AutoModerator to Sneakers2023 [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 PersimmonMiserable22 About to turn 18.

I have no friends,Never had a relationship of any form(asked a girl out for the first time a year ago and got ghosted immediately).Failing college.Havent started learning to drive.Extreme social anxiety(never leave the house apart from school).Is it actually over?
submitted by PersimmonMiserable22 to lonely [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 Avenmuyff Picked this up for $18

Picked this up for $18 The detail is actually really good for the price I paid.
submitted by Avenmuyff to Diecast [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 BroMandi [eBay] adidas Men's Duramo 10 Running Shoes (6.5-14, Carbon/Night Metallic) $24.50 + Free Shipping [Deal: $24.50, Actual: $70.00]

[eBay] adidas Men's Duramo 10 Running Shoes (6.5-14, Carbon/Night Metallic) $24.50 + Free Shipping [Deal: $24.50, Actual: $70.00] submitted by BroMandi to RedditShoppingDeals [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 Motor_Original2567 a little problem qith Gigabyte Control Center.

Well... after installing a couple of updates directly from G.C.C. I noticed the temperature of my G.P.U. rised almost 10 C°, and I dont know why. Normally the temperature was 32 - 34 C° without using any software but after the G.C.C. upgrades it raised between 40 - 42 C° with no software running...I tried to uninstall and then make a clean install of G.C.C. using the last version, but it was useless, the problem persist.
I´m using the latest drivers for my Nvidia RTX 4070, drivers and BIOS are updated, my case and fans are clean, so I can't figure it out what is the problem.
In the piture you can see the actual temperature with no software running, as I wrote, before the update was at 32 - 34 C°... now this :(
I hope someone can help me.
submitted by Motor_Original2567 to gigabyte [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 outilmary generateur silencieux 2835 kVa

generateur silencieux 2835 kVa
Description: generateur silencieux 2835 kVa
Lien Web: https://prixgroupeelectrogene.com/pubs/ge/6559-generateur-silencieux-2835-kva/
Autres: 2 KVA - 3 KVA - 4 KVA - 5 KVA - 6 KVA - 7 KVA - 8,5 Kva - 11 Kva - 14 Kva - 16 Kva - 17,5 Kva - 22 Kva - 23 Kva - 28 Kva - 33 Kva - 34 Kva - 35 Kva - 38 Kva - 40 Kva - 45 Kva - 50 Kva - 55 Kva - 62 Kva - 66 Kva - 71 Kva - 75 Kva - 77 Kva - 82 Kva - 88 Kva - 90 Kva - 100 Kva - 110 Kva - 125 Kva - 132 Kva - 150 Kva - 165 Kva - 175 Kva - 185 Kva - 190 Kva - 200 Kva - 220 Kva - 230 Kva - 250 Kva - 265 Kva - 275 Kva - 300 Kva - 330 Kva - 350 Kva - 360 Kva - 385 Kva - 400 Kva - 410 Kva - 440 Kva - 450 Kva - 485 Kva - 500 Kva - 510 Kva - 525 Kva - 550 Kva - 590 Kva - 600 Kva - 615 Kva - 630 Kva - 660 Kva - 700 Kva - 710 Kva - 715 Kva - 720 Kva - 725 Kva - 750 Kva - 770 Kva - 825 Kva - 830 Kva - 880 Kva - 900 Kva - 920 Kva - 1000 Kva - 1020 Kva - 1100 Kva - 1175 Kva - 1250 Kva - 1375 Kva - 1400 Kva - 1430 Kva - 1550 Kva - 1650 Kva - 1700 Kva - 1760 Kva - 1915 Kva - 2000 Kva - 2045 Kva - 2100 Kva - 2200 Kva - 2250 Kva - 2500 Kva - 2650 Kva - 2800 Kva - 3000 Kva - generateur silencieux 2835 kVa
submitted by outilmary to machinebtp2 [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 hxrtbrxkgxrl doing fan mail with nichole’s kids over

did anyone else find it in a little bit of bad taste to do fan mail while nichole’s kids were staying with them. i felt really bad for blake bc she obviously really wanted to be involved and i’m happy they let her, but i can’t imagine how it might have hurt her feelings to watch all her well off aunts??? (idk the right term) get a bunch of random gifts for no reason from strangers when she wasn’t getting anything.
im sure the kids act like they love everything for the camera even if they don’t and i hope they sent blake and the other kids home with a few little things that they didn’t wanna keep, but idk it made me sad watching her sit there, i noticed the older girl (not sure of her name) standing near in the beginning and eventually wandering off.
submitted by hxrtbrxkgxrl to Crazymiddles [link] [comments]
