Small grails almost got the full run now

2024.12.01 02:21 Bruffalobill Small grails almost got the full run now

Small grails almost got the full run now No black friday pricing though womp womp
submitted by Bruffalobill to comicbookcollecting [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:21 icydata CGY @ PIT - Rickard Rakell, backhand

CGY @ PIT - Rickard Rakell, backhand submitted by icydata to icydata [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:21 Midnight_Meme_Train MUSTAAARRDDDDDD!

MUSTAAARRDDDDDD! submitted by Midnight_Meme_Train to Midnight_Meme_Society [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:21 icydata WSH @ N.J - Jesper Bratt, wrist

WSH @ N.J - Jesper Bratt, wrist submitted by icydata to icydata [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:21 jvc72 Buy Signal SCNSOLUSD - 30 Nov 2024 @ 21:13 -> USD298.27

Exchange: CRYPTO
Time: 30 Nov 2024 @ 21:13
Price: USD298.27
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:21 Wrong-Transition3970 PIQ Revision?

Hi everyone, I am currently finishing up my PIQs and need someone to read over them. Thanks!
submitted by Wrong-Transition3970 to TransferStudents [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:21 icydata WSH @ N.J - Stefan Noesen, tip-in

WSH @ N.J - Stefan Noesen, tip-in submitted by icydata to icydata [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:21 NightmareEyes_Rose TIFU by thinking ketchup is spicy

I, 24F, have always been sensitive to spices, not to the point that I'll think black pepper is too hot but close enough. This is especially bad because I'm Hungarian and it's the baseline to like hot food, and most of my family not only likes but adores it. So I've obviously been teased a lot growing up, and I've grown to accept that I just can't really handle spices, even though I've been slowly building up a tolerance, especially the last year.
One of the things I tought fell into this spicy category was ketchup. I always just thought it had a bunch of spices in it, most for flavour, and one or two to give it a bit of a kick, nothing I can't handle though. I have a full list of spiciness levels, and this fell on the very low end of it. I did notice over the last year that people never really mentioned it being spicy in the slightest nor were they concerned if I would be able to handle ketchup unless it specifies "Hot", and my tolerance level didn't seem to affect it.
Well, last week we ran out of the ketchup my family uses and we tried a different brand we had in the cupboard, which I definitely tasted as more spicy than our usual brand. I finally mentioned it to my family and asked if ketchup is supposed to taste spicy, and to the surprise of no one, no, it isn't. My family was shocked I never mentioned it, I just thought it was how it was supposed to be and that's why they never mentioned it.
So yeah, I'm probably allergic to one of the actual spices used in both brands, but I thought I was just being a weak ass bitch.
TLDR: I found out ketchup is not supposed to be spicy, I'm just allergic. Only took me 24 years.
submitted by NightmareEyes_Rose to tifu [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:21 aster2560 If a Transformers One sequel is made would it be more likely that it would be released on streaming than theatrical

submitted by aster2560 to transformers [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:21 LolliPopYouInTheEye My first pair of hangers 😊💗

My first pair of hangers 😊💗 Just lil ones, but cute af
submitted by LolliPopYouInTheEye to Stretched [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:21 toothbrush_mast3r Steve has been made symmetrical

Steve has been made symmetrical submitted by toothbrush_mast3r to PhoenixSC [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:21 randomdudeinFL The game is screwing us for fragments

This is the third time I’ve seen this, but haven’t gotten screenshots to share. Will try to see if I can capture some on future draws, if I continue to play the game.
Here’s the specifics on today’s experience. I’m close to having one of my engineers to lvl 15. I was less than 150 fragments from being there—148 to be exact. So I bought some gems to summon, hoping to get her there. I got one copy, which put me 48 fragments away. Then on the next round of 10 draws, I got 10 fragments, but none actually registered. I’m still 48 fragments away.
I’ve been paying enough attention to catch this 3 times, but not enough attention to track every time it’s happening. It might be a bug or they might be counting on us not paying attention to see that we’re getting screwed.
I’ve spent a bunch of money building up the different troops, but am tempted to call it a day on this game. They don’t have an easy route to contact support in the game, which tells me they don’t really care too much about the players. If none of the fragments that I’ve purchased have been added to my troops, I’m not sure I want to keep spending my money to keep getting screwed.
submitted by randomdudeinFL to TopTroops [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:21 Freaktography ABANDONED for 30 Years - The Muskoka Sanitarium

ABANDONED for 30 Years - The Muskoka Sanitarium submitted by Freaktography to OntarioAbandoned [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:21 PUNCHYOUWITHMYFOOT Helicopter and police sirens in Southside

Anyone know why there’s a helicopter flying around in Southside? Near Seminary and Hemphill.
Maybe it’s the police headquarters/training area? Not sure. Been flying around for about 10 minutes now but I can’t see anything due to the trees.
submitted by PUNCHYOUWITHMYFOOT to FortWorth [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:21 Vienna_1210 King - Love and Pride - Extreme Face Remaster

King - Love and Pride - Extreme Face Remaster submitted by Vienna_1210 to 80smusic [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:21 MoeBrainz Zacian raid 321316761292

submitted by MoeBrainz to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:21 awkeshen Coming back... but too similar to Rach's 23/5... ? 😢
It's been quite a while since I have last published a piece - which was before Uni started. Now that the first semester has ended ( and the finals for 1st sem ) I have sm time to come back to finalize this piece.
Please Enjoy and comment if you want !
( I know, the first impression of this is perhaps a ripoff of Rachmaninoff's Op. 23 No. 5, but if you are willing to, give it a ( chance and ) listen to the end, even if only once. I hope that this piece manages to manage a delicate balance, where it only follows 23/5 in style and form, but not overall narrative and direction ( which hopefully can be heard especially in the middle and end parts ) - though all that said, I still have those self doubts that this is too similar to Rach's 23/5 haha. If this is plagiarized from that Prelude - which I also adore a lot - then I would say this piece is kinda a failure. So if it is unique enough standing by itself,I'm grateful! )
submitted by awkeshen to Composition [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:21 Head_Equipment_1952 How much ACCOUNTING does a BBA in finance cover?

I see a lot of finance majors in staff acc jobs just wondering how much accounting courses they take etc.
I know they take accounting 101 with us but don't remember them in any other class.
submitted by Head_Equipment_1952 to Accounting [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:21 darkdill By this point, when do you think they'll add in Dornmann Port? And what events do you think will take place there?

Dornmann Port will probably be our jump-off point to reach Snezhnaya, so they've gotta add it before 6.0, but I have to wonder if they'll add it in 5.4 or later. I know some people probably think that 5.4 will feature Blackcliff Forge, but I think they should delay that area until 6.4 and let Mondstadt get the extra area this year. Besides, 5.4 or 5.5 might be when we get to the Collective of Plenty in Natlan (Iansan's tribe) unless they want us to wait a lot longer for her. So, at the very latest, I'm thinking 5.6 will be when we reach Dornmann Port.
As for what could happen while we're there, IIRC, the Lawrence Clan holds power in Dornmann Port, so maybe we'll get an Eula Chapter 2 there. I'm thinking that maybe the Lawrences could learn that the Traveler wants to go to Snezhnaya and, still angry at how they helped screw over Schubert, blockade the port so the Traveler can't set sail. Or maybe the port will become available in 5.5, when we could possibly get a Ludi Harpistum event, and then we have to do something there to help with the festivities (with the Lawrences trying to sabotage the holiday due to still being salty about Venti screwing over Barca Lawrence).
What are your theories on the region?
submitted by darkdill to Genshin_Impact [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:21 lightisalie I avoid life to save it from corruption

It looks like I’ve given up on life, but the opposite is true. I stopped trying because I still want to believe that life can be good, that there’s something to look forward to and admire about being alive. Ironically the only way to do that is by avoiding life at all costs, because it’s not reality. When I’m dreaming about life from my bedroom, I can hope to one day have friends, fall in love, or at least be happy. Or I can imagine other people have those things and be happy for them. But when I participate in life I get a personalised demonstration of how my worst fears are facts of reality and not fears at all. The innocence of my hope is stolen from me and life is ruined.
I’m about to do actual shit again and I’m scared of the depression it's going to bring with it. The hot air balloon of hope to which my will to live is tethered is about to burst.
submitted by lightisalie to AvPD [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 Substantial_Let_9038 Is my tattoo infected? I think I got a scratch or it’s infected (by the eye)

submitted by Substantial_Let_9038 to AskMedical [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 No_Warning2173 So...we have about 200t of 3m X 1.2m X 2mm sheet to manufacture. What's the likelyhood a low-cost portable CNC set up as below would actually survive 3 months of work?

So...we have about 200t of 3m X 1.2m X 2mm sheet to manufacture. What's the likelyhood a low-cost portable CNC set up as below would actually survive 3 months of work? submitted by No_Warning2173 to hobbycnc [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 xoxoxxxooooxox It hurts how true these posts are

My wife and I have been together since the end of 2017. I could full pages of what we have been through but it wasn't until the end of 2022 when I caught her cheating (planning to have raw sex with many people because she can't get pregnant) that I left and she finally got diagnosed with BPD. Since then I have told myself that everything I went through wasn't in vain as we were finally able to put a name to the evil. Now she's on medication and is the polar opposite but instead of being crazy and making a scene, now she plays mind games and gaslights me. I just wanted to share that I'm not at the point where I can leave just yet for reasons but that it honestly sucks lurking here and seeing that almost everything that people mention, is true.
submitted by xoxoxxxooooxox to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 Dangerous-Ant3482 Date, Marry, or kill. Your pick.

Date, Marry, or kill. Your pick. submitted by Dangerous-Ant3482 to placehldr [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 Medical-Economy-6520 Where to get skylander 3d Models?

I really want a VVind up model or even just a normal wind up so I can model it into it. This is for 3d printing. I’ve looked every where but can’t anything please help.
submitted by Medical-Economy-6520 to skylanders [link] [comments]