Pokemon Go Accounts December Sale ($150-$200-$200-$200)

2024.12.01 02:30 Pinoy-Brock Pokemon Go Accounts December Sale ($150-$200-$200-$200)

Pokemon Go Accounts December Sale ($150-$200-$200-$200)
Account #1 Pokemon Go Level 45 with 100 IV Shadow Mewtwo - $150 Account Details
• Google Mail • Link to your own Google Mail • Year 2022 • Level 45 - Mystic • Change Nickname Available • 678 Pokecoins
Storage • 650 Pokemon Storage • 1500 Item Storage
Pokemons • 105 Legendary (12 Shiny) • 177 Shiny (19 Shundo) • 67 Hundos • 2 Mythical
Highlight • 100 IV Shadow Mewtwo • 100 IV Purified Shiny Entei • 100 IV Shadow Suicune • Armored Mewtwo • Masterball
Photos via IMGUR
Account #2 2016 Pokemon Go Level 43 - $250 Highlights
• 1035 Legendary • 13 Armored Mewtwo • 943 Hundos • 468 Shiny • Shiny Mew Research
Details • Link to your own Gmail • Year 2016 • Level 43 Instinct • Change Nickname Available
Storage • 3300 Pokemon Storage • 2050 Item Storage
Pokemons • 1035 Legendary (48 Shiny, 7 Hundos, 17 Shadow) • 102 Mythical (5 Shiny, 1 Hundo) • 468 Shiny • 943 Hundos (50 Shundo)
Others • 527 Pokecoins • Masterball Research • 634,000 Stardust
Photos via IMGUR
Account #3 6/8/2016 Pokemon Go Level 48 - $250 Details • Link to your own Gmail • Year 6/8/2016 • Level 50 (Need task to reach level 50) • Change Nickname Available
Storage • 3250 Pokemon Storage • 650 Item Storage
Pokemons • 469 Legendary (30 Shiny, 2 Hundos, 58 Shadow) • 497 Shiny • 1306 Hundos • 65 Mythical (3 Shiny, 100 IV Darkrai)
• 74 Pokemons under 1500 CP with 3 moves (Great League) • 56 Pokemons under 2500 CP with 3 moves (Ultra League)
• 2016 Level 50 (Need task to reach level 50) • 1306 Hundos • 161 3 moves • 3M Stardust
Complete Photos via IMGUR
Account #4 2020 Pokemon Go Level 43 with Apex Legendary (Non-Spoofed) - $250 Details • Link to your own Gmail • Year 2020 • Level 43 Valor • Change Nickname Available
Highlight • Apex Ho-oh • Apex Lugia (Research) • Shiny Mew • 100 IV Mewtwo, Yveltal, Shadow Articuno • Armored Mewtwo (Traded)
• 2050 Pokemon Storage • 1200 Item Storage
• 216 Legendary (37 Shiny, 3 Hundos) • 185 Shiny • 114 Hundos • 37 Mythical (8 Shiny)
Other • 4.8m Stardust • 932 Pokecoins • Masterball
Complete Photos via IMGUR
Important Reminder: • The Pokemon Go data will be linked to your own Google Mail • Message us for inquiries
submitted by Pinoy-Brock to PoGoServices [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:30 PikachuPunch Free Little Caesar’s code - will delete once redeemed

Free Little Caesar’s code - will delete once redeemed submitted by PikachuPunch to blackops6 [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:30 Mark_Winterstern24 Hey guys, I found this in the catacombes. Who the heck is this guy?

Hey guys, I found this in the catacombes. Who the heck is this guy? submitted by Mark_Winterstern24 to gutsandblackpowders [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:30 Roman-Mania For the first time, the College Cup will have 4 teams from one conference - the ACC

For the first time, the College Cup will have 4 teams from one conference - the ACC submitted by Roman-Mania to NCAAWsoccer [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:30 Top_Lengthiness_8612 Princess Donut Lights

Princess Donut Lights Omg she glows !!!
submitted by Top_Lengthiness_8612 to DungeonCrawlerCarl [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:30 PhysicsConsistent269 TX2 is honestly amazing

There’s a band called TX2 that gets a lot of hate for being cringy. Yes the TikToks are cringe but despite all of that its a genuinely great band. I wish more people would give them a try and look past all the cringe the man is just trying to market his band. Anyway thats my unpopular opinion. Please check TX2 out.
submitted by PhysicsConsistent269 to unpopularopinion [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:30 kekd444 Morph id?

Morph id? I bought this baby and the morph was unknown. Any ideas?
submitted by kekd444 to cornsnakes [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:30 Fickle-Sherbet-1075 Looking for a VSTi that sounds like this

Looking for a VSTi that sounds like this I’m very picky with my piano sounds. Looking for a software piano I can play in Ableton that sounds like this.
Any suggestions? Preferably something that won’t break the bank
submitted by Fickle-Sherbet-1075 to musicians [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:30 Reyahluvsyou Let’s play, what’s your gt?

Mines childsupportyo
submitted by Reyahluvsyou to DeadByDaylightMobile [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:30 Mundane_Buddy3791 First gen not connecting

Ledger Nano 1st got in 2018. Haven’t opened since 2020. USB doesn’t detect across 3 pcs windows Linux, data cords x4. Every little command line and device manager magic trick known to man. What’s the problem.
I plug in, can unlock. Etc.
Secure element 1.6.0 Microcontroller 1.12
submitted by Mundane_Buddy3791 to ledgerwallet [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:30 paranoid_91 How do you like my V?

How do you like my V? submitted by paranoid_91 to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:30 Offres Space Shooter Z

Space Shooter Z submitted by Offres to TurkeyMiddleEast [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:30 Visible-Medicine-799 Música

Gente tenho uma curiosidade e espero que vcs possam tirar, na comparação entre funk e trap, o funk pra mim se parece ser mais agressivo nas suas produções ou seja na sua batida, isso realmente é vdd ou é algo da minha cabeça ? Até porque o trap tem vertentes que são agressivas também, como por exemplo o trap dark e o trap metal, além do Drill, mais gostaria de uma explicação sobre isso, e gostaria de uma comparação entre o Drill e o Funk também, na questão de agressividade na batida e a características de ambos e se dá pra dizer se um é mais agressivo que outro, se tem mais batida.
submitted by Visible-Medicine-799 to GarageBand [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:30 CreepToeCurrentSea Give me your best satire TA why alt season is back!

Give me your best satire TA why alt season is back! submitted by CreepToeCurrentSea to ethtrader [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:30 Pinoy-Brock Pokemon Go Accounts December Sale ($150-$200-$200-$200)

Pokemon Go Accounts December Sale ($150-$200-$200-$200)
Account #1 Pokemon Go Level 45 with 100 IV Shadow Mewtwo - $150 Account Details
• Google Mail • Link to your own Google Mail • Year 2022 • Level 45 - Mystic • Change Nickname Available • 678 Pokecoins
Storage • 650 Pokemon Storage • 1500 Item Storage
Pokemons • 105 Legendary (12 Shiny) • 177 Shiny (19 Shundo) • 67 Hundos • 2 Mythical
Highlight • 100 IV Shadow Mewtwo • 100 IV Purified Shiny Entei • 100 IV Shadow Suicune • Armored Mewtwo • Masterball
Photos via IMGUR
Account #2 2016 Pokemon Go Level 43 - $250 Highlights
• 1035 Legendary • 13 Armored Mewtwo • 943 Hundos • 468 Shiny • Shiny Mew Research
Details • Link to your own Gmail • Year 2016 • Level 43 Instinct • Change Nickname Available
Storage • 3300 Pokemon Storage • 2050 Item Storage
Pokemons • 1035 Legendary (48 Shiny, 7 Hundos, 17 Shadow) • 102 Mythical (5 Shiny, 1 Hundo) • 468 Shiny • 943 Hundos (50 Shundo)
Others • 527 Pokecoins • Masterball Research • 634,000 Stardust
Photos via IMGUR
Account #3 6/8/2016 Pokemon Go Level 48 - $250 Details • Link to your own Gmail • Year 6/8/2016 • Level 50 (Need task to reach level 50) • Change Nickname Available
Storage • 3250 Pokemon Storage • 650 Item Storage
Pokemons • 469 Legendary (30 Shiny, 2 Hundos, 58 Shadow) • 497 Shiny • 1306 Hundos • 65 Mythical (3 Shiny, 100 IV Darkrai)
• 74 Pokemons under 1500 CP with 3 moves (Great League) • 56 Pokemons under 2500 CP with 3 moves (Ultra League)
• 2016 Level 50 (Need task to reach level 50) • 1306 Hundos • 161 3 moves • 3M Stardust
Complete Photos via IMGUR
Account #4 2020 Pokemon Go Level 43 with Apex Legendary (Non-Spoofed) - $250 Details • Link to your own Gmail • Year 2020 • Level 43 Valor • Change Nickname Available
Highlight • Apex Ho-oh • Apex Lugia (Research) • Shiny Mew • 100 IV Mewtwo, Yveltal, Shadow Articuno • Armored Mewtwo (Traded)
• 2050 Pokemon Storage • 1200 Item Storage
• 216 Legendary (37 Shiny, 3 Hundos) • 185 Shiny • 114 Hundos • 37 Mythical (8 Shiny)
Other • 4.8m Stardust • 932 Pokecoins • Masterball
Complete Photos via IMGUR
Important Reminder: • The Pokemon Go data will be linked to your own Google Mail • Message us for inquiries
submitted by Pinoy-Brock to PoGoBuyandSell [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:30 EPWShow #WWE Survivor Series WarGames 2024 | Clash Of The Podcasts View Count 0

#WWE Survivor Series WarGames 2024 | Clash Of The Podcasts View Count 0 submitted by EPWShow to unknownvideos [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:30 Offres Space Shooter Z

Space Shooter Z submitted by Offres to marocctv [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:30 anadalayana I'm adorable 🩷🥺

I'm adorable 🩷🥺 submitted by anadalayana to SelfieDump [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:30 Nervous_Act_1861 Rate my daughters nicknames to my 4* pokemon

Rate my daughters nicknames to my 4* pokemon submitted by Nervous_Act_1861 to pokemongobrag [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:30 Deformographyx Has anyone had to call codes on their landlord?

If so, how did the process go? I know retaliation against the tenant is illegal but I’m tired of living like this because of them.
submitted by Deformographyx to Albany [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:30 DefectMahi Finished Calisto Protocol and here are my thoughts.

Played Calisto Protocol and finished it just right now. It wasn't a bad game but had faults. The characters were easy to be empathetic with, the combat is janky af but I think the biggest issue was that people compared it to dead space combat instead of its own thing. The combat does get repetitive and I rather have more variety of things to do to enemies than just swing my baton around repetitively, maybe not alternate the left and right buttons? The lore was interesting and I was captivated with the audio tapes when they played. The atmosphere is immersive, has the feeling of clastrophobia and how everything seemed bleak. The big bad was menancing but not the warden and I think the story did well to end there for Jacob where he has his redemption. I don't think Calisto Protocol was bad but Dead Space Remake (Original included) outshone it in every facet. I don't really mind if Glen comes back to the DS franchise because with the DS lore available, I think he will have some ideas cooking on how things will unfold. Also btw he wasn't there for DS3 so that shitty writing (Ellie survives? Palpatine Returns somehow vibes) and ideas that came from it aren't what he instigated. He also didn't like the fact that RE5 coop ruined horror and he didn't like to have that element in the DS games.
submitted by DefectMahi to TheCallistoProtocol [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:30 Hot_Educator2368 Hello everyone it is now december! Is your house decorated for christams yet? peepoSnow ˗ ˏ ˋ ★ˎˊ ˗ ༺𝓜𝓮𝓻𝓻𝔂༻༺𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓶𝓪𝓼༻ ˗ ˏ ˋ ★ˎˊ ˗ :D

Hello everyone it is now december! Is your house decorated for christams yet? peepoSnow ˗ ˏ ˋ ★ˎˊ ˗ ༺𝓜𝓮𝓻𝓻𝔂༻༺𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓶𝓪𝓼༻ ˗ ˏ ˋ ★ˎˊ ˗ :D submitted by Hot_Educator2368 to RedditAndChill [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:30 Spidey8989 Soundcore space one for $70. Is this a good deal?

Are these good headphones? I care most about build quality, I don't want them to break easily. Does anyone know if the headband is metal or not? Other from same brand had a metal one but it's under padding for this one, so hard hard to tell.
How is sound, battery, and anc? I have never used anc and don't know a lot about sound settings and stuff. I just want a good sounding headphone, I am a average customer who won't notice small problems.
I have seen many mixed reviews and a lot of them were probably sponsored. How is it for the price, I know it won't be the absolute best.
submitted by Spidey8989 to HeadphoneAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:30 Funny-Ebb-3891 17f wants to stop 29m from doing sexual acts with her without ruining the friendship.

Say, hypothetically there's this 17-year-old girl who met this 29-year-old man at church a few months ago and started talking. They talk as good friends every week and then one day the man brought up a problem he has with having to masturbate a lot or he'll feel immense pain. While he explained this he pulled out his "thingy" and started stroking it and asked the girl to help him. The girl Is a little shocked and kind of freezes and before she realizes the man gently leads her hand to him. The girl has a problem with being able to say no and went along with it.
The girl continues to talk to him every week with no problems. She tries to forget what happened but is a little warry around the man. A while later the same thing happens but this time the man puts his hand under the girl's dress and starts rubbing her. Which the girl didn't like at all due to past trauma. The girl froze again and let it happen.
Fast forward to today the girl went to church and the man pulled her aside and told her he wanted to finger her. The girl panicked and said he can't. When the man kept pushing the girl told him about the past trauma. The girl was sobbing at this point as the man listened. When she finished the man gently pulled her onto his lap and said that she could cry on his shoulder while he figured her. The girl sobbed on his shirt the whole time. The girl doesn't want that to happen ever again.
How can the girl make it clear to the man that she doesn't want to do that kind of stuff without losing the friendship or getting another adult involved?
submitted by Funny-Ebb-3891 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:30 Offres Space Shooter Z

Space Shooter Z submitted by Offres to Gulf_News [link] [comments]
