Fenômeno estranho na minha janela: Luz verde

2024.12.01 04:52 ErickSSAC Fenômeno estranho na minha janela: Luz verde

Eu moro no Espírito Santo,Serra. fui surpreendido por um apagão,porém,logo em seguida,veio uma luz verde muito intensa na minha janela,tão rápida quanto um raio,não deu tempo para ver… Ela era como se fosse uma explosão,e logo após isso,a energia voltou. Alguém sabe o que é?
submitted by ErickSSAC to UFOLOGIA [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:52 GoddessReilly I don’t “believe” in female supremacy, it’s just a fact of nature.

Men just don’t have a head for positions of power. Best to leave the heavy thinking to the women. You go back to your sports and porn addiction and just empty your bank account like a good little dog.
submitted by GoddessReilly to findommes [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:52 736384826 Peeeettttaaaahhhh pleaseeee I’m impotent I don’t get it

Peeeettttaaaahhhh pleaseeee I’m impotent I don’t get it submitted by 736384826 to PeterExplainsTheJoke [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:52 Kspoon79 My short king has arrived

My short king has arrived I’m so hyped I’m gonna buy every damn skin for this man.
submitted by Kspoon79 to marvelrivals [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:52 Relative-Read-9673 Looking for subreddit that requires valid id upon entry

Can’t fucking deal with these kids anymore
submitted by Relative-Read-9673 to findareddit [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:52 Nuxz_Has_a_Youtube A conversation I just had.

A conversation I just had. submitted by Nuxz_Has_a_Youtube to jschlatt [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:52 MeatWad_69 Does anyone remember that book with the cone shaped world?

There was this book where the main character was a painter and he was losing his wife or something. All I remember is how he was on a boat and found a giant selkie and fought some dryads on a beach. Oh, and the world was shaped like a cone. PLEASE IF ANYONE KNOWS WHAT I'M ON ABOUT CAN THEY POST A RESPONSE I NEED TO READ THIS BOOK AGAIN!!
submitted by MeatWad_69 to callofcthulhu [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:52 FastEye5200 What Song Is It

What song does Lucy sing while she is in the barrel? I love the lyrics and would really like to know if it's an actual song.
submitted by FastEye5200 to TheRookie [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:52 Opposite-Pop-5397 Being away from his family

Luke talked about it being a sacrifice to his family when he is away on these trips. This hit really hard and I felt for him. He may choose to back off on videos which is fine because he is taking care of his family. If he decides to keep making videos, he doesn't have to do only camping or adventure videos. He used to do projects and crafts like forging things. He would also build stuff like cabins and boats. He made short joke videos. I actually liked when he would take segments on long videos and add extra content so they were full length videos. Get to see even more of those trips and adventures. If he decides to scale back, that's fine, but if he wants to keep making videos, he has options besides long trips away from his family. I hope he finds something that makes him happy and gets him a healthy income to support his family
submitted by Opposite-Pop-5397 to TheOutdoorBoys [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:52 privygrid [241201] 😁🌼🫧🎄 12월 (U_Chae Instagram Post)

[241201] 😁🌼🫧🎄 12월 (U_Chae Instagram Post) submitted by privygrid to for_uchae [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:52 GH3ST-X Creepy dark looking photo

Creepy dark looking photo That’s all pretty much
submitted by GH3ST-X to CoolPictures1 [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:52 kotalby What do we think

What do we think submitted by kotalby to ufc [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:52 NegotiationPitiful14 What is your least favorite part of the show?

Personally, I hate Gundalian Invaders, I really like New Vestroia, just because of the mechanical Bakugan... Oh and Helios, I really like Helios. And Hades.
submitted by NegotiationPitiful14 to Bakugan [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:52 bpdjelly Liviepop Question

Can whoever coded liviepop please post the daily answers?
submitted by bpdjelly to OliviaRodrigo [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:52 Both_Bowler_7371 Is DEI pure market phenomena?

Is DEI pure free market phenomenon or is it enforced by government.
My understanding is that DEI is racism. And like all racism it will be destroyed by market mechanism.
Discriminate against black or white,against men or women, and another company that hire based on merit will beat the fuck out of them in competition.
The exception is if the company itself Carter to racist consumers. But that's just small issue.
The only way DEI can survive market mechanism is if government get in the way. For example, Biden Commiela administration would sue companies for failing to discriminate against Asians and Whites through their disparate impact doctrines.
Trump didn't I think in his first term and I don't think he will because as billionaire Trump has common sense.
In absence of government infested racism then there is no need to hate DEI so much. The market will take care of it and racists will have their games destroyed like Concords.
Looks like opportunity for Elon (may more descendants be upon him) to get even richer again.
submitted by Both_Bowler_7371 to Anarcho_Capitalism [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:52 Remote-Ad-3309 Tatsunoko Productions seahorse

Tatsunoko Productions seahorse submitted by Remote-Ad-3309 to clay [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:52 ChaoticNobility Loss at 20 weeks

My husband (M29) and I (NB 27) had our anatomy scan at 20 weeks exactly on Monday. She was kicking around and her heartbeat was strong. The Ultrasound tech told us a doctor would be in to talk with us in a few minutes, this is the first time we’ve gotten this far in a pregnancy as I miscarried 8 years ago very early in a pregnant. So we assumed that a doctor coming into talk to us about the scan was normal and didn’t raise any alarm bells. He told us that our daughter has anencephaly and she would not live. We’ve been trying for a baby for a very long time as I don’t ovulate frequently. We told our friends and family, she would have been the first grandchild on my side of the family. She was also due on my late father’s birthday, it felt like he had somehow gifted her to us. We were told we could carry to term, that’s the law in the state I live in. She stopped moving on Wednesday. I’d been starting to feel her kick and squirm at the beginning of week 19 so it hasn’t been long. She was just little flutters before that. But now it’s nothing. I don’t want to know if she’s dead in there, I know she wouldn’t live after birth but the thought of her already being dead is terrifying to me. I’m not sure how to handle my grief, her death is so much different than my dad’s. I’m not even positive she’s gone. Is this something my husband and I should attend counseling together for or separately? I don’t know anyone personally that had a loss this late in pregnancy. I’m being told by friends and family how sorry they are to know I’m going through this, and that they are here for me if I need anything. I don’t even know what I would ask for. I miss her so much and I never met her.
I know this is long, but I just needed to get some of this out.
submitted by ChaoticNobility to PregnancyLoss [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:52 Solid-Candle4854 F22yo Solo Traveling Advice:)

I will visit Costa Rica in January. I will join a friend in Liberia and we will go to Limon the first weekend, but after that, the rest of the week I am on my own, traveling completely alone for the first time. What do you recommend me to visit? How can I move better? Where can I eat cheap? And above all, what kind of lodging do you recommend? (I would like to save money, travel on a low budget). Thank you for your advice <3
submitted by Solid-Candle4854 to CostaRicaTravel [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:52 Top_Particular_741 We are consuming beef, we didn’t know!

We are consuming beef, we didn’t know! I just found out that, one of the most sold Ramens, has beef bone extract and beef fat in it. So everyone who has ate this has more or less eaten beef. So, it is illegal to consume beef directly but is okay to sell products that clearly states that it has beef in it??
submitted by Top_Particular_741 to Nepal [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:52 oleikashriners KY River Rumors

Anyone else who grew up in Winchester heard crazy rumors about the KY River? Specifically the Boonesborough area? Was near there today and unlocked some core memories of missing people, monster fish, sunken cars, etc.
My grandmother told us there was a monster fish in there the size of a car when we were kids. What crazy things have you heard?
submitted by oleikashriners to WinchesterKY [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:52 Glittering-Gain3461 Sad that I can’t moderate; feeling bad about myself for having addiction issues with everything

I go away for a week or two on holiday and will drink a ton every night (and recently, since I quit my weed habit, I bum cigarettes). I wish I could just have a night or two during a holiday that I drink moderately (and obviously not relapse on cigarettes). Once I return home, I go right back to not drinking at all. I know I should feel grateful that I am able to reserve drinking for trips, but I hate how gross I feel as the holiday progresses. I start to see a puffy face and begin to feel increasingly insecure in my own body. Then, of course, the first week home is hell as I readjust back to my healthy lifestyle baseline. The reality is that I probably can’t drink on holidays AT ALL because it becomes a multi-day bender. I’m coming around to accepting this tonight on the eve of my flights home tomorrow. Grieving it, wondering if I can find the strength to integrate this revelation in the future. I don’t have any holidays coming up; I’ll be with sober family at Christmas. I’ll have to revisit this honestly with myself the next time I have a trip booked with friends (who drink alcohol) in the New Year.
submitted by Glittering-Gain3461 to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:52 fanusza2 More than two thousands commits later. Before and after of our most tested, iconic, and debated scene.

submitted by fanusza2 to indiegamedevforum [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:52 jeffreythrowaway Lost an 11 win streak after toxic tank threw our game :(

Lost an 11 win streak after toxic tank threw our game :( Tank was flaming and typing in caps all game and by second round just stood afk typing. So tired of toxic people just throwing games when they’re the one insulting people over a game
submitted by jeffreythrowaway to Overwatch [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:52 DeliveryApart9090 Feeling sad, angry and confused.

My dad had stage 4 melanoma cancer but passed away from chest infection and covid and other complications for almost a month ago.I flew to see him and thought that he was going to be okay because he was going to get treatment that will help prolong his life for another 5 years or so if he’s well and fit enough but sadly it didn’t happen. He was the strongest person that i’ve ever known he fight till the very end.I’m so lost and heart broken. I didn’t think that this will be the last time I will ever see him. First I thought that I was going to be okay and be relieve that he doesn’t have to suffer with pain anymore. But lately I’m just so sad , depressed , angry and confused. I watch him took his last breath in front of me. I think in some ways I’m just in denial that he will be okay and he will get better. I don’t know why but Christmas is coming and it makes me even more sad and angry. Like dad use to call me every year and send us cards and now nothing. My birthday is after Christmas and I don’t feel like I want to celebrate it like I just want to be alone and lock myself in the house and just pretend that it’s just a normal day not my birthday. And with being away from the family kinda sucks and having to deal with the annoying in laws is awful. I just don’t know how to feel. I miss him so much.
submitted by DeliveryApart9090 to GriefSupport [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:52 antiquated-hoopla 40, male, am I ugly

40, male, am I ugly submitted by antiquated-hoopla to amiugly [link] [comments]
