cursus question

2024.12.01 04:40 coocoonutt cursus question

salut dans le fond je fais ma première année de cursus en profil construction/ mécanique. À date mes notes sont autours de la moyenne ou même plus haut dans tout mes cours sauf en info. ( Frl coder me donner envie de crier et lancer mon ordi. les log jsp cmmt vous faites ). Bref, j’ai eu 26 à l’intra et il me faut environ 62-65 à lexam finale pour passer avec le double seuil.
Si je n’ai pas 62-65 et je ne respectes pas le double seuil et que je coules le cours, pensez vous ça reste possible de maintenir un GPA de 2.3/4.3???
Ça me stress énormément svp laissez moi savoir vos avis/ expériences/ connaissances.
submitted by coocoonutt to etsmtl [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:40 Worried_Archer_8821 Gladiator

Saw the Gladiator on sale. It kind of speaks to me. Anyone have any experience with it?
submitted by Worried_Archer_8821 to starcitizen [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:40 plantmojoguy I recently purchased one of these Irwin quick lift construction jacks and it’s pretty awesome! It’s currently on sale still do you think there’s any reason to own two of these? Thanks for the advice!

I recently purchased one of these Irwin quick lift construction jacks and it’s pretty awesome! It’s currently on sale still do you think there’s any reason to own two of these? Thanks for the advice! submitted by plantmojoguy to Tools [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:40 teetroit CHILL REPUBLICAN GUY ($CRG)

CHILL REPUBLICAN GUY ($CRG) Calling all conservatives, MAGA fans, Trump fans, Republicans, and money lovers alike.
Chill Republican Guy is a decentralized memecoin built on #Solana $SOL
CA: 7SMQEW58p27ssP8maaCXGcwGNVj4RXLvdys9RDGpump
submitted by teetroit to memecoins [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:40 separatesavings96 Could this be something to get checked out or is it just fat?

Could this be something to get checked out or is it just fat? I know our bodies change and I know I am probably doing myself a disservice by comparing my current body to my body 8 years ago (about 120 pounds on left pics). Even when I’m not on my cycle I typically feel bloated. No kids. Is this just stubborn fat?? I’ve naturally always been pretty slim but of course over the adult years gained some extra pounds (I’m about 155 now) 5’5 I don’t eat terribly??? No fried foods, probably more rice and pastas (not as much nowadays), veggies and proteins. I’ve tried calorie deficits before but won’t see the most fat loss in my midsection. Love handles and belly budges are super noticeable on my size. I recently started going to the gym about 2-3x a week, trained with a trainer for about 9 months, mixed with some Pilates and hot yoga. Is it still my diet? What should my focus be to get rid of this extra weight that shows - do I need more core work? Pics on left are most recent and probably a super bloated day. Of course there’s flatter days.
not sure if this is relevant but I had a stomach flu over 5 years ago from Taco Bell and seen little parasites in stool. was super nauseous during and lost about 10 pounds. could it still be something lingering in my gut?
submitted by separatesavings96 to GutHealth [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:40 EdgyHen Neighbour wants us to pay for a new fence, get rid of our animals and has been taking photos of cars dropping off on double yellow lines outside our house including delivery vans

My grandmother and I live together, she got very sick about 5-6 months ago and has made a slow recovery. This is important cause this is way we're coming from, it's not an excuse it's just we have a lot to deal with and our own problems.
In that time our neighbour died and we since had a new one. The old house wasn't in a good state and many of the fences were falling down and the garden overgown.
One fence was fixed by the old owners adult kid and new neighbour moved in, she isn't as old as my grandmother so she's been putting in the work to clear the massive amount of overgrowth.
My first contact with her was she wanted to borrow our green bin and I said yes, she can borrow it as much as she needs. In the months that my gran has been in and out of hospital our garden hasn't been too pretty, literally all my time had been looking after my gran cause she lost her mind a little and didn't know where she was to the point I needed to sleep in the same room some nights because she kept falling.
Nighbour worked on her much worse off garden only to find even more fencing is falling down. It's her side of the fence legally, it was the ivy on her side that pushed it down too.
She called us over to look at it and we were like "that sucks" but she was trying to convince my gran the ivy is on both our sides and my gran is a people pleaser and very vulnerable right now.
Nighbour basically wanted us to pay half to fix it. But she was giving me a very bad vibe with how she kept trying to make it sound more and more like it was our fault. She even said our ivy is pulling her fence down even though we can literally see the ivy on her side sitting on top of the fence. It's so much ivy from many years of the previous old couple leaving it there.
I'm not very good with dealing with social situations, I check on our side of the wall and there isn't any ivy growing there, we have two bushes, one of which doesn't even touch the ivy, I ended up calling my aunt right away (like a minute after talking to the neighbour) cause she deals with my grans finances and she said to make sure we don't lead this lady on, so I went over and I told the neighbour this is between her and my aunt and they need to talk. Nighbour kept expecting my aunt to hop to it and come down right away but my aunt works full time so she could only come on the weekend which I told her that, she just pretends like she doesn't know and that my aunt should come right away.
My aunt tries to call the neighbour (neighbour gave us her number) but she refused to pick up assuming my aunt was a scammer. Eventually they do talk and my aunt tells her we have no money, so we can't even afford to pay half just to be nice, and legally the fence is hers. It's her ivy and her choice of she wants to fix it but it's nothing to do with us. We won't be awkward and try and stop her, we just don't want anything to do with it.
The neighbour is really forceful and always wants things done fast. So during that week she came over and told us we have to drop everything we're doing so she can get us to do what she wants. Like having the fence man look at our side. We had to skip doctor appointment cause she freaked my gran out so much with demanding we must do what she wants right now. She gave us no warning, just "fence man will be here soon. Don't go out, or you can leave your gate open". She did this twice. The third time she actually did give us a warning the day before.
I don't mind her fixing her fence but she doesn't give us any warning. Those are her workmen doing work for her, not us, yet she keeps talking to us like we're definitely paying for it. I kept telling her she needs to talk to my aunt, I can't mentally deal with this sort of thing especially when all my focus is on my gran and my gran is getting super stressed out by this too.
She also begun complaining about my dog and chickens. Blaming them for the rats in the area and barking. My dog doesn't go outside much or bark much, but it's not like he doesn't bark at all. I'm not sure if she's blaming him for ALL of the barking in the area but she made it sound like he was barking all the time. He's 18, he barks when he wants to come inside. As for the chickens, I have 3 small ones, they are kept in a cage and only fed in that cage. Their food is stored properly in mental bins and I've never had problems with any animals getting into them. The rats are a problem in this area but I'm not the one feeding them, we have two takeaways behind us, KFC and McDonald's, there are other food places but those two are awful for letting their consumers litter everywhere. I've done my bit to control the rats by putting out traps but she's blaming it all on me and told me she wants me to get rid of all my animals. No dog or chickens. She doesn't care that I'm doing everything right and has mocked me for blaming the takeaways littering everywhere. She has told me even if the rats can't get the food it's still my fault cause the smell of the food is drawing them to her house.
Anyway, at this point the fence man comes over and said he wants to remove our bushes and after talking with my aunt they do remove them. The neighbour lady keeps telling me that the bushes are ivy even though I can literally see that they are not. They're not ivy at all, different leafs and colour and stems, the ivy is a completely different plant so I don't know what to say. At this point she has completely forgotten that she has ever had ivy and has put the full blame on us. They find out there's more than one fence to fix and she expects us to pay up.
We get stuck with all these trimmings. It was agreed between her and my aunt that her fence man would remove them for some money but that never happened. Nighbour lady still had our green bin and kept using it even thou we asked for it back so we could remove the trimmings. I eventually went over and got it back which annoyed her a lot.
Nighbour lady also removed all the fencing and while the trimming pile was there I think she was adding to it? I'm not sure though, the top kept looking green and taller like there was more of it but I could be a tad paranoid so idk. Take that with a pitch of salt.
During the past month or so the neighbour lady has taken it upon herself to watch outside out house for any cars. My aunt visited and while dropping off my newphew she went back outside and found the neighbour taking photos of her car on the double yellow lines. She was only there for less than 3 minutes. My aunt does have a blue card, she only realised it that day it was a month out of date (this happened due to all the health problems my gran has had and got overlooked cause it was in date the time we were using it for hospital visits but had gone out of date when she finally stayed at home for proper), I don't know if she is in the wrong here, i don't drive but i think drop offs are allowed? Regardless, it just seemed really confrontational to me to try and snitch on your nighbour for something like that. She and my aunt had a little confrontation over the photos and haven't had contact since this, to my knowledge. And my aunt got a little scare by this and made sure to call this fence man to make sure he knew my gran isn't part of this fence thing and that he shouldn't come over demanding payment or anything.
Then our handyman came over to help us remove trimmings. He's a good guy and helps a lot of old people. She did the same thing with his worker car (van? Truck? Idk) it's a proper workman car though. Again I'm not sure about the law but he was there maybe 10 or so mins. He also told us that the amount she's expecting us to pay for the fence isn't half, it's double what it's worth, so she's trying to get us to pay full. I'm not sure I believe this, like I said he doesn't charge much himself so maybe the fencemen just charge more. Regardless it's a bit unfair that she has no problems with her fence men parking on the yellow lines outside her house but will go out and take photos of cars outside our house, our handyman has a similar car to her fenceman. Again just seems unnecessarily confrontational to me.
But then she went after the Tesco delivery driver. And this time I know she's in the wrong cause he's a freaking delivery driver, he was outside our house not hers and she goes up to him to complain, he told her that he's allowed to park there while he dropped stuff off and to leave him alone. He told us about this and it just seems like she's picking on us. All the other times I thought "maybe she thought it was a random person trying to park there and meant nothing against us" but this is a van that says tescos on it. It's not a normal looking van, it's obvious what he's there for and shes yelling at him for no reason. It makes me wonder if she's been doing the same thing with all the delivery people cause it feels like she's just glaring out her window waiting for something to happen.
Anyway. With the cold getting bad I ended up taking my chickens inside for 2 weeks, they weren't outside at all, I only let them out today and today the neighbour lady had wrote us a letter blaming us for litterally everything and saying the rats are living in our garden, making fun of me for blaming the takeaways littering everywhere, that our roots are under her fence and we need to pay to have them removed and pay for her new fence.
My brother has told us to file for harassment but my gran thinks this whole situation is our fault and is stressing out that we don't have any money. She's even gone out first thing in the morning to try and do gardening cause a few things are overgrown and she's convinced all the other neighbours are going to take down the fences and demand money. I'm scared my gran is going to get herself killed.
I don't really know what's what anymore. She's a scary mean old lady in my opinion and it feels like she wants to have more conflict and that it could get legal. Would filing for harassment help at all if something did happen? What's your advice?
submitted by EdgyHen to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:40 suffragettecity1928 Fave Noel quote: “Cos we’re brothers, he sings Supersonic and he means it. Because I meant it. It’s about passion. Brothers man. Family.” - from the Supersonic docu

submitted by suffragettecity1928 to oasis [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:40 Professional-Time-44 Trading or selling

Trading or selling submitted by Professional-Time-44 to FortniteAccountsSale [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:40 Technical-Crew-7922 Buying Sportsbet and Tab Accounts $300 Today Only!

submitted by Technical-Crew-7922 to AussieGamblingHub [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:40 Particular_Month5998 Escaping abusive family

Hey everyone long story short the only good family i had (my 14 year old Chihuahua) passed away two weeks ago and i have been a terrible mess. On top of all the abuse ive endured from a lifetime of living with my parents i have just had enough. It took until my babies passing for me to realize how much my parents despise me and hate me. Which is stupid because how did i not realize it from the beatings and verbal abuse....But anyway i decided to move out finally even though im scared i have to do it NOW. Im looking for a roommate and im looking to move in as soon as possible. Im transferring the job i have right now to Boulder so i can start working immediately when i get over there. I would be willing to live pretty much anywhere in the denver area just need somewhere doesnt have to be much. Im clean, respectful and compliant. If anyone has any friends or knows someone that might be renting out a room PLEASE let me know. Im in dire need. Thank you.
submitted by Particular_Month5998 to MovingtoDenver [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:40 Relevant_Foot1199 Dragonlord Placidusax PS4

I need help password is straydmn
submitted by Relevant_Foot1199 to BeyondTheFog [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:40 CFB_Referee [Postgame Thread] Marshall Defeats James Madison 35-33 (2OT)

Box Score provided by ESPN

Team 1 2 3 4 OT T
Marshall 0 0 17 7 11 35
James Madison 14 3 0 7 9 33
submitted by CFB_Referee to CFB [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:40 Complete-Molasses543 SHEIN LINK4LINK!!

Can't do it without You! Just a click to accept my invitation! Your Friend Are Grabbing a Free Gift - You Both Deserve Too! Don't Miss Out, Click to Get Your Freebie
submitted by Complete-Molasses543 to SheinSharingLinks [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:40 Business-Salt-1430 Anyone care to analyze my handwriting?

submitted by Business-Salt-1430 to HandwritingAnalysis [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:40 zeus2425 Let It Burn. Mega unique Goa sound

Let It Burn. Mega unique Goa sound submitted by zeus2425 to psytrance [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:40 waywardly_nobody Need help buying from lazada Vietnam and ship to the US

Hello I need help with purchasing and shipping an item I can only find from to a USA address. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by waywardly_nobody to internationalshopper [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:40 JeremyDStep 32 [M4A] Looking for Friends!

Looking for friends, and Snapstreaks. If interested, and want someone to talk to, hit me up.
submitted by JeremyDStep to snapchat [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:40 AutoModerator GTA Online Modded Accounts for PC, XBOX, and PLAYSTATION (Old and New Gen) Tired of the grind?

GTA Online Modded Accounts for PC, XBOX, and PLAYSTATION (Old and New Gen) Tired of the grind?
Contact u/LeviAckermanGTA or join my discord if you want to get one like this. 💕 Discord: submitted by AutoModerator to LeviAckermanGTAMods [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:40 netocrat Ducks starting to 'play with an identity' ahead of hosting Ottawa

Ducks starting to 'play with an identity' ahead of hosting Ottawa submitted by netocrat to OttawaNewsPulse [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:40 Informal-Magazine785 Save $2,000 on a new Tesla!
submitted by Informal-Magazine785 to TeslaReferralsCode [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:40 AutoModerator GTA Online Modded Accounts for PC, XBOX, and PLAYSTATION (Old and New Gen) Tired of the grind?

GTA Online Modded Accounts for PC, XBOX, and PLAYSTATION (Old and New Gen) Tired of the grind?
Contact u/LeviAckermanGTA or join my discord if you want to get one like this. 💕 Discord: submitted by AutoModerator to LeviAckermanGTAMods [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:40 HandleForeign 💕

💕 submitted by HandleForeign to femboy [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:40 bejeweledteume List of each members' powers?

Unfortunately, I can only watch a few POVs and do not have a clear idea on all the lifers' powers. So I was wondering if anybody has a list of them? I'd be very grateful if so.
submitted by bejeweledteume to ThirdLifeSMP [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:40 BathroomObvious2337 Concerned about my old stoma site after reversal

My stitches busted open, and I had to go to the ER to get it repacked. But now I feel like I am just pulling gauze off a big pile before I felt tension pulling it out. Now, when I pull out the gauze, the hole gets deeper. So now I am not pulling any out, yet I feel like I should. Today is Sunday, and the Doctor will not be in until Tuesday. Is this normal? Has anyone experienced anything like this??
submitted by BathroomObvious2337 to ostomy [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:40 Salkit2 Houston’s Hottest BBQ Spot is at a Gas Station | On The Line | Bon Appétit

Houston’s Hottest BBQ Spot is at a Gas Station | On The Line | Bon Appétit Hidden gem for anyone living off 290.
submitted by Salkit2 to houston [link] [comments]