AXA HCA, Medicard, Avega, or Something Else?

2024.12.01 04:52 wystui AXA HCA, Medicard, Avega, or Something Else?

Hey Reddit, I’m a 25-year-old guy living in Taguig (near BGC), and I’m trying to decide which HMO to go for. I’m looking into AXA HCA, MediCard, Avega, and recently someone suggested CocoLife. I need an individual plan that’s convenient and offers great coverage. Some people have advised me not to go for a health/life insurance combo like AXA and instead focus on an HMO.
I’m unsure what’s the best option right now. Any advice or recommendations based on experience?
submitted by wystui to buhaydigital [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:52 bartulata I think my 1080Ti is failing...

I'm getting the dreaded artifacts/glitched colored lines on my screen. My PC freezes when opening apps and also on boot occasionally. After 7 years, it seems my 1080Ti is finally tapping out.
I was planning to build a new PC come the new hardware next year, but it seems I may have to buy a temporary GPU to tide me over for the next 6 months or so.
Any advice on which GPU I could try in the meantime?
Checked my local shop and these are the only cards available:

PC Specs
submitted by bartulata to nvidia [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:52 NightmareTycoon Staying in Ely, Nevada for a night. Saw this outside the Nevada Hotel

submitted by NightmareTycoon to stephenking [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:52 Meet974 RE Classic 350

I am seeling my 1 year old RE Classic 350, Dual Channel ABS Dark edition. What price can I ask for? I bought it for 2.6Lacs. I want to buy a car and have 2 bikes at home.
submitted by Meet974 to indianbikes [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:52 drizztdourden_ How can the controls be that bad...

Damn. I don't even know where to start. This game isn't old by any means but it feels like it was half-assed.
Camera moving on its own all the time, stick deadzone is absolutely stupid, there is no gradation on movement (either full on or stop... ot use the weird walk speed somewhere in there).
It's like no one tested the version with a controller. I don't know if it's better with kb/mouse but it's not the kind of game I want to play on kb.
And yeah, the fix for the deadzone in steam isn't a reason for a huge company like Atlus who should have nailed that.
submitted by drizztdourden_ to Persona5 [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:52 Correct-Dentist3958 Semester burnout

So burnt out like. I haven’t been studying or anything. Just bed rotting the heck out. I haven’t been able to do work anymore. I haven’t been able to study and finish my deadlines. This semester sucks I don’t know something about me or the semester
submitted by Correct-Dentist3958 to csuf [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:52 DizzySpecific7738 WIP Stone ring for a new project

WIP Stone ring for a new project I’m making a base for a magnetic spinner for color changing “potion” bottles, and I want it to look like an old ritual site.
submitted by DizzySpecific7738 to dioramas [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:52 Extreme_Ad7381 How featured servers took over
submitted by Extreme_Ad7381 to Minecraft2 [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:52 DavidDraimansLipRing Two orphan sisters are raised in a wooded area before a family member attempts to gain custody, the previous caretaker takes offense and attempts to keep custody. The situation is resolved when one sister goes to each caretaker.

submitted by DavidDraimansLipRing to ExplainAFilmPlotBadly [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:52 bloodbathtv I need your help!

Hey everyone, I have a lot of actions figures.. a lot, I also love film and want to take my love for the two, to the next level.
I want to create a show where I do funny skits with my action figures, though I don't know what to call it and I don't know what it should be about.
I'm thinking something similar to Robot Chicken, though I want it to be a lot different. Still comedy, but different.
If you have any ideas, could you please leave them below. Thank you a lot
List of action figures I have (not all but most): - Captian America - Iron Man - Hulk - Thor - Barbies (a lot) - Batman - Joker - Michael Jackson - Wolverine And many many many more 😭
submitted by bloodbathtv to ActionFigures [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:52 Grouchy-Rich-331 Birthday Gift

My friend's birthday is coming soon and i want to give her a book. can anyone recommend something? she would prefer books with less smut and older man trope. ( she lovesss older men, when i mean older men, it's men with her dad's age) and i would also prefer a popular book because it's easy to find in the bookstores.
submitted by Grouchy-Rich-331 to suggestmeabook [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:52 Nephalem_Hybrid Volcanologists, what do you actually do in your job and do you travel a lot for volcanos?

submitted by Nephalem_Hybrid to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:52 Khaotic557 The Green Pearl I : Lore of My World so far

The Green Pearl I : Lore of My World so far Genesis
0 AC - The Green Pearl Formed.
1 AC- The Judgement Coins fell, Killing all pests.
1 AC- The Origin Drake came into existence, the oldest "Legitimate" being. Apon his birth, his birthplace exploded into lava, forming the Lava Lands
6 AC- The Origin Drake, in his loneliness went mad and instigated a rampage, killing any poor lifeform he came across
9 AC- The Origin Drake left the Lava Lands in search of lifeforms to fill his bloodlust
23-ish AC- In his rampage, the Origin Drake lost one of his eyes
54 AC- The Age of Beginnings Ends and the First Age of Twilight begins
83 AC- By his First Century of Age, the Origin Drake has achieved 8 Levels of Violence
103 AC- At the age of 120, the Origin Drake reaches the tenth level of Violence. At this point, the Origin Drake regains his sanity and realizes his mistakes. With his newly regained sanity, he heals his missing eye and broken bones.
108 AC- The First Age of Twilight ends and the First Age of Radiance begins.
114 AC- The Great Herd of Enchanted Sheep is born. 116 AC- A Flood Heart is born in the center of the Waning Lava Lands
122 AC- The Flood Heart causes the Landshatter to occur. The Central Green Pearl becomes flooded. The Lava Lands completely cooled off and turned into the Flooded Mountains
submitted by Khaotic557 to Worldbox [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:52 Bungeeboy20044 Which of them would you like to have as a friend?

Which of them would you like to have as a friend? submitted by Bungeeboy20044 to animequestions [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:52 ComprehensiveBus1895 Does Rigveda 10.149 imply Savitar was identified with Indra only?

सविता यन्त्रैः पृथिवीमरम्णादस्कम्भने सविता द्यामदृंहत् । अश्वमिवाधुक्षद्धुनिमन्तरिक्षमतूर्ते बद्धं सविता समुद्रम् ॥
Savitā has fixed the earth with fetters; Savitā has made the heaven firm in a place where there was no support; Savitā has milked the cloud of the firmament bound to the indestructible (ether) like a tremblinghorse (?).
Throughout the Rigveda Samhita these deeds are associated with Indra.
I get 10th mandala is a little fringe even in Rigveda, but Sayana also writes in the commentary of 3.33.6
(Verse) इन्द्रो अस्माँ अरदद्वज्रबाहुरपाहन्वृत्रं परिधिं नदीनाम् । देवोऽनयत्सविता सुपाणिस्तस्य वयं प्रसवे याम उर्वीः |
Sayana's commentary: Savitā: epithet of Indra, the impeller or animator of the world: savitā sarvasya jagataḥ prerakaḥ
Presumably related: in 4.26.1 Indra says he alone was Manu and Surya. The verse is attributed to VAmadEva Gautama so I presume it's an early verse.
अहं मनुरभवं सूर्यश्चाहं कक्षीवाँ ऋषिरस्मि विप्रः । I have been the Manu, I am Surya also, I am the Vipra (sage) Kakshivan.
So is it possible, just like Brahmanaspati, Savitar was also identified as an epithet of Indra during early Rigveda?
submitted by ComprehensiveBus1895 to IndoEuropean [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:52 nic_s1 Solo sucks

Idk if it just me or what. But every time I play solo my team fucking sucks or get smack. It’s like I’m only 1 or 1-3 go positive. Everybody else get smack , walk past enemy or don’t even play objective. It’s already frustrating with sbmm but got damn no help teammates make it even worser & not fun.
submitted by nic_s1 to blackops6 [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:52 F0lkstone New user here, use JafPi2024 as a invitation code if you need it 😊 thank you!

submitted by F0lkstone to PiNetworkReferrals [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:52 CheetoSantana Start Herbert or Allen?

submitted by CheetoSantana to fantasyfootballadvice [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:52 Washer-Man-The-2ed Why does my morning wood go away when a morning piss?

submitted by Washer-Man-The-2ed to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:52 Inevitable_Dig_7080 Who Outsmarts Lmao

Who Outsmarts Lmao submitted by Inevitable_Dig_7080 to IntelligenceScaling [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:52 RevBsnizz Can’t repeat Iconic Set?

Is there a reason I can't repeat this set? Did it say it wasn't repeatable before I filled it? This seems like gatekeeping mythics behind a paywall if it's not a bug...
submitted by RevBsnizz to MaddenMobileForums [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:52 HomeAwkward5061 Wild opinion: If Tsarukyan fought in featherweight he would be champ

Wild opinion: If Tsarukyan fought in featherweight he would be champ submitted by HomeAwkward5061 to ufc [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:52 Cultural-Attention20 ROPA O MODA

ROPA O MODA submitted by Cultural-Attention20 to Santiago [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:52 officialminty Not Bills biggest offense but….

Why does he insist that Home Plus is a family business? Barb doesn’t work there, Bill’s siblings don’t work there… is he related to Don or something? Does he think that having “family values” makes the business a family business? Because it doesn’t.
submitted by officialminty to biglove [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:52 xMorphinex [ID] Great-great Grandfather's watch

[ID] Great-great Grandfather's watch My grandmother gave me her grandfather's watch. He was a stationmaster for the railroad and passed in 1973. She doesn't recall much about it. It says Swiss on the front, has blue hands and is slightly larger than a quarter.
I googled similar watches and they had a wrist band so I assume this one probably did at one point. She said she had never seen one or a chain for it.
submitted by xMorphinex to Watches [link] [comments]