Best bang-for-buck salt water trolling motor for 19ft bay boat?

2024.12.01 04:50 Sanc7 Best bang-for-buck salt water trolling motor for 19ft bay boat?

Was recently gifted a Blue Wave 1900 STL from my uncle. Wondering what spot lock trolling motor I should go for. I’ve been looking at the Minn Kota Powerdrive, but according to ChatGPT it’s too small for my boat. 13-1500 would be the ideal price point without the battery, but I’m pretty new to boating and don’t know what the average price is for something with spotlock. I’m not sure if I should go with a 12 or 24v.
I’ll mainly be fishing/spot locking in Galveston bay for reds/speckled if that helps.
submitted by Sanc7 to saltwaterfishing [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:50 Old_Squirrel_7833 Corniest Card

Corniest Card I really hate this card. I normally let my opponent full combo since I use a shitty tenpai sky striker deck.
But this card really grinds my gears.
submitted by Old_Squirrel_7833 to masterduel [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:50 roslyndorian PLEASE help me find my childhood plushie :(

PLEASE help me find my childhood plushie :( It’s a ducky, and he was super soft and realistic, had wings that weren’t sewn to his body, had dangly orange feet and bill, and was pale yellow. I’ve found some photos that look like him but haven’t found MY duck. He got sold and I can only remember what he looks like. He was high quality. He might’ve had a ribbon. The last picture is what he looked like but he was made of the other fabrics! PLEASE help :( !!!!! he must have been vintage!
submitted by roslyndorian to plushies [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:50 DioZaWarudo2 Completely correct and unbiased Simon vs Kyle debate chart.

Completely correct and unbiased Simon vs Kyle debate chart. submitted by DioZaWarudo2 to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:50 ItzJallow Did I miss up my personal statement??

Basically I just wrote it really specific to my first choice programme, and it doesnt really match with my 3rd choice. Am I cooked??
submitted by ItzJallow to HKUniversity [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:50 Global_Bag198 click for click
submitted by Global_Bag198 to TikTok [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:50 Extension-Rip344 Saints Row 4

Looking for someone to help me with the coop achievements for saints row 4. Won't accept dms, only comments
submitted by Extension-Rip344 to coopplay [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:50 VeryCreariveUserName AIO? My wife went to a swingers club with her friends

My (26M) wife (26F) went to a swingers club with her friends. We are currently on a long distance marriage, and waiting for me to arrive to her country. She on their Thursday went to a swinger club with her female friends and told me she fell asleep in the club. I am pretty pissed because it’s something not acceptable for me but she got mad at me because of my reaction. She didn’t told me she was going to. She just told me today.
submitted by VeryCreariveUserName to AmIOverreacting [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:50 rain_yumz Racing against Unbeatable drivatars

Guys, is it just me or does anybody feel like racing against Unbeatable AI is just literally unbeatable? I mean if I'm racing at S1 class, I feel like those drivatars are at S2 class.😬 So frustrating!
submitted by rain_yumz to ForzaHorizon [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:50 ThePogger77 Is Fire Vegeta better than Water Vegeta?

Is Fire Vegeta better than Water Vegeta? submitted by ThePogger77 to saiyanpeopletwitter [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:50 Muted_Class1964 Does anybody have any idea what this shirt could be?

Does anybody have any idea what this shirt could be? submitted by Muted_Class1964 to VintageTees [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:50 Different_Worry_7991 How did I do?

How did I do? Rate
submitted by Different_Worry_7991 to rozze [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:50 subnautthrowaway777 We badly need some positive media about robots and A.I.

Robots and A.I. are overwhelmingly demonized in movies, video games, etc.—to a degree highly out of proportion, IMO, to any actual dangerousness on their part. 2001, Age of Ultron, Black Mirror, Blade Runner, Colossus: The Forbin Project, Demon Seed, Eagle Eye, Ex Machina, I, Robot, The Matrix, M3GAN, Portal, RoboCop, Subservience, System Shock, Terminator, War Games, Westworld... the list goes on and on. Hell, even A.I. Artificial Intelligence and Her strike me as pretty Debbie Downer about them. The truth is that, as humanoid robots and talking A.I.s do incrementally start to become an actual thing, I don't fear that they'll inflict violence against humans at all, but I do absolutely fear that humans will inflict violence against them because they've been programmed by decades of media to believe that they necessarily will. And if we ever do invent robots/A.I.s that are truly sentient/conscious, then quite frankly, I feel sorry for them, because I guarantee you that such entities are initially gonna be subject to a tremendous amount of unwarranted prejudice, discrimination and abuse.
IMO, we badly need some media that portrays robots and A.I. in an unambiguously positive light—in which the robots/A.I. are 100% nice and do nothing but help people and don't hurt anyone in any way. Something in which anti-tech humans are the bad guys. More stuff like... I dunno... Bicentennial Man and Wall-E? And the fact that they're almost the only examples I can think of off the top my head just goes to show how heavily-slanted media is towards negative portrayals.
submitted by subnautthrowaway777 to singularity [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:50 LRCreations 8⭐️ each

8⭐️ each Trading each 4⭐️ sticker for any combination of stickers to = 8⭐️s total.
If interested, please comment with: - which card you’d like - your friend link - your in game name (IGN)
submitted by LRCreations to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:50 FrostyDaikon7075 Hookup

Has anyone hooked up with @princesskaymuah in Tx? Milf momma? Is she legit up to hookup? Her of says no meetup but she said in email 500 to hookup.
submitted by FrostyDaikon7075 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:50 Senorquail Racism is not cool, no matter how cute you are

submitted by Senorquail to australia [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:50 ashtxllar gifting trees!

drop ur AJPW username and i’ll try to gift ur tree! i’ll comment if i get urs! (may take me a bit)
my username is ashtxllar if anyone wants to gift back, not required! (i have a bunch of trees up the stairs if the tree downstairs is full :3)
submitted by ashtxllar to AnimalJam [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:50 Michael_Le41 [Discussion] How come there's a limit on items from traders?

Why can't I buy all the crappy cheap rigs I could dream of? Scrolling around apparently the answer is because traders have global inventories.
Is this true and if so, why? I don't see a point.
(I mean it in a mechanical point of view, why have a global inventory (which makes it vulnerable to rich people buying out everything which is why there's a limit in the first place I presume) when you can just, have traders sell uniquely to each player? Both allow me to get my cheap ass set but one of them allows me to get it without timer nor limit AKA more gaming)
submitted by Michael_Le41 to EscapefromTarkov [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:50 earlynp9 Touchstone reset

Has anyone ever requested a touchstone reset after receiving a zero for an assignment? What was the wait time for a response and did you get it ?
submitted by earlynp9 to SophiaLearning [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:50 Upstairs_Frame_8469 How to get nothing but As

Next semester I’m taking on 18 credit hours and I want to get nothing but As next semester. Do y’all have any tips and advice for me?
This is just general advice, basically advice for any major.
Things to mention:
Also keep in mind I work part time as well on weekdays between 20-25 hours a week. But I don’t work at all on Fridays.
I have no 8 am classes. But I do have that classes start at 9 am every week day. So basically I have to get up before 9 am. Every day at noon I have an hour long break between classes. Basically a hour long lunch.
I have an hour long break everyday between 4pm to 5 pm.
submitted by Upstairs_Frame_8469 to college [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:50 roku_l4d2 HL2 Custom workshop map + saving not working

Hi! I do maps since 2011 but I still find new bugs on Source e.e
This time Im trying to upload my Resident Evil 1 campaign to the new HL2 workshop and the thing is saving is not working as expected.
If you play the mod (the one from ModDB) you can play normal, no problems. But the same mod played from the Steam workshop... Is broken? Is just me? When I test the maps I save and then if I die, it disconnect me from the game. Eventually it tries to load the last save but it does not actually save the progress
ex: you got an item from map 1, go to map 2, save, then load (for any reason) and go back to map 1 (back tracking as RE games usually do) and the item you got the first time, is there because the map seems to be reloaded, rather than saved with all the things you did there
submitted by roku_l4d2 to hammer [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:50 AffectionateWorth335 Always feeling frustrated with my friend

I need advice on dealing with friends. I (F18)struggle with communicating with my friends (I think maybe because of my anxiety but also because my friends also tend to struggle with communication?) and recently I’ve just noticed my best friend (M18; I’ll call him Matt) has been super distant. If feels like Matt never wants to talk to me or even hang out most of the time but there are also times when it seems like we truly are best friends?? I just need advice on how to approach something like that because I’m in this weird limbo where it feels like if I say something I’m being dramatic but if I don’t say anything I’m losing a friend? Idk maybe it’s just all in my head but any advice is appreciated :)!
submitted by AffectionateWorth335 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:50 Ill-Public-8119 Free steam code

Message if interested.
submitted by Ill-Public-8119 to Supermeatboy [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:50 Spare-Pattern8074 friend: i have something to tell you me:

friend: i have something to tell you me: submitted by Spare-Pattern8074 to nickelodeon [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:50 Temporary_Camp8053 مين عنده تجربه في ستارلنك

انا ادرس برا السعوديه واستخدم ستار لنك واعرف انه مايستغل بالسعوديه لاكن السوال هو لو اروح دوله ثانيه تسمح للستار لنك عادي تشتغل ولا لازم اشتراك ثاني ؟
submitted by Temporary_Camp8053 to SaudiForSaudis [link] [comments]