2024.12.01 04:39 BenAB342 Narrowed it down to 2 options
Still stuck on my purchase, I need to come to a decision by Tuesday and I am 50/50 between these two, both are around the same price, the Mk8 has 2 years remaining on warranty and the mk7.5 has 3 months and 10k more miles.
View Poll
submitted by BenAB342 to GolfGTI [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 04:39 simmilare Vög Volapüka (2024 dekul)
submitted by simmilare to auxlangs [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 04:39 watercupontable [OFFERING] LF NA gold-emerald account
Looking for a NA hardstuck account within gold-emerald elo. Preferably owns Vayne. Not duo boosting.
Message on Reddit or
Disc: reze_enjoyer
submitted by watercupontable to FreeLoLBoosting [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 04:39 bunnykilla26k Cold sore or normal cut?
Went to sleep normal but this morning I was scratched on my lip by my kid & I kept licking it & I put aquaphor on it & it hurts . Doesn’t itch or burn it just hurts.
submitted by bunnykilla26k to Coldsore [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 04:39 Adorable_Wishbone791 Suggest places to travel in the month of February
I and my friends are planning to go on trip in the month of February but we are just running out of ideas
Our budget is around 20k per person and we are group of three people
Please help us to find the places and drop your suggestions..
submitted by Adorable_Wishbone791 to india_tourism [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 04:39 CyberHoff Weird thing happened today - mystery power outage
My master bedroom is on a single circuit breaker, with the exception of the GFCI power sockets in the attached master bathroom which are on their own breaker. The only thing plugged into my GFCI sockets is two electric toothbrush chargers.
I have pretty standard electronics in my bedroom: phone chargers, a TV, and some lamps, but with two exceptions:
2024.12.01 04:39 Okwhoasked420 Ryan Day Ohio State Resume:
Record Vs Unranked Teams: 46-1 Record Vs Ranked Teams: 19-9 Record Vs Michigan (with teams he built): 0-4 Record Vs Michigan (with an urban built team) 1-0 Record in CFP: 1-3 Record in Bowl Games: 1-1 Record Vs Oregon: 0-2 1st round Picks on Teams: 10
of Heisman candidates: 5 National Championships: 0 Record Vs ACC: 1-1 Record Vs SEC: 0-3 Big ten championships: 2 (none since 2020)
of 5-Star Recruits on teams: 14 At face value this is all very impressive but considering this team has won nothing since we’ve been trotting out Ryan Day built teams, you have to take all these stats with a heavy grain of salt.
submitted by Okwhoasked420 to OhioStateFootball [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 04:39 Tall_Description_289 Where can I read this?
submitted by Tall_Description_289 to Novelnews [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 04:39 TacosHealMySoul TIL Kindle brought back in-app purchases on Android!! What to buy next? 📚
If you're like me and OOTL, you can finally buy books for your Kindle within the Android app again!! I missed that feature so much, and am ready to use it!!!
What books did/are you all buying for Black Friday, Small Biz Saturday/Sunday, and Cyber Monday??
Source: https://www.reddit.com/kindle/s/G5bISQvl5s
submitted by TacosHealMySoul to fantasyromance [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 04:39 MONODURO I call this masterpiece, "Smug Superiority."
submitted by MONODURO to ShittyVeganFoodPorn [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 04:39 Blaze_202 r/_________ is the superior subreddit to all other subreddits
submitted by Blaze_202 to AskOuija [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 04:39 Kyra_sama Help! Purple outline on application.
just as the title say, i do have the firealpaca steam version, but for some reason the outline witch used to be black is now some of purple and i dont know what or how is this happening. tried everything on my end but nothing. if theres any help i would appreciated
here some example. https://imgur.com/a/Oj81CqK
submitted by Kyra_sama to firealpaca [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 04:39 freshoutoffucks83 Gucci Gorgeous Orchid clones?
The fragrance is pretty new so I haven’t found anything.
submitted by freshoutoffucks83 to fragranceclones [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 04:39 deviwuhlujwuh what is this? pls help
submitted by deviwuhlujwuh to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 04:39 Separate_Builder_817 What are the best luggage tracker for international travel?
I go to Mexico frequently, and would like to go to more places.
I have a android phone, so it would need to be non apple products.
submitted by Separate_Builder_817 to TravelHacks [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 04:39 wierdly_wired Help!!
Saw bout 5-6 this morning....what should i do
submitted by wierdly_wired to plants [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 04:39 Youngboyallen Stuttering keeps coming back on stalker 2
This is giving me a headache I already sset my graphics on a low quality but still too many stutters, fos drops on places with a lot of npcs
submitted by Youngboyallen to stalker [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 04:39 InternalAd3823 Trench terrain, Wip. Maybe some day I will paint it.
submitted by InternalAd3823 to TerrainBuilding [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 04:39 Own-Boysenberry2405 Mcmaster Degroote
Hi, Please help me! My advanced fucntion mark is 52 right now but, i’m going to night school advanced function next semester along with calculus and get high 90s. Even now, I’m going to bring my mark up to 80, but even with the highest marks i can’t get over 85. Will Mcmaster care if I night school next semester? Has anyone been in a similar situation? Please let me know what to do!!
submitted by Own-Boysenberry2405 to McMaster [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 04:39 Intelligent_Word_108 Acer aspire a715 black screen
My friend has this laptop and when turned on there is no boot or display but the keyboard lights up any ideas on how to fix it?
submitted by Intelligent_Word_108 to pchelp [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 04:39 speedyelephant Moises Pro vs Fadr Plus
Both of them has black friday deals right now.
I was using Moises Plus (not pro) for the past 2 years.
Fadr plus claims to have "the best audio seperation models on earth" but i'm not sure if I should go with it over Moises Pro because Moises also has the advantage of mobile apps.
If you compared both before, which one do you suggest? My first priority feature is the best quality stem seperation.
submitted by speedyelephant to WeAreTheMusicMakers [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 04:39 MelodicUniversity455 Does anyone cumtribute to my friend?
submitted by MelodicUniversity455 to Tiktokersv2 [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 04:39 KeyDear5129 Love never gives me nothing only take from me
Listen to Branson forbes _ jamaica summer ☀️ by Branson Forbes on #SoundCloud https://on.soundcloud.com/ZST2L
submitted by KeyDear5129 to rnb [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 04:39 Naurgul ‘Spy cops’ inquiry: police lies are finally being exposed • It is due to the courage of victims that we are learning why these undercover officers behaved as they did
submitted by Naurgul to anime_titties [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 04:39 BubbleTea9696 Have you cheated before?
If you did, what was your reason?
P/s: Not trying to normalize cheating, just wanting to understand more.
submitted by BubbleTea9696 to cheating_stories [link] [comments]