2024.12.01 07:32 JollyRot3n Somewhere in Geamma’s attic there’s a bunch of these books spelled correctly…
I remember it clearly. The BearenstEIN Bears books were a big part of my childhood. I remember the spelling because we’d get in arguments over how to pronounce it. I remember wanting to say Stain even though it was spelled Stein. I used to pronounce a lot of things wrong because certain spellings bothered me, like the word right, the silent g used to bug the hell out of me. This whole thing might be old to you but I just learned about it today and it’s really messing with my head. Anyway, if Icome across some of these books spelled correctly, what do you think they’ll be worth? I might not even want to sell them. Agent Smith can simper. I’d look through old toys as well. submitted by JollyRot3n to Millennials [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 07:32 CalvinLolYT Whenever I enter another room for the first time, the game values get reset.
So, long story short, whenever the scene switches to another room, all the values are reset (the money, the health, etc), and I have no idea how to fix this. I'm not sure what I did or if it's even my fault. Happy to provide the code I'm using if it can help.
submitted by CalvinLolYT to gamemaker [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 07:32 Gollamant Arkadaşım iş yerinde sikişmiş
Beyler beni bilen bilir ben Yozgatta sanayide çalışan bir Yozgat genciyim sanayide de iyi kalpliligimden dolayı herkes beni severdi.Genelde sanayinin yanından geçen üşüyen mahlukatları görüp içeri alırdım onlara güzel bir çorba verirdim.Yine aynı böyle günlerden biriydi bahçeye çıkmış sigara içiyorduk bu hikayede bahsettiğim arkadaşla ülke nereye gidiyor amına koyim para lazım felan fistan derken uzaktan tir tır titreyen birini gördük.Yavrucağız çok üşümüştü belliydi yani.İçeri aldık üstüne battaniye attık çorba verdik bi de zikir çekmesi için zikirmatik verdik.Neyse eleman gitti bu piç her gün gelmeye başladı ulan anasini satayım biz de hayır kurumu değiliz ki.Benim arkadaşla da baya yakın olmaya başlamışlardı ulan diyorum kesin bişi olacak ama neyse dedim.1 2 hafta sonra, çay ocağından sesler gelmeye başladı.Usta dedi bu sesler ne amına koyayım kim İlker Fıratı açık bıraktı.Dedim usta bakayım ben bırakmış olabilirim gittim baktım ocağa.Ne göreyim aq? Arkadaşım top orospu çocuğuna götten giriyor.Hem de sert sert, ayrılın lan sikerim dedim abi bari bosalayim dedi tamam dedim bekledim zaten 30 saniye sonra boşaldı yarramin kafası adamın içine.Çocuk bir yandan ağlıyor diyo orospu çocuğu içime niye bosaliyosun diye benimki de kıs kıs gülüyor anaisni fonfiklediğim.Eleman o günden sonra yine ara ara gelmeye çalıştı da ben içeri almadım orospu çocuğunu bizi de sikmeye çalışmasın diye.İsmini söylemeden de geçemeyeceğim o kişinin ismi u/FormerIsland7252 idi
submitted by Gollamant to vatikan [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 07:32 Fancy_Tuber Leant money to friend, asking for it back
Hi everyone,
A few years ago now, I leant $1000 to my good friend who was in a tight spot. We made a payment plan and he paid me back $700 of it, before struggling again and no longer being able to make payments. Some time later he borrowed another $100 from me.
Now he owes me $400 in total. Over the summer, he asked if I could give his girlfriend a loan and I said no. His girlfriend has been unemployed for almost a year because of anxiety issues. Now my friend just quit his job and they are both unemployed.
I asked if I could help and found some food pantry resources for them. However, not long after I learned my friend quit his job I brought up the debt, and asked if he would he open to talking about it to come up with a plan.
He said that it's not the best time and he can't talk about it now without a job. I'm feeling bad for bringing it up at the worst time. I wished him happy Thanksgiving but he didn't answer.
How can I make this situation better?
submitted by Fancy_Tuber to Advice [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 07:32 Chance_Garlic840 Lost $2500 in 24 hours
Struggling with issues of all sort i.e mental health, unemployment, isolation and loneliness, I decided that I had to show myself that I don't have bad luck. Started sports betting but never contained myself to keep any profit. Dug myself into a deep hole on the notion that I will win and prove to myself that I have good luck. Dug myself even deeper by playing roulette by convincing myself that I will profit of it. LoL. Ohh well decided to stop stabbing myself in the back and uninstalled the app and closed my account.
submitted by Chance_Garlic840 to GamblingAddiction [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 07:32 Grouchy-Aardvark4851 Why blondie didn’t recognise himself? Is he stupid?
submitted by Grouchy-Aardvark4851 to okbuddyrintard [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 07:32 Altruistic_Safe_3722 Can someone do an AMA regarding XAT paper pattern or can someone make a long post about it
Lots of videos are floating around, but if someone can give some expert insights to first time XAT takers, it would save lot of time for all of us.
submitted by Altruistic_Safe_3722 to CATpreparation [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 07:32 Agreeable-Ad4798 New tv
submitted by Agreeable-Ad4798 to gifsthatendtoosoon [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 07:32 Imaginary-Age-2763 The Boy And the Kelpie
submitted by Imaginary-Age-2763 to Wandsmith [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 07:32 Dizzy_Winner_1844 Compulsory Online match when in Coop mode
Is there any way we can match with bots also when in Coop mode in PC version ?
submitted by Dizzy_Winner_1844 to ModernWarships [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 07:32 Open-Mathematician61 Have you seen the interrogation video?
submitted by Open-Mathematician61 to hardaiimages [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 07:32 Significant_Owl1134 Testing the waters (help)
very very new to crypto, but want to turn around $500. Thinking of putting 150$ of it into XRP. what should I do/what are your investments?
submitted by Significant_Owl1134 to CryptoMarkets [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 07:32 Own_Regret_2763 New to animation
submitted by Own_Regret_2763 to Ibispaintx [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 07:32 WandreVanBiljon M/25 just over here looking for some connections.
I'm just your average nice guy, looking for some friends that I can connect with. submitted by WandreVanBiljon to gaybrosgonemild [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 07:32 babanahungry Need help in finding a bike for commute
Need help finding a bike for commute. Heres my options: 1. Listed as Mountain bike (have shimano on the gear changing thing) 190$ 2. Reid Roadster bike 70$ 3. Reid Transihat commuter 180$ 4. Trek FX1 100$ confirmed with seller to be 1m 50mm from ground to top seat) I am a 5ft4 female.a submitted by babanahungry to whichbike [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 07:32 Minamischler Silly owmer
She doesn’t know its atention time
submitted by Minamischler to catboypetco [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 07:32 Ser_Thiccolas My experience
I think I've been on Prozac for i wanna say 3 or 4 years. From the age of 6 or 7 when I found out what death was i had always terrible anxiety about it. I would have panic attacks usually every day, usually at night. I eventually seen a therapist and a psychiatrist who prescribed Prozac, i was diagnosed with anxiety and depression, i can't remember the exact kinds. I think i have a form of OCD because of the way I obsessed over my fears and impending doom as well.
I started out on 10mg, then 20mg, then 40mg and ended on 60mg. This stuff really saved my life, at one time I had gotten really close to ending my life and it really scared me that I had went that far. I'm super mellow now, I can sleep, I don't have panic attacks anymore, and I never want to go back to where I was before Prozac. I don't know how it would effect my job, driving, or being in public.
A lot of people here are starting Prozac and my advice is take it as directed, try to make it 6 to 8 weeks, and be open with your doctor. Also stay on top of it, in the years I've been taking it I've only had 3 times where I think I had missed a dose.
submitted by Ser_Thiccolas to prozac [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 07:32 aNinjaAtNight [no spoilers] Isha’s voice Actress
submitted by aNinjaAtNight to arcane [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 07:32 Choice-Diver-9569 Lust is easier to handle when you don’t give it any chance
Now I must say I’ve only been taking the avoidance of lust seriously for about 9 days. But before I used to only sort of not want to give in but I would consider giving in cuz I wasn’t that serious. But in the past 9 days I have become serious about avoiding lust and I have found it so much easier to do now that I don’t even give it a chance.
Being even a little bit open to giving into lust really is a very slippery slope and it only gets more difficult as you continue considering it.
To use an analogy, considering giving into lustful temptations feels like a bad-ex coming to your door, having a conversation with you and allowing them to try to convince you to go back with them. Being closed off to lust is like whenever that bad-ex knocks on your door, you just sternly tell them to leave, you’re not even giving them a chance to try to change your mind and its wayyyy more effective for avoiding them. That is what it feels like to be completely closed off to lust
submitted by Choice-Diver-9569 to selfimprovement [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 07:32 himel2018 What Are the Best Ways to Get Honest Reviews for a Product or Service You’ve Created?
submitted by himel2018 to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 07:32 mistahjjoker Y’all are next monkaS
Bro going after everybody lol. submitted by mistahjjoker to OTKNetwork [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 07:32 PigletOnAVeggieDiet Am I still redeemable? 😔
submitted by PigletOnAVeggieDiet to teenagers [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 07:32 lili6n9 Help cooking
Anyone know why it’s doesn’t let me complete the cooking? It happens with other recipes as well 🥲 never really lets me cut the wild green onions/: submitted by lili6n9 to Palia [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 07:32 SHIKA200 when the first statement
when the first statement or November statement it is the first statement for me
submitted by SHIKA200 to soundcloud [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 07:32 Prudent_Ad_1482 How does D4C Love Train work??
What does it mean by “redirecting misfortune” and is it a rift in space or a barrier made of different universes. I think the misfortune leads to the same universe but correct me if I’m wrong
submitted by Prudent_Ad_1482 to StardustCrusaders [link] [comments]