ff - 123 - 126 - 127 - 128 / gf - 143 - 142 - 141 0212 640 94 55 - 0212 640 94 70 - 0530 035 64 59 ff - 123 - 126 - 127 - 128 / gf - 143 - 142 - 141 0212 640 94 55 - 0212 640 94 70 - 0530 035 64 59 0(216) 3444686 - 477. Forum İstanbul Alışveriş Merkezi. Kocatepe Mahallesi, Paşa Caddesi 34045 Bayrampaşa / İstanbul Forum Istanbul Shopping Center. Kocatepe Mahallesi, Paşa Caddesi 34045 Bayrampaşa / Istanbul T. +90 (212) 443 13 50 / [email protected] Forum İstanbulСписок магазинов Forum Istanbul Shopping Center. Kocatepe Mahallesi, Paşa Caddesi 34045 Bayrampaşa / Istanbul T. +90 (212) 443 13 50 / [email protected] Forum İstanbul Alışveriş Merkezi. Kocatepe Mahallesi, Paşa Caddesi 34045 Bayrampaşa / İstanbul. T. 0 (212) 443 13 50 / [email protected]
2024.12.01 07:22 Severe_Dragonfruit38 Otto Suwen (by me)[OC]
submitted by Severe_Dragonfruit38 to Re_Zero [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 07:22 Maximum_Impressive Seeing some reactions to Godzilla in Fortnite is funny
The og hamtaro collabs were crazy submitted by Maximum_Impressive to GODZILLA [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 07:22 Silentt_Wolf Não queríamos, mas tivemos que terminar um relacionamento de 5 anos.
Eu (H26) e ela(M22) terminamos fazem alguns dias um relacionamento de 5 anos, não houve traição, nem falha de ambas as partes e tão pouco desinteresse. Em resumo ela não poderia abrir mão da mãe e da cidade dela para morar comigo e eu não poderia abrir mão do meu emprego para morar com ela, não quero entrar muito em detalhes.
O fato de não ter nenhuma briga durante a conversa dificultou muito nosso rompimento, já que nós amamos muito, mas estávamos totalmente cientes que era necessário, nossos planos de contornar a situação não deram certo e essa infelizmente foi a saída.
Seria muito mais fácil alguém ter pisado na bola, assim cada um seguiria seu rumo machucado e machucador, a sensação que fica é de ler um livro interessante que não tem final.
Ter que caçar tudo que é rede social pra excluir contato, fotos e alguns presentes do relacionamento foi uma tortura, cada memória desenterrada me fez questionar muitas coisas e me senti tão culpado como se estivesse cometendo um crime.
Ainda na nossa ultima conversa ela ficou alimentando que um dia ficaríamos juntos, que temos até a morte para ficarmos juntos novamente, embora eu ficasse broxa e ela infértil teríamos um ao outro no fim dos nossos dias, mas eu acho errado, eu quero mesmo é que ela encontre alguém que a ame e a respeite tanto quando eu os fiz.
Os pais(o pai dela faleceu ano passado) e o irmão dela me tratavam bem e também vou sentir falta deles, aliás não contei ainda pra minha família sobre isso, preciso de um tempo antes que um deles perceba a ausência dela e me questionem sobre isso assim como um amigo meu que já sabe e está tentando me empurrar umas mulheres atraentes, mas o que eu mais quero é por a cabeça no lugar antes de ter que lidar com tudo isso.
submitted by Silentt_Wolf to desabafos [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 07:22 Turismo038 Adding IK for robot's arm.
https://preview.redd.it/jvso7jxiu64e1.png?width=1918&format=png&auto=webp&s=a89cf70fd192534541fccc860f7a09a5d4bbf255 How do I add IK for the arm without obtructing the mesh and could only move within the bearing. Is it possible with advanceSkeleton or do i have to do it manually? submitted by Turismo038 to Maya [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 07:22 Fried_Mud_Kip notificatioн (ii2e18)
misspelling alert
submitted by Fried_Mud_Kip to inanimateinsanity [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 07:22 Weary_Recognition224 Woke up to Santa Cookie🚀🚀🎄🎄
submitted by Weary_Recognition224 to SolanaMemeCoins [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 07:22 jackOfAllTradezzzz Efforts are on to bring up new cracks in Indian society
Today Congress party is at the lowest point it's ever been since Independence and is trying hard to get their hands back on the power, they would have come up with some constructive agenda to achieve what they desire but as they say old habits die hard - they had to go back to their age old tactic of divide and rule which they inherited from their colonial masters.
Following are some of the new divisions which Congress and political parties of similar mindset are currently working on.
2024.12.01 07:22 Due-Reflection7551 15 month old puppy dying
Meet Dudely, our 15 months old german shepherd x pitbull puppy.
Recently, our puppy was diagnosed with menigitis. It started out as a fever but days later, he can no longer walk.
Scans showed his c2 vertebrae has been infected with menigitis. We are unable to continue with the costs and are asking for anything. We understand with this economy it is a tough ask. We thank anyone who is able to assist.
submitted by Due-Reflection7551 to GoFundMePets [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 07:22 MouseShit Using far away boats in timelapses
Thought it would be interesting to use boats in timelapses from a distance. Thoughts? submitted by MouseShit to timelapse [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 07:22 Hour-Hold3427 Rear ended, what hidden damage should I be worried about?
Have an appointment at a Volvo certified collision center, is there anything I should ask them to look at / check for that might not be obvious or could pop up as an issue later? submitted by Hour-Hold3427 to VolvoXC90 [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 07:22 Catmum-2 Would you try again this month or wait?
Have had two back to back losses (my 2nd and 3rd miscarriages). My last one was unusual and was considered a PUL but as hCG levels were so low, my body managed everything anyway. (This was the diagnosis I had at the hospital, the specialist I saw actually said he didn’t think it was ectopic at all. So confused!!)
I was told I could try again immediately if we wanted but they normally suggest a period first. I suspect I might have hyper fertility as we’ve conceived every time we tried and it results in an early loss. Normally my LH surge is only slight around 0.4, but this time I’ve had a super strong surge at 1.8. This is different to usual and it’s making me wonder if this could be a ‘better’ egg maybe?! I know that isn’t how LH works but it’s just a different process to usual so I’m looking for signs I guess.
What would you guys do?!
submitted by Catmum-2 to recurrentmiscarriage [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 07:22 Unlikely_Touch_2082 Whorish daze
submitted by Unlikely_Touch_2082 to DIDart [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 07:22 AmongTheSussyAmongUs Frog queen paradise island parkour
I’ve seen a lot of criticism of how hard the parkour is, but I literally did it 2nd try?? Can someone explain?
submitted by AmongTheSussyAmongUs to WobblyLife [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 07:22 Joseph_Steez Crazy. Scary. Spooky. Hilarious
I saw history at Digs tonight, but JOBS NOT FINISHED!
submitted by Joseph_Steez to LAGalaxy [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 07:22 flotus5647 Siege of Shanghai TDM rooftop?? (Xbox)
Hello everyone I’m a solo casual player so sorry if this is a noob question but how do players access the rooftop on this map? I’m playing on console Xbox submitted by flotus5647 to battlefield_4 [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 07:22 I_Like_Cheese_2606 Who is your "literally me" character?
submitted by I_Like_Cheese_2606 to animeindian [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 07:22 BubblyOpposite3371 Weight maintenance
I have a question for those who are 2+ years post-bypass surgery: What does a typical day of eating look like for you? Could you share a 24-hour food recall? 😊
submitted by BubblyOpposite3371 to GastricBypass [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 07:22 i_repo Chaeryeong
submitted by i_repo to LeeChaeryeong [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 07:22 Tokoro-of-Terror Am I getting bullied or am I just overreacting?
To be honest, it's been a very long time since the last time I was bullied. Ever since I learned boxing, it's been good, like terrific. So, because of that, I forgot what it felt like.
I'm a first-year college student. Y'know, the first thought in my mind was, "College students are mature!" I mean, it is true to a certain extent.
But, the reason behind this post is because of this one guy. So, that's the question: am I actually getting bullied without realizing it? Or am I just paranoid?
Let's call him Zach. Basketball player. He and his friends call me Pare, instead of my name, which I don't mind, I'm friendly and nice to them.
When I first met Zach, he was normal and friendly, hell, he even gave me a few rides on his motorcycle to drop me off at my destination. This is why my mind is scrambling to figure out what he wants with me.
Sometimes he's nice and normal, to the point I can have a friendly conversation with him and his friends normally. And there are times when he acts...weird.
Like, "PArE!!! LeT'S SpAr PaRE!!" and his attitude right now rubs me off the wrong way, it reminded me of someone who used to pick on me before I started boxing.
I brushed it off at first, kasi, oh ganyan ang mga lalaki dito. That's how they expressed friendliness.
But, for a while, it's the tone in his voice that gets to me, as if he is making fun of me along with his friends. And then he made me mad one time when he made fun of boxing, the sport I love so much. He keeps asking to spar, spar, and spar, even though I know that I can murk this guy if we do.
And yet, I endured, he's my friend, that's probably how he acts.
Until yesterday, when he did something that triggered my PTSD. He grabbed my genitals multiple times and thrust his hips into my behind and commented that I was sexy and he and his friends laughed.
It was extremely embarrassing. I just stood there frozen like a damn idiot, because I was in shock, he didn't do that before. Then he followed me to the CR and made comments on my dick.
I didn't say anything, I laughed along with him, but deep down I was extremely uncomfortable.
Embarrassing, right? A 6'0 Cruiserweight boxer getting scared of a guy not in his weight class who doesn't box. My mind told me to hit him, but I didn't because I wasn't sure whether it was true bullying or joking.
Am I really getting bullied? Or am I just overreacting? Depending on what decision I make next ends up with me either knocking this man out—which I am fully capable of—or ignoring him and his buddies.
submitted by Tokoro-of-Terror to studentsph [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 07:22 superawesome38461 $HOE to the moon
🚀🚀🚀 submitted by superawesome38461 to SolanaMemeCoins [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 07:22 OverThinker347 pentru IT singura optiune de vot valida este USR
nici mie nu imi convine dar este singurul partid care s-a poziționat clar impotriva creșterii taxelor pe munca
submitted by OverThinker347 to programare [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 07:22 Electronic_Tiger_573 alguna perrita que quiera chat hot con joven de 18 años cachondo de verga gruesa y venuda manden dm
submitted by Electronic_Tiger_573 to arayfer_ha_gemelas [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 07:22 kaankrew 2 haftada 1 redditcheck yapılınca bizim şakaların yaşlılık
submitted by kaankrew to AktanFell [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 07:22 Remote-Freedom865 title (spoilers for ii18)
submitted by Remote-Freedom865 to inanimateinsanity [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 07:22 Stichisfuffy H:40k caps and friendship W: David trophy
submitted by Stichisfuffy to Market76 [link] [comments]