A high school graduation has more attendees than the 11th Annual American Reality Television Awards.

2024.12.01 07:38 SuccessfulSide2414 A high school graduation has more attendees than the 11th Annual American Reality Television Awards.

submitted by SuccessfulSide2414 to JeffLewisSirius [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:38 IncipientPenguin Traitors to Humanity in Sol

I loaded up my Imperial Cutter with 140 souls desperate to escape Sol and the inferno to come. This was the sixth or seventh such load so far, so I knew what was coming - interdiction, evasion, and escape.
What I didn't expect was the lone Eagle that interdicted me not 80ls from the rescue ship. Piloted by CMDR Frank Likes Pie, it ripped my shieldless, defenseless ship out of hyperspace and blew it up with all 140 innocents on board.
This notice serves as a warning, and a call to arms. Humanity has traitors in our midst - and they have left us but one recourse.
submitted by IncipientPenguin to EliteDangerous [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:38 Academic-Lead-5771 Is this idle sound a red flag? Loud ticking? Police interceptor

Is this idle sound a red flag? Loud ticking? Police interceptor Not a cold start, ran earlier that day. Ambient temp like 20c
2014 Taurus Interceptor Sedan, 3.5L twin turbo V6@90K miles and high 10k idle hours
How bad does this engine idle sound? This is a cop car and I know they're tuned for high idle but it's very jarring to me. I'm very inexperienced. Any comments helpful thanks
submitted by Academic-Lead-5771 to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:38 RiotIQ As a psychologist, would you consider administering a professional, research-backed IQ test that is fully online, U.S.-based, and normed?

Full disclaimer of self promotion here. Our research team is developing a new gold standard for online IQ testing. This question we are asking is part of some research to help gauge psychologist's reactions to a purely online based IQ assessment.
Read more about the research project here: https://riotiq.com/ PS: We are launching version 1 of the RIOT test & software in a couple months
submitted by RiotIQ to askpsychology [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:38 --TheAntagonist-- Is it possible to use my headset without a proximity sensor?

The proximity sensor in my quest 2 is broken and when I turn on my headset its just a black screen, I'm wondering if it's possible to make it so that I can use the headset with the proximity sensor somehow disabled
submitted by --TheAntagonist-- to OculusQuest [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:38 Dramatic-Survey1661 can someone help a fellow?

submitted by Dramatic-Survey1661 to MonopolyGoCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:38 Next-Signature-4110 Grey man

On the 4th week of grey man do you drop your % back down to 55 and 70% ? And run the 3 week block again ?
submitted by Next-Signature-4110 to tacticalbarbell [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:38 Significant-Bag4823 Lead recommendation for worther slight 1.18mm

Lead recommendation for worther slight 1.18mm I have worther slight 1.18 pencil. Does it fit with 1.1mm leads shown below
submitted by Significant-Bag4823 to mechanicalpencils [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:38 waterpotential What curve is this?

What curve is this? submitted by waterpotential to hockeyplayers [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:38 HarlotOvTheSaints_ Agent Orange - Everything Turns Grey [rock]

submitted by HarlotOvTheSaints_ to Music [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:38 DepartureLong5297 Is it legal?

Hi everyone, Hope everyone is doing well this weekend. I just want to find out from any lawyers out there. Is it legal for a landlord when you move in to put you on geyser rations and stipulate that you can only shower in the evenings from 6pm and refuse to put it on any other time of the day? She has the switch for the geyser on her side, it’s not in my little cottage. Is it also legal for her to make me pay for the plumber to install the washing machine when she said that she would pay when I came to look at the place but nothing was put into writing? Is it also okay for her to shout at me, belittle me and call me rude because I don’t want people to come into my home when I’m not there? I moved in yesterday and am in desperate need of some help.
submitted by DepartureLong5297 to johannesburg [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:38 Some_Environment7140 Please use my link and I’ll use yours!

submitted by Some_Environment7140 to TikTok [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:38 Powerful_Anime_1 Taeyeon Publicly “Disses” SM Entertainment and Withdraws from 30th Anniversary Concert Lineup

Taeyeon Publicly “Disses” SM Entertainment and Withdraws from 30th Anniversary Concert Lineup submitted by Powerful_Anime_1 to KDramaNews [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:38 Powerful_Anime_1 Taeyeon Publicly “Disses” SM Entertainment and Withdraws from 30th Anniversary Concert Lineup

submitted by Powerful_Anime_1 to koreaboonews [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:38 blikkhu Zacher Gábor mikulásjelmezben fut végig a városon

submitted by blikkhu to blikkhu [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:38 Powerful_Anime_1 Taeyeon Publicly “Disses” SM Entertainment and Withdraws from 30th Anniversary Concert Lineup

Taeyeon Publicly “Disses” SM Entertainment and Withdraws from 30th Anniversary Concert Lineup submitted by Powerful_Anime_1 to koreaboonews [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:38 MediumAd8799 Ohio State Couldn't Score 15, to Get to 20!

Ohio State Couldn't Score 15, to Get to 20! submitted by MediumAd8799 to tcap [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:38 Charming-Ad8474 I made a New ball concept

I made a New ball concept submitted by Charming-Ad8474 to BallsDex [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:38 Lucifer_Abyss [No spoilers] Recommend Arcane wallpapers

[No spoilers] Recommend Arcane wallpapers submitted by Lucifer_Abyss to arcane [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:38 RaccoonWeak7038 Short sad anime to watch

I recently finished edgerunners, and now I crave shows like it because how good it was. Is there any shoes short and sad like cyberpunk edgerunners I could watch?
submitted by RaccoonWeak7038 to anime [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:38 SpottedStalker Babu humor...

Babu humor... submitted by SpottedStalker to dankinindia [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:38 Dependent-Teach4294 Is scorched seaweed rare

submitted by Dependent-Teach4294 to FischRoblox [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:38 VKW_Art [OC] Bound together by fate

submitted by VKW_Art to tianguancifu [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:38 ImAMasterBayter The Day My Diet Reached Its Peak (and Never Recovered)

The Day My Diet Reached Its Peak (and Never Recovered) Throwback to the healthiest meal I ever had... four years ago. Safe to say my diet peaked that day and has been downhill ever since.
I came across this picture while scrolling through some old photos of mine.
submitted by ImAMasterBayter to indiasocial [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:38 Just_a_chilldude_ Does anyone know jinxs new chapter schedule

I don’t really know we’re to look to find out so I though this would be a good place to start😁
submitted by Just_a_chilldude_ to Manhwa_BL [link] [comments]
