
2024.12.01 07:31 Jarl-133 Lost

I really just have no idea where to start in terms of designing. Designing was never something I did a ton of in new leaf which is the only one I played before this. I make some cool areas in places I could but that was about it. I recently came back to this game because all I did was get my island to 3 stars and then leave it unfinished so I wanted to finish it. I cleared out a good space and I have no idea what im doing or what to do with it. No idea what to make or how I should go about making it. How do people design this stuff? Should I make an area for all the buildings? Maybe I shouldn't because then what else am i gonna put anywhere else if there's no buildings around as a center piece? Maybe i should make separate areas for them? I'm lost. I'm not expecting my island to look like some of the insane things I see online, but I want at least something kinda cool and not just emptiness.
submitted by Jarl-133 to AnimalCrossingNewHor [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:31 Open-Mathematician61 "Body?"

submitted by Open-Mathematician61 to hardaiposters [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:31 JinxxTV I something in this pic, can you rate it plz :)

I something in this pic, can you rate it plz :) submitted by JinxxTV to selfierating [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:31 _Balkis ITAP of Prophet Moses mountain (Egypt)

ITAP of Prophet Moses mountain (Egypt) submitted by _Balkis to itookapicture [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:31 TheReckoning Eli Lilly (Big Pharma Company) wants you to know they really care about you

Eli Lilly (Big Pharma Company) wants you to know they really care about you “Get Better”
Yea right.
submitted by TheReckoning to CommercialsIHate [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:31 cicada_______3301 Hair fall

Hair fall M:29 I am experiencing alot of hairfall in recent months/year, earlier i visited a dermatologist and he given me 2 shampoo [powercort & CWIN], my dandruff was almost gone after using those shampoos but hairfall worsened i believe, so i stopped using them and now i use normal head&shoulder anti dandruff shampoo and dove conditioner after shampoo. Please note i have dandruff from a very long time but i haven't experienced this much of hair fall.
Earlier i used to put oil almost every time when i have shower, but i completely stopped using hair oil from last few years, i didn't see any improvement in dandruff but it increased my hairfall, though I'm not sure if this was due to not using hair oil.
Today i have used hairoil before taking shower and while rubbing oil i can see these many hair fallen. Is this normal, even while shampoo i see more than this hairfall.
submitted by cicada_______3301 to IndianHaircare [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:31 chair_on_table I'm newbie in food cooking, so today I made this and serve it with Pav to my wife

I'm newbie in food cooking, so today I made this and serve it with Pav to my wife submitted by chair_on_table to indiasocial [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:31 TraditionalStreet780 How long does a battery survive?

My hp Victus is around 3 years old, it comes with 70wh battery last month I saw it was 45wh now it's 9wh such a degrade is it common? I'm changing my battery soon as now it doesn't work without plugin with new battery what should I see to that I make the battery life last longer .
submitted by TraditionalStreet780 to HPVictus [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:31 VetteAddict Amazon scam / miss labeled?

Quest 3 128GB— Breakthrough Mixed Reality Headset — Powerful Performance https://a.co/d/8eGYNFI
The "11" option for $399 says it's a 3 with 4k, but is by a new seller and just seems off. What's your guys opinion? Used, 3s, or some other issue?
submitted by VetteAddict to MetaQuestVR [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:31 IAmA_Wolf Nutella brownie cake from Sushi Wawa

Nutella brownie cake from Sushi Wawa This stuff is like my crack. Looking for some insider information whether they make this in-house, or if it's from a wholesaler or store that I could maybe buy from? It's so gosh dang delicious.
Oh, and that strawberry coulis is just... the chef's kiss on top.
submitted by IAmA_Wolf to perth [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:31 rohit3427 Karan is an absolute unit of a man.

  1. He doesn't ask anybody to leave him after a commitment is made. (Shilpa)
  2. He doesn't ask anybody to join him if somebody leaves him. (Shrutika)
  3. He can carry 65-70 kgs on his back for four hours as if it was nothing. (Edin)
  4. He is highly disciplined with his routine. (Morning breakfast)
  5. He is witty and humourous (One liners)
  6. He keep his friendship above the show's narratives.
  7. He makes salman look like a fool every wkv. I guarantee he knows about it.
  8. Champs like DG is becoming his fan.
  9. He got after Rajat for a day and made him stumble from the bully persona. Rajat is now often found out talking about karan behind his back like a fool.
  10. He has easily managed to pushed Vivian, Avinash, Rajat and Bagga to a corner and left them clueless.
submitted by rohit3427 to biggboss [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:31 theinfamousta Feeling good in my 40

Feeling good in my 40 submitted by theinfamousta to 40something [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:31 Other-Ad-7945 Lily Allen

submitted by Other-Ad-7945 to BritishCelebrityBabes [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:31 Bl4ckStorm75 Just a tiny question about game performance

So I just bought a Ryzen 5700x3d from AliExpress and wanted to know if the game does take advantage of the 3d cache
submitted by Bl4ckStorm75 to victoria2 [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:31 Mean_Tackle_3496 UCG Ultra - "experiencing packet loss" when connection is maxed out

UCG Ultra - When my connection is maxed out (250 Mbps) my UCG Ultra thinks connection is lost
Strange right? I don't know if it actually looses connection or its just a bug?
Connected to it using cable an a Ultra switch.
submitted by Mean_Tackle_3496 to Ubiquiti [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:31 NattyNati Ajándék proteincsoki

➀ Fin Carré high-protein chocolate crisp vízgőz felett megolvasztva, majd szilikonformában elegyengetve ➁ Rá gyorsfagyasztott gyümölcskeverék ➂ ½ óra mélyhűtés
submitted by NattyNati to sutesfozes [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:31 Electrical_Phase7108 Just had the scariest experience with clots

Got woken up out of my sleep by huge blood clots. Rushed to change my pad and literally had huge clots coming out of me. I've had one or two clots before but this is insane. I tried to get as much of it as possible so I could take a picture and show to my doctor when I go on Monday so this is about half the amount that came out. Has anyone else had this? Trying not to panic.
submitted by Electrical_Phase7108 to Periods [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:31 Routine-Gur-5671 So I have a Fender Telecaster Squier Affinity Series. And I've been thinking about putting a whammy bar on it, but I'm not sure if I can. I was thinking of unscrewing one of the screws and putting the bar there. But I'm not sure if that's right. Can you guys tell me if I can, and how?

So I have a Fender Telecaster Squier Affinity Series. And I've been thinking about putting a whammy bar on it, but I'm not sure if I can. I was thinking of unscrewing one of the screws and putting the bar there. But I'm not sure if that's right. Can you guys tell me if I can, and how? submitted by Routine-Gur-5671 to telecaster [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:31 After_Resolution9246 Ghost screen Lenovo legion 5 arp8

Ghost screen Lenovo legion 5 arp8 https://preview.redd.it/1hrivy9dw64e1.png?width=1574&format=png&auto=webp&s=408cd033f8c4f3d9a09bc3ab857c490f46089a04
Does anyone know how to deactivate that supposed first screen that is with the integrated one?
submitted by After_Resolution9246 to Lenovo [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:31 Signal_Ad4945 Whats your favourite tank pic?

Whats your favourite tank pic? Thats mine, just a Tiger chilling on the Road north of Rome.
submitted by Signal_Ad4945 to tanks [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:31 xMermaidMagic These Cats Sleeping Perfectly Aligned On The Stairs

These Cats Sleeping Perfectly Aligned On The Stairs submitted by xMermaidMagic to CatsBeingCats [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:31 BBeachBall Potential loss 1 hour into the month

On a flight home from thanksgiving, stayed awake from 10:00 pm November 30th and just landed at 1:30 on December 1st when they play Last Christmas (Wham Edition) on the intercom. Does this count? If so this is the earliest I’ve ever lost 😭.
submitted by BBeachBall to Whamageddon [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:31 Majavalvurr What season to buy?

I'm currently doing S2 and soon would like to switch to something else, I've been eyeing S5 and S1, are they worth it? Or any other suggestions?
submitted by Majavalvurr to snowrunner [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:31 JukeBox-Whimzur66 i have no idea if my original post loaded but uhm oh well

i have no idea if my original post loaded but uhm oh well anyone here like brendon small, brandon rogers, house md, the mountain goats, or anything of the sort?? looking for folks to chat with.. idk its 1:30 am im tired, my discord is jukeboxofficial
submitted by JukeBox-Whimzur66 to TeenagersButBetter [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:31 WeeMac1421 I (16M) have recently developed feelings for an online friend (19F) and don't want to put myself into a situation where I lose friends.

I (16M) am quite anti-social in real life, however I do have a somewhat tight-knit friend group online. These friends are from all over the world and are many different ages, but this post focusses on one (19F) girl who I have developed feeling for. for the sake of this post I'll refer to her as A.
For some context I live in the U.S. and A lives in Europe. Also a bunch of my online friends and I have shared our social media accounts. The blaring issue to me is obviously the age gap and distance, However every time I talk to A, I am instantly happier. She is one of the few people in my life at the moment who I trust and who makes me feel a sense of worth. Added on top of that, since we've shared social media we both know each-others appearance, and I'll be honest she's completely my type.
Like I said earlier, I don't want to lose friends, and I feel that if I share my feelings I may be seen as creep or otherwise. I am also worried that this is just me being a dumb teenager, while she's an adult living 5,000 miles away. At the same time, talking to her doesn't feel like talking to an adult, rather a friend a similar age as me. Anther problem is that I've never been in a relationship whether in person or online, so I have no experience of expressing my feelings for someone. I'm scared to hurt myself in the process of this, and I don't have another group to spend free time with. I just don't know if any of this would be worth the risk. On top of this all, since I've never asked someone about their feelings, I don't know how I would handle the very possible rejection.
What should I do to either confront my feelings or suppress them as to no hurt myself?
TLDR: I (16M) have a huge crush on my (19F) friend who lives overseas, and I don't want to make a dumb decision that costs me a friendship or more.
submitted by WeeMac1421 to teenrelationships [link] [comments]
