The song "I'm good" steps on the legacy of the song it is piggybacking and needs removed from the radio.

2024.12.01 07:30 Due-Cryptographer177 The song "I'm good" steps on the legacy of the song it is piggybacking and needs removed from the radio.

This girl pop fucking song sucks for many different reasons, It steals not only the vocals and the background, but it also destroys the soul of the song it was about. Every time I hear it on the radio at the workplace I just want to lobotomize my ears. It took all the good aspects, stole them in turn for an "upbeat" pointless song about feeling happy. The original song tied into feelings of depression and sadness and this new one is to upbeat and toneless. Whoever made this needs to be sued for copyright enforcement even if the original creator cooperated to produce it. The plane of mainstream music has shifted extremely, they can't make anything new so they take the old. But end up butchering, It's really a cuckery when Im listening to the radio and I hear the iconic start of the song and I want to sing along. Just to hear a lavished white woman talking about how good her life is like shut the fuck up. Anyway irrational or not, I hate the song, lyrics are bad, choreography is boring, message is boring, do better overall
submitted by Due-Cryptographer177 to TrueUnpopularOpinion [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:30 Unique-Poem-1490 I have my exs cats and don't know how to proceed

This is kinda confusing and will probably be quite long so I want to thank everyone in advance for reading this and offering advice.
I (24) have an ex boyfriend (26). Long story short, he was verbally and emotionally abusive. We dated from 2020-2022. I broke up with him in February of 2022 and we went roughly a month no contact. In March of 2022 he contacted me from a different number telling me that he was being evicted from his apartment. He asked me to take his two cats for a couple months just until he found another pet friendly apartment. I agreed however he never took them back. I've been in contact with him since. I talk to him almost every day. He's moved from apartment to room to apartment and refuses to take them back because none of the places he's lived since have been pet friendly and he doesn't want to be evicted. I've been patient and understood but recently we got into an argument that led to me blocking him and now I don't know how to proceed.

  1. He's never paid me to keep the cats or paid for any supplies they need. I buy all of their food and litter myself, as well as toys and anything else they may need.
  2. I don't have any receipts from vet visits. I've only ever taken one of them for shots and it was probably about 6ish months into having them. I'm sure my vet would still have a record of it if I called and asked
  3. He wasn't a bad pet owner. I don't really want to keep them. Ideally I would like for him to just taken them back but I don't think that's gonna happen as he still doesn't live in a pet friendly apartment. He did have a bad habit of not cleaning the litter very frequently. He would probably clean it about once a week and the two cats shared one litter box but I don't have any pictures to prove this.
  4. The cats are still registered to him and I don't have any written agreement/permission to keep them in the event anything happen.
My question is: how do I proceed? If I want to keep the cats and block him do I have any legal grounds or a leg to stand on? Or do I have to give the cats back legally?
submitted by Unique-Poem-1490 to legaladvicecanada [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:30 ChemicalComedian7977 Married the love of my life this year

I still haven’t fully realized it 😅 This woman has been there for me for the past few years, like no one else before. I owe her so much, and now I have a lifetime to give back 🥰
submitted by ChemicalComedian7977 to MadeMeSmile [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:30 Hellbell120120 Got something stuck in his teefs

submitted by Hellbell120120 to WhatsWrongWithYourDog [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:30 Wave_Request_9195 Proof of finishing studies

Hey, I intend to apply for postgraduate programs and/or jobs overseas. Many of these applications require proof of graduation. Since I graduated in engineering, it is important that I can show proof of my honors level/rank (I'm not sure what it’s called) to the education provider. Given that the graduation is in May, is there a pseudo document that includes all this information I can use in the meantime? The unofficial transcript doesn’t exactly state that I have completed my degree and what my honors level is.
submitted by Wave_Request_9195 to universityofauckland [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:30 SUMMERJOY2 36 [M4F] #British Columbia, Seeking Gentle Dominant [LTR]

Relationship type / My Kinks:
First and foremost, actively pursuing my lifelong partner in crime. Seeking a genuine connection with the goal of an everlasting relationship. I'd love to develop a close bond with my partner, being able to communicate effectively, enjoying deep chats. Let's take our time and get to know one another genuinely, and see if we're a compatible match.
My attraction leans towards a partner who embraces being moderately dominant, as me being moderately submissive. Together we'd figure a balance of power that works for us, as we'll have skills where we shine best. I trust you'll treat me in the highest regard, respect means the world to me. I'd be most comfortable in the relationship role as a stay at home partner, vs breadwinner.
My predominantly kink would be Rope Bunny. I love the idea of being restrained at regular intervals, referring to simple rope techniques or restraints quick to apply such as handcuffs. Let's make kink venturous such as making it a challenge, or maybe a roll of the dice! Having direct communication is utmost important to keeping kink a positive and safe experience.
About me / My Personality

Quotes & Music: That mean something special to me.
Politics: Strong Conservative.
Deal Breakers
Politics: Strong Conservative, Freedom!
Location & Age:
submitted by SUMMERJOY2 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:30 Pleasant-Language404 Where to start from?

I am starting a business that i wanna expand a lot
Made a plan where I am providing income to people from below poverty housee, but teaching them skills.
Now the thing is, shall i approach shops where i wanna collaborate, or shall i start by training few people?
Ofcourse starting my training people sounds better but i am somewhat scared about what if I can't sell things after training them to make all those things i taught them?
submitted by Pleasant-Language404 to growmybusiness [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:30 Peanut69Rice [no spoilers] TIL that Harry Lloyd (voice of Viktor) is the great great great grandson of Charles Dickens

[no spoilers] TIL that Harry Lloyd (voice of Viktor) is the great great great grandson of Charles Dickens submitted by Peanut69Rice to arcane [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:30 No-Sentence-5223 18 [m4a] bored and can’t fall asleep

Heyyy, anyone hmu I just wanna talk to some people it’s so boring rn lol
Message for username
submitted by No-Sentence-5223 to snapchat [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:30 Bronxbomber2627 Need 2x copies of Final Gambit and 2x of Suit Up For Both my accounts in blitz later today

I’ll give you Any five star you need for each one.
Would love to find someone that had multiple copies and needs multiple five stars
submitted by Bronxbomber2627 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:30 Informal-Pineapple89 Savior Viktor reminded me of something...

Savior Viktor reminded me of something... submitted by Informal-Pineapple89 to LeagueOfMemes [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:30 ulackyreporter Ohodnoťte můj setup (já vím mam tam bordel)

Ohodnoťte můj setup (já vím mam tam bordel) submitted by ulackyreporter to Kerddit [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:30 Confident_Bug_1833 Dorm turned into residental rental

Dorm turned into residental rental Soo as I really dislike playing with the university dorms, I turned them into residental rentals.
submitted by Confident_Bug_1833 to Sims4Builds [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:30 pridear omg the shade😮‍💨😮‍💨

lol this has to be referring to Joao in S6 of thth right🫢🫢
submitted by pridear to TooHotToHandleGame [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:30 Ok_Science2488 Hello are these worth anything ? The price is 140$

Hello are these worth anything ? The price is 140$ submitted by Ok_Science2488 to vintageaudio [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:30 Stephsmith2467 The app keeps crashing on me

How do I prevent the app from crashing on me? It started crashing after I updated my phone.
submitted by Stephsmith2467 to whisper [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:30 Al_Bronson Are Home Depot coupons available for purchase online legit? ($18 for 15% off up to $200)

Feels kind of weird buying a coupon online and then saving $100 - $200 at HD. Kind of worries this might be some weird coupon fraud. What do you think? The website selling these coupons is not affiliated with HD.
submitted by Al_Bronson to couponing [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:30 Embarrassed_Yak1094 [Amazon]19% OFF All-new Amazon Kindle Paperwhite (16 GB) -$129.99

submitted by Embarrassed_Yak1094 to Extradeals [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:30 Dreadful_Oven What is the presidents favorite liquid?

submitted by Dreadful_Oven to AskOuija [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:30 AudioArmoury New release! Inspired by Skyrim.

submitted by AudioArmoury to mymusic [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:30 EsseNorway Thank goodness it's an alpaca

Thank goodness it's an alpaca submitted by EsseNorway to Snorkblot [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:30 Agreeable-Ad6093 Need help in finding a song playing in the background of an audio recording

I was in a coffee shop with some friends and we were chatting during the audio recording, but it's possible to hear some key elements from the track that is being played on the background. I know the audio quality is not that great, but I really wanted to find this song. I'll be very grateful to whoever helps me in this! (Ignore the last part of the audio, there is no more sound after 4 minutes)
submitted by Agreeable-Ad6093 to IdentifyThisTrack [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:30 Usernameg0esrhere Are LEO's handcuffs individually assigned?

Police bodycam videos have become a bit of a guilty pleasure for me, and I often see the LEO having to switch the handcuffs if say, the perp was initially arrested by someone else but is going into a different squad car. I would assume they are all just the same so don't see why it matters - are they individually assigned or something?
submitted by Usernameg0esrhere to AskLE [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:30 milkman722 Contrast salamander

Contrast salamander This is my first terminator that i have done with contrast paint. C&C Welcome.
submitted by milkman722 to Salamanders40k [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:30 Lovelies_loveless Aita for wanting to break up with my bf???

Hi, I’m 19f, and my boyfriend is 22m and have been dating for a year going on two next year(don’t wanna specify the actual date if he or ppl I know see this) we have known each other since I was in 7th and he was in 8th. Yes ik he was supposed to be in a higher grade but that is a different subject. We started as friends when I was moved into his 8th-grade class because a kid tried to Sa me In the school bathroom(which is a much longer story) after 2 months of knowing each other we started dating that didn't end long we were young and he couldn't ( in his words) handle my bipolar disorder which was fine because we were still young and I'm a lot to handle when I break down. We lost touch when COVID started and everything was online so I haven't talked with him since that happened. Last year we got in contact with each other. The day we finally met up I was supposed to meet my friend at the mall but she ended up canceling so I asked him if I could come over to change and chat with him to catch up. He said yea and I came over we smked some wd and hung out we ended up having sx and we made it official the next day(fast right ik) I started spending days at his house because I had a long of family issues back home and I didn't wanna argue and fight with the people at my house so I asked to say for a week I believe and went home but come over almost every other day. During this time I had just quit my job after being told id had to help pay to clean up after everyone while going to school for 3 days and working for 4 barely being home for nay of the day and not using anything in the kitchen for almost my whole 12th-grade year. We started off rocky and push through now to the present I’ve started to be lost in thought and almost all of the time I’m thinking about breaking up with him he has changed for the better since we first started dating but I realize it’s to late. I can’t get old my mind if I can trust him fully or if I really want this relationship i have been jobless for almost two years now after applying and going to interviews damn near everyday with no luck. I often feel useless and down than I’m not contributing enough when he pays all the bills. He has never put me done for not working or not bringing anything to the table which I am extremely grateful for but he doesn’t wanna pursue a further career even though I wanna go to college which isn’t a back thing many ppl aren’t meant for college and that fine but were struggling and I feel like a higher education would do him some good.
I'm rambling sorry but I wanted to know would I be the ah if I ended things with him??
submitted by Lovelies_loveless to AITAH [link] [comments]