2024.12.01 07:39 Ill-Chipmunk-9160 Why is Saitama side lined
I think after the season 1 in both anime and manga Saitama is side lined in the story, it feels like he is just a character in the series, and I think that now the main story just focus on God and hero association specially in the hero's vs monsters arc I felt that. But now in the present he is getting back his importance as genos revealed his powers to the hero association and both amai mask and metal knight are talking interest in him.
Share your opinions.
submitted by Ill-Chipmunk-9160 to OnePunchMan [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 07:39 ijiolokae They gave him one penalty point, and a 1 place grid drop for shits and giggles .
submitted by ijiolokae to formuladank [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 07:39 Ok_Possible_3235 can someone help me please
so I crashed my tractor into a truck and this happed, I have no moped in the tractor and no jack, Is it possible to get it upright?
submitted by Ok_Possible_3235 to MySummerCar [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 07:39 CommunicationWild198 Mega Altaria!! Come join 677588642290
submitted by CommunicationWild198 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 07:39 Bubbly-Wrangler3865 I'm thinking of giving up my beardie
I got my beardie since he was about 3 months old by someone who didn't feel they can care for them anymore. Since then, it's genuinely been such a beauty to care for my beardie. I even made a gotchya day about it and named him tamalito. He arrived injured with tail rot which ultimately ended up with part of his tail falling off. With advice of others, I did my best to care for it and he'd recovered and is currently doing well enough. The tail rot didn't spread any further and has done so much better.
I've given him all that I'm able to give but I'm afraid it's not enough and he needs more care than what I can give him. Especially when looking at the reptile related subreddits, most certainly these animals need much more care than what I can offer. I didn't expect this much care going into it and I should've done my own research before agreeing but it happened so quickly at the time. I was nervous about the previous owner possibly letting him go just in the wilderness where it's very much not native to or to someone who won't treat it well and respectfully.
It's with the assistance of my parents Im even able to get by, as I can't get an actual job at the moment and I live at home. I don't want to burden my parents with investing so much into it any longer and spending any little money I'm able to get. I don't get to spend as much time as I'd like to care for him during the day. It saddens me to have to let go of him because of how much I love him but I know there's better care from someone else he can get. It's been almost a year with him and he's gotten so big and makes me even sadder thinking about giving him away. He seemed fine at first but now he seems more unhappy and would like to have more attention but with me busy during the day, I can't interact with him much. But I wouldn't have a clue of who in my area would like a bearded dragon. I feel this is best but I'd like more opinions on it if it's the right choice to do?
submitted by Bubbly-Wrangler3865 to BeardedDragons [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 07:39 acchi_aulaad Chaar Diwaari - Jhaag
submitted by acchi_aulaad to Indianindieheads [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 07:39 AtRiskMedia oh claude ... on giving feedback
https://preview.redd.it/al0bzrqrx64e1.png?width=740&format=png&auto=webp&s=3b15e0539c6a7d5899b07bf6adfe4f9c795364b4 for the record, claude you routinely leave submitted by AtRiskMedia to ClaudeAI [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 07:39 strikecat18 AITAH for wanting us to move into a home inherited from my mother?
I’ll try to keep this concise but also give the relevant backstory.
I was extraordinarily close to my mother. Three years ago when her health was failing, I arranged for her to move into our neighborhood so we could care for her. She sold my childhood home and she bought a brand new build down the street from us.
She passed much sooner than we ever expected, only three months after getting here. To say I been a wreck would be a massive understatement. It essentially shattered my entire word, and I’m not doing okay at all. It’s been two years and I still need sleep meds just to shut off the thoughts at night.
She was generous enough to leave me the paid off home. The plan wasn’t necessarily for us to live there at the time she decided that. But her never having been able to make memories in the home herself has left me feeling like it’s the right thing for us to make them there, at least for a couple of years. Our son is six and being there is one of the few things that helps him remember his grandma.
My proposal is living there for 2-3 years to feel like we made some memories, and to save the money we’d make renting our current home. We could then use this to help purchase a much larger forever home then.
My wife has insisted it’s weird and creepy to want to live there, even though I’m willing to swap out all of the furniture and decor, and possibly even take down a wall for logistical purposes.
Here’s the thing- we’ve been in this stalemate for two years now. I refuse to rent the home out because it feels wrong to me. She refuses to move because she says it’s wrong that I want her to agree. She has not exactly been the most emotionally supportive spouse through this loss, and asking me to hand my mother’s home over to strangers to accommodate her preference feels like a knife in the back.
We are at a point where something has to be done. It’s costing us approximately $14k per year in property taxes and utilities for me to currently just use the home as a second office. Our lost rental revenue is almost $36k per year on whichever house we’d rent out. I make good money, but we have a special needs child and expenses are generally out of control. I’m the sole income and it’s getting to be a heavy burden to juggle.
Relevant facts:
Both homes are similar sized. Ours is 2100 square feet, my mother’s home is 2200 square feet. Ours was built in 2019, hers in 2022. Her builder was higher ticket and the home is finished better, but our home has a nicer lot and bigger yard.
There are some functional tradeoffs. Her home has an office, which I sorely need. However, our secondary bedrooms are slightly larger.
Essentially, there might be some valid reasons my wife prefers our house, but it’s certainly not as though I’m asking to move into a mobile home.
AITAH for standing my ground and saying she should accommodate this?
submitted by strikecat18 to AITAH [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 07:39 The_ghost_of_spectre How Rwanda's capital became Africa's cleanest city – DW – 11/29/2024
submitted by The_ghost_of_spectre to East_AfricanCommunity [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 07:39 Substantial-Egg-386 Achrones Theory
Hypothèse des Achrones : une nouvelle vision des entités supraluminiques dans un univers dodécaédrique
Introduction En explorant les limites des lois physiques actuelles, j’ai élaboré une hypothèse audacieuse sur l’existence d’entités dépassant nos cadres conceptuels habituels. Ces entités, que j’ai choisi de nommer Achrones, incarnent une rupture fondamentale avec les particules telles que nous les connaissons. Leur hypothétique existence repose sur une série de propriétés uniques : une vitesse supraluminique constante, une totale indifférence aux forces fondamentales, et une évolution dans un univers de topologie dodécaédrique.
Le choix du terme Achrone, signifiant "hors du temps", reflète leur détachement des lois traditionnelles de la causalité et de l’espace-temps. Voici une présentation détaillée de cette hypothèse, incluant une justification de leur nom et de leur rôle hypothétique dans un univers élargi.
Le terme particule est inadapté pour décrire les Achrones, car il suppose des propriétés fondamentales que ces entités ne possèdent pas. Une particule, selon la physique moderne, est définie par des caractéristiques comme :
Les Achrones, par opposition, ne répondent à aucun de ces critères :
Ils ne possèdent ni masse, ni charge, ni énergie définissable.
Ils n’interagissent avec rien, pas même avec l’espace-temps lui-même.
Ils transcendent les limites de la vitesse de la lumière, les plaçant hors de la relativité restreinte.
Pour cette raison, j’ai ressenti le besoin de les désigner par un terme nouveau. Le mot Achrone exprime leur liberté vis-à-vis des contraintes temporelles et causales.
Les Achrones sont des entités hypothétiques ayant les propriétés suivantes :
Leur comportement s’apparente à une forme d’ordre cosmique fondamental, mais découplé des lois de conservation ou des interactions connues.
Pour expliquer la trajectoire infinie et ordonnée des Achrones, j’ai envisagé un modèle cosmologique basé sur un univers dodécaédrique :
Un univers fini mais sans bord : Dans ce modèle, les limites de l’univers sont recollées à la manière d’un dodécaèdre, un polyèdre à douze faces.
Un mouvement perpétuel : Lorsqu’un Achrone atteint une limite de l’univers, il réapparaît instantanément à l’opposé, poursuivant son voyage sans interruption.
Cette structure topologique permet d’imaginer les Achrones comme des entités voyageant éternellement à travers l’univers sans jamais ralentir ni s’arrêter.
Les Achrones ne peuvent pas être détectés parce qu’ils transcendent les mécanismes d’interaction connus :
Pas d’interaction lumineuse : Ils ne réfléchissent ni n’absorbent les photons, rendant toute observation optique impossible.
Pas d’influence gravitationnelle : N’ayant pas de masse mesurable, ils ne courbent pas l’espace-temps.
Pas de couplage énergétique : Ils ne participent à aucun échange énergétique ou matériel.
Cette indétectabilité ne reflète pas une limitation de nos outils scientifiques, mais une caractéristique fondamentale des Achrones. Leur existence ne peut être appréhendée qu’à travers des implications théoriques ou indirectes.
5.1. Les lois physiques sont incomplètes
Les lois actuelles, bien qu’efficaces, laissent de nombreuses questions sans réponse :
La matière noire et l’énergie noire : Elles représentent 95 % de l’univers mais restent mystérieuses.
L’unification des théories : La relativité générale et la mécanique quantique, bien que puissantes, sont incompatibles.
Les Achrones pourraient incarner une nouvelle catégorie d’entités permettant de combler ces lacunes.
5.2. Une réalité hors de la causalité
Les Achrones transcendent la causalité et les lois de conservation. Leur existence suggère qu’il pourrait y avoir une dimension de la réalité totalement découplée de nos cadres actuels.
6.1. Une invitation à repenser l’univers
Les Achrones remettent en question l’idée que tout dans l’univers peut être observé ou mesuré. Ils symbolisent une couche de réalité qui échappe à nos perceptions et défient notre compréhension.
6.2. Un rôle hypothétique dans la cosmologie
Bien qu’ils soient indétectables, les Achrones pourraient avoir des implications indirectes :
Ils pourraient être liés aux phénomènes inexpliqués comme l’énergie noire ou la matière noire.
Leur mouvement constant pourrait stabiliser ou structurer l’univers d’une manière que nous ne comprenons pas encore.
6.3. Une réflexion sur l’infini
Les Achrones, voyageant sans fin dans un univers dodécaédrique, suggèrent que l’univers n’a pas de véritable frontière et que tout est connecté de manière invisible.
Les Achrones, par leur nature supraluminique et leur indétectabilité, représentent une rupture totale avec les concepts traditionnels de la physique. En leur attribuant un nouveau nom, j’ai voulu souligner leur différence fondamentale par rapport aux particules connues.
Cette hypothèse, bien que spéculative, est une invitation à élargir notre vision de l’univers et à explorer des idées qui dépassent les cadres actuels. Peut-être qu’un jour, grâce à des avancées théoriques ou expérimentales, nous découvrirons des indices permettant de confirmer ou de réfuter leur existence.
En attendant, les Achrones restent un symbole puissant de ce que nous ne comprenons pas encore et de ce que nous pourrions un jour découvrir en repoussant les limites de la science.
submitted by Substantial-Egg-386 to AskPhysics [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 07:39 DoragonTheOnly The Yaoi -Psychosis in a nutshell:
submitted by DoragonTheOnly to youngpeopleyoutube [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 07:39 deezvis People who took b-school admissions at 85-90%ile how is it?
Same as title
submitted by deezvis to CATpreparation [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 07:39 Embarrassed-End415 My thoughts on scentira
This is my first time post something on this sub. So im 18m and ive been collecting fragrances from past 1.5 years. So recently i got to know about decants and wanted try them. So i searched and got to know about scentira and it was a nice experience overall. If you go and check the decant bottles other cheap decanters provide like yusuf or perfume theory it looks very cheap and not something you cant showcase jn your collection. But the decants from scentira looks very premium. And yes they are legit their perfumes are not watered down like some other ones that i have heard of. And pls if you know some other decants pls comment them. And i will review the perfumes ive orderd from them in the comments. submitted by Embarrassed-End415 to DesiFragranceAddicts [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 07:39 Thick-Grand-7218 LF TRAVIS AND LEVIATHAN ACCOUNT
offering fortnite account have 2 dm me to choose strictly n.g.f
must be fa and email changeable
submitted by Thick-Grand-7218 to FortniteAccountsSale [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 07:39 TheRealDubJ “Pool piss eyes” -2nd top comment
submitted by TheRealDubJ to TheRealDubJ [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 07:39 blqckred Homemade sour cream for tacos
How can i make homemade sour cream please give me a good recipe
submitted by blqckred to tacos [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 07:39 distancedandaway It took me almost 50 tries to kill that damn black bear yao guai. On a scale of 1/10 how screwed am I for the rest of the game?
That fuckin bear. He is friend shaped but no friend lmfao.
It took me so long to defeat him! Even with the fire protection shroud thing.
Without spoilers just tell me on a scale of 1/10 how screwed I am. Because I'm clearly bad at the game (although I'm really enjoying it, so who cares?)
submitted by distancedandaway to BlackMythWukong [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 07:39 dumbandwittyy the fashion sense of contestants is so terrible this year
ughh their fashion sense is so terrible. not just on weekend ka war but on regular days too.
i remember bani j from season 10 and she had the best fashion sense till now. need someone to wear clothes like that
even in previous seasons the clothes they used to wear in regular days and weekend ka war was super casual and chill which seemed much more fashionable
now everyone wears tacky, gawdy sponsored shit
submitted by dumbandwittyy to biggboss [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 07:39 Necessary-Adagio-834 Please give us strength and prayers today.
submitted by Necessary-Adagio-834 to seniordogs [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 07:39 leafsland132 Проблемот е многу подлабок од политиката и фудбалските хулигани
Немам зборови… submitted by leafsland132 to mkd [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 07:39 Mr_Voided How can I play while my friend is away?
Hey I just got the game on ps5 and was wondering if there was some sort of server or something we could set up so we can play at our own time sometimes.
submitted by Mr_Voided to Palworld [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 07:39 JackfruitMurky5874 Classless
It is currently 2:30 in the morning and some woman has been screaming out of her parked car for over half an hour antagonizing everyone walking by. How’d she last more than 5 minutes without getting knocked out? This is right by the Canes btw. That shit wouldn’t last where I come from.
submitted by JackfruitMurky5874 to OSU [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 07:39 Holiday_Zone_9969 Funniest fight I have ever played
I was playing with my friend and this happened submitted by Holiday_Zone_9969 to YomiHustle [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 07:39 Familiar-Living-122 Does Backyard Soccer 98 have the same hidden stat boosts as baseball?
I have never noticed stat boosts in soccer or football the way it shows up in baseball.
submitted by Familiar-Living-122 to BackyardBaseball [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 07:39 _Memento_mori420 W/f/l??
Okay so my friend did this trade and she wanted me to check if it was fair submitted by _Memento_mori420 to AnimalJam [link] [comments] |