when you take a break on CB do you end your stream or keep it running ?

2024.12.01 07:41 shaunappples when you take a break on CB do you end your stream or keep it running ?

im not certain it’s allowed ? I built up some momentum but I want to grab a bite to eat lol please advise haha
submitted by shaunappples to CamGirlProblems [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:41 Lannister-CoC Are special events losing popularity?

Are special events losing popularity? Only 13/50 players have won even 1 game, or collected tickets. Do the majority of players not even care for this contest special event this season?
submitted by Lannister-CoC to Brawlstars [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:41 Dizzy-Atmosphere-973 هادشي لي بقا في دار مريبة ❤️

هادشي كيبين بالملموس تعلق الأسر المغربية بالملك أو الملكية واخا هيا غي صورة ولكن فيها بزاف ديال الميساجات
submitted by Dizzy-Atmosphere-973 to Morocco [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:40 aespalogical What coat is he?

What coat is he? Hi everybody! I’ve recently decided to adopt this little guy and I know just about the basics about Frenchies. I just would like to know what kind of coat is he? Would he be considered Merle? Thanks!
submitted by aespalogical to Frenchbulldogs [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:40 glomatt5 AITAH for being mad my GF went to the movies with another guy behind my back

We’ve been dating for a couple months now but I recently asked her to be my GF and she said yes and even asked if I was serious and we had a deep conversation about it. I thought we were on good terms and nothing was wrong even talked to her this morning and everything seemed fine. Her birthday was today and all week she’s been telling me she works so we won’t be able to do anything today (so we did something earlier this week and I gave her a birthday gift) but a couple hours before her shift today she tells me she called in and her and a “Friend” are out Eatting and they’re going to the mall and i tell her ok have fun even though im kind of mad. Come to find out on top of all that she went to the movies with a guy that’s been commenting hearts on her Instagram and she has even liked the comments but she tells me he’s just a friend she met at a concert. Am I overreacting to all this even though I had to connect all the dots to find out it was him she was hanging out with.
(Sorry for run on sentences and typos)
submitted by glomatt5 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:40 Famous_Association_3 12 mini to 13 Pro Max

So I found a used 13 pro max 128gb sells for 416$ with a 100% battery and an unknown part screen. I told the seller I need an upgrade from my 12 mini and the told me I could swap my 12 mini and add 236$. Is it worth it? Or am I overpaying? My 12 mini is 128gb with an unknown part battery.
submitted by Famous_Association_3 to iPhone13ProMax [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:40 samuel29x1 I can’t stop gambling, alot of people say that you have to “want to” STOP in order to Stop. How can i force myself to want to?

submitted by samuel29x1 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:40 Careless-Fisherman40 Facebook Charging 51.7% Fees for Boosting Marketplace Listing on iOS

Facebook Charging 51.7% Fees for Boosting Marketplace Listing on iOS It’s truly unbelievable!
submitted by Careless-Fisherman40 to facebook [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:40 Dark_Archer92 Tired of OS BS

I've always kind of dreamed of coding an OS. Yeah, I know, keep dreaming. But if I were to actually attempt it, how hard would it really be? I'm getting sick and tired of windows being the only gaming OS out there, and them bloating the crap out of it to the point where my beefy 32gig, 4070ti build is struggling with AC Odyssey. I wwould LOVE to create a gaming focused OS. No bloat, no BS. Any tips?
submitted by Dark_Archer92 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:40 Fun-Line2372 Slug Guns

So I live in New Zealand and here you need a gun licence to purchase a gun and neither myself or my family members have a gun license therefore we have no guns. However, we do have a slug gun and I was wondering if it would be enough to kill a zombie?
submitted by Fun-Line2372 to ZombieApocalypseTips [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:40 Sebastian6712 Leaving a Mark - Day 35 (18.11.2024, MON)

The day went very well, but not along my usual plan:
I was up and well at 6:45 am
18 min E-Mails 21 min working on blog posts 28 min coaching session 1 hour house/cleaning tasks 1 hour 19 telephone calls 2 hours 42 min working on different writing tasks 3 hours 18 min working on a paper 16 min language lesson
submitted by Sebastian6712 to NonZeroDay [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:40 morgan-banana Is it just me, but I have actually gotten emotionally attached to every MBP I've had. They're so reliable, dependable and we spend so much time together. So when it's time to change I feel I'm letting my old MBP down when getting the next one.

Oh, and selling them is really tough, it feels like the right thing to do, but I feel I've betrayed my long-time partner.
submitted by morgan-banana to macbookpro [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:40 Life_AmIRight 21f - bored/still full from thanksgiving.

If you do message me, message me with your asl. (Age,sex, and location). And what you want for Christmas this year. (If you celebrate) OR what you got for Black Friday.
Somethings that I don’t want to talk about. My life story. Or what I do for a living or if I’m in school or anything like that. Those questions just get boring so quickly after a while and don’t lead anywhere.
I’m in a pretty depressed mood right now, so I don’t really want to talk about my hobbies, considering I just lay in bed all day and sleep right now, so yeah.
submitted by Life_AmIRight to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:40 yamikorovt Made Anya

submitted by yamikorovt to Mouthwashing [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:40 fruitytooty34 Flying with a pet again

I paid the $125 pet fee when I flew from LA to Reno, and the tag they attached to my pet carrier is still on. No one stopped me at any part of the boarding process abt my pet carrier (I'm assuming they saw the tag and assumed I paid the pet fee). Will this also happen during my flight back to LA from Reno? Or will they likely stop me and ask abt my pet carrier and if I paid the fee again? Need help in what to do!!
submitted by fruitytooty34 to SouthwestAirlines [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:40 Obvious-Situation656 What is this?

I have big bumps on the back of my tongue and my uvula is touching the back.
submitted by Obvious-Situation656 to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:40 maleficx_ Josh has been chosen!

Josh has been chosen! Who’s next for Good Persona and Opinions Divided?
submitted by maleficx_ to untildawn [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:40 Sad_Cow_577 I was scared of uggs coming back but we've made beyond and I'm seeing girls wear these horrid things lately. What's going on!

submitted by Sad_Cow_577 to GenZ [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:40 weldoingthebest Irish Wisdom: Timeless Proverbs & Sayings You’ll Love!

submitted by weldoingthebest to NewcastleKnights [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:40 urfavfluid_kyky skin dumpp!! :3

skin dumpp!! :3 these r some skins I'm rlly proud of
submitted by urfavfluid_kyky to PonyTown [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:40 Lurking_poster What exactly is May's Artifact Modification for?

I took a quick peak at it. Is it just to reset the existing boosted secondary effects in hopes that when you enhance them again, you'll get the boosts applied differently?
submitted by Lurking_poster to SoloLevelingArise [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:40 Cof-feeBean New bf.. sex is ok

My bf isn’t the best at blowjobs ;( I like when I am receiving and they get atleast half of me love it if they can get all of me…
I’m new to dating I can’t visit my regular fwbs who masterfully drain me ;(
My bf has given me a bj two times since we been together for about 3-4 months… first time a little teeth he did amazing. Second time lots of teeth borderline painful but I didn’t wanna ridicule him.
we also only banged two times. I’m avg size 7.5 am a little rough but I kno what I’m doing. But he looks like he’s in pain when I let loose so I always gottha hold back which is hot but… no pound town ya know…
I feel like it would be too weird to bring up “too much teeth” in bj
submitted by Cof-feeBean to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:40 CaptainMKG Anti-theft issues?

Hi all. Very much an amateur with cars. I have a 2019 Hyundai Tucson SE.
Woke up early this morning to the sound of my car alarm beeping. Come to find out that one of my windows are broken. Unfortunately I’m unable to determine if it was broken into or the window just broke because of the cold (there are no signs of theft and my stuff wasn’t messed with).
The problem now is my car seems to be completely locked. I’m able to go inside but the driver door’s keyhole and the ignition appear to be locked and my key won’t insert all the way. I can’t get it in and try to even turn the car on. My fob doesn’t lock or unlock either despite new batteries and me seeing that it lights up. I’m guessing it’s the anti-theft but not really sure.
Tried messing with the fuse and even disconnected the battery but the only result of that is the car setting the alarm off again with my fob not able to stop it. It just stops on its own after a bit.
submitted by CaptainMKG to AskMechanics [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:40 yamikorovt Made Anya

submitted by yamikorovt to Mouthwashing [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:40 ThatBoiCrispy Year End Sale- Legit fitness coaching! Discount + 1 free coaching for a love one

Proven and tested fitness coach! binabalikan ng mga clients
About Me:

Service includes:
What to expect?
If you’re looking for:
Diet Guidance:
SALE PRICES: Avail 1 and get 1 800 FOR 1 MONTH 1,500 FOR 3 MONTHS 2,000 FOR 6 MONTHS 4,500 FOR 12 MONTHS
submitted by ThatBoiCrispy to classifiedsph [link] [comments]
