A Korean bbq buffet’s freezer filled with thinly sliced meat for customers for self-service

2024.12.01 07:31 Faerieflypath A Korean bbq buffet’s freezer filled with thinly sliced meat for customers for self-service

A Korean bbq buffet’s freezer filled with thinly sliced meat for customers for self-service submitted by Faerieflypath to mildyinteresting [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:31 Weak_Worth4138 Need folks to try out proof of concept feature for financial therapy app

Hello testers!
I am working on financial therapy app, and I'm looking for testers who want to improve their relationship with money.
What I've created is a proof of concept/pre-beta of just one feature.
***I am not collecting any identifying information or emails from the users. It's completely anonymous and free to use, and I will not be spamming you because I will not know who you are, or have any way of contacting you.
You can learn about it in this explainer video:https://www.loom.com/share/82c58b1a33be4f2ba257ea3fef6e6cd3?sid=a11cc35d-eee8-428e-b4a8-1951ecb74a2f The link to use the tool itself is in the comments section of the video.
Feedback is welcome, but not required. You can respond here, or if you prefer, please respond anonymously in the comments section of the explainer video.
Thank you very much!
submitted by Weak_Worth4138 to betatests [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:31 chippedskull i really need help

first two pics are two days apart but the last one is it today. got my belly button pierced in October was fine till i woke up with a bump that will pop with puss when i squeeze last weekend but i had been cleaning it like normal and not touching it please help 😭😭
submitted by chippedskull to PiercingAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:31 0x987123 TNF base camp voyager 42L

Hi guys, anyone used this back for say short travels like 5D4N or martial arts with it? Im looking for a bag that can store a pair of 16oz gloves and shinguard with other compartment for clothes.
submitted by 0x987123 to ManyBaggers [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:31 JoelAwesome Boyz...with a Zed

Boyz...with a Zed submitted by JoelAwesome to rickygervais [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:31 EnvironmentalFix1031 Help !!!

Struggling with urges, again feel free to
submitted by EnvironmentalFix1031 to NoFap [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:31 yasssqueen20 The council will decide your fate

Pidgeys and a gull in centre quite intimidating l
submitted by yasssqueen20 to pigeon [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:31 KingKentling Hellion Lua doing a TikTok bully challenge

Hellion Lua doing a TikTok bully challenge submitted by KingKentling to EpicSeven [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:31 Uniquely_unoriginalG What is this sketch missing?

What is this sketch missing? She’s not done. I’ve been trying to figure out what I could add to this. Outside of finishing her hair idk what to draw her sitting on so she is leaned back in a way that would be comfortable for a pregnant woman. How could I make the fabric look more realistic? Also how could I make the hair look magical?
submitted by Uniquely_unoriginalG to drawing [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:31 RelativelySimple_ Agatha’s Atlantis backstory

I was hoping Agatha All Along would hint more at Agatha’s Atlantean lineage. They sort of hinted at this in Wandavision by showing her mom wearing a crown. Also Jennifer Kale is referred to as “high priestess” but there’s no explanation. I’m wondering if this is perhaps why Agatha mentions having a respect for her, and why she left her alone. Kale also has an Atlantis connection.
I hope if there is more Agatha that they go into her backstory more and keep it true to the comics. I think retconning it so that she’s just from Salem really takes away from the grandiosity of her and her mom’s story. She’s really a witch on another level from all the other witches shown in AAA (other than Wanda).
submitted by RelativelySimple_ to AgathaAllAlong [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:31 Estef74 In my back yard today

In my back yard today This one has been hanging around my neighborhood (Brookfield IL) for months. Took a nap on my back yard for a half hour or more today. I think this one has done a fine job of controling the bunny and squirrel population in the area.
submitted by Estef74 to coyote [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:31 LifeEngine7551 good, no non sense, equalizer?

Hello all, I am looking for an output equalizer, no non sense, for my Mac, hopefully free and compatible with AirPlay 2.
I found SoundSource but not super willing to pay 47 bucks for it.
Any advices please?
submitted by LifeEngine7551 to mac [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:31 notsostrong134 "In America le trattorie hanno sempre il nome della mamma: Mamma Maria, Mamma Rosa… Noi siamo il Paese di Dante, Leonardo, Michelangelo, e pure di Marconi e di Fermi. Ma tutto questo l’abbiamo abbandonato»

submitted by notsostrong134 to NotizieInteressanti [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:31 mark-bradley Does your saas have an affiliate program?

I’m looking for new saas affiliate programs. Does your saas have one?
My website niches are targeted around entrepreneurs, freelancers and remote workers.
submitted by mark-bradley to SaaS [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:31 ipdiulapitiya 🥶🥶

🥶🥶 submitted by ipdiulapitiya to TKASYLUM [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:31 Weary_Philosophy2026 Boon Trove vs Classic Haakaa

I’ve been using the classic haakaa as a collection cup while BF for a few weeks now and I get between 1-3oz each time but I always have to adjust it. So I’ve seen a ton of people say the boon trove is better. I just used it for the first time and the amount of milk I got is negligible…. Not even enough to walk to my kitchen and store it. Like maybe 10ml??? Everyone online is saying boon >>> haakaa, so how do I make this work?
submitted by Weary_Philosophy2026 to HumansPumpingMilk [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:31 playfordays1 Serbian folk

Serbian folk submitted by playfordays1 to guitarplaying [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:31 kimchijjiigae Bae Suzy

Bae Suzy submitted by kimchijjiigae to kfeetsclips [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:31 Antique_Advantage168 If you’re having trouble playing the Peg E event, let me do it for you🫶🏻🥰 check the comments and message me❤️👌🏻

If you’re having trouble playing the Peg E event, let me do it for you🫶🏻🥰 check the comments and message me❤️👌🏻 🤖PEG-E EVENT COMPLETION AVAILABLE!!!🎰
📩The Prize Drop is live, so come and purchase a Peg-E service now for only $35 and you can claim the following prizes; ✅️5-star sticker pack ✅️Wild sticker
Additional Freebies; ✔️Two TOP & TOURNAMENT Completion ✔️A 5-star non-gold ✔️10,000+ Dices
MOP: ❗️Gcash/Paypal ❗️Pay before the service ❗️Can send proof of my legitimacy
DON'T MISS OUT ON FREEBIES. If interested, just directly message this me
submitted by Antique_Advantage168 to MonopolyGoCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:31 Ambitious-Quote-5726 Dyson Vacuum Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals and recos

Been wanting to buy a Dyson vacuum for the longest time, and looking for deals this time around, do they still have running deals for it til Cyber Monday right? Also been thinking about if I should get the cordless one or not? Thanks!
submitted by Ambitious-Quote-5726 to Cleaningandtidying [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:31 KiingKaio H3LP! IM SCARED AS FUCK

H3LP! IM SCARED AS FUCK I'm brazillian. I have a bunch of emails. This is an old hotmail (outlook) I haven't accessed in ages. But the thing is that email is a counterpart of am gmail that I still use and all the others emails are kind of connected. Today I decided to access it and when I entered my spam I saw this.
Yes, it's true what the person said. But I actually don't have any s3x recordings, nor have I done anything next to my phone that could be recorded and exposed. But I'm afraid of AI.
submitted by KiingKaio to hackers [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:31 GearboxTheGrey PSA the baddies want you to be upset and not play due to the sphere issue. Don't give in.

They want to bully pal-world out of business and this is just one of those steps, but don't let it happen keep supporting this game and I am sure we will get a reworked system in time.
The N baddies are porb scrolling this sub salivating today, dont give them that satisfaction.
submitted by GearboxTheGrey to Palworld [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:31 theperfectlap Samsung Galaxy F55 vs Moto Edge 50 Fusion

I am a little confused between these two devices, and could do with some help.
How is the camera on F55? Are you happy with it? Also how durable is it? I tend to drop my phone quite often.
submitted by theperfectlap to AndroidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:31 BeginningPlankton650 Eredità del patrigno

Buongiorno, Sono figlio unico e mia madre si è risposata molti anni fa con il mio attuale patrigno con cui sono praticamente cresciuto. Lui in prime nozze e senza altri figli , e figlio unico. Dopo il matrimonio hanno acquistato insieme una casa ed un garage, 100% del patrigno, e un altro garage 100% di mia mamma. Lui ha ancora la mamma molto anziana in vita , una zia senza figli e 5 cugini di primo grado. Visto che si stanno facendo anziani e con non pochi problemi di salute, soprattutto mia mamma, voleva capire come funzionerà una eventuale eredità sia in caso venisse a mancare prima lui ,che prima mia mamma. Lui ha sempre sostenuto che vuole lasciare il grosso alla mia prole che considera veramente come se fossero nipoti suoi, e di lasciare alcune cose ai cugini, però non ha mai voluto scrivere niente, mentalità vecchia, ed è anche difficile per me affrontare il discorso, alcune malattie di mia mamma non la rendono lucida abbastanza per affrontare lei, che sarebbe stata la cosa migliore, l'argomento. Non avendo fratelli lui, in caso morisse mia mamma prima, io poi successivamente avrei diritto alla quota almeno di mia mamma come coniuge? Purtroppo la mancanza di cultura specifica e di errati consigli ha creato questa situazione che sarebbe stata molto più semplice da gestire in fase di acquisto degli immobili. Grazie mille
submitted by BeginningPlankton650 to Avvocati [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:31 The99thCourier Got a colour scheme ready to go for when 1999 (and Eleanor) drops, wanting it to be completely different to my main look. Would be good as if a classic pump shotgun skin arrives in the future

Got a colour scheme ready to go for when 1999 (and Eleanor) drops, wanting it to be completely different to my main look. Would be good as if a classic pump shotgun skin arrives in the future submitted by The99thCourier to Warframe [link] [comments]
