Big boy Andalusian Bull

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2024.12.01 07:41 ShirtComplete Big boy Andalusian Bull

So smooth love this cigar, what about you?
submitted by ShirtComplete to cigar_refuge [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:41 UltrA_09 Any Omnipod 5 Users in San Diego? Need Help with Controller Login!

Hello fellow T1 Diabetics. I’m making the switch to the Omnipod 5 and I’ve got my pods ready to go, but I’ve hit a roadblock… looks like I need to log into my account using an Omnipod 5 controller before I can get started.
Is there anyone in the San Diego area who has a controller and wouldn’t mind letting me borrow it just to log in? I promise it would be super quick, and I’d be incredibly grateful! I’m happy to figure out a way to thank you for your kindness.
Appreciate you all, and thanks in advance for any help!
submitted by UltrA_09 to diabetes_t1 [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:41 OkBuy9091 Tusco ef Benadryl

Can I pour up the entire bottle even though its 350mg of Benadryl in the whole bottle
submitted by OkBuy9091 to Drank [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:41 PolandballFan101 Diamond attempts to convince Pearl that Santa Claus is real

Diamond attempts to convince Pearl that Santa Claus is real submitted by PolandballFan101 to pokespe [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:41 Dear-Minimum-2201 Hope not

I logged into my husband Zula, spent $40 and won$ 1000 just now but I used my own debit card to buy the SC. I’m going to cash out under his account obviously because that’s when I logged into but are they going to give me grief because I bought the coins on my card? That would devastate me.
submitted by Dear-Minimum-2201 to onlinegambling [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:41 Adventure_4u How Was My Last Day In Ujjain 2024: मुझे मेरी सपनो की रानी मिली 🤔

How Was My Last Day In Ujjain 2024: मुझे मेरी सपनो की रानी मिली 🤔 New vlog
submitted by Adventure_4u to travel [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:41 XXShigaXX Advice on taking in a stray!

I named her Mimi:
She's a very friendly cat we've been feeding for a few months now since the summer. I saw some old photos I took of the local strays/ferals and she was pretty small back in June. I'd estimate she's around 8 months old now?
Some general behavior about her:

She's definitely been getting cold as the temps are starting to drop below freezing here, especially at night. I can't easily set up an outdoor shelter as I live in an apartment building complex and not my own home.
I've done research with local animal shelters and clinics and I've decided I want to catch her, socialize her, and adopt her. She's too sweet for the cold, feral world here where she'll encounter other animals like raccoons, skunks, opossums, and cars near a busy road :(
Some facts about what I've looked at:
With all of this, I do have questions on how I should approach her:
  1. Is my Havahart trap good to use? It is a 2 door trap, but it's not a sliding door on one side, so I don't know if this poses a problem when trying to feed or transfer to a crate.
  2. I do have a small mini-poodle (15lbs). He's a good boy and friendly with people and other dogs, but has never had cat interaction before. Will this stunt socialization? SSL and most cat resources usually talk about socializing with other house cats, but not dogs. I'm hoping the playpen situation makes things easier.
  3. I contacted my local clinic on Wednesday before Thanksgiving, but they haven't gotten back to me yet, understandably so. I wanted to confirm if in other people's experiences, they have brought their cats in for TNR but also get them treated for flea/tick meds, microchipping, deworming, nail clipping, maybe a bath/general cleaning/grooming? I want to make sure that I don't pass any fleas or worms from her to my dog. We keep a pretty clean home (no shoes in the house), so I want to make sure Mimi is clean once we take her in. I'm sure she won't respond well to baths.
  4. Post-op for spaying, should I keep her in the bathroom for a few days? Do I keep her inside the trap, or can I move her to a kennel? When is it good timing for me to move her over to the playpen?
Any help is appreciated. Love animals, but first time genuinely serious in committing to caring for a cat. I know it's a different ballpark than dogs, but I want to do this right. Happy to share more details if needed. Thanks!
submitted by XXShigaXX to Straycats [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:41 Exciting-Demand-8234 Hello Reddit from Colab!

This is my first post via Python in Google Colab.
submitted by Exciting-Demand-8234 to test [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:41 Temporary-Low-1701 Wanna know the true underdog of the trades?

Guys I his say with all the talk of over saturating trades I'm 4 years into autobody. I'm 25 making 80k+ for the 2nd year in a row. I won't lie and no disrespect to other trades but it's not easy like the others it's not a rinse in repeat but it is a 40 hour job you don't need overtime to make it (unless you feel like it and have the work to do so) autobody is fun and challenging and pays good but remember it's people's lives your entrusted with don't cut corners to get the job done.
submitted by Temporary-Low-1701 to skilledtrades [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:41 EducationalSplit8876 2 years sober and in a healthy relationship

I've been sober over 2 years now (in AA, sponsor, working steps, completed outpatient rehab) and have had an amazing relationship for 18 months. So glad I met him when already 6 months sober, I've told him I wouldn't have wanted to date him if he'd wanted to date the drunk me. We've had some minor ups and downs but I'm just so bloody grateful to have a healthy relationship. Just wanted to get off my chest for those suffering in active gets better. I still have repercussions I'm dealing with (both financial and legal) from my drinking days but I'm slowly chipping away at them...and in 2026 can petition to have felony conviction pled to misdemeanors. To those in active addictions, it DOES get better. Your worst day sober is still better than your best day drunk.
submitted by EducationalSplit8876 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:41 Apart-One4133 Bought a « new » car with 5k on it the dealership didn’t tell me

(Canada, Québec)
I was quoted a car with 20km on it trough text messages. I had already did a test drive before so I didn't come to do one on the quoted one. When I got to the dealership to buy the car, all went smooth.
I bought it and went home. Only later I realized lots of people's phones were connected to the Bluetooth pairing, and then I realized the car had 5k km on it.
The dealership never told me that. The car didn't have any discounts other than what I had made with the quoted vehicle.
Is there something I can do about that ? What are my options ?
submitted by Apart-One4133 to Ford [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:41 NOT_MADDY06 GentleMen What type of suits are best suited for wedding purposes?

I recently got an invite to a friends wedding i and the dress code suggests formal white shirt + black pants and a suit let me know what suits are best suited for weddings i have 0 idea about suits never worn one nor bought one
submitted by NOT_MADDY06 to AskMen [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:41 mrfuxable wtf is happening???

wtf is happening??? submitted by mrfuxable to FORTnITE [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:41 MathematicianNo1695 Silage Bunker Bug?

We’ve tried two times to ferment chaff in a silage bunker. All goes good and then it says 100% fermentation but we don’t even get the option to open the tarp. Anyone else have this problem? We’ve tried all the “solutions” from 22.
submitted by MathematicianNo1695 to farmingsimulator [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:41 Select-Anxiety-5987 Locked — HELP?

My brother was curious about the difficulty settings or idk if he's trolling, but my creative mode save with over 600 hours is now locked into full combat and I die while building bases. I just wanna create for free in peace and now it's irreversibly fucked. Has anyone unlocked these settings before?
submitted by Select-Anxiety-5987 to NoMansSkyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:41 Clarkra89 Exactly one year apart

Exactly one year apart A family holiday we go to has the same lights set up and remembered the original photo was the reason I wanted my teeth sorting. It was THE photo which made me realise how bad my teeth looked.
submitted by Clarkra89 to Invisalign [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:41 Inari-k Civil war 2: electric bogaloo

Civil war 2: electric bogaloo submitted by Inari-k to 2mediterranean4u [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:41 cutest_brooke Took a selfie at home in my favorite black top

Took a selfie at home in my favorite black top submitted by cutest_brooke to SelfieOver25 [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:41 thrm23 Kyk kredisi hakkinda

Üniversiteyi tek ders sinavina 4. Sinifin 1. Döneminin ( güz yariyilinin ) sonunda girip tüm dersleri vermis olsam ( sadece stajlar kaliyor ) 4. Sinif 2. Dönemde ( bahar yariyilindada) staj yapsam kyk kredisi 2. Dönem yatar mi yoksa kesilir mi bilen var mi
submitted by thrm23 to UniversityTR [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:41 HousingVisual5459 Baj group meetup

Baj group meetup submitted by HousingVisual5459 to forsen [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:41 BridgeToClarity [Chernobylite] Plat #143 - PS Extra - This was a hidden gem for me! 8/10. I enjoyed everything in it.

[Chernobylite] Plat #143 - PS Extra - This was a hidden gem for me! 8/10. I enjoyed everything in it. submitted by BridgeToClarity to Trophies [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:41 Embarrassed_Month127 Guys I have a question

Do I need EVERY ring in Ds3 for the master of rings achievement? Like even the rings in Ng+?
submitted by Embarrassed_Month127 to darksouls3 [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:41 Money-Republic-6761 Say the alphabet backwards

Say the alphabet backwards submitted by Money-Republic-6761 to LivestreamFail [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:41 Azure-777 Help in part selection

I tried to select pc parts on my own with using pc parts picker and I wanted to know how is it and will j be able to run games like RDR2, Ghost of Tsushima, Alan Wale II, etc On high graphics with high fps like 120
submitted by Azure-777 to IndianGaming [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:41 k1nkyXcouple Looking for older men, they do it better

Looking for older men, they do it better submitted by k1nkyXcouple to Sexy_But_SFW_Selfie [link] [comments]