
2024.12.01 07:42 CieraMayy Rosters.

I have my first shift tomorrow, It’s not showing up on my roster page. It’s saying unavailable?
The only reason I aware of my shift times is I had to call Coles and ask. I got an email saying I start tomorrow about 4 days ago but never gave me a time.
submitted by CieraMayy to coles [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:42 Competitive-Fault811 Ged108

Thoughts kay ms. Geraldine Canlas as prof sa art appreciation?
submitted by Competitive-Fault811 to mapua [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:42 One_Emotion_3183 Rechtschutzversicherung

ich habe in diesem Monat mein Studium abgeschlossen und meine Bachelorarbeit eingereicht. Derzeit warte ich noch auf die endgültige Bewertung meiner Thesis.
Ich plane eine Rechtsschutzversicherung abzuschließen, die ab dem Zeitpunkt meiner Arbeitsaufnahme wirksam wird. Momentan befinde ich mich jedoch weiterhin im Status eines Studenten gemäß meinem Visum und bin noch kein Vollzeitbeschäftigter.
Bei der Recherche nach geeigneten Rechtsschutzversicherungen stelle ich fest, dass ich entweder die Option "Angestellter" oder "Student" auswählen muss. Da ich derzeit noch Student bin, kann ich die Kategorie "Angestellter" nicht auswählen. Gleichzeitig werde ich jedoch vermutlich bereits berufstätig sein, wenn die Versicherung aktiv wird, falls ich sie jetzt als Student abschließe.
Ich möchte ungern warten, bis ich eine Arbeitsstelle und eine neue Wohnung gefunden habe, um die Versicherung abzuschließen, da ich bereits vorher abgesichert sein möchte. Meine Frage ist daher: Wird eine jetzt als Student abgeschlossene Versicherung automatisch angepasst, sobald ich in den Status eines Angestellten wechsle, oder wäre dies nicht mehr gültig, und ich muss eine ganz neue Versicherung abschließe und den ersten 3 Monaten bei meiner neuer Arbeit nicht versichert zu sein?
Was wäre in diesem Fall die beste Vorgehensweise?
Vielen Dank im Voraus
submitted by One_Emotion_3183 to LegaladviceGerman [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:42 disguisedwolf96 How to enale AiSense Auto dimming and lock on Vivobook S16 HX370?

I just bought a Vivobook S16 with an AMD HX370 chip and I can't find the setting to enable presence detection or the auto-lock feature. On the ASUS website I read I need to install ASUS System Control Interface but I cannot find that anywhere either. It'd be helpful if any of y'all could tell me where to find these. Thanks!
submitted by disguisedwolf96 to ASUS [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:42 unautredenk Termite holes?

Termite holes? Pictures show holes in the bottom half of a wall in a kitchen, which is in the corner of the first floor of the house. There are five or six of these holes. They are all relatively uniform. One picture shows my thumb for scale. My thumbnail is about the size of a nickel.
The house was built around 1970 and is in the Sacramento, California area. I don't know when the holes first showed up. At first I thought they were too big, too few, and too far apart to be termites.
There happens to be a mouse getting into the kitchen right now, which I found out about last night and started working on dealing with today. That's when I found these holes, and at first I thought they might be very small mouseholes.
Thank you for any help.
submitted by unautredenk to Termites [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:42 PotatoUsed4951 Spouse won’t move

So my spouse and child are living on breezehome but I want to move them to helpmates hall, but when I ask my spouse, the option to move doesn’t come up. Is there a way to fix this? Btw I am on console.
submitted by PotatoUsed4951 to skyrim [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:42 CS2_PostMatchThreads Liquid vs FlyQuest / Perfect World Shanghai Major 2024 Opening Stage - Swiss Round 3 / Post-Match Discussion

Liquid 🌍 2-1 🇦🇺 FlyQuest Inferno: 5-13 Anubis: 13-9 Nuke: 13-1
Liquid advances to Elimination Stage.
FlyQuest have a 2-1 record in the Swiss stage
Map picks:

Liquid MAP FlyQuest
Mirage X
X Vertigo
X Dust2
Ancient X
Full Match Stats:
Team K-D ADR KAST Rating
🌍 Liquid
🇦🇺 jks 46-26 86.4 88.9% 1.33
🇨🇦 Twistzz 42-34 74.6 79.6% 1.19
🇱🇻 YEKINDAR 40-33 78.9 75.9% 1.17
🇵🇱 ultimate 38-29 74.1 72.2% 1.07
🇨🇦 NAF 25-33 61.6 75.9% 0.85
🇦🇺 FlyQuest
🇦🇺 aliStair 38-36 71.2 68.5% 1.02
🇦🇺 Vexite 32-38 69.3 75.9% 1.00
🇦🇺 INS 31-38 68.1 66.7% 0.86
🇦🇺 Liazz 27-40 61.2 66.7% 0.85
🇦🇺 dexter 27-40 57.4 66.7% 0.76
Individual Map Stats: Map 1: Inferno
Team T CT Total
🌍 Liquid 2 3 5
🇦🇺 FlyQuest 10 3 13
Team K-D ADR KAST Rating
🌍 Liquid
🇨🇦 Twistzz 12-13 62.6 72.2% 1.07
🇱🇻 YEKINDAR 9-16 70.6 61.1% 0.74
🇦🇺 jks 10-12 57.1 72.2% 0.73
🇨🇦 NAF 8-13 48.7 72.2% 0.58
🇵🇱 ultimate 6-13 47.9 55.6% 0.52
🇦🇺 FlyQuest
🇦🇺 aliStair 16-8 86.2 94.4% 1.57
🇦🇺 INS 17-10 108.7 88.9% 1.56
🇦🇺 Vexite 11-9 69.6 94.4% 1.29
🇦🇺 Liazz 12-9 65.3 77.8% 1.18
🇦🇺 dexter 11-9 68.7 77.8% 1.11
Inferno detailed stats and VOD  
Map 2: Anubis
Team CT T Total
🌍 Liquid 6 7 13
🇦🇺 FlyQuest 6 3 9
Team K-D ADR KAST Rating
🌍 Liquid
🇦🇺 jks 24-8 112.2 95.5% 1.80
🇱🇻 YEKINDAR 16-9 67.4 77.3% 1.19
🇨🇦 Twistzz 17-12 71.0 81.8% 1.13
🇵🇱 ultimate 15-10 73.0 72.7% 1.10
🇨🇦 NAF 9-13 67.4 77.3% 0.96
🇦🇺 FlyQuest
🇦🇺 Vexite 15-16 80.7 68.2% 1.06
🇦🇺 aliStair 12-15 54.3 54.5% 0.81
🇦🇺 dexter 11-17 58.6 68.2% 0.70
🇦🇺 Liazz 7-18 54.7 54.5% 0.63
🇦🇺 INS 7-15 41.8 59.1% 0.53
Anubis detailed stats and VOD  
Map 3: Nuke
Team CT T Total
🌍 Liquid 12 1 13
🇦🇺 FlyQuest 0 1 1
Team K-D ADR KAST Rating
🌍 Liquid
🇵🇱 ultimate 17-6 109.6 92.9% 1.89
🇱🇻 YEKINDAR 15-8 107.7 92.9% 1.82
🇨🇦 Twistzz 13-9 95.6 85.7% 1.48
🇦🇺 jks 12-6 83.6 100.0% 1.46
🇨🇦 NAF 8-7 69.0 78.6% 1.07
🇦🇺 FlyQuest
🇦🇺 Liazz 8-13 66.0 71.4% 0.85
🇦🇺 aliStair 10-13 78.6 57.1% 0.80
🇦🇺 Vexite 6-13 51.0 64.3% 0.66
🇦🇺 INS 7-13 57.4 50.0% 0.62
🇦🇺 dexter 5-14 41.1 50.0% 0.46
Nuke detailed stats and VOD  
Highlights M1R9 | INS - 3 quick AK HS kills on the bombsite B defense M1R13 | Twistzz - 1vs2 clutch M2R14 | ultimate - 4 kills on the offensive lurk  
This thread was created by the Post-Match Team. If you want to share any feedback or have any concerns, please message u/CS2_PostMatchThreads.
submitted by CS2_PostMatchThreads to GlobalOffensive [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:42 Ordinary-Data-9863 Luke Schenn?

No clue if this would be feasable or not, but If Nashville has a fire sale, what would be a sensible trade? Would we only do it with the preds retaining salary? Do u think theres any appetite from management or Luke for that matter?
submitted by Ordinary-Data-9863 to canucks [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:42 alex1b Do flagship airlines fly older, dirtier planes to developing countries?
I have noticed a pattern when flying with flagship airlines (Qatar Airways, Brussels Airlines, United) that the airplanes going to developing countries are in much worse condition, older, often dirty and tend to have broken infotainment systems. Eg. on my BRU-DOH-KUL flight, the BRU-DOH segment was on a shiny new plane, but the DOH-KUL segment was served by an old dump truck.
Are the airlines doing this because they think developing country passengers will have lower quality standards and will complain less? Or is it more to do with distance and scheduling, putting newer aircraft on routes with less time on the ground?
submitted by alex1b to aviation [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:42 Voice-of-the-curious What were you're guy's first impression of STP?

Mine was that it had infinite endings and had something to do with AI (dont ask) another one was that you only had 3 voices, cold, contrarian and hero. ALSO ALSO that the game could only go up till chapter 3. Boy was i wrong. And im happy i was wrong!
submitted by Voice-of-the-curious to slaytheprincess [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:42 Atlasmahn اليوم الثالث والمائتان (203#)

سمعتُ شخصا ما يسمي الهاتف الذكي "المرآة السوداء الصغيرة", واعتقدتُ أن هذا هو أنسب وصفٍ سمعته على الإطلاق.
the most appropriate description = أنسب وصفٍ (This is really cool. It's an idaafa, and the modaaf is a superlative. I think the right term is اسم التفضيل), but that term means ether a superlative or a comparative.)
الرجل الذي فاله أنه محترف في مجال التكنولوجيا, وحتى أنه كان متشائما بشأن العديد من تأثيرات التكنولوجيا على المجتمع.
professional = محترف
field/industry = مجال (not to be confused with the word for magazine, مجلة)
effects = تأثيرات
أظن أن هذا عبارة مناسب لأن الهاتف الذكي الحديث يعكس ذات الشخص عليه, ولكن في نسخة مظلمة. أرجو أن لا تفهموني خطاء, الهواتف هي أدوات مفيدة للغاية, لكن عندما أستخدم هاتفي غالبا ما أشعر وكأنني ألعب بالنار.
reflect = يعكس
copy/facsimile = نسخة
بمعرفتي الضرر الذي يمكن أن تسببه هذه الأشياء للناس, يخيفني دائما عندما أرى الأطفال الصغار يستخدمونها. للأسف, كثير من الآباء لا يفهمون ما يفعلونه.... أو ربما لا يهتمون. الشيء الوحيد الذي يمكنني قوله على وجه اليقين هو أن الجيل القادم سيواجه مشاكل لم نواجهها من قبل. أتمنى أن نتحلى جميعا بالصبر والتفهم الكافي لنظل طيبين مع بعضنا البعض, ولنضبط أنفسنا.
submitted by Atlasmahn to ArabicStreak [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:42 -Oh-Liver- Do I NEED a cage?

I’ve had my pigeon for almost two years, I got her a pretty decent cage with more than the basics needed for pigeons based off the research I did before getting her, the thing is after she became bonded to me she’s never really used it, she only really goes in there to eat and I put her in there at nights to sleep, besides that she’s never used it and I don’t think she likes being in there, I’ve tried adding and removing things in the past, but she’s always chosen to chill and be active in any other parts of my room Wich I don’t mind since she’s been free roaming all the time and is trained to poop in a certain area of my room. I just want to know if I really should keep the cage or not, it just kind of takes up a lot of space in my room, and when I don’t put her in her cage to sleep she chooses to sleep on my pillow next to me or in her travel carrier. Some people have advised for me to keep it, but again I would like to know if even if it’s not used by her a lot If I should leave it in here for her or just get rid of it for once, is there any advice I can get on this ? Thank you and sorry for the long writing :(
submitted by -Oh-Liver- to pigeon [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:42 QuantumArc1207 Chance me for HYPSM and T10s (current junior)

Regular high school, not so competitive Ethnicity: Asian GPA: 3.97 UW (only unweighted) Freshman year: AP World - 4 AP Physics 1 - 5 AP Japanese (test only) - 5 Sophomore: AP Calculus AB (school doesn’t allow skip to BC) - 5 AP Physics 2 - 5 AP Chem - 4 AP Euro - 4 Junior: AP Calculus BC APUSH AP Biology AP Physics C AP French AP Lang Senior: Planned 6 other aps with another year of orchestra
SAT: 1550 superscore with 1500 single highest I’m a bit worried so I’ll prob take ACT as well
ECs: Internship #1 (non paid)- under renowned researcher in Japan for 9 weeks 45 hours per week. Led research project in regenerative medicine (stem cell work) in lab setting.
Internship #2 (non paid) - under another renowned researcher in the same field still ongoing - right now 14 weeks in part time (21 hrs per week) and 5 weeks full time (45 hrs per week) currently developing machine learning program and looking to publish once done as first author.
Organizer of speech conference - organized a speech conference on a medical issue (cannot disclose here but it’s a disease) featuring a very renowned researcher also in regenerative medicine. like h index of around 90. I brought together around 50 participants 20 being doctors. At hospital.
Participator in a RIKEN conference on stem cells
Saturday school (preschool to sophomore year)
Johns Hopkins Cty epidemiology freshman year summer
Red Cross Club President
Science Club Secretary
Concertmaster of top school orchestra (planning to do all four years) and violin for 10 years
I’m also applying to rsi so it would be great if you could chance me there as well I’m submitting my psat 700 English and 760 math rsi recommends 700 English and 740 math
I also want advice on how I should move forward. I’m planning on doing isef with my research. But to be honest I don’t know how much awards would matter other than that. I have basically none right now so I’m a bit nervous.
Dream school: MIT
submitted by QuantumArc1207 to chanceme [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:42 Wonderful_Impress820 Help Setting Up and Automating My Plex Server: Watchlist to Download + Best Tools?

Hey everyone,
I’m working on setting up Plex on my Proxmox home lab server, and I really want to make it fully automated for movies, TV shows, and maybe even music. I downloaded qBittorrent and spent all day watching a YouTube series about how to set it up. Unfortunately, the creator didn’t continue the series, so now I’m stuck and not sure what to do next.
Here are a few things I need help with:

  1. Automating Watchlist Downloads: I’ve heard it’s possible to set up Plex so that when someone adds something to their watchlist, it automatically starts downloading that movie or TV show. I’ve come across tools like Overseerr, but I don’t know how to integrate it or get everything working together. Any step-by-step guides or advice?
  2. Setting Up Usenet: I’ve been hearing a lot about Usenet being faster and more reliable than torrents, but I have no idea where to start. Can anyone recommend good Usenet providers, indexers, and how to connect them to Plex and other tools? Is it worth it?
  3. Other Tools I Might Need: Since I’m still new to this, I’d love to know if there are other tools or software I should be using to automate everything. Anything that improves the experience or makes managing Plex easier would be amazing.
I really want to create a seamless setup, but I’m still trying to figure out how all the pieces fit together. If you’ve done this before, I’d love to hear your setup and any tips you might have. Thanks so much for your help!
submitted by Wonderful_Impress820 to selfhosted [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:42 Tirio42 Egypt plans local production line for modern combat aircraft

Egypt plans local production line for modern combat aircraft submitted by Tirio42 to MilitaryAndDefense [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:42 Belle_Queens Feeling unpretty today... need attention! which pic is best?

Feeling unpretty today... need attention! which pic is best? submitted by Belle_Queens to SelfieDump [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:42 man_ni What was your experience like getting a root canal?

Long story short, I have to get a root canal in one of my molars and am currently going sick with the anxiety. For context, I have struggled with really extreme dental phobia for all my life and am finally getting around to fixing my mouth. I did get a filling done the other day, which went (surprisingly) well, but am so terrified of the RCT. I've seen some people say that for them it was just like a filling that took a really long time, more uncomfortable than painful, is that what I should be expecting more or less? If you have had one done, what was your experience like?
submitted by man_ni to Toothfully [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:42 Fishman465 At 1900, Towa's second God Field Tournament will begin

submitted by Fishman465 to Hololive [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:42 supermonkey1235 Is a copy of Bailu worth more than a few pulls?
I have E2s1 Jade and Herta for PF, Bronya is fine as is, I have E1S1 Aventurine. Welt and Yanqing are useless to me, so the only remaining choice is Bailu. Is E5 bailu better than the 5 limited pulls that choosing Clara gives me? 5 pulls are more than enough to get e6 aglaea, so idk...
submitted by supermonkey1235 to StarRailStation [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:42 Special_Comfort_6784 Inhi chaar dabo mein chadke aatank machane ghuste hain jagah jagah pe! 🤣🤣

Inhi chaar dabo mein chadke aatank machane ghuste hain jagah jagah pe! 🤣🤣 submitted by Special_Comfort_6784 to desimemes [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:42 MidnightProgrammer Server reconstruction woes

I want to have redundancy, and at rest encryption. I am finding this harder and harder to solve.
My current setup as a primary and secondary TrueNAS with encrypted datasets without storing keys on the device. The 2nd TrueNAS box doesn't need to be decrypted and can replicate without being unlocked. This works fantastic, no complaints.
I also have two Proxmox servers with a qdevice maintaining quorum. This is where my problem starts. I cannot find any supported way to use proxmox with full disk encryption, and to encrypt vms individually would be a nightmare to unlock. I currently have 5-6 VMs and about 60 docker containers all working with fail over flawlessly. I am using local ZFS with ZFS replication for HA between nodes. None of this of course is encrypted and mainly use the TrueNAS for backups only.
There are more services I want to add that require a lot of space and I can't easily use on my Proxmox ZFS replication as space is a concern (i.e, plex, immich, and anything with larger media) so I have been holding off doing these.
I really want to get these up and running, and the obvious choice would be SMB/NFS to the NAS for the media, and this would allow me to use my HA infrastructure while put the demanding storage on the NAS, but once I do this, this breaks through the encryption of the NAS as access to the NAS would be easily obtained by anyone getting a hold of the proxmox servers.
I've been banging my head trying to find a solution and I can't. I've been re-thinking my use of TrueNAS and thinking Unraid would allow me to solve all this, at the expense of failover support. As far as I can see, Unraid does have encryption, and since the apps and data would be together, it I wouldn't need to worry about access to the encrypted volume, I just unlock unraid when it needs a reboot and everything is working.
I'm thinking this is my only solution without making stuff way more complicated. My main reason to use TrueNAS was for ZFS (bit rot protection, encryption, self healing, snapshots), but Unraid now supports zfs and I can do encryption as well. I know there are a few hacky ways to run two unraid servers and sync between them, but as far as I know there is no supported way to run two servers that can fail over for each other.
Fail over isn't critical, it was nice because it was so easy with proxmox, but the more I depend on it, the more I need it to be reliable. As much as I dread the move, I can't think of any other option that would be easier than Unraid at this point that solves most of my concerns.
submitted by MidnightProgrammer to selfhosted [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:42 mask3d_owo the masculine urge

the masculine urge that’s me. yeah that’s right I screenshotted myself. what r u gonna do about it bozo
submitted by mask3d_owo to teenagersbuthot [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:42 franco-briton Crossverse battle,who wins?

Crossverse battle,who wins? submitted by franco-briton to JujutsuPowerScaling [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:42 Square-Cover-6009 hot n spicy mcchicken in Charlotte

Went to a McDonald’s an hour away and they had hot n spicy McChicken’s on the menu. Went to a McDonald’s close to me, no hot n spicy McChickens. Got some of my friends involved and 2/5 found one at their local one, only some have it on the menu. Anyone know if there’s any McDonald’s in Charlotte who sell them?
submitted by Square-Cover-6009 to Charlotte [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:42 Turkeyassassin Creating a name for my channel

Hello! I’ve been brainstorming video ideas for a while now for a new travel vlog channel that i’m building! i’m very excited and to start making the content, but i’m not sure if i should create the channel under my name, or come up with an alternative or brand name.
Also: would starting a fresh account be better? my personal account i’ve had since i was teen has 20 subs, but hasn’t had an upload since 2017!
Thank you so much!
submitted by Turkeyassassin to NewTubers [link] [comments]