How to get back on for fortnite

2024.12.01 07:34 Foreign_Pen_3807 How to get back on for fortnite

submitted by Foreign_Pen_3807 to FortniteCompetitive [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:34 AccessFew4857 [1 YoE, Unemployed, Entry-Level Data Analyst, United States]

Hi, I’d love some feedback and guidance as I navigate a career pivot from a background in graphic design and marketing into data analytics/engineering.
I have hands-on experience with:
Marketing & Design: In a previous internship, I worked on campaigns, measured social media engagement, and revitalized a student program’s branding to make it more engaging and involved. While I tried to integrate metrics to quantify my impact, I’ve learned they might need better context or framing. Analytics Exposure: As a volunteer analyst, I processed and transformed Slack JSON data into structured CSV files using Python and Excel. I collaborated on enhancing data preparation processes. However, my technical skills (e.g., Python, Power BI, Excel) are still at a beginner level, and my coursework in Management Information Systems wasn’t very hands-on. Challenges:
I realize my resume may overemphasize numbers and metrics without always showing the "how" or the broader impact of my work. I'm working to fix this and make my contributions more transparent. My experience leans heavily on marketing/graphic design, which I’ve been told might not align perfectly with analytics roles. I’d appreciate tips on bridging that gap. Goals:
I’m aiming for an entry-level data analyst or data engineering role and want to better align my profile with these positions. I’m actively learning technical tools like Python and Power BI and focusing on building stronger foundational skills. Questions:
What kind of roles might I qualify for with my current mix of skills and experience? How can I revise my resume to address concerns about red flags and better highlight my transferable skills? Are there any specific steps or projects I can take on to make myself a more competitive candidate for analytics roles? Thanks in advance for your advice and guidance! I really value your honest feedback.
submitted by AccessFew4857 to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:34 SCP-096_behind_U I dont want to sleep tonight

I've had dreams of my ex almost every night this week. Most of them bad and hurtful, some of them sweet and intimate. Idk what hurts more, experiencing the hurtful ones or waking up from the sweet ones. I dont want to sleep anymore. I dont want to be awake anymore. Im so ready to either reconcile or move past this.
submitted by SCP-096_behind_U to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:34 god-b0b What are these things I found at my local park today?

What are these things I found at my local park today? I found these while going on a walk, and they have been there for more than 10 years. They are sitting on the edges of a cricket/soccer pitch, and the cricket pitch is one of those turf/fake grass pitches which get covered up during soccer season.
submitted by god-b0b to australia [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:34 Annixkoe YALL QUICK WHICH ONE SHOULD I DO im the skunk

YALL QUICK WHICH ONE SHOULD I DO im the skunk submitted by Annixkoe to AdoptMeTradingRoblox [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:34 rustbelthunny Dreaming of Lucifer

I had an absolutely insane dream last night. I normally do not dream at all. I was being chased by two girls. I finally asked one of them, why are you doing this? She said, my cousin was engaged to [deceased boyfriend from 6 yrs ago] first! I said, who’s your cousin? She said, “Lucie!” I said, Lucie who, as I vaguely know 2 of them from my childhood. She looks me dead in my eyes and says “Lucifer, duh!” At that point the dream got absolutely wild with swarms of cops outside my house, a dog trying to attack me, and finally I woke up because I dreamt that someone was giving me an injection into the ball of my left food and I truly felt the pain.
I did nothing different or interesting with my day today. I don’t do anything with demons I have no experience with any entities let alone with Lucifer. But this is the first time any entity has ever appeared in my dreams let alone been named. There was a serious eye contact moment of connection and a brief pause of silence once she named him. I’m wondering the significance of this. For context I do practice very light folk magic and work mostly with personal ancestors and Archangel Michael but even Michael has never appeared in my dreams. I woke up a little bit before 2:19 am if that is of any significance. Thank you
submitted by rustbelthunny to DemonolatryPractices [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:34 baredoim Running from birds 😆

Running from birds 😆 I just thought this was hilarious and wanted to share!
submitted by baredoim to JunesJourney [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:34 JinxxTV Small but natural and they look cute

Small but natural and they look cute submitted by JinxxTV to cleavageSFW [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:34 bigdixnixdb Clickity click for clacks
submitted by bigdixnixdb to TikTok [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:34 Main_Nerve4792 Applying to Howard

Hi guys I wanted to know has anyone graduated from Howard radiation therapy program or is currently in it. If so can you tell me step by step how the process went and grades
submitted by Main_Nerve4792 to RadiationTherapy [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:34 Ok_Criticism_1789 dark circles too dark

I need some help like i have dark circles under my eyes and they are like pits and the way i can prevent them is lowering my screen-time and i just can’t do that like i have nothing else to do so can someone tell me what should i do to get rid of my eye bags?
submitted by Ok_Criticism_1789 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:34 AZULDEFILER Karma spent should unban you

Often Mods act inappropriately. Redditors should be able to "spend" karma to get unbanned.
submitted by AZULDEFILER to ideasfortheadmins [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:34 V_Woke_Up Holiday Lola

Holiday Lola submitted by V_Woke_Up to Dachshund [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:34 No_Celebration7792 Be honest at 20

Be honest at 20 submitted by No_Celebration7792 to selfierating [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:34 Sunnydet At hotel room

At hotel room submitted by Sunnydet to AIGirlfriend [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:34 Birdfeatherant I love her so much

I love her so much I can’t even describe in words how much I love this bird (my others too but she’s special). My heart feels so full whenever I look at her when she’s sitting with me.
submitted by Birdfeatherant to cockatiel [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:34 FearlessAd8644 Dip

Potential dip incoming? Are they release more in Dec 1? Thoughts of a 2.64 cad purchase price?
submitted by FearlessAd8644 to XRP [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:34 Zippy-Hunter You keep using that word, Leon

You keep using that word, Leon submitted by Zippy-Hunter to facepalm [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:34 Swimming_Savings7354 🤗 if everyone game had a 17+ option things like this wouldn’t happen

🤗 if everyone game had a 17+ option things like this wouldn’t happen Roblox can you please stop stalking my account? I can be good.
submitted by Swimming_Savings7354 to ROBLOXBans [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:34 Dazzling-Dentist-224 22M on the West Coast (Las Vegas)

22M on the West Coast (Las Vegas) living in Vegas and actually wanting an relationship sucks! so I’m trying to broaden my horizons lol! hmu and let’s talk, im always down for a nice conversation
submitted by Dazzling-Dentist-224 to gaydating [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:34 Comprehensive_Hawk54 A Level Requirements for Engineering: Chemistry

I'm applying to the Faculty of Applied Sciences and Engineering, for computer engineering. My A-Level subjects are Math, Physics, Computer Science, Literature in English and History. I don't have chemistry in my A-Levels, but I did take it in O-Levels and had an A*. Do I still need to take the SCH4U course for Chemistry, or will my O-Level chem grade suffice? And is it required to take the SCH3U course before SCH4U?
submitted by Comprehensive_Hawk54 to UofT [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:34 Zealousideal-Step651 im bad at bosses pls help

im bad at bosses pls help will this beat elite bloonarius (2-0-5 spactory at exit btw)
submitted by Zealousideal-Step651 to btd6 [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:34 rrlationshipadvice12 Ex who was avoidant would not commit to me but now is commited to another girl, wearing a ring and calling her wife

Like seriously? We were more in a getting to know stage. Were kind of friends before. I knew he liked me but had a hard time expressing his emotions. He then ended things up without explaining. It was very cold and cruel. He was not with the other girl yet ( im sure) by the time. Now I've known from a mutual friend that he is dating, even wearing a ring and jokingly calling her my woman / my wife to this mutual friend. Why would not he commit to me but less than six months later be all about her ?
Wanting to know considering he is a dismissive avoidant. It may be very well that she is the love of his life and a better match, Im sure. Any other explanations?
submitted by rrlationshipadvice12 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:34 BushLeaguePsychOStuf Found this in my garage(~5 inches), California (bay area).

Found this in my garage(~5 inches), California (bay area). It is about 4-6 inches long. Should I be worried or it’s harmless? Anything I should do to repel it?
submitted by BushLeaguePsychOStuf to animalid [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 07:34 Direct_Nothing_5241 Any hung guys willing to answer questions and talk about what it's like living with a large penis?

Hey so as the title suggests would love to have a real conversation with a hung man. I'm on the smaller side myself and would love to ask questions and learn more.
submitted by Direct_Nothing_5241 to penissize [link] [comments]