Un amigo se enamoro en el bum bum y no la puede encontrar

2025.01.18 01:52 DantesGP Un amigo se enamoro en el bum bum y no la puede encontrar

La cosa es así. Un amigo nos acaba de contar que conoció una chica en el bum bum (sábado 11/01), pegaron tremenda onda pero se perdieron y no le saco data para contactarla. Lo único que sabe es que se llama Belen, es morocha, es psicopedagoga y vive en barrio liceo. Nos dijo que el que la encontraba ganaba un asado. Ayudenme :)
submitted by DantesGP to Cordoba [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:52 Ragingboomerang Elevate Your Social Media Presence: Pros and Cons of Instagram

Elevate Your Social Media Presence: Pros and Cons of Instagram submitted by Ragingboomerang to PositiveThinking [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:52 obligated_tailor Downtown denver Colorado

Going to a show in March and have a quick question. Could anyone help me find a dispo downtown that carries both lazercat and greendot. The filters on the website is a nightmare and any help would be much appreciated. Love these companies alot lol.
submitted by obligated_tailor to COents [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:52 MisterThylacine Drew my main avatar, he's a thylacine/vulture griffin. Yes, I'm that guy that lurks in the art studio hahaha

Drew my main avatar, he's a thylacine/vulture griffin. Yes, I'm that guy that lurks in the art studio hahaha submitted by MisterThylacine to AnimalJam [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:52 Pppopo9374 CaseOH

CaseOH submitted by Pppopo9374 to StanleyMOV [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:52 XenasBreastDagger Domino's is half off

That's it. All menu items when ordered online. I balked at the $5 delivery charge, but priced right.
submitted by XenasBreastDagger to Pensacola [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:52 porcellina1991 Premesso di soggiorno e lavoro

Ciao, io non sono italiana e sono in Italia per due mesi ora e ho appena sposato col il mio fidanzato e sto aspettando il mio permesso di soggiorno ma mentre aspetto voglio lavorare, che tipo di lavoro posso fare senza contratto qui in Italia? Grazie mille.
submitted by porcellina1991 to CasualIT [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:52 Leafwolf54 All my plush :3

All my plush :3 submitted by Leafwolf54 to plushies [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:52 Hour_Taro_4655 Period is late, need reassurance.

My period is late, and I'm really stressed out about it. Since my last period, I accidentally hit a curb in a remote area and panicked, thinking l'd damaged my car. The next day, I slammed on the brakes hard to avoid running a red light, and the loud sound left me shaking for a while. On top of that, my ex broke up with me two days ago in the most malicious, hurtful way possible, which has been incredibly upsetting. Sexually, I've only had non-penetrative contact last week, two days in a row, I was rubbing my clit against his penis, but there was no penetration, and he didn't ejaculate near my vaginal area. I've been trying to induce my period, but nothing has worked, and I've been experiencing symptoms like tender breasts, light cramps, heat in my lower back, intense appetite, mood swings, and irritation, but no discharge. I just need someone to ease my mind and tell me that my period is coming soon because I'm overwhelmed and scared.
submitted by Hour_Taro_4655 to Periods [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:52 SarahH28 Orb in the tree line about a mile or two away. Too big and too low to be a star. Samsung Galaxy S23. NC.

submitted by SarahH28 to UFOs [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:52 Real-Tension-7442 Is there a lore reason we didn’t see the 50 aviation disasters worse than this? Did Vince forget about the Show-don’t-tell rule?

Is there a lore reason we didn’t see the 50 aviation disasters worse than this? Did Vince forget about the Show-don’t-tell rule? submitted by Real-Tension-7442 to okbuddychicanery [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:52 Outrageous-Froyo7862 Finally got my order! Which should I try first?

Finally got my order! Which should I try first? Yay!!! I FINALLY got it!!! Which should I try first?!
Fit Sip- White Cherry, Sabrocita- Guanabana, Sabrocita- Guayaba, Sabrocita- Fresa, Gateway Tea- Raspberry Tea, Gateway Tea- Sweet Tea, Gateway Tea- Peach Tea, Go Sip- Grape, Life Sip- Watermelon, Life Sip- Honeycrisp Apple, Inflow Energy- Watermelon, Inflow Energy- White Cherry
submitted by Outrageous-Froyo7862 to Cirkul [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:52 sarathenlater Selfie Time KatelynNacon

Selfie Time KatelynNacon submitted by sarathenlater to KatelynNacon [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:52 Ok_Detail_2129 Can I Use Turkish Invoices as Business Expenses for My UK Limited Company While Living Outside the UK?

Hi everyone,
I own a UK-registered limited company, but I live in Turkey. I’m not a UK citizen and don’t have UK residency, but I am the sole director of my company. I’m trying to figure out if I can use invoices from Turkey as business expenses for my UK company.
For example:

Here’s what I know so far:
  1. The expense must be clearly linked to the business.
  2. The invoice should ideally be issued in the name of the UK company.
  3. Turkish invoices are typically in Turkish, so I might need translations for HMRC if required.
  4. Turkish VAT (KDV) can’t be reclaimed in the UK, but the total amount can still count as an expense.
Are there any specific rules or things I should be careful about when using foreign invoices like these? Has anyone else done this successfully?
Thanks in advance for any advice or tips!
submitted by Ok_Detail_2129 to BusinessGrowthUK [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:52 Garbage_Conjurer (sandstorm pvp) m16 burst or semi?

which do you prefer and why? with good speed in clicking can you fire faster than burst? is burst bad or good at range? is burst faster?
submitted by Garbage_Conjurer to insurgency [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:52 saraya_c Susan ate Roger!

Susan ate Roger! My whites tree frog Susan is consistently refusing to eat the plethora of bugs I've tried feeding her, but ate the other frog Roger in the enclosure. Both frogs were the same size (4-5 months old) and housed together when I purchased them. Susan's skin is showing no sign of infection. The enclosure is bioactive and sits at 40-50% humidity. Basking spot sits at 80 degrees fahrenheit, ambient is 70-75. I used to keep the humidity between 50-80% but lowered it after someone commented on my last post that it was too high. Every night for the past few weeks I've tried feeding using multiple methods. Roger and Susan (now just Susan) will turn away from the food. I don't know what else to do.
NSFW @NFSW submitted by saraya_c to frogs [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:52 smellypoogirl Boots the house

very straight forward question, attack or speed boots? i’ve seen conflicting answers in guides, i’m running her with Robin, Huohuo, and Jade and just want to know which one would optimize her, thanks!
submitted by smellypoogirl to thehertamains [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:52 erehwesle Kimchi and Kraut fermenter looking to branch out

Hey friends,
So, I'm kind of new to fermenting, but I have a nearly 17 year old sourdough starter, and that is just me, it was cloned from the Carl Griffith 1847 Starter if you are familiar with that. But live starter? yeah a while. So I get the vibe.
I am an English Teacher at a small private school in NC. One of my student's family is Korean and brought me a jar of their Kimchi as a thank you gift, as I told them I like spicy food, and I got kind of interested. I'd had kimchi before, mainly graduate school, we all know 'Kimchi Bowl Noodle!' as a spicier Ramen alternative, (if you are not a tech bro, went to honest grad school and did not spend at least one week (month, year) only eating dehydrated noodles and worrying about scurvy, you must have had a monster fellowship or I doubt your degree. ;).
I've had some kimchi dishes in restaurants, but my student's Grandmother's Kimchi was really quite outstanding. I thought, maybe I could make this? So about nine months ago, I had some extra money, and I knew I was pretty good at keeping up a sourdough starter, and it was my birthday, so I treated myself to a Gallon Fermenting Crock from Mr. Mark Campbell out in California, a really nice friendly potter.
So it turns out my first ferment, a kimchi, careful one, actually sourced most of the spices from Korea (hey my student's family liked me), but came out rather awesome. So I doubled down and bought a half gallon crock, also from Mr. Campbell, just 'cause.
So I'm on my third/fourth/kind fo fifth and a half? I'm trying to set up six to nine month brined ferments in the main gallon crock, and my half gallon crock, is a three to six month experimental.
I actually did a very nice onion, pepper,(bell, Jalapeno, poblano), bok choi and onion ferment. spiced with dill and thyme.
So anyone have any interesting ideas for my half gallon crock? I'd be interested in hearing what you are up to, I will read too, but thought I could introduce myself. Also if anyone wants any recipes or also, if you want to get set up with sourdough bread , I can give you a clone of my starter. It is robust, happy, and kicks ass.
I appreciate any knowledge about fermenting, bread and ferments. Right now I have a nice starter, and a good procedure with my crocks, I am pretty careful about mold and cleaning my kitchen. Overall my lovely microorganisms are quite robust, and I have faith they will do battle with invaders, so no washing everything with bleach constantly, but I do keep things clean and tight.
Yours in friendly microorganisms,
submitted by erehwesle to fermentation [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:52 tribilean Can I use a 65w flood light for my gecko?

It is a duramax Phillips 65w flood light. Is this ok lighting for my gecko?
submitted by tribilean to leopardgeckos [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:52 Unhappy-Top-803 If vegetables could play musical instruments, which ones would be in a band?

submitted by Unhappy-Top-803 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:52 fish_leash Parrot vets?

Looking for recommendations for vets that specialize in birds/parrots and emergency vet hospitals that see them too, specifically in the East Bay but welcome suggestions for further out too. Don’t currently have an emergency, just want to be prepared.
submitted by fish_leash to bayarea [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:52 zambo1403 2025 ONLY NEW RELEASES 24/7 | Goth · Darkwave · Post punk · Industrial · Underground Coldwave | Synthwave | Shoegaze | Noise | Modern Psychedelia | EBM | Synthwave | Cyberpunk | Dark Disco | Ethereal ..ENJOY!!

2025 ONLY NEW RELEASES 24/7 | Goth · Darkwave · Post punk · Industrial · Underground Coldwave | Synthwave | Shoegaze | Noise | Modern Psychedelia | EBM | Synthwave | Cyberpunk | Dark Disco | Ethereal ..ENJOY!! submitted by zambo1403 to ProjectListen [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:52 Glass_Conclusion_569 My Boy Sora

My dog of 14 years got cancer, we did surgery and vet said it may come back but did not refer us to cancer vet for chemo to kill anything he missed, it came back in 2 months and worse, he then said he cant help and refered us to cancer center for him. We did chemo meds, but he kept getting worse, we are loosing the battle. He was fine except bleeding cancer sores and some small episodes of faffing iver and passing out. We had to think of putting him to rest. Many places were so expensive we coyld not affird tgem. Talked to his vet explained we did not want 5o do this, but thought he may be suffering. We told him we wanted to be there the whole time and i wanted to be holding him and lookibg into his eyes when he took his last breath. We took him a few weeks later to do the procedure and tge nurse took him back for the iv to be put in and tgey brought him back dead. I was told he was only sedated and i ask why tgey did that i said i wanted to be there the whole time. Tgey said he was trying to get away so tgey sedated him, but he was already euthenized when i got him back. Holding his lufeless little body tore me to pieces and they acted fast and gave him more injections saying nothing until he quickly pulled out his thesiscope to hear his heart and said hes gone. Adter i left i kept thinking of how he was not breathing and it was wrong i contacted them, the vet said he was just sedated ,but that was not true and i did not get to say goodbye. It haunts me still today and it has been a few months already . I cry almost every day over it and i miss him, but i feel like i let him down giving him to tgem and the last face he seen was the vet killing him. Is there snyrhing i can do so this never happens to another fur mom and dad. I love my boy sora and i miss him everyday. Sincerly mom of my boy sora
submitted by Glass_Conclusion_569 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:52 chillguyyyyy Do evo cards get affected by winter refresh

I want to put my chain evo thru the new Toty evo but I know he’s already been sent on loan to some club in Switzerland so he’d be way harder to link and I don’t wanna drop 500.000 on someone I can’t link. Is it only base cards that will have their league and club changed or evolutions too?
submitted by chillguyyyyy to EASportsFC [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:52 silentobservernomore 11 emblems game. Rate my luck

11 emblems game. Rate my luck Not sure I've ever been luckier but after getting an early 5 family I just kept getting emblems and it turned into this. This is a shot before winning the game because the other guy had 100 health and it just slowly drained away as I kept getting stronger. Just received 2 components from the heist but was too busy taking a photo to equip them or roll down for the vi which I did get after taking the photo.
submitted by silentobservernomore to TeamfightTactics [link] [comments]
