What are some of your favourite Kansas Bass lines?

2025.01.18 04:50 Ryan_THICCBASS What are some of your favourite Kansas Bass lines?

Personally for me: Magnum Opus, Carry on Wayward Son, Lonely Street, The Pilgrimage, Song for America, Mysteries and Mayhem, Miracles out of Nowhere, The Pinnacle, The Wall, Journey from Mariabronn, Death of Mother Nature Suite and Aperçu. Dave Hope is just a fucking beast! Let me know what some of your favourites are! :)
submitted by Ryan_THICCBASS to KansasBand [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:50 Alarming-Molasses847 Me, on a daily basis: “Yes, yes… you’re a guinea pig. Yes, Mr. Guinea Pig. Yes, Mr. Guinea Pig. Right away Mr. Guinea Pig.”

Me, on a daily basis: “Yes, yes… you’re a guinea pig. Yes, Mr. Guinea Pig. Yes, Mr. Guinea Pig. Right away Mr. Guinea Pig.” What repeat conversations do you have with your guinea pigs? XD
submitted by Alarming-Molasses847 to guineapigs [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:50 Infamous-Command-902 I am confused

I’m sorry if I’m in the wrong place for this, I’m simply a confused and curious teenager, trying to figure out my feelings.
Basically, for as long as I can remember, I’ve always had to somehow force myself to have a crush. Any conventionally attractive boy (or even gentlemen) that I have met or simply glanced at, my dad and siblings would try to see if I would like said boy, but there was just never anything about these boys that I liked to the point of “crushing” on them. Now, every time I would deny the fact of liking a boy, even describing my disgust towards liking a boy in any way that isn’t friendship, any member of my family would call me a weirdo. “You don’t like anyone!” My mom would say, “You must like girls” was another that I heard. I can’t exactly say I am straight, since I don’t really like boys, but I am certain that I don’t like girls, either.
It took ‘till I was twelve, where I took the year before I turned twelve to force myself to have a crush on this boy, to actually like the boy that was in my class.
I genuinely liked him, and I know that he liked me back. To be honest, though, we weren’t exactly doing the… romantic kind of pinning ? We would tease each other, make fun of each other, challenge one another over things that could be as small as “who can write this before the bell rings!!”, and we’d argue— heck, everyone thought that we were the “fight like siblings, love like lovers” or the “they fight like a married couple” kind of relationship. To be honest, though, I never really thought about him romantically. I wanted him in my life, to be there with me, but I don’t know if I want him as a boyfriend or a husband, I simply just wanted a friend.
Sure, we’d share teasing glances to one another every time we saw each other, we’d touch each other where our fingers could simply linger on the other for a moment, conveying untold feelings that neither of us were strong enough to admit. The way he would pass me my things when I forgot them, the way he f’d around with me to get a reaction out of me, the way I’d do exactly the same for him. the way we would watch each other from afar, snickering quietly when we thought the other couldn’t hear. We would also find ourselves drawn to each other, whether it was group projects or anything, though we would veil everything with false annoyance every time we were paired together. We spent our year together in a rather… complicated way, no one else could understand. Not even I could. We started to get bolder, sitting closer to the other as if it was natural, leaning close enough to the other to whisper small words to make the other fired up, striking random arguments from whatever the heck we wanted— we didn’t care.
As time went on, I couldn’t help but wonder if it truly was a crush. I wanted him by my side, sure, and he wanted me. But I had to be honest, I couldn’t see him past a friend. Sure, we were close, but the thought of being vulnerable enough, to break down my boundaries and suddenly have a boyfriend? I had a thirteen year steak of singleness, I didn’t want to ruin that. Besides, years and years of disgust towards boys and men in general couldn’t leave just because of one boy. Along with my disgust, I have intense trust issues towards people, especially men (because the ones I know were the sneakiest people I’ve ever met). I couldn’t help but think, “it’s just one boy, how could he be so different to everyone else you know?”. Soon enough, I started to drift away from him. I stopped talking to him, humouring him with my reactions, I even started ignoring him. I hated seeing that pained look on his face, but I couldn’t let anyone in, not after years of repeatedly being betrayed by ex-friendships and family members. I built my walls up, and he finally left one day. Three years later, and I still think about him. He would still stare at me like he used to. But now, his eyes are kind of dimmer, as if I’m just “someone he used to know” now. I still feel a pull towards him, and I want to tell him so badly how I feel for him. Or at least how I used to feel.
Ps: I used to love doing romantic things, but I get uncomfortable with receiving it. I do romantic things for people, only because I know it makes them comfortable, and I also do them without romantic intent at all (like holding their hands, listening to them for as long as they want me to, to cook and get them everything that they want, with just the intent to make them comfortable around me, not because I love them romantically.)
Anyway, I hope any of that made sense at all, and I want to know if what I felt was truly romantic love. And if it was, is it alright to say that I don’t want to feel this again? I love complex things, but that emotion is something I want put into a box and locked into a basement that I never want unlocked. I don’t do anything that’d be considered “romantic” for anyone ever again, unless if they’re really close to me.
submitted by Infamous-Command-902 to aromantic [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:50 PutridKarma95 Indianapolis

Random picture
submitted by PutridKarma95 to photographs [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:50 Epicburst Can we all agree that IGNs Gravios fight was with a special press build?

I rewatched Rurikahn's video on the IGN gameplay, and something that annoys me more and more is his comments about the damage. How quickly the hunters are able to break his chest, how little they bonk off his body, how they backed a badass monster like him into the corner without breaking a sweat. I know Rurikahn is a rather hardcore old guard in his opinion, but does anyone feel the same way? I'd love to hear other's perspectives on the IGN gameplay, because to me it seems obvious that this is a press build designed so the press can experience the game regardless of their skill with the game. Any thoughts?
submitted by Epicburst to MonsterHunter [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:50 QueenBea_ Lost 1/2 of the drills for an old limited painting. Can’t find them anywhere and I’m devastated. Idk what to do.

The painting is Luna by Marjorie Sarnat. https://www.diamondartclub.com/products/luna
I bought this a very long time ago. I’d assume at least 2+ years ago, as I haven’t bought any new paintings in a very long time. I have SO MANY and ran out of space, and I was spending so much I had to put myself on a very long term no buy. Plus I lost the well paying job I had, and couldn’t afford to continue purchasing.
I haven’t had time to DP in at least a year, and I’ve been trying to get back, with starting on my WIP Luna. But I lost an entire box of drills. I have one box with about half of them, but the other half are just gone. I’ve looked EVERYWHERE. I do have some dupe leftovers, and could pull out of unopened boxes, but that would lead to that painting now being short.
Idk what to do. I could never afford to replace the missing ones, plus idk which ones are missing as I usually put extras in a separate container, and all of my stuff is so scattered. (Like I put as much as will fit in my drill container, and keep the leftover bags, or smaller bags with little of each color in a separate box).
What have you guys done in a similar situation?
I’m going to continue the painting with the gems I can find. I hope the blank spots won’t dry out. Tomorrow I’m going to tear apart my room trying to find the box, but I must have left them at my moms (who has since moved states - they’d be long gone). I found a box of my dupes but Luna was nowhere to be seen 😭 and I definitely need to find a better way to store them bc they’re all scattered and it’s not working out lol. I have 1 other painting where I can’t find ANY of the drills, but that’s a whole other story…
submitted by QueenBea_ to diamondartclub [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:50 Thick-Depth2215 omg LOL

omg LOL submitted by Thick-Depth2215 to artmemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:50 TopCombination8500 Shadow registeel 2 locals irl need atleast 5 but can add up to 10 start in 5 mins 513592694755

Shadow registeel 2 locals irl need atleast 5 but can add up to 10 start in 5 mins 513592694755 submitted by TopCombination8500 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:50 Naros1000 Thoughts on what we're getting with our Codex.

Thoughts on what we're getting with our Codex. With the LVO show telling us we're coming sometime around summer, what is everyone's thoughts on what is to come to us this year?
My thought is Primarised He'stan and Tushan as all space marine releases this edition have had 2 characters, an upgrade sprue with more heads, tons of Trinkets, terminator chest peice, pack toppers, some chapter locked melee options, and a ton of pauldrons just as the Angels both got, and a new elite unit specific for the chapter.
A generic Capitan with flameInferno pistol options would be nice, especially if our Capitans can use Thunder hammers without being kit locked. These are just my thoughts, and tell me what you want.
Primaris Artellus Numeon is just to drag you in
submitted by Naros1000 to Salamanders40k [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:50 thottistic Looking for good music that makes me feel feminine & sexy

A lot of music used to help me feel confident, it’s not hitting for me the same anymore. I’ve listened to too much hyperpop, 2000s pop, and EDM. I don’t really enjoy any of it now. It all sounds the same. Maybe I’m getting older or I overdid it?
I’m looking for something less maximalist but still with a good beat and a young/fem voice. Any suggestions? I’m open any era or genre , really want expand my tastes.
My go-to artists were 8485, Charli XCX, PinkPantheress, Yameii & Rihanna.
submitted by thottistic to musicsuggestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:50 TittiesAreMyTherapy Randomly had stomach issues doctor did X-ray and ultrasound no issue. Will I ever heal from this ?

Stomach issues I randomly started getting constipated.
Upped my fibre
I was taking vit d high 10k with k2 With zinc
I was not taking magnesium.
I think that messed with my calcium levels I think I overdosed on calcium
I’ve been on linaclotide for the last 12 days.
Upped my fibre.
Anyone face something like this ?
How long did it last ?
No other symptoms no cold or flu.
Is this just a stomach flu ?
Any insight would be appreciated.
God bless.
submitted by TittiesAreMyTherapy to Biohackers [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:50 BrandonWatersFights BROOOO

submitted by BrandonWatersFights to Jaguars [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:50 Sea_Series_1424 Faisalsecander

submitted by Sea_Series_1424 to smartlauncher [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:50 Horror_Key_955 ollie help

ollie help this is my current ollie its really inconsistent this is probably my best in a session, i want to make them more consistent and increase my air time, how should i go about this?
submitted by Horror_Key_955 to skateboardhelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:50 No-Education1196 Virginia Tech transfer DL Malachi Madison has committed to UMass

Virginia Tech transfer DL Malachi Madison has committed to UMass submitted by No-Education1196 to intothetransferportal [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:50 NugNug272 Question about marriage terms and conditions

Hello friends goodmorning 🌞 or noon or evening, May I ask clarification about our church teachings on annulment?
My Lola or grandmother told me a story where in the hospital they worked a nurse asked help with her husband. For years the husband left their family including children to work somewhere far away. Didn't send any money home and had zero contact.
This nurse at my grandmother's suggestion prayed a novena. The husband came home, but didn't promise to come back home but just told his wife "don't think of me anymore" and left again.
This now abandoned wife, threw herself into work and single motherhood and eventually moved on. Later years, she rose through the ranks of her hospital before finally migrating outside the country for better work, where she met a foreigner and remarried.
I dont know if these people have the necessary knowledge about our church teachings on marriage and the terms and conditions. My country, the Philippines - is ignorantly Catholic. We by and large don't know what we believe in fully much less why.
According to my grandmother the remarried abandoned wife is now happy with her children abroad.
They prayed a novena so they're probably Catholic, but they didn't have an annulment so says my grandmother because it's prohibitively expensive in my country.
As Catholics, what are we supposed to think about this? What happens to these people?
submitted by NugNug272 to Catholicism [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:50 Sybean MMO Colony Sim?

I love the concept of Sapiens, and the added multiplayer was fun while it lasted(high player base on beta launch) but no longer is enjoyable as there are no severs with active players. Anyway I’m looking for recommendations on games similar to Sapiens that can give me that community feeling as well as satisfaction to creating a colony.
submitted by Sybean to MMORPG [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:50 film_2_expensive Transferring footage to laptop

I’m using a SanDisk 256gb sdxc V60 memory card and (in camera) it’s working fine. But when I put the card into my Mac laptop, the video files aren’t shown. The photos are, but not videos. When I go through to the PRIVATE folder on the card I can find lower quality files of the video footage. Anyone know what’s happening/ how I can get the original vids?
submitted by film_2_expensive to FX3 [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:50 Additional-Home4541 i hate the unis i chose for ucas

i know this may be a very ridiculous post i am 17 and my parents shouldn’t have this much control over my UCAS, nevertheless i live with the most controlling parents on the planet. my mum chose all the unis for my ucas and wouldn’t let me change it under any circumstances, when when submitted, she’d make me log in to show her until the 14 days was over it it was out of my hands. i am so uncertain of what to do, i really want to go to uni, but just not the ones she’s chosen unless i get a cambridge offer which i feel is unlikely.
i know i will be made to go to uni next year too so gap year and reapply isn’t an option whatsoever, uni is my only way to move out. would you recommend going to where you get an offer and try transferring in my first year when it’s out of her hands? or maybe reapply and waist a year at a uni i don’t intend to finish my degree at, which again, i know is such a bad idea please don’t tell me otherwise i know and it’s shitty for others who may get rejected over me.
i tried it call ucas and as my application has gone its out of their hands. but i really want to be at a london uni or a uni in a city, i don’t mind cambridge bc it’s cambridge but i just can already feel how miserable im going to be at the other unis. also i know london is expensive and all that but i don’t care ill be poor in london/a uni i want to be at any day over poor in a uni i didnt like at open day and dont want to be at over.
any advice is appreciated since my mum is slightly insane thank you!
submitted by Additional-Home4541 to 6thForm [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:50 Over-Item6899 Train Live Status Booking PNR APK - https://www.modplaza.com/train-live-status-booking-pnrapk/apps/travel-local/apk?feed_id=10864&_unique_id=678b3317bdabe

submitted by Over-Item6899 to ApkModders [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:50 FaithlessWNTRMUT 38 [M4F] #Online #Texas - Looking for fun people to chat with

I am an interesting and open minded male from Texas looking for somebody regularly talk to (especially at night) that is preferably a female but no hard restriction oon this. I am a music lover of all types of music (especially dark music) such as metal, goth, synthwave, rock, prog, hip-hop, jazz, and blues. I went through a pretty messy breakup about 2 years ago and I am trying to really “reset” things and find a person or people to talk to and hang out with.. I really like live music, daydreaming, reading tarot, the scent of burning incense, creative writing, good conversation, a sense of humor, reading, home cooked meals, being lazy on the couch, the smell and effects of cannabis, escapism, learning about new things and people, and the occasional video game.
I am not picky about location and pretty open minded about looking – I am mostly interested in intelligence, humor, and ability to have a good conversation. I am a traditional liberal, and I generally shy away from organized religion though I do have my own esoteric spiritual beliefs. I work from home and have a lot of time on my hands. I’d like to think I’m decent looking but my looks are somewhat nontraditional. I wear vintage 70s clothes, band t-shirts, lots of jewelry, and a nice pair of leather boots. I am 5’11”, have very long hair, and I am of average build. If any of this catches you attention, feel free to message me and we can talk more on Discord as that is my preferred method of communication.
submitted by FaithlessWNTRMUT to r4r [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:50 Ok-Cartographer-5544 After being on keto for awhile, people on a "normal" carb-heavy diet seem crazy.

After being on keto for awhile, my cravings for food in general go down drastically. Food just becomes a source of fuel that I consume typically once or twice a day.
The way others approach food seems almost crazy. My work will occasionally offer free (junk) food, and the people will swarm it like ravenous drones. I've had coworkers remark with shock/ respect that I'm able to resist eating the pizza/ cake/ (insert junk food here) that our job had offered. To me, it's just seems like they have zero self-control, and it isn't that hard for me to resist it at all.
When I go out with friends/ family, a lot of the conversation tends to center around food, and typically about how "good" it tastes. Almost never does anyone talk about how nutritional or high-quality it is. Again, it seems like they have no self-control and only care about short-term mouth pleasure over the long-term benefits that they could be seeing.
I also often have people express shock/ annoyance/ confusion that I am able to stick to keto for the long-term. Depending on the person, they might try to tease me about it. I usually tell them that I agree that carby foods taste good, but I prefer the mental/ physical benefits of keto.
Does anyone else notice the same? Being on keto feels like watching a bunch of machines controlled by food moving from meal to meal. I feel much more personal control over my life when I'm on keto, and it's bizarre the difference in how I see others act when I'm on it.
submitted by Ok-Cartographer-5544 to keto [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:50 nicerpeopl Never diagnosed with an eating disorder but struggling with one once again.

I (23F) have never been formally diagnosed with Anorexia, but have struggled with it off and on since freshman year in high school. I am diagnosed with PTSD, Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar 1, BPD, a dissociative disorder, and OCD. I take Abilify for my Bipolar, and recently started taking Zepbound due to being overweight with a BMI over 30 and having sleep apnea. Most of my mental health issues have been under control, but due to the season, I have been suffering a bit with my Depression. I am working on doing light therapy to help with this before resorting to medication. I am in therapy as well.
I haven’t always dealt with having an eating disorder, but after a traumatic event in my life, I needed to feel some sort of control. And I felt the only thing I could control was what I ate. It wasn’t supposed to get severe or out of control, but it did, as the story typically goes. I recovered with very few relapsed by age 20, but developed a sort of binge eating disorder instead. I eat my feelings, I eat when I’m bored, I eat when I’m full, I eat when I’m hungry. I’ve tried all the weight loss tips, diets, tricks, and none worked for me.
I got diagnosed with sleep apnea in 2022, and this led to me being prescribed Zepbound once it was approved for treating sleep apnea since it helps you lose weight. I started the Zepbound on 01/08, and took my second dose 2 days ago. It’s helped a lot. I don’t eat as much since I’m not as hungry and feel no desire to eat when bored anymore.
However, having no appetite has began triggering my past ED. I’ve actually relapsed with it, but am trying very hard to get out of this hole before it grows too deep. I don’t want to stop taking the Zepbound, as it’s truly been helping. I just don’t want to have an ED again either…
I know I should tell my doctor, but having an ED isn’t on my medical records and I would prefer it being kept that way. I know people will say “just eat” but it isn’t that simple for me. I am trying, I swear I am. I just feel everything I felt when I was teenager again. It’s hard to explain, I’m sorry for that. Any advice is appreciated, thank you.
submitted by nicerpeopl to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:50 Secure_List7920 What's the deal with Kimber? Why does it seem everybody hates it?

I'm new here so just tryna figuring out
submitted by Secure_List7920 to 1911 [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:50 Real_Tradition4127 Imagine trying to find food to order…to have Temu showed up

submitted by Real_Tradition4127 to mildlyinfuriating [link] [comments]
