When people talk about living forever I don’t think they understand how long it is.

2025.01.18 04:49 JohnMcafee4coffee When people talk about living forever I don’t think they understand how long it is.

It’s actually scary to think about it.
After reading of these numbers it’s very possible that at some point there would be nothing left to say or do.
Everything that could be said would be said.
Everything that you could think of doing would have been done
Very surreal
submitted by JohnMcafee4coffee to googology [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:49 ArtUpper7213 Yeah.. these Artwork go way tooo hard

Yeah.. these Artwork go way tooo hard submitted by ArtUpper7213 to marvelrivals [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:49 BitchTamer93 It is on the Downtrend

Feels like it is spreading everywhere on here, but google trends and wastewater data seems to illustrate a decrease.
Seems December was the high point in terms of searches and wastewater data, which seems clear that more people were affected
Still higher than normal, but the outbreak seems on the downtrend
submitted by BitchTamer93 to emetophobia [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:49 Disastrous_Salary550 Help getting records for friend that got out in 2018

Long story short a friend of mine got out in 2018, the hospital he was seen at retires records after 2-3 years and the national archives dont have any records with them and he has multiple injuries from his 10 years in the infantry that he didnt know he could claim. Does anyone have any information on how he can find these ? or any avenues he can go down to claim it to VA?
submitted by Disastrous_Salary550 to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:49 dunderheed13 First time playing

Just wanted to say, what a game!
Done some jumping puzzles, got killed a lot, made some friends, got some revenge. Someone felt sorry for me cause I had a bolt action and gave me a machine gun. Its fun deciding whether or not someone is trustworthy, most are not as i found, literally 3 people were cool, well until my cousin beat one of them over the head for no reason and that number became 2 😂
Yeah, great game, won't be putting it down anytime soon 🤘
submitted by dunderheed13 to RustConsole [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:49 Direct-Quit-9245 Extruder won't extrude unless hooked up to x axis

so my ender 3 stopped extruding so i fiddled with it and consensus seemed to be broken extruder stepper motor or messed up cord so i bought a new cord and hooked it up. X, Y, and Z all work but the extruder won't move still unless i unplug the x axis plug and plug it into the extruder, then it will move when i manually move x axis. all i can think now is maybe the E plug on the motherboard is shit and isnt providing power. it seems like if i plug x axis into the E spot it wont move x axis anymore. any thoughts are appreciated
submitted by Direct-Quit-9245 to Creality [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:49 Impressive-Call8347 PAP is corrupted

submitted by Impressive-Call8347 to SingaporeRaw [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:49 Historical_Drink_307 Is Zeus/ DK Moto Shop good?

Planning to have a full system exhaust installation for my 2019 zx6r, is Zeus a good local brand?
Share your experiences.
submitted by Historical_Drink_307 to PHMotorcycles [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:49 SafeSolid6158 Sou babaca por pensar em terminar por isso?

Sou M18 e meu namorado H18. Passamos uns meses separados, pois terminei com ele por problemas e dúvidas pessoais minhas mas continuamos amigos. Voltamos recentemente e percebi que estamos mais conectados e felizes como casal. Ele sempre foi um namorado muito bom, ao ponto das pessoas comentarem que ele é PERFEITO. O que não é verdade, todos temos defeitos mas ele é sim um namorado muito bom.
Mas ainda assim, esses dias o motivo para brigar apareceu. Eu sou uma pessoa meio desocupada e estou sempre com o celular em mãos. Ele já é bem ocupado, tem seus projetos e ajuda em casa e é o "faz tudo" da família dele. Durante o dia trocamos mensagem sempre e quando ele não pode, já sei que deve estar ocupado e entendo.
Mas uma coisa que sempre deixei claro e ele sempre fez questão de fazer, é o bom dia e o boa noite de todo dia. E ultimamente ele não me manda mais mensagem de boa noite e some por horas.
Mas aí vem o impasse: ele é extremamente transparente comigo, tenho todas as rede sociais dele (decisão dele) e toda vez que ele some sempre é pq aconteceu algo ou ele estava ocupado. Sei que ele não é de mentir e sou compreensiva.
O problema é que ultimamente essa ausência dele tem sido constante mas sempre acompanhada de bons motivos. Como: não te dei boa noite pois tive que ajudar parente com tal coisa ou estava fazendo tal coisa. E mesmo eu sabendo que é verdade, isso pode ter acontecido. Acabo ficando extremamente chateada e angustiada.
Na nossa última briga, dei um ultimato e combinamos que ele poderia pelo menos avisar que estava ocupado (como costumava acontecer antes). Mas mesmo assim o problema continua. Fico me sentindo muito mal e acho que ninguém deveria se sentir assim em um relacionamento saudável.
Acabo me sentindo trouxa pois me preocupo e até perco o sono, fico chateada. E no outro dia ele aparece me explicando pq não pode falar e tudo faz sentido mas não muda o fato que fiquei horas angustiada esperando uma notícia dele.
Tenho a localização dele (ambos temos por segurança, já que costumo andar sozinha) e ele está sempre em casa. Inclusive tenho contato com a família pra confirmar isso se preciso. Ele não está estranho ou indiferente, sem indícios de traição ou coisa do tipo. Não parece desinteressado, muito pelo contrário. Então não sei o que pode ser. Nos relacionamos há mais de 2 anos e nunca achei que fosse terminar por este motivo.
submitted by SafeSolid6158 to EuSouOBabaca [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:49 electricmehicle New Conspiracy Theory Alleges NASA Put Humans On Moon As Far Back As 1969

submitted by electricmehicle to onionheadlines [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:49 AccountantGrouchy911 24 01

24 01 submitted by AccountantGrouchy911 to OSITOGANG [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:49 Silverman7688 What are y'alls favorite dance styles/names?

I have so much energy now with the help of my Metformin and my birth control patch. Now I'm confident that I'll lose weight this time with a healthier mindset.
.Now I'm gonna get back to dancing which was the only type of exercise I can do for more than 15 minutes and not get bored.
So does anyone have any dance type I should try out? What were yalls favorite?
submitted by Silverman7688 to PCOS [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:49 Textilismusic Saw this on Twitter.

Saw this on Twitter. submitted by Textilismusic to ridgeracer [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:49 PoorboyKochi Guys is your blinkit working on your location?

So guys my friend who lives in Edappaly says that the blinkit hasn't arrived yet in his location... Is your location working? Mine is in kaloor so we get all Time
submitted by PoorboyKochi to Kochi [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:49 No-Elephant-9854 Sports clubs in SD

Are there any good options for sports clubs in SD that offer child care and classes (barre, spin, etc. )? YMCA tends to be a bit busy and Bay Club only really had child care on weekends. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. We live in Bay Park, so ideally within 15ish miles.
submitted by No-Elephant-9854 to sandiego [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:49 Prestigious_Kale4317 Recommendations for first time Botox for 36F in the area?

submitted by Prestigious_Kale4317 to palmsprings [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:49 IcyTemperature8471 IUI + Clomid?

TTC for 15 months. Got pregnant naturally 24 months ago which ended in MMC. I ovulate every month according to bbt and opks. Did two 50mg clomid and four 2.5, 5 and 7.5mg letrozole cycles with timed intercourse that all failed. I take progesterone suppositories at 3 dpo every cycle. I’ve read It Starts With The Egg and did the Mediterranean diet. Tried mucinex. On all the supplements. All of my tests came back perfect. Laproscopy with tubal cannulation came back perfect. Zero issues. His post wash count was 48m per ml with 3ml and 82% motility. Pre wash has high viscosity but post wash was normal.
Doctor wants to do an IUI next cycle with 100mg Clomid. Part of me is excited but the other part of me is hoping it’s not just a waste of time.
submitted by IcyTemperature8471 to whatworkedforme [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:49 STLHBKid What happens in Arkham Club, stays in Arkham Club

What happens in Arkham Club, stays in Arkham Club 🃏
submitted by STLHBKid to joker [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:49 RevolutionaryHall214 Godzilla in fortnite

Does anyone feel like godzillas to weak , for some reason in every game ive joined theres been no king kong prior to leaving the bus , so ill be at my drop spot looting and all of a sudden BOOM i get godzilla notification , now i drop at shoguns solitude and i have to finish my looting and make my way to the burd to grab a car to drive to godzilla by the time i get there he has little to no hp hes dead within less than 60 seconds , hes so damn weak ive yet to play him so idk how that 60 seconds goes but from what ive seen on tik tok godzilla is slow clunky and its hard to get kills with him , should he get a buff ? I think so
submitted by RevolutionaryHall214 to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:49 No-Doubt-4941 How would you handle this?

Recently my husband and I and his daughter (15) went to a wedding. During the dancing, my husband’s daughter (who is very attention needy) demanded to dance with him the whole time, so he and I never got to dance together. SD also draped herself all over my husband when they weren’t dancing, so I mostly just socialized with other friends. Someone commented “haha, it’s your husband and his wife!” Because my step daughter is so physically affectionate with him. It makes me completely uncomfortable. What, if anything, would you do in this situation?
submitted by No-Doubt-4941 to Stepmom [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:49 Both_Oil_4443 should be enough for one full engine rebuild

should be enough for one full engine rebuild should be enough for one full engine rebuild
submitted by Both_Oil_4443 to MySummerCar [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:49 Shibby120 Does PS5 controller control Windows 11 mouse? For desktop and/or entire UI? Or what’s a good controller for this?

Sure roast me if you want but for now I wanna play with controller. And choose my games via controller. And hopefully wake up the Pc with controller. It’s gonna be used in my living room.
submitted by Shibby120 to pcgaming [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:49 FlyingStudio22 Expansion on my "collection"

Expansion on my My previous post's image is the first one (js for some context) https://www.reddit.com/Palworld/s/ZH2usrQLlu Then I have the people in display cages while I have the other ones printing money (ig illegally)
submitted by FlyingStudio22 to Palworld [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:49 Known-Scar5573 Sun tarot card

I’m near the end of the game and I’m trying to create lucifer as he’s a level 89 persona and can also give me the item I need for my characters best weapon. I’m level 84 so with the sun tarot card I’ll be able to create him. I’ve been going up and down levels 230-252 farming rare shadows + difficult shadows to get shuffle time and haven’t seen the sun tarot card after a few runs though. I have one available slot but I keep getting the magician arcana coming up and I don’t always have the sun card in my list. Am I doing something wrong or is it a rare find?
Any information is appreciated
submitted by Known-Scar5573 to persona3reload [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:49 Acrobatic-Home-3529 Want to chat?

Let talk and see what happens.
submitted by Acrobatic-Home-3529 to RealLesbianChat [link] [comments]
