Ultimate Guide to Keeping Your Account Secure

2025.01.18 05:40 DarlaVanserra Ultimate Guide to Keeping Your Account Secure

      Hello, Land of Dawn! I've been a moderator for almost a year now, and within this period, we have managed to return a lot of players' accounts that were hacked. In this guide, I'd like to explain how easy it is to protect your account. I hope this guide will be a good source for everyone!

This Guide Covers the Following Topics:    How to Secure an Account    Step by step tutorial on securing an account.
   What Should We Avoid    Find out what to avoid to keep your account safe.
   Commonly Known Scams    Find out what a scam looks like.
   Links to Other Similar Guides    Be sure to check them out!
   Final Talk    I gave a speech because I wanted to.
⭐️ How to Secure an Account ⭐️       Securing your account is crucial to avoid getting hacked. Follow these steps to check your account security level from your profile:
Open the game > Profile > Account > Check your Account Security Rating
If it's lower than 100, you have some work to do. Check if you've linked all of these accounts:
MOONTON account. Make sure it's an email address that you know the password of.
Email. Same thing as the MOONTON Account, it is crucial to add one that you know the password of.
TikTok account. Even if you don't have one, I suggest creating a new account and noting down your login information.
Google account. Try going with a different one that's not the same one as your email address just in case. Protecting your email addresses is extra important because you'll have your creation date in your Google Play Games app that you can find in your achievements if anything bad ever happens.
Facebook account. Create a new one if you don't have it.
WhatsApp account. You can skip this one, it's based on your preference.
After you are done linking all of these accounts, activate Secondary Verification and New Device Verification. If you did all of the necessary steps, your Account Security Rating will be 100.
⭐️ What Should We Avoid ⭐️       Remember, your account is secure as long as you don’t put it at risk.
Don't share your information with anyone under any circumstance. "Hackers are everywhere, and friends nowhere. To show your account information is to risk getting hacked."
Avoid tapping on unknown links from websites, emails, apps, or messages. These could lead to scams, phishing attempts, or malicious sites. Always verify the source before interacting with any link.
Avoid making purchases from unauthorized sellers. Their actions are illegal, and you could end up paying the price. These diamonds can be detected by the system and deducted from your account with no cash refunds. Most importantly, receipts are crucial for the account retrieval process, and purchasing from these sellers puts your account at risk of being stolen.
It’s important not to trust individuals claiming to be from the Customer Support team, moderators, or developers, especially if they reach out directly. Always verify their identity through official channels or the in-game support system to avoid scams and getting hacked.
⭐️ Commonly Known Scams ⭐️    There are several known tactics scammers use to trick players into giving up their accounts. Here are a few:
Some scammers impersonate pro players from eSports teams using verified accounts to appear as officials. They may try to trick you into following steps to steal your account. Remember, verified checks are fairly easy to obtain and don’t guarantee authenticity. Don’t trust their claims and block them on sight.
Scammers may send emails claiming to inform you about a ban and asking for payment to unban you. Even if your account is banned, remember that Moonton will never ask for money to unban you. These emails are scamming attempts to steal from you. Do not respond to them or click on any links they provide.
Be cautious of videos offering free diamonds or skins. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is. Don’t click on any links they provide, as they may be scams trying to steal your information.
Don't trust YouTubers or popular gamers. Just because they have a big community, it doesn't mean they are trustworthy.
⭐️ Links to Other Similar Guides ⭐️ Ultimate Guide to Account Recovery Ultimate Guide to Getting Unbanned
⭐️ Final Talk ⭐️       I tried to avoid adding too much commentary to keep this guide as efficient as possible. If you have any questions or additional info that might be useful, please leave them in the comments.
All things come to an end, and so did this guide.
submitted by DarlaVanserra to MobileLegendsGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:40 SketchIwerks [A comic by Sketch lwerks] Welcome to Quirevale - Listening to music (oc)

[A comic by Sketch lwerks] Welcome to Quirevale - Listening to music (oc) jam and JAM!!!
submitted by SketchIwerks to comics [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:40 Fan387 Roxanne: “Sure I am going to interfere and cost you the title, right?” Bayley Reverse Hogan: “No, I’m putting Tiffany over cleanly, sister!”

submitted by Fan387 to SCJerk [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:40 moocowcatmeow Need advice on Spironolactone

My free testosterone is 2.74. My doctor says that's normal but upon research i discovered it's actually high. Previously when she said my levels were normal, I still insisted she prescribes spiro because I've hirsutism. She wasn't keen on it and said since I'm getting electrolysis done for my face i don't really need it right now and could try it when I start laser for my body. Now, that I know I've high T, I'd really like to try it. What are some things I need to keep in mind if I take spiro? I've heard something about potassium intake, can someone please guide me?
submitted by moocowcatmeow to PCOS [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:40 usernamesarehard_lol 40일 - 美 연방대법원, 틱톡 강제매각법은 합헌 판결... "근거된 국가안보 우려를 해소하기 위해"

도널드 트럼프 미국 대통령 당선인이 취임 하루 앞둔 19일(현지시간)까지 미국 내 사업권을 미국계 기업에 매각하지 않으면 미국 시장에서 퇴출하게 한 중국계 동영상 공유 앱 틱톡의 강제매각법에 대해 미국 연방대법원이 만장일치로 합헌 판결을 내렸다.
연방대법원은 중국 정부가 틱톡을 이용해 수천명의 미국인에 대한 민감한 정보를 수집할 수 있는 위협이 틱톡 측이 지적한 표현의 자유 침해를 상쇄한다며 대법관들의 사회관계망서비스(SNS)에 대한 무식을 인정하면서도 미국 연방의회가 틱톡의 정보 수집 관행과 외국 적과의 관계와 관련 충분히 근거된 국가안보 우려를 해소하기 위해 통과시킨 법이므로 표현의 자유를 침해한다고 보기에는 어렵다고 판단했다.
다만 조 바이든 현 미국 대통령은 퇴임하기 하루 전에 발효되는 틱톡 금지를 그때 시행하지 않겠다고 밝혔다. 캐린 장피에르 백악관 대변인은 "모든 미국인이 틱톡을 사용할 수 있어야 하지만 연방의회가 지적한 국가안보 우려를 해소하기 위해 미국인이나 다른 소유권 아래 있어야 한다"며 "(금지) 시행은 트럼프 당선인 정부의 소관이다"고 말했다.
틱톡 측은 대법관에게 중국법이 틱톡을 성공시킨 주요 알로리즘 매각을 제한하므로 매각하기가 매우 어려울 것이라고 변론했다. 판결 이후 틱톡 측은 "바이든 정부가 틱톡 사용이 계속될 것이라는 성명서를 내지 않는 이상 안타깝게도 19일에 틱톡이 막을 내려야 할 것"이라고 말했다.
트럼프 당선인은 첫 집권 때 틱톡 금지를 추진했지만 최근에 번복하고 틱톡이 금지되어서는 안 된다고 주장했다. 2024년 대선 때 틱톡을 통해 유권자와 소통할 수 있었으므로 입장을 바꾼 것으로 추정된다.
틱톡 최고경영자(CEO)인 추 쇼우지(周受资, 주수자)는 트럼프 취임식에 참석할 예정이다. 그는 틱톡을 통해 트럼프 당선인에게 "틱톡이 금지되지 않도록 노력하는 것에 감사한다"고 말했다.
submitted by usernamesarehard_lol to WriteStreakKorean [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:40 WoodChuckDust Who wrote this show

I just have to ask. I'm at season 1 episode 13 (with the activists stopping the housing developer), and put this show on because I had finally caught up to the other shows I watch.
I had to pause and look for a place to just ask about this, because I can't fathom that this episode was written in either 2021 or 2022, and they actually have lines about how "oh we need to save the trees from the fire"
Does this writer team not understand that forest fires are an important part of an ecosystem? Hell, the activist is tied around what appears to be a Lodgepole Pine, a species of tree that is famous for having resin-filled pinecones that REQUIRE a fire in order to melt the resin and allow the pinecones to germinate.
The tree she's tied around quite literally NEEDS forest fires in order to reproduce, yet this entire episode is littered with lines from multiple characters about "save the forest from the fire" - despite earlier episodes in the season addressing prescribed burns (and presumably understanding that fire is a requirement to a healthy forest).
I get that this fire wasn't naturally caused, but that doesn't make fire any less important a part of the forest's natural lifecycle. This episode feels like it was written by a child with no understanding beyond "fire bad", or someone straight out of the 1950s when the forest service had the "only you can stop forest fires" motto, and the forest service didn't yet understand that many fires should not be stopped, but merely contained and kept away from structures.
submitted by WoodChuckDust to FireCountry [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:40 Fernyred24 Her final form 🥺

Her final form 🥺 Is there a wide screen patch for nfsU2?
submitted by Fernyred24 to retroid [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:40 Previous-Sector1139 Legal question

My girlfriend was dying of cancer. She was on disability for a terminal illness. Prior to her illness we were living and paying bills together. As she got sicker, I basically carried both of our cards, and used both to take care of our needs. We always paid the rent out of her check since it came on the first, and the other bills out of my account. As her health declined we moved into a a place more accessible, at the beginning of the month. As she entered hospice we were going to pay rent, so I withdrew the money needed to pay rent. Roughly a week later, she entered a hospice house. Her sister took her bank card and phone on the 10th as she entered hospice. She passed away on the 13th. I'm now getting messages from her family about taking legal action for "draining her account", when what I did was pay the December rent as we planned. My question is, will I get in trouble for this? It's been hard dealing with the loss for myself and my daughters who were close to her too. Were trying to move forward and now this has me scared I will get into trouble, when I was just doing what we did. Should I call the credit union? The police? Or what? Thanks in advance for any advice.
submitted by Previous-Sector1139 to AskLawQuestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:40 ArtExisting7627 Why

My question is why is my ex wife so concerned with my well-being now then when she was cheating on her very sickly husband many years ago?
submitted by ArtExisting7627 to DeepThoughts [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:40 UnfavoredBand Build Complete!

Just finished my first pc. Thank you to everyone who shared tips along the way!🤙
submitted by UnfavoredBand to lianli [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:40 dioaiueo H : NETFLIX SHARING,,, W : PAYPAL $4

Netflix sharing 1 profile 1 user , plan premium 4k UHD, support all device, free request profile and pin , fast fix access household , can renew subscription . interested?Dm! , open discussion public.
submitted by dioaiueo to AccountShare [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:40 Space_Fault Am I Aromantic or is it fear?

Hi! I'm new here, I have been thinking about my romantic attraction and some advice would be nice. 😭🙌
English is not my first language, sorry if there's something that doesn't make sense.
Well, I have never been obsessed with someone when I like them. I have seen my friends and how they act when they like someone, and their emotions are like huge? They feel a lot when they like someone, but with me, I don't think I feel the same way. It's very confusing, I remember liking a boy when I was like 5, I remember the feeling in my chest and in my stomach, nervous just to talk to him, but as I grew older, that feeling just disappeared. I'm a girl and I think that I only like boys, I can see them attractive, and that doesn't happen with girls, so I have always assume that I'm straight.
Now, I'm 17 and I've had 2 boyfriends already, one that I didn't really like, we lasted 3 months, and the second one were we lasted a year. When my second ex broke up with me, I felt sad, but the feeling fade away in like a week, I only cried to him one time and that was it. I can remember my second ex without pain, I remember our memories and they feel, well, I don't really feel anything being honest, yes, they are nice, but that's it. I haven't been in love, and I'm scared that I might never feel it. I love the idea of love, I want to be in a relationship, but I haven't fell for someone.
I know when I like a guy, but that feeling doesn't intensify over time, it just stays the same. My two exes have told me that I treat them like my best friend, not my boyfriend, is that weird? I like being close with someone, having someone to talk to, kissing is nice too, I just haven't fell yet.
But I don't know if my disorganized attachment has something to do with it, I come from a difficult home, my parents are divorced, maybe I have the fear of letting people in and then getting hurt. I don't want kids in the future, and when my partners say that they do, I instantly think on how this won't be my parter for life.
I has talking to my bsf about it, she says that it is weird, and asked me if I liked girls, at this point I'm not sure about that either. I haven't liked anyone to the point of thinking them 24/7. What do you think?
submitted by Space_Fault to aromantic [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:40 chaos-withinn Such a will buxton things to say

Such a will buxton things to say submitted by chaos-withinn to formuladank [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:40 coosomeawel Is the ps5 considered slow?

I’m not sure if my wifi is slow because my country had 14 days of rain straight and everyone’s wifi is lagging a bit but I just got one yesterday and 1 gb took 15 mins. Even my switch is faster than that. Even downloading a game took quite a bit
submitted by coosomeawel to playstation [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:40 IndividualAd3796 2018 F150 5.0 10 Spd

2018 F150 5.0 10 Spd 2018 Ford F150 5.0 10 SPD 2018 Ford F150 5.0 L 10 speed transmission No accidents. Clean, well maintain good Carfax. 68,000+ miles
Heated seats, Roche, cold air intake hard trifold Tano cover
$26,000 $26000
submitted by IndividualAd3796 to HoustonClassifieds [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:40 JzLUzumaki you fell out of love with me while you were in love with me

submitted by JzLUzumaki to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:40 fish_lava0r_chocolat These to poncstures gib of da same vine.

These to poncstures gib of da same vine. submitted by fish_lava0r_chocolat to Spunchbob [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:40 VinoT25 Is this a glitch? Can’t see results

Is this a glitch? Can’t see results Can’t find any files or messages relating to this for my supplemental claim.
submitted by VinoT25 to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:40 lilbabybrutus Our carnival themed Halloween wedding!

Our carnival themed Halloween wedding! Just got our first batch of photos back! We eloped 10/13/23 and were able to celebrate with everyone this year on 10/31. We did our ring exchange and i changed my name. It was super fun, and we handmade most of our decorations. We had cryptids for table markers, costumes were encouraged, and had entertainment through the night. Probably the best Thursday of my life 🤣
submitted by lilbabybrutus to wedding [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:40 jimboppg Simon Stafford - Gruen Picture

Simon Stafford - Gruen Picture Thanks for the info on Simon Stafford from the Police on My Back video shot!!
submitted by jimboppg to theclash [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:40 Over-Caterpillar-320 Looking to complete set 4

Looking to complete set 4 Looking for trades for the two I need for set 4.
submitted by Over-Caterpillar-320 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:40 Raelian_Star Nathan Stark in Season 3

Is it just me or is he like the manliest looking man in this season.
submitted by Raelian_Star to Eureka [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:40 ErosBeGood [For Hire] ErosBeGood Commission Sheet.

[For Hire] ErosBeGood Commission Sheet. Headshot - 10 usd Half Body - 15 usd Full Body- 25 usd
Simple Background - 15 usd Complex Background - 25 usd
Extras: Additional Character - 50% of original character
Available for Nsfw as well.
submitted by ErosBeGood to artcommissions [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:40 LettuceMinimum9379 White

White submitted by LettuceMinimum9379 to pinayinswimsuit [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:40 LKT-NTR-A2DE-USA Whyyyy is it still crusty

Whyyyy is it still crusty submitted by LKT-NTR-A2DE-USA to TechnicallyErect [link] [comments]
