Support Karan from Anywhere! Voting is NOT Limited to India 🌟

2025.01.18 05:52 One_Flight_2815 Support Karan from Anywhere! Voting is NOT Limited to India 🌟

Are you outside India but have an Indian mobile number? You can still support Karan and make a difference!
Use this link to cast your vote:
Let’s unite and show our love for Karan! Every vote counts, so don’t miss out. Together, we can help him shine! 🙌
submitted by One_Flight_2815 to biggboss [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:52 Medium_Tale_2092 Anyone on PS5 able to help with Rennala?

Her first phase isn’t much of a problem, it’s her 2nd phase and her summons that get me
submitted by Medium_Tale_2092 to BeyondTheFog [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:52 gravel_9y Gravel 9y - 111

submitted by gravel_9y to rorep [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:52 Transgendest Why is it called Monsoon and not Insec-cure?

submitted by Transgendest to Janna [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:52 Old_Shoe_1912 M23 rate me

M23 rate me submitted by Old_Shoe_1912 to truerateme [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:52 Emotional_Blood_9173 Michael Jordan 10 #basketball #nba

Michael Jordan please subscribe to My channel
submitted by Emotional_Blood_9173 to BasketballTips [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:52 Technical_Eye4748 Vehshi darinde Delhi ke 🩁

Vehshi darinde Delhi ke 🩁 submitted by Technical_Eye4748 to IndianDankMemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:52 Noobie104mp3 perfect_subspace_tripmine.mp4

perfect_subspace_tripmine.mp4 submitted by Noobie104mp3 to CombatInitiation [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:52 Cyro_X [4] My first shiny of 2025, shiny Larvitar via Masuda Method after about 400 eggs!

[4] My first shiny of 2025, shiny Larvitar via Masuda Method after about 400 eggs! What's everyone's favorite shine sparkle? I've always been a huge sucker for gen 4's. ✹
submitted by Cyro_X to ShinyPokemon [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:52 Not_Good_0 Mexico es un PaĂ­s Cruel

Mexico es un paĂ­s dĂłnde todos se jactan de Nacionalistas, pero apoyan el ser huevon, mitotero, mentiroso, tramposo, cruel, apĂĄtico, ignorante, prefieren vivir en la ignorancia antes de aceptar sus errores, la sociedad decae por falta de valores en la sociedad, premian la ignorancia y castigan el conocimiento.
todos critican las religiones o la heterosexualidad, pero enaltecen al crimen organizado.
se venden por apoyos de 1000$ pero dejan que se chinguen al paĂ­s entero, gente, Flora y Fauna.
Todos buscan al culpable pero nadie se agarra los huevos de ir a meterle un t1r0 al polĂ­tico corrupto que tiene tu ciudad en un caos.
El libertinaje es el pan de cada día, se acompaña con anarquía en el desayuno, un estado sin ley y sin compasión.
El que manda es el que mata, el que mata es el que paga.
submitted by Not_Good_0 to mexico [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:52 freebird023 How would I go about modelling the net around this sphere?

How would I go about modelling the net around this sphere? submitted by freebird023 to blender [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:52 colonelboodylava can you me deal with my bully co worker?

My co-worker keeps on telling my boss I'm not doing my job. Luckily my boss knows this isn't true. what's a good subreddit to post his phone number on? I tried handling this maturely and like an adult but this isn't the first time this has happened. submitted by colonelboodylava to ask [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:52 AnxietyPwincess What did she mean by this?

What did she mean by this? submitted by AnxietyPwincess to OkBuddyZenlessZero [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:52 honeyychaii Period Irregularity + Chronic(?) Lower-Right Abd. pain - Is it time to see a doc??

Hello there.. I’m 21F (AFAB). Starting ~September of last year, my periods spontaneously became really irregular. I’ve never really had super perfectly on-time periods, but it’s gone haywire the past few months. Last year, 2024, when my period was due to start (~Sep 30th), I instead ended up spotting for a few days.. then it began 20 days later (Oct 22nd, ~15 days late in my tracker). My next period was ~10 days early according to my tracker (started November 20th), and when December rolled around, my next period was only a whopping 14 days after the previous one (started Dec. 9th), which was very alarming. I keep waiting to see if it’s going to straighten itself out, but I’m very concerned because I can’t think of anything that would cause this. I’m currently 5 days late and praying my period starts before the end of the week so it’ll be at least slightly more regular.
Now.. I’m really not sure if these 2 things are related
 but in regards to the abdominal pain, this has been going on a lot longer than my period irregularity. I think I first noticed it a few years ago now. I’m unsure if it’s considered “chronic” because I don’t feel it constantly, but it’s a recurring sharp pain I used to get in my lower right quadrant (~2 inches right, ~2.5/3 inches down from my belly button, if I had to guess?) about once a month, but now I’ve noticed I get it more frequently, maybe a few times a month, randomly. The pain is always localized and short-lived, it typically will last 20-30 minutes and then stop, but to explain
 it’s like I’ll become aware that I have an idle pain/discomfort sensation in my stomach that feels almost like it’s under the surface of my stomach (as opposed to a feeling deep in my abdomen), with a diameter maybe the size of a quarter? At that point, if I move it will usually hurt, so I just lie still and wait for it to go away. If I press on my abdomen in that spot or around it even gently, it agitates that spot and it’s a very sharp, stabbing consistent pain (no throbbing or anything). If I press deeper it will get worse so I usually also try not to touch my stomach until it goes away. The pain usually is not very intense or bad (I have not tested the limits,,) maybe a 3-4/10 by description on the “Defense and VA” pain rating scale when I leave it alone. Even if I’m not touching it though, I can tell it’s there and try to favor it until it stops. Once it stops, I can usually press on my stomach gently and it won’t feel like I’m getting stabbed anymore.
For some background context,, when I was growing up (~ middle-school age, possibly around when I started puberty) and still saw my pediatrician, he used to do our annual physicals, and during the abdominal palpation, he would dig his fingers into me pretty hard. Around my current problem area (but a bit higher up and farther to the right) when he would dig his fingers into that spot, I would get this awful, shooting, sharp stabbing pain that would send me into a sobbing fit, took minutes to calm down and would leave me tender. To this day I still am very averted to being pressed on around that area. Back in 2023, I went to a new doctor for a general well check and asked her to look at some things. I asked her do do the abdominal palpation exam to see if she felt anything weird, and although she didn’t press very deep with her finger tips, she said everything “felt normal, and that the pain I had felt from my pediatrician might’ve been him pressing on some very sensitive nerves”. Her answer gave me some relief, but considering my periods are all messed up now and I’m getting that pain in my stomach more often in the same spot, I’m convinced something is wrong still. I’ve been wondering if it could maybe be an ovarian cyst or something, but I don’t think I have any PCOS symptoms
 does this sound like anything in particular? I’ve posted about the pain multiple times on other medical reddits with zero replies in the past so I’m really hoping someone can help me figure out what it might be. I’m really scared of doctors and scared of exams, what may be wrong, and possibly needing surgery.. as well as guilt for burdening my family with medical bills.
P.S, if needed, I am a virgin and not sexually active.
submitted by honeyychaii to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:52 Disguised_Peanut TIL When filming the first BloodRayne film, in order to save on production costs, Uwe Boll hired prostitutes instead of paying actors for a scene with Meatloaf

submitted by Disguised_Peanut to todayilearned [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:52 friedfishburger finally decorated my one piece weeks😋

finally decorated my one piece weeks😋 took awhile to finalise the sticker placements but here’s the completed workđŸ˜­â˜ïž
submitted by friedfishburger to hobonichi [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:52 MrDuckke Still working on it but first ever miniature painted, any tip/advice?

Still working on it but first ever miniature painted, any tip/advice? submitted by MrDuckke to BlackTemplars [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:52 Ok_Fly_7364 AlvĂĄsi szokĂĄsok

Sziasztok, hosszas nyĂŒglƑdĂ©s utĂĄn vĂ©gre beĂĄlltak az alvĂĄsi szokĂĄsaim, amit akartam. Kb 9 fele elfog az ĂĄlmossĂĄg, lefekszek, Ă©s 10 perc mĂșlva mĂĄr alszok is, meg hajnal 4-kor kelek. Ez teljesen jĂł, szeretem is ezt a rendszert, viszont a hĂ©tvĂ©gi szĂŒlinapok stb. miatt kicsit tartok, hogy nem tudok rendesen visszaĂĄllni erre a rendszerre. BorszasztĂłan sokat aludtam eddig, mindig dĂ©l, dĂ©lutĂĄn 1 fele keltem, amit rĂŒhelltem, mert hĂ©tköznap nem tudtam felkelni, Ă©s elaludni, konstans stressz volt rajtam. Valakinek esetleg van erre tippje? (19 Ă©ves vagyok, Ă­gy a generĂĄciĂłm Ă©s a barĂĄtaim is teljesen eltĂ©rƑek, mindig hĂ­vnak bulizni, csak pont ezĂ©rt szoktam lemondani ezeket
submitted by Ok_Fly_7364 to tanulommagam [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:52 Glittering_Pause_309 What's a piece of 'obsolete' technology you still use today because it's better than the modern version?

For me it's a wristwatch that I have to wind every day. I enjoy taking my mechanical wristwatch off in public, holding it up to my ear - to check if it's ticking - and then giving it a couple of winds. Young people haven't a clue what's going on! 😄
submitted by Glittering_Pause_309 to VintageWatches [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:52 HoneySchmuckle Casual friendly idea for WT maybe not ranked: one losing team gets picked to be the producers of the next round.

Clearly optional for the team chosen. It’s an enhanced spectator mode where they pick what type of item box hangs from the sky in real time and what modifier is chosen. They can shoot fireworks into the sky or have planes fly by like we see on some maps. More meaningful actions being implemented is up to balancing.
My goals for this idea is to make losing fun and to get players mostly casual/newbies to see and learn what others are doing while sticking to the theme of the finals.
“This round is being produced by last rounds contenders The Shock and Awe, sponsored by Holtow”
submitted by HoneySchmuckle to thefinals [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:52 steilacoom42 Anyone else see Jett hit that quad?

I was flipping through press day vids on the choob and Don atTransworld put up a video of Jett hitting a HUGE quad. 👀
submitted by steilacoom42 to supercross [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:52 Individual_Red1210 Question about Matthew 5:24

Let’s say I have sinned against someone, and I don’t know if they know I have. As far as I’m concerned, they don’t hold that sin against me, and I feel remorse. Do I need to apologize for this sin in order to be forgiven? And, if I haven’t been baptized yet, can this sin be forgiven in baptism if I haven’t apologized to them?
submitted by Individual_Red1210 to AskAPriest [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:52 __ZMM Best Default Car

Best Default Car So my favorite car in all of racing games may be Rage Racer's Gnade Esperanza. I love basic looking cars, I love that it has trouble getting up hills, I love that it's not only a Default car, it's also Grey (Unless you change the colors around I guess, fine)
Favorite starter?
P.S. First time starting a Reddit thread thing so there's that
submitted by __ZMM to ridgeracer [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:52 Impressive-Nebula060 Rant

Is anyone else tired of their parents expectations? No matter what I do..they are never satisfied and it makes me very insecure. I’m at a place in my life where I don’t ask them money at all and live independently, yet they’re still not happy. They keep pestering me to change my job, get a higher me with others.. be like other girls in my family. Now i don’t want to change my job.. i just need some time. They never listen. I’m just tired of arguing with them.
submitted by Impressive-Nebula060 to bondha_diaries [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:52 ryan5648 Insurance not covering continuous glucose monitor

So my new insurance won't cover my continuous glucose monitor because I am not diagnosed diabetic I have adrenal insufficiency and my sugar drops randomly and fast so I have the monitor for when I'm sleeping to wake up and take glucose tablets. I've hit the 40s on glucose and couldn't tell I was low most nights it goes into the 50s or 60s same throughout the day. I have bought a few amwuth good rx but they are still expensive without insurance. What options are there are there any good cheap ones online that you don't need insurance for? This is my first night not having my monitor i have been trying to get them to approve it my dr even talked to them and they still won't since I'm not classified as diabetic I just have a different issue that makes my sugar drop. I've had it drop under 60 15 times in one day so I'm not sure what my options are any ideas please let me know.
submitted by ryan5648 to AdrenalInsufficiency [link] [comments]