235吃豹子是炸金花游戏中的一种说法,指的是玩家在游戏中拿到235这张牌,不管是黑红梅方的235,还是花色的235,都可以叫做豹子,游戏过程中如果有人出的牌和其中一名玩家出的牌相同,则可以吃掉这名玩家出的牌,被吃掉的牌越多,则同样的奖励越多。 235大,235在炸金花中属于特殊牌型,特殊牌型在普通时比较大小按单张牌型来算。当豹子存在时,特殊牌型 > 豹子。 牌型相关规则: 1、豹子 > 顺金 > 金花 > 顺子 > 对子 > 单张。 2、豹子、金花、对子、单张的比较,按照顺序比点的规则比较大小。 女鞋尺码表235是37码,230是36码,225是35码,240是38码。 解释原因: 您所说的230是表示鞋子长230厘米,换成中国尺码为36码。 一般鞋厂将230定为版码,因为中国女子此码的比例系最多的,在此长度基础上加减5毫米就为加减一个码。 235表示轮胎的横截面宽度235mm;55代表轮胎的扁平比率,即轮胎的横截面高度除以轮胎宽度的百分比,值越大,轮胎越厚,机动性越低,但舒适性会增加;r代表轮胎类型,子午线轮胎,18代表轮辋直径18英寸。 三个a遇到235是什么意思打牌的话,三个 aaa 最大。 三个a 是扎金花里最大的牌,而235既不是对牌,又不是链牌,是扎金花里最小最小的牌。 当然,这个235必须不是清一色,所以,如果三个A遇上235那一定是三个aaa 赢了。 钢材的q235是什么意思q235普通碳素结构钢又称作a3钢。普通碳素结构钢-普板是一种钢材的材质。q代表的是这种材质的屈服极限,后面的235,就是指这种材质的屈服值,在235mpa左右。并会随着材质的厚度的增加而使其屈服 235/45r18是轮胎规格尺寸的意思。 1、235的代表轮胎的断面宽度235毫米,45代表轮胎的扁平比,就是轮胎截面高度除以轮胎宽度的百分比,R代表的是子午线轮胎,18代表轮辋直径为18英寸。轮胎尺寸印在胎壁上,表示方法有二种,即如34*7或7.50-20等表示之。 轮胎215和235的区别区别在于215轮胎窄点,但比235省油;235抓地力强,行驶较215更稳定。你要是追求经济型,也就是省油的话,用215的。215的轮胎还便宜,也好买。要是要性能,要车辆的稳定性,那就是235的好了。235的 q235又称为普通碳素结构钢。q代表的是这种材质的屈服极限,后面的235,就是指这种材质的屈服值,在235mpa左右。并会随着材质的厚度的增加而使其屈服值减小,由于含碳适中,综合性能较好,强度、塑性和焊接等性能得到较好配合,用途最广泛。常用于结构件。 轮胎规格标识详解: 235/55r19是轮胎的一个关键参数,其中235毫米代表轮胎宽度,55%则是指轮胎的扁平率,即侧壁高度与宽度的比例。 'R'标识了它是采用 子午线结构 的轮胎,而 19英寸 是轮毂的直径。
2025.01.18 05:52 lss_web_1444 AMA post title 235
AMA post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 05:52 Interesting_Novel764 [US to US] [Sell] Gourmands: Morarri, HEXENACHT, Haus of Gloi, Andromedas curse, Zelda’s Cauldron, Sorce, BathSabbath
Hello all, this is an updated list of my decants!
Andromedas curse house samples: $2.50 Creepy cutie, Pumpkin magic, Rismet, Pumpkin familiar
Andromedas moon 3mL: Akro Bake $8
Cj scents 2mL: $3 Lemonilla
Damask Haus house samples: $5 Ambrosial Orris(free) Pumpkin Monkey, Orange Streusel,
Dapper oil 1/3 oz rollerballs: glazed donut $17
Siren song elixirs house sample $4: CURSED CONFECTIONS
Kyse: $4 Coco tiare 3mL
Haus of Gloi: $2 Twice Is Nice, Sweet Mischief, Pumpkin Cake Pops, 3 Hausketeers U pick
HEXENACHT Ajevie samples $2: Boo berry, Coconut crème soda, Samhain, Stranger things, Banana Foster, Belly Plopper, Nanaimo Bar, Pehecreme, Wouldst Thou Like the Taste of Butter?
Luv milk: $2.50 Gourmandy peach, Angel Blood, Dream Eater, Kneady Kitten, Moon milk, Moon Dust,
Sorce house sample oils $4: Villanelles happy ending, Dark skies 2mL spray stuck on you
Sugar spider house sample: $3 Black out Deserted
Ahwaz Fragrance: $6 Forbidden Scent
Zelda’s cauldron oil drams: 2mL $1, 3mL $2 Vanilla bean 3mL, Lemon Bundt cake, Snowflake Princess, Golden gifts, Cloud Bread3mL, Marmalade cream,
BathSabbath: $1 Brawlin oats, Orange Sorbet
submitted by Interesting_Novel764 to IndieExchange [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 05:52 edgewalker66 New things on Ancestry.com
Most of you probably have seen these things but for those who haven't logged in for a while there have been several changes over the past few weeks.
2025.01.18 05:52 TechSoccer Skoda Rapid gear issue
Hello everyone, I own a Skoda rapid 2014 Ambition 1.6 TDI . Few months back I had an issue with slotting the first gear, it does not go in smooth. During the regular (1y) service I was recommended to change the clutch plates as it was pretty hard so I went ahead with it, it's been almost a month I didn't have any issues (Note that I don't drive very frequently 1-2 times a week). Yesterday I notices the first gear again not slotting and I confirmed this multiple times, during my return and also after I parked. I was also told during the service that the gear box was fine and it does not have any issues.
Skoda rapid/ skoda owners any advice on what's going wrong and what I can do about this? or have you faced anything similar ?
submitted by TechSoccer to CarsIndia [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 05:52 TheAllyCrime Matthew Wienerschnitzel was truly the master of subtle dialogue. This was the moment I fell in love with the show, which was also coincidentally the first time I had ever turned on a television in my life.
submitted by TheAllyCrime to okbuddydraper [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 05:52 PrimOoo0 MCA Virgin 26 YO man
Hello sa inyong lahat.
Tanong ko lang sa mga woman natin dito, if big deal ba sa inyo ang lalaking virgin? Natuturn off ba kayo once na malaman nyo na virgin sya? Ibig ba sabihin non boring sya? Why?
Please be honest, maraming salamat
submitted by PrimOoo0 to MayConfessionAko [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 05:52 Glass-Literature-605 How would you use this fabric??
Hi! I have fallen in love with this bright floral cotton fabric and purchased a few yards of it. I am hoping to make a queen sized bed spread for myself with it. I love the florals and color but don’t want the quilt to be too loud. I was thinking using a lot of white with a few pops of color matching some of the flowers. If you have any color suggestions or groupings I’d love to hear them! Mostly I am looking for pattern help and inspiration! I love this fabric so much but haven’t been able to commit to a pattern yet. I am good with squares, triangles, and puffs. I was just gifted a circle cutter to play around with making a hexagon quilt. Lovely Reddit used, how would you quilt this fabric? I would also love to hear any suggestions on other practical uses for this fabric. I want to make and apron and am currently working on making a puff tote. I’ve included a picture planning out the puff tote with a pattern and colors I like but am open to changing. Sorry for the poor lighting. Thank you all in advance for any ideas and tips :) submitted by Glass-Literature-605 to quilting [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 05:52 PictureCritical829 Vita 3k crashing at Project Diva X
Im playing on mobile, sometimes when i start the game it crashes but if i insist i can load the game, after playing for some time, when o try to play a specific music(Raspberry * monster) how do i fix this?
submitted by PictureCritical829 to vita3k [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 05:52 Saketh_Kumar Need L1 charger
Anyone has a L1 charger they are not using and can give it temporarily for few weeks
submitted by Saketh_Kumar to Marietta [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 05:52 Ambessa21 What type of insect?
These popped up in my garage and now in the bathroom. Wondering what type of insect they are, if they can cause harm, and how to get rid of them. Thanks.
submitted by Ambessa21 to insects [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 05:52 Rare_Object8935 Those who want gabagool, give gabagool
submitted by Rare_Object8935 to CirclejerkSopranos [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 05:52 Reasonable_Clue1650 Trump Coin? Did this halt our rally?
It looks like the Trump coin craze smashed our daily gains back to zero. Gonna get dicey out here.
submitted by Reasonable_Clue1650 to GigaChadMemeCoin [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 05:52 tpwithaj Does any body have 2 tik for 21st jan?
submitted by tpwithaj to coldplayindia [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 05:52 Kyslava [FS] [US] Everything Must Go! Dior Icon Sweatshirts +Miami Heat's Bogos + Prada Vest
Paypal Invoice only
Prices Includes Shipping
Bundles Priority
Tried-On Dior Icon Embroidery Heavyweight Sweatshirt (Blue) Size S (Fits like M) ~ 50$ Shipped
Tried-On Dior Icon Embroidery Heavyweight Sweatshirt (Brown) Size S (Fits like M) ~ 50$ Shipped
Unworn RARE Miami Heat's (OSS on Xianyu etc) Murakami BOGO Size M ~ 50$ Shipped
Unworn RARE Miami Heat's (OSS on Xianyu etc) Nagoya Opening BOGO Size M ~ 50$ Shipped
Worn Once RARE early Tom's Gaffer Black Tee Size XXS (Fits like M) ~ 50$ Shipped
Tried-On Million Made KF Badge Prada Magnum Vest Size S (Cropped Fit, Fits S-M) ~ 55$ Shipped
Gently-Used RARE Mubao's Jil Sander Pocket Shirt Size S (Sold Out on his store) (Fits like M) ~ 45$ Shipped
submitted by Kyslava to QualityRepsBST [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 05:52 Level-Company-8278 Worship celebs 6DCZ33SSQ
6DCZ33SSQ submitted by Level-Company-8278 to Melinamsxou_heiss [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 05:52 Walker542779 Character balance right now
I'm curious what people think on the current balance of characters right now and where each character falls now that patch 1.3 has been out for about a week.
Is there any character that is too powerful? Any specific abilities on characters that seem busted? Any characters that you think need a buff?
Write out what your opinions are and why you have those opinions. Please try to keep conversations civil.
submitted by Walker542779 to PredecessorGame [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 05:52 Matuguina IS MY PC GOOD?
submitted by Matuguina to PcBuild [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 05:52 Suspicious_Data_9399 Idéer til festligt indslag/selskabsleg
Kære monopolet, Jeg skal til middag med 6 veninder i aften og vi skal alle medbringe et indslag. Dén med opgave under tallerkenen og spis af sidemandens mad er lidt for brugt, synes jeg 😃 min hjerne gik dog i stå herefter…
Bonusinfo: vi er kvinder i start 30’erne.
Kom med jeres bedste og sjoveste bud 🙏🏼
submitted by Suspicious_Data_9399 to DKbrevkasse [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 05:52 Ayhem-M Your opinion on this? (mine: good)
submitted by Ayhem-M to GodofWar [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 05:52 SkirtReasonable3683 Carmella
submitted by SkirtReasonable3683 to WorldOfWrestlingWomen [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 05:52 jimmymoneybags Will you be joining the game?
And who wants to be my ally? submitted by jimmymoneybags to squidgame [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 05:52 Automatic_Side_2476 Kelsey vs Charles
it's so real & frustrating how much back lash Kelsey got for the instagram video of her boobs but when charles d*** imprint picture spread everywhere he was praised & coveted.
submitted by Automatic_Side_2476 to Younger [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 05:52 Ancient_Anteater_709 كسم المنطق
submitted by Ancient_Anteater_709 to ExEgypt [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 05:52 CausticTV Cane isn’t enough anymore
Well, my cane still helps with my lack of balance, but now im I’m so much pain I can barely stand up for more than a couple of minutes, and not to mention the weakness in my legs. I don’t even know what my options are. I don’t even know what’s wrong with me.
submitted by CausticTV to mobilityaids [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 05:52 GhostOfCalville How tf do i get boice chat to work on console?
I have it enabled, my game chat is enabled, i am unmuted, i see my icon when speaking but can’t hear anyone else and i can see when people leave the voice chat at the end of the game but i can never hear anyone. Is it a bug or something they need to fix?
submitted by GhostOfCalville to marvelrivals [link] [comments]