Self Promotion Saturday! Small streamer? Just getting started? Tell us about it here!

2025.01.18 07:00 AutoModerator Self Promotion Saturday! Small streamer? Just getting started? Tell us about it here!

Use this post to tell us about your YouTube Channel or Twitch stream! Show us your creativity and tell us why we should subscribe. What makes you unique?
Please note that this thread is NOT for selling or advertising stores. Report any such posts and we'll deal with them. Thanks!
This thread is posted weekly on Saturdays (adjustments made as needed).
Reminder that you must follow our rules of promotion.
submitted by AutoModerator to gaming [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 07:00 CreativeStrength3811 Darf ich Parkplätze untervermieten?

Wir überlegen uns eine Wohnung zu mieten, die uns eigentlich ca. 300€ zu teuer ist. Es ist viel Verzweiflung dabei: Wir leben auf zwei Wohnungen verteilt und es bekommt der Familiendynamik nicht gut, dass die Zimmer teilweise so separiert sind. 5-6ZKB sind in der Stadt einfach rar. Wenn man die Kosten hinzu nimmt, die ein Umzug/Leben im Umkreis mit sich bringen würde (2 PKW notwendig, erhebliche Fahrtzeiten…) fällt die Option auch raus.
Mit der Wohnung kommen zwei PKW-Stellplätze. Einer in der Tiefgarage, der Andere vor dem Haus. In der Stadt sind Parkplätze knapp wobei die Lage nicht mehr absolut zentral, aber direkt an einer TRAM Haltestelle mit ~2min Fahrt zum Stadtzentrum gelegen ist.
Ist es realistisch die 300€ Differenz durch die Untervermietung beider Parkplätze zu erwirtschaften? Wie würdet ihr die Anteile aufteilen (Stellplatz auf Grundstück vs. private Tiefgarage)? Was muss ich beachten außer dass mein Vermieter zustimmen muss?
Vielen Dank für‘s Lesen und eure Ratschläge im Voraus!
submitted by CreativeStrength3811 to Ratschlag [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 07:00 DreamingOfHope3489 A Surprising Experience During Meditation

Hello, I'm new here. I have many different interests and modes of creative expression, some of which may seem incongruous and unlikely to be housed within the same one person.
I had a deeply moving experience in meditation a few days ago. I’ve always been quite sensitive, and things have surely transpired in my life that defy logical explanation, such as twice, ten years and two cities apart, when I happened to be moments away from being violently relieved of my life, yet all I had to do was gently say, from a still, loving, warm place, “You don’t really want to kill me.” As impossible as this should seem, on both occasions, the men dropped their weapons and fled, one of them even looking back at me as though he recognized a ghost.
And then, that time last year, when in a state of deep relaxation, I somehow blissfully ceased to feel the need to breathe for two and a half unembodied minutes, or more recently, when a series of vivid past life memories spanning one man’s journey from young childhood unto death, showed up at my life's door and cascaded their crescendos of long lost grief upon me. It’s also true that from the time I was a child, I sensed beings in forests whom I couldn’t see, curiously observing me, and I could also always feel life energy when touching trees.
But this time, it was different. I was seated, holding a clear quartz crystal, one I’ve kept for years, when all of a sudden, it began talking to me, telling me its story, of the cool, dark realm of Mother rock womb, beheld for its eternity, every rhombohedron energetically connected to those of all its kindred, like a vast community of quartz roots, ever as much alive and intermingling as those which give trees life. The crystal conveyed to me a sense of eons passing during its formation, its brethren and sisteren all snug as one, like crystalline puzzles of interlocked secrets, burgeoning through epochs of absolute silence, only once or twice startled by thundering cracks in Earth’s shifting crust.
And then, there came a terrible thud and shatter, that mad, crushing hammer, the boy miner’s lamp blinding, their eternal rock womb split wide and extricated, and the shrieks of shards in panic, tossed thoughtlessly into carts, shipped out to shadowed ports, and how they wished that they could bleed to show they too were living beings.
I realized then that a tear had formed in my eye, the sort which wants long minutes to pool, to swell, to become itself, and then, that doesn’t spill within one instant, but rather retains its perfect fluid orb, savoring the life it knows will lose in one brief eye blink’s time.
I apologized then for all the years I’d left the quartz sit exposed, untouched, and on a shelf, alone, while I expended little more than rare and passing thoughts of “Isn’t that a lovely rock.” So, I asked what I could do for it, what it needed me to offer. It replied that it would like to know the moonlight and feel the cold, crisp winter air, and then to be again with others of its cousins, someplace dark and cool, cloistered within some symbol of the stone wombs from which they all against their will were ripped asunder and extracted, after what once had been inviolable eons in formation.
So now, I need to find a sacred container. But I do not know what sort to seek, so I’ll have to ask, and listen.
There is a dying tree in my town that grows in a spiral form, and near its a base, a thick, bare, lifeless branch, that looks like a forearm with a hand, grows down and outward, even having nearly discernable fingertips. I’ve taken photographs. I’ve talked to Spiral Tree and I do sense an energy, but haven’t ever heard its voice. This clear quartz however, had much to say to me.
My goodness, if only I would devote time daily to meditation, the wonders I might sense and experience, and to glimpse the lives of all the lives which do not look like ours, and thus most often go undetected, unheard, and unprotected.
I don’t enjoy reflecting on whether everything has consciousness, however. Of course, non-human animals. But it is also excruciating to wonder if root vegetables feel the sharpness of chopping, and if water cringes and suffers when encroached upon by pollution. No wonder I spend so much time scrolling social media and content-disassociating. Thanks.
submitted by DreamingOfHope3489 to Meditation [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 07:00 chaz_flea1 Snoop Sold Out

Snoop Sold Out Dump Snoop…Cuzz done sold his soul
submitted by chaz_flea1 to AntiTrumpAlliance [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 07:00 Gold-Bat2357 Burcu Özberk

Burcu Özberk submitted by Gold-Bat2357 to TurkishCeleb [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 07:00 Certain_Lifeguard909 Recovery Is More Than Just Eating: The Complexities of Anorexia Treatment - Wildlove Kirchen

Hi everyone, I recently decided to write about all of the information I found while researching treatment plans for anorexia, as I am in recovery. I would really love for some people to give it a read and maybe reach some people who need this - Recovery Is More Than Just Eating: The Complexities of Anorexia Treatment:
submitted by Certain_Lifeguard909 to blogs [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 07:00 Waste_Bar4615 I’m going away for the weekend and I can’t help but worry

I’m going to spend my extended weekend with my sisters in-law and taking our (young) so to spend time with his grandmother while I do. And even though the signs have been good lately and the PA was 2 months ago, it’s only been 2 weeks since DDay and that was when he was still looking for a new AP.
As someone from another post suggested, I gave him the time limit of 48 hrs to come completely clean and he did but not before I spent the entire day obsessing over how much worse it could be and crying for 2 hours at bed time because he was “too tired” to write it all down that same night instead of making me wait. The whole truth was that he slept with 3 women within a weeks time, I unfortunately was also in the middle of that. He got tested this week and everything came back negative. Somehow, 3 women in the same week was more comforting than my own thoughts and worries. I was relieved it was all at once and had been a while. In addition to that, he told me his intention wasn’t to have multiple partners but to have one steady one for his physical needs. It still makes me sick to my stomach but I was even more incredibly relieved he never found one.
In addition to this, he’s been very honest in answering all my questions. In an attempt to explain his logic, he said that he feared bringing his mindset to my attention because he didn’t want to “change me”. He felt the things that were making him want me less were things he wasn’t sure if I wanted to change or should simply because he asked/wanted. But they were simple things that I already wanted to change relating to my health and mental state. But in a nutshell, he began to grow less attracted to me because I don’t have the energy I’d like or sexual drive we’d prefer. Some of this is attributed by my weight and the rest by my mental health. While I know it to be true and he’s finally admitting to it, I feel even more “broken” than I did when it was just me. He’s lied to me for so long, I really believed he was ok with me figuring things out in my own time..
Anyway, with all of this in the back of my mind, I can’t help but worry about this weekend. My son and I will be gone, he’ll have the car and be home alone. Whats stopping him from doing it again? He was so GOOD at keeping up the lies, if he wasn’t so sloppy I would have never known… I would have never know that it was 3 instead of 1 if he hadn’t told me the truth. I feel like I can’t trust anything he says and I feel like I’ll worry the whole weekend instead of relaxing and enjoying the space. I believe him when he says he doesn’t want to cheat anymore and he wants to make things right… but I also believed him a month ago when I asked him if he was hiding anything from me and he said no…
How do I find peace mentally like this? And I mean, I have therapy now but I mean immediately because my next session isn’t until after the weekend. This is my life every day now and I just want to badly for all of this to either be over or have never happened. Why can’t I skip to the end where I’ve healed and we’ve moved forward and I can be actually happy again… I hate this so much, the constant crying, moods up and down. Some days I can look at him, others (like today) I can’t. Some days I want to have sex, others I feel violated of he sees me naked. It’s so exhausting.
submitted by Waste_Bar4615 to AsOneAfterInfidelity [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 07:00 Gervyplays1 Double archon quest?

Double archon quest? Guys how do i fix this, just finished sumeru and now AQ 5 isn't allowing me to play in Fontaine
submitted by Gervyplays1 to Genshin_Impact [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 07:00 FortniteRedditMods Suggestion Saturday 18/Jan/2025 - Your Weekly Suggestion Thread

Today is Suggestion Saturday The day where we will allow all your hero suggestions!
You may post these so long as they are not a repost and follow other rules.

Go ahead and post your most creative suggestions!
submitted by FortniteRedditMods to FORTnITE [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 07:00 Difficult_Grape_150 Parenting Teens Suddenly: Balancing Rules, Respect, and Second Chances

I’m seeking advice on how to handle a complicated family situation involving my nieces, G (18) and M (15), and their younger brother, J (16). They moved in with my parents, my sister, and me about six months ago to escape a toxic environment in their home country and a history of substance abuse. Since then, the situation has been challenging, and we’re questioning whether we’ve been too strict or if we could have done better.
When they first arrived, G and M had over 60 absences and tardies in their first trimester of school. To encourage better habits, we set a rule: if they wanted to go out on weekends, they had to attend all their classes and be on time during the week. This worked for a while, and they started improving with “perfect weeks.” However, when they earned the privilege to go out, we tested them for drugs due to their history. Both tested positive for marijuana.
We also learned G had taken Percocet at school and planned to go to a motel with M and two boys—one of whom provided them with vapes and drugs. When we reported G leaving the house to their school, we discovered that one of the boys was recently expelled for gang activity and is wanted by the police. Because of these events, we decided they could no longer go out with people who might lead them down a dangerous path. They’re angry with us, feeling we’re being too strict.
We also take their phones at night because they used to stay up until 4:00 AM, often talking or FaceTiming friends. G recently left the house after we reinforced the no-drug rule. She said she’d never stop smoking marijuana, refuses to follow rules, and has been unkind to the family. She’s taken M’s belongings without asking, woken up my dad (who gave up his bedroom for them and now sleeps in the basement), and has been disruptive with loud fights, door slamming, and running around the house. Before leaving, she said hurtful things, creating tension in the family.
M is still at home but struggles academically, with grades ranging from C to F. G had better grades (A and B), but both have resisted accountability for their actions, like losing phone privileges for drug use.
Here’s the current situation: • My mom wants G to come back, but my dad values the peace of the house and does not want her to return. • G has told her mom she’s okay but hasn’t said where she’s staying or returned home. • Both girls stopped attending sessions with their school psychologist. • My sister (35) carries most of the responsibility for their care, while my parents and I help where we can.
Our Household Expectations: • Each person has one weekly chore (e.g., taking out the trash, cleaning the bathroom, mopping, or wiping the table). • Everyone is responsible for their own laundry once a week. • They must pick up after themselves and wake up on their own, though my sister often has to wake them.
We want G and M to succeed, become good people, and contribute positively to society. J, their younger brother, is doing well academically (straight A’s) but struggles socially. He says kids at school ignore him because he’s quiet. He speaks English, while M and G do not.
We’re overwhelmed. None of us originally planned to have children, and suddenly having three teenagers under our care has been difficult.
Questions We’d Appreciate Input On: 1. Are we being too strict with them? Should we adjust our approach? 2. Should G be allowed to return home, even if she refuses to follow rules? 3. What else could we have done differently in this situation? 4. How can we help M stay on track while balancing her needs with the family’s well-being?
Thank you for reading this. We’re looking for guidance and insight.
TL;DR: Our nieces, G (18) and M (15), moved in with our family six months ago, along with their brother J (16), to escape a toxic environment and substance abuse issues. They’ve struggled with school attendance, drug use, and following rules. G recently left after we enforced a no-drug policy, saying she won’t follow rules or stop smoking marijuana. M remains at home but has poor grades and struggles with accountability. We’re unsure if we’re being too strict by testing for drugs and taking privileges like phones away.
submitted by Difficult_Grape_150 to FamilyIssues [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 07:00 Cowicidal Simple Sabotage Field Manual, by Office of Strategic Services - Declassified 2008

submitted by Cowicidal to SocialistRA [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 07:00 Possible-Hall7376 missed spongebob reference😭

missed spongebob reference😭 submitted by Possible-Hall7376 to wooosh [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 07:00 ImmaSnarl I’m from the future and here’s the game-changing specs of the 2035 Nintendo Switch 3

Yo, I’m from the year 2030, the Nintendo Switch 3 has released, and I’ve got to tell you, the Nintendo Switch 3 absolutely crushed the Apple Glasses that came out in 2034. They tried to step into the VAR game, but the Nintendo Switch 3 made them look like toys. So before I talk about the Nintendo Switch 3, I've got to be straight with you: The Nintendo Switch 3 was so powerful it allowed us to open wormholes into the 4th dimension, so because the specs of the Nintendo Switch 3 are 4th dimensional, I'm not actually able to tell you the specs of the Nintendo Switch 3. I will, however, do my best and instead tell you in peasant 3rd dimensional terms, which will unfortunately cause some inaccuracies.

When the Apple Glasses launched in 2035, they had all the hype but no real substance. Their AR was clunky, their battery life was awful, and the limited content didn’t compare to what the Nintendo Switch 3 was offering. While Apple was still trying to fix their AR tech, the Nintendo Switch 3 completely redefined gaming, entertainment, and productivity. By 2035, the Nintendo Switch 3 wasn’t just a console—it replaced all traditional computers. With its ability to seamlessly switch between gaming, office work, and immersive VR experiences, the Nintendo Switch 3 became the new standard. No need for separate PCs or laptops anymore—everyone was using their Nintendo Switch 3 for everything. From full-scale business meetings in virtual reality to creating complex 3D designs, the Nintendo Switch 3 became the all-in-one device that changed the world. Apple’s glasses? A distant memory. The Nintendo Switch 3 is now all you need.
submitted by ImmaSnarl to NintendoSwitch3 [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 07:00 windy_assassin Nobody gaf

Nobody gaf submitted by windy_assassin to Brawlstars [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 07:00 josylad Hiring: Agent d'entretien et coordinateur de secteur (h/f) (secteur Luxembourg nord) at EXTRA TIME

EXTRA TIME is hiring a Agent d'entretien et coordinateur de secteur (h/f) (secteur Luxembourg nord)
Location: Mersch, Luxembourg
Envie de mieux employer votre temps ?
Extra Time est spécialisé dans l’entretien et l’organisation du domicile chez nos clients particuliers au Luxembourg depuis 2005. Entreprise familiale à taille humaine (50 employés), nous recherchons en permanence des nouveaux collaborateurs motivés pour rejoindre notre équipe. Vos avantages chez Extra Time : Un planning défini ensemble pour tenir compte de vos aspirations et besoins Des temps de trajets optimisés La prise en charge des frais kilométriques Des formations et la possibilité d'évoluer si vous le souhaitez et disposez des compétences Des horaires du lundi au vendredi (pas le week-end) - temps plein ou temps partiel Description du poste Vos missions

  • Learn More and Apply:
    submitted by josylad to RedditJobBoard [link] [comments]

    2025.01.18 07:00 Different-Olive-2025 HIT N RUN‼️‼️‼️

    HIT N RUN‼️‼️‼️ Please if anyone by chance has any fotage of an accident on I-50 near the 65 street exit 8.
    It happened to fast I couldn't remember clearly what car but I remember it was a SUV and Boxy in the rear I was hit around 4:40-4:45pm.
    I was driving a 2003 dark blue Honda accord and hit by a or 20-24 Chevy Suburban 20-24 Expedition.
    I will have possible ID's of the suspect cars. The red circles on the other pictures are the area where the suspects car should have damage.
    submitted by Different-Olive-2025 to Sacramento [link] [comments]

    2025.01.18 07:00 lss_web_1444 Link post title 588

    Link post title 588 submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

    2025.01.18 07:00 GameProfessional ⬆️ Up Game Shop

    ⬆️ Up Game Shop submitted by GameProfessional to UpGameShop [link] [comments]

    2025.01.18 07:00 __papagrande Rating and Recommendations

    It’s been maybe a year or two since I started my fragrance collection over from scratch. I turn 28 next month so I might pick up another bottle soon. Any ratings or recommendations would be appreciated.
    submitted by __papagrande to Colognes [link] [comments]

    2025.01.18 07:00 jstein_32 I’m sure this has been asked many times but does the box pendant come with a chain?

    I’m sure this has been asked many times but does the box pendant come with a chain? submitted by jstein_32 to the1975 [link] [comments]

    2025.01.18 07:00 Grand_Baseball_7382 Es normal que ni novio niegue que se toca?

    Ya en contadas ocasiones lo he cachado y niega incluso lo que veo entonces no se q onda , cabe agregar que ya no hay contacto desde hace unos meses y si lo hay muy esporádico para mí ya es un problema …. Help
    submitted by Grand_Baseball_7382 to RedditPregunta [link] [comments]

    2025.01.18 07:00 Dani2810R Help me

    Soy hombre y vendo contenido por aburrimiento y para generar ingresos extras, alguien sabe dónde puedo llegar a promocionarme? Además de las redes sociales como instagram o facebook
    submitted by Dani2810R to argentina [link] [comments]

    2025.01.18 07:00 lucy-malouingen f 📆 lokking for fun

    View Poll
    submitted by lucy-malouingen to Melinamsxou_heiss [link] [comments]

    2025.01.18 07:00 CritandCraft [OC - Art] Compass of Last Message

    [OC - Art] Compass of Last Message submitted by CritandCraft to UnearthedArcana [link] [comments]

    2025.01.18 07:00 GameProfessional 🛍️ eBay Video Games | ⬆️ Up Game Shop

    🛍️ eBay Video Games | ⬆️ Up Game Shop submitted by GameProfessional to eBayVideoGames [link] [comments]