I really need help with this

2025.01.18 06:40 Necessary-Budget1023 I really need help with this

What if you find reading the bible and praying everyday boring? i still try to pray and read the bible but i find it boring and it feels like I’m insulting god.
submitted by Necessary-Budget1023 to Christianity [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 06:40 walk-tokyo-walk Tokyo walk tour. 2025-2. Harajuku, Shibuya, etc.[4:18:50]

Tokyo walk tour. 2025-2. Harajuku, Shibuya, etc.[4:18:50] submitted by walk-tokyo-walk to SlowTV [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 06:40 Ok_Day_8633 Un péché pas si mignon ...

On a tous nos péchés mignons. Des fascinations inexplicables par lesquelles on peut être absorbés pendant des heures voire des années. Pour les ados nés dans les années 90 comme moi souvent ce sont des séries, de la musique, des livres, des célébrités et autres sources intarissables de conversation entre copines. En ce qui me concerne mon vice est bizarre, étrange, malfaisant et inconvenant. En grandissant, le cinéma m’a permis de le normaliser quelque peu, c’est devenu un sujet de conversation avec certaines personnes tout en restant assez abstrait pour ne pas éveiller de soupçons. Des séries comme "Dexter" m’ont servies de couverture pour assouvir cette addiction qu’est la fascination pour la vue du sang. Si j’avais été un homme cette addiction aurait été problématique car plus difficile à cacher si vous voyez ce que je veux dire... Le plaisir que je ressentais en voyant ces perles rouges vives dégouliner est aussi difficile à décrire qu’à assouvir. Ado je me scarifiais, comme beaucoup d'autres, mais pas pour la douleur que ça engendre, simplement pour le fin filet bordeau provoqué par mon acte. Mon but n'était pas que ce soit visible j’avais donc trouvé des astuces. Ne me demandez pas comment cette idée m’est venue mais un jour seule dans ma chambre, j’ai pris un petit miroir de poche, des petits ciseaux et j’ai coupé une de mes papilles gustatives. La gêne occasionnée était dérisoire par rapport au plaisir qui m’a envahi. Le goût de métal englobait ma bouche et je me demandais, effarée et heureuse, comment une seule papille pouvait autant saigner. Je pense que le fait que personne ne puisse se douter de mon secret le rendait d’autant plus important et satisfaisant. En vieillissant ce besoin sanguinolent fut comblé par d’innombrables films d’horreur et séries glauques à la "American Horror Story". Jusqu'au jour où, à la bourre pour le boulot, j’ai coupé une priorité et qu’une voiture m’est rentrée dedans. Rien de grave, le conducteur de l’autre voiture n’avait qu’une entaille peu profonde sur le front mais voir cette plaie commencer a saigner m’a fait prendre conscience que c'était moi qui avait provoqué cette apparition d’hémoglobine. Toutes mes émotions adolescentes ont ressurgi et cette vague de plaisir autrefois ressentie m’a envahie à nouveau. Tel un héroïnomane ayant besoin de sa dose, je me demandais par quels moyens ressentir cette sensation à nouveau. J’ai plaqué mon boulot de serveuse pour me faire engager comme éducatrice de rue. Pensant que les SDF étaient plus susceptibles de disparaître discrètement. Les aidant dans le cadre de mon travail, je tenais un carnet de notes comprenant leurs habitudes en matière de déplacement, d’hygiène et de consommation de drogue. Dans ce carnet figurait notamment Raoul, 53 ans ravagé par la rue et les drogues dures.une cible parfaite? Peut-être ... Grimée afin qu’il ne puisse pas me reconnaître j’ai été l’aborder une nuit sous le pont qu’il appréciait squatter seul pour profiter des effets de l’héro que je l’avais vu acheter plus tôt dans la soirée. Il faisait froid, rien d'étonnant en cette mi-novembre où le thermomètre était proche de 0. Je peux lire dans les yeux de l’homme fatigué par les nombreuses années d’errance que la drogue commence à faire effet. Je l’aborde poliment : ” Bonsoir, celà vous dirait de vous faire 100 balles?” L’homme dubitatif, sans doute habitué à certaines propositions douteuses : “ Qu’est ce que tu veux me faire pour 100 balles?. “ “J’aime la vue du sang, je peux juste te faire quelques entailles, tu ne sentiras rien” “Ah on me l’avait pas encore faite celle-là, vas-y dégage!” Surprise de son refus, je suis partie la queue entre les jambes me disant qu’il vaut peut-être mieux demander pardon que la permission...
submitted by Ok_Day_8633 to nosleep [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 06:40 BoglimChairBug Kelvin living his best life

Kelvin living his best life submitted by BoglimChairBug to SonsOfTheForest [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 06:40 SpiritedFig5943 Review and advice for the Website. The actual features will come soon it's just a coming soon template.

submitted by SpiritedFig5943 to SideProject [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 06:40 EfficiencySerious200 Do kings have a lot of children because they get a lot of free time and is incredibly horny, or are they heavily pressured to have lots of potential successors in case they die?

submitted by EfficiencySerious200 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 06:40 Appropriate-Peak3117 Help

I have registered cma inter in oct 2024 oral Didn't receive any email or I don't how skill training works when it will start. Do I eligible for attempting june attempt? 1 group.
submitted by Appropriate-Peak3117 to cma_india [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 06:40 SuccessfulJacket5118 [QC] Jordan 4 Canyon Purple from ShoeSupermarket Unknown Batch (trough Mulebuy)

[QC] Jordan 4 Canyon Purple from ShoeSupermarket Unknown Batch (trough Mulebuy) W2C: https://weidian.com/item.html?itemID=7183601827
Price: 239¥
submitted by SuccessfulJacket5118 to FashionRepsIT [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 06:40 Forward-Reporter4714 W: any and all camp decorations/crafting items and plans H: Caps

Trying to make my base look better :)
submitted by Forward-Reporter4714 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 06:40 fkcancer2008 Benefits

I have stage 4 terminal cancer and have had it for 16yrs.. just recently I am unable to work 40hrs a week and my meds are $24k a month for 1 specific pill.. that being said i qualified for disability and currently receive medical and financial support. I am a licensed professional that still wants to keep my license and practice but I'm scared of losing my medication. Few questions:

  1. Is there any benefit to just filing bankruptcy when we are terminally ill with cancer? Or do you keep paying your credit cards just to get in trouble with SS for maxing out income limits and possibly getting kicked off because we're trying to maintain good credit .I don't want any burden to go to my kid... i only owe 70k on my home, but my credit card debt is around 30k.
  2. I was told Medicaid turns their shoulder for first 3yrs on disability and you can work as much as u want til the 3yrs is up? I work 3 days a week 12 hours at most but my pay is pretty high..
  3. Is there a way to keep my health benefits as a "secondary " plan as I've read somewhere else you pay a premium? Maybe I can work thru the rough times and pay my cards off and then be at peace knowing my daughter won't be burdened with my debts.
Sorry I don't want to call and have them probe my case info just need some insight as I'm still swimming in credit card debt. Although at this point why doesn't even matter when dying
submitted by fkcancer2008 to disability [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 06:40 def_epic What are your thoughts?

submitted by def_epic to HandwritingAnalysis [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 06:40 Signal-Tough1710 Hey!! First time blender user

Just for some context, I'm a graphic designer, usually more into the Branding side of things.
And I'm working on this capybara. Is there a way I can make the front legs not look so weird?
submitted by Signal-Tough1710 to blenderhelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 06:40 Far_Activity_7991 V8 Power always in front 💪

V8 Power always in front 💪 submitted by Far_Activity_7991 to C8Corvette [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 06:40 Junjonez1 So you left your rayon and joined the Tank regiment and now you are in the SVO, what do you do? well like a true gentleman you take your gopnitsa for a ride in your tank of course. 😂

So you left your rayon and joined the Tank regiment and now you are in the SVO, what do you do? well like a true gentleman you take your gopnitsa for a ride in your tank of course. 😂 submitted by Junjonez1 to SpecialMilitaryOp_SVO [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 06:40 fiieend I accidentally served alcohol to a recovering addict.

I’m a server, I’m over 2 years sober myself, and so I understand what it means for this to happen. It was less than an hour before close and the kitchen and bar were closing shortly so I wanted to get their orders in as soon as possible. We have two drinks that are the same exact drinks but one has alcohol and one doesn’t. They also have the same number in the name of both drinks and are served the exact same way. I only heard the number that’s in the title of these drinks and so I assumed it was the alcoholic one because their partner ordered a glass of wine and they didn’t specify that it was supposed to be non alcoholic like my previous tables have done. The person ended up drinking the whole thing, and about 10 minutes after I cleared the empty glass from the table, they questioned me about the drinks and told me the person has been sober for years. I feel like I poisoned someone, I’m absolutely mortified that I did this to someone. It takes so much strength and dedication to stay sober for that long. I feel like I ripped away all their hard work and that they’re worried their sobriety is ruined. I literally broke down crying in front of the entire restaurant and all my coworkers because I feel so sick about what happened. I truly don’t know what to do or how I should feel about this.
Hopefully this makes sense because I am extremely exhausted from crying all night.
submitted by fiieend to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 06:40 Leather-Guess1843 [37/M]Bored at work,any distracting conversation online?

Saturday work is soul draining,need some distracting conversation,anything would suffice at the moment😅please help save my sanity!!
submitted by Leather-Guess1843 to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 06:40 DiverseAllrounder Personal Ladyboy sex show?

My gf and I would love to watch two ladyboys (or one ladyboy and one female) have some intimate fun together to gauge how much we're into it. Should we just walk up to one of them and ask them if they have a friend that they'd like to have fun with while we enjoy the show? Do they typically respect boundaries? For example, if we have sex at the same time that they wouldn't get involved with us?
submitted by DiverseAllrounder to Pattaya [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 06:40 Repulsive-Object-828 I released my Unity game named "1 Dollar Game" (it's free) on Google Play

I released my Unity game named submitted by Repulsive-Object-828 to Unity3D [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 06:40 Icy_Contribution2511 Give me a sign universe [OC]

Give me a sign universe [OC] submitted by Icy_Contribution2511 to NewMemeEconomy [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 06:40 waterfortheville Incorporating Power Apps and Power Automate Flows into Power BI

My company has a client portal and within that portal, we have a premium Power BI capacity which allows us to embed customized Power BI dashboards for each client. The portal itself is not a Power App, just to clarify.
What are some cool ways you’ve incorporated Power Apps and Power Automate Flows into Power BI dashboards? I’m looking for unique ideas and interactive ways to impress clients and sales prospects.
submitted by waterfortheville to PowerBI [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 06:40 Ok-Cobbler2929 Hey hotties, 18m here!! Let's connect? (Just girls pls)

submitted by Ok-Cobbler2929 to indianteenagersbuthot [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 06:40 Kooky-You-2848 What does this girl think about me

So I work with this girl and before I ever really talked to her she just kinda ignored me for the most part and acted pretty normally around me, but then I had to train her for a job and when I looked at her she blushed and started acting really nervously and awkwardly around me. A couple minutes later she looked at me and blushed again then looked away. I couldn’t tell if this was a sign of attraction or being uncomfortable around me. Now whenever I see her at work, whenever she’s close to me she acts really awkwardly and whenever I walk up to her she starts fumbling. Whenever I talk to her she has a lot to say and seems a little nervous but at other times she acts fairly confident around me. Once in a while though I’ll walk up to her and she’ll kinda put her head down in a disinterested way. What do u guys think she thinks about me?
submitted by Kooky-You-2848 to Advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 06:40 IAMBREAL Estevan Oriol - Big Duke of Psycho Realm and I, B-Real 97

Estevan Oriol - Big Duke of Psycho Realm and I, B-Real 97 Working with Psycho Realm and putting the first album with them as a member I feel was very significant work for me at the time. It allowed me to talk about different things and try different concept that we weren’t doing with Cypress. Jacken and Duke had a vision and they allowed me to come in and implement some ideas into that vision. From production to song writing and style flips, we wanted it to be like nothing out there. That album became an underground classic to many and we’ve seen the live from then to now even though I haven’t been in the group for many years now. But the impact of the album was more than any of us expected. Estevan and Mister Cartoon were with us for this ride and shot most of the photos and created the graphics. Completely a team effort. If you ain’t heard that album check for it “The Psycho Realm”
submitted by IAMBREAL to 90sHipHop [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 06:40 JibsmanElite So... where are the cows?

So... where are the cows? submitted by JibsmanElite to EliteDangerous [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 06:40 Every_Space5164 MAJOR POST

That damn hedgehog just had is new movie come out. GROSS! And watching the post credits scene, METAL SONIC IS ON THE WAY! This means one thing: That rodent will finally meet his match and go from the blue blur to the blue stained concrete. LET US CELEBRATE!!!
submitted by Every_Space5164 to fucktheblueblur [link] [comments]
