Murcia, Negros Occidental

2025.01.18 09:57 Emman-X Murcia, Negros Occidental

submitted by Emman-X to NegrosIslandRegion [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 09:57 the_ionfist27 Top Takes bottom/Bottom Takes Top Bug

in ng+ i went to this boss in the bishui cave. and i decided that it would be funny to kill one as quick as possible and ignore the other so i did that. ( they didnt even go into the ball phase or hid under there half ) and after i had killed that one ( i believe in was top takes bottom ) the other one just became invincible
submitted by the_ionfist27 to BlackMythWukong [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 09:57 In_The_Purple_Rain I don’t cry like I used to

submitted by In_The_Purple_Rain to sixwordstories [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 09:57 akulchouhan Cold play

Tickets available 25 january G 8 sitting two seats available
submitted by akulchouhan to Coldplaytickets [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 09:57 gerotmann__69 Kylaq Booking Cancellation

So i booked Skoda Kylaq (online, not through dealer) when the bookings started but now I want to cancel it due to personal preferences. Anyway, I contacted the dealer (PPS Skoda) and the guy told me cancellation is possible after launch (Jan 27th). He said i'll get full refund but it might take some time as its a new product.
If anyone else has cancelled their Kylaq booking, is this true ? Another redditor told me i should send an email for proof, I'm planning to do that. Is there anything else i can do to get it faster ?
submitted by gerotmann__69 to CarsIndia [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 09:57 jdiazalen [Dark Souls II] Great game but what a suffering

[Dark Souls II] Great game but what a suffering submitted by jdiazalen to Trophies [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 09:57 Comfortable-Art7084 为什么共产党闹革命、打内战死几千万人就是光荣和值得歌颂的,香港人反抗就是黑暴?

实际上香港人在整个运动期间并没有暴力攻击建制派和建制派的支持者,没有攻击一些什么下班后的警察和他们的家人,没有暗杀政府官员;只是和平集会、占领了街道、两间大学,在对抗警察的驱赶而已;也没有打砸抢烧,唯一 一次也只是冲击了立法会,对物不对人;比什么零元购高尚多了,法国人动不动就上街堵路、向警察扔燃烧瓶,也没有人说他们是暴乱。
甚至黑暴这种词,就是污蔑色彩,和“黑五类”一样具有大陆特色,在法律上根本没有黑暴这个词,为什么不敢光明正大用“暴乱”,因为根本达不到暴乱的标准 ! 然后加上 “黑” 这种含混不清的评价,难道那段时间勇武反抗的香港人等同于黑社会的 “黑” 了 ?
基本法自己说了要达成一人一票的普选,然后它可以随意释法,修改法律,当香港人用一些激烈手段反抗的时候,它就追着你说违法了 ?
一边幻想和美日台开战,甚至留岛不留人,然后看见香港人被迫扔砖头、燃烧瓶对抗警察,就受不了? 就指责不应该使用暴力? 妈的和警察对抗在民主国家都是在抗议中最正常的场面。
submitted by Comfortable-Art7084 to LOOK_CHINA [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 09:57 Icy_Copy2753 Amma achan kalikunathu kandu

submitted by Icy_Copy2753 to mallu__kambi [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 09:57 intellectualkamie [Prophets Arc] about the prophets outside the seoul dome

basically, there's probably some TWSA readers still alive post-prophets arc. what do you think happened to them?
they're alive because at the time of the night of the prophets where kdj practically mass-genocided the readers, they were outside the seoul dome.
what do you think would happen if kdj meets one of those readers? do you think they would've lost their memories of TWSA? or in some off chance they didn't, would they have survived somewhat? what if han sooyoung / tls123 meets one of them?
submitted by intellectualkamie to OmniscientReader [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 09:57 93248828Saif What Subscriptions & Apps do you pay for every month in Germany?

What subscriptions & Apps do you use and pay for every month ?
submitted by 93248828Saif to German [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 09:57 mafiapinty QuickStart Promo Code for January 2025

Click the link for QuickStart Promo Code for January 2025. Save some money by selecting one of the current promo codes or coupons on that page. That page is updated regularly with the latest coupons, promo codes, and deals. Take advantage of the discounts by selecting one to use.
submitted by mafiapinty to ScreenDore [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 09:57 Specific_Relief_6126 Natalie Horler, 43

Natalie Horler, 43 submitted by Specific_Relief_6126 to PrettyOlderWomen [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 09:57 NeighborhoodMedium34 Lake Sevan is Beautiful

So, I am on my way to Georgia (have to do some things for business - fun), and I passed by Lake Sevan. I now understand the obsession with it. I'll definitely be going back when my cousins in-laws finish work on their dacha in Gavar (which will be like... 2042 if I'm lucky 😂😅) anyway, certainly some place I'll be back to.
submitted by NeighborhoodMedium34 to armenia [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 09:57 wk0017 Friend betrayed me for a boy

Friend leaves you for sb she was rejected by
I had an ex friend for 7 yrs. I used to meet with her at school and met some other friends. They knew us like sisters
Anyways, one of her friends was a guy she was rejected by, but I learnt this after 1yr of meeting them. I didn't meet with her friends frequently.
The guy would always love bomb and try weird things infront of her, towads me. I assumed he did that to many I used to laugh it out, ignore him, and talk to my close friend. The girls will get it that sometimes there is a fear of them hurting you for denying their advances.
Little did I know sth was happening. Since the guy knew what he was doing, he still continued even after they told me he rejected her.
Long story short, my close friend turned to be a mean girl ans gave silent treatment and blamed me for sth that wasn't the case ans was happy about it.
Any time the guy would greet me even by hand, she would give me mean girl looks. I got tired of it. One time i did text her, ans told her to try and communicate. I now realise that was a mistake. She made me feel like I was at fault ans responsible for the guy hitting on me.
She got control of the guy and now they have the same Instagram bio, he also tried to call me ans we did talk but that's the day I realised how sb can really betray you which was the ex friend.
I did nothing wrong.ans for a while I believed her,she made me follow her like I was guilty ans got the guy to date her idk how. I always wondered how she was friends with him immediately, with feelings?
She had an agenda. I cut her off ,same with the guy too as he involved me in a complex situation. There was another girl involved before me with the guy but she got out of the situation quicker than me.its like the guy was trying to escape the ex friend.
It taught me a hard lesson, to always trust your gut. I stopped hanging out with all of them.
submitted by wk0017 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 09:57 Milkyway256 Help pls

A few days ago someone took me to the colosseum at night place. idk much about oob and today i sat at the valley alter and got taken too the night colosseum amd couldn't leave so i had to go home! Is this a bug or what?
submitted by Milkyway256 to SkyGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 09:57 Successful_Mess_15 Me Ajudem a achar esse jogo por favor

Eu jogava esse jogo naqueles sites de jogos lembro que você tinha que assustar as pessoas de uma casa era bem escura a casa basicamente toda preta e tons escuros mesmo que acendesse a luz, tinha vários comodos e no jogo o tempo todo chovia, lembro que todos personagens eram também em tons escuros mas com a pele bem pálida (eram uma família e lembro que tinha um bebê ) e sempre que eles levavam o susto faziam um escândalo e depois corriam pra outro cômodo Alguém consegue me ajudar por favor
submitted by Successful_Mess_15 to jogatina [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 09:57 Moriwakamaru The Entities In Modern Technology

Just a question I was thinking of after seeing the episode with What would the entities look like manifesting as modern technology such as websites or apps such as Binary (MAG 65) and Web Development (MAG 123)?
submitted by Moriwakamaru to TheMagnusArchives [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 09:57 Every-Pool2720 Full video 👆

Full video 👆 submitted by Every-Pool2720 to CommentsAreTurnedOff [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 09:57 Little_Vermicelli444 Keerthi

Keerthi submitted by Little_Vermicelli444 to my_hot_bitches [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 09:57 ImaginaryWonder1006 QYLD Jan 2025 Dividend $.1877

Ex dividend Jan 21. Pays Jan 28.
submitted by ImaginaryWonder1006 to qyldgang [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 09:57 whatzmyusrname Did bro just call cynthoni breakcore‽

Did bro just call cynthoni breakcore‽ submitted by whatzmyusrname to Cynthoni [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 09:57 cockroach4632p My screen is spinning. I allready restarted. Please help

My screen is spinning. I allready restarted. Please help submitted by cockroach4632p to PokemonSwordAndShield [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 09:57 Humble-Ad1510 English Novel

Bhai saare novel ke liye aese kuch important notes kisike paas ho toh please send
submitted by Humble-Ad1510 to mht_cet [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 09:57 JUSTWANTTOKNO2022 Hey guys/gals

Hey guys/gals, I stream Warzone on MNK. Follow 4 Follow?
submitted by JUSTWANTTOKNO2022 to follow4follow [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 09:57 ShiwaniK DMK legal wing meet: ‘One Nation, One Election’ will not benefit states, say Sibal, Quraishi

DMK legal wing meet: ‘One Nation, One Election’ will not benefit states, say Sibal, Quraishi submitted by ShiwaniK to TheWeeklyVoice [link] [comments]