Stocks/Etfs from multiple exchanges

Important: The ability to manage email subscriptions is gradually rolling out and may not be available to you yet. If you own another email address, you can send mail as that address. For example: Yahoo, Outlook, or other non-Gmail address Google Chrome is a fast web browser available at no charge. Before you download, you can check if Chrome supports your operating system and that you have all the other system requiremen If you're having trouble accessing a Google product, there's a chance we're currently experiencing a temporary problem. You can sign in to your Chromebook with your Google Account. To sign in without a password, create a Chromebook password or PIN. If you forgot your password or username, or you can’t get verification codes, follow these steps to recover your Google Account. Create an account . Tip: To use Gmail for your business, a Google Workspace account might be better for you than a personal Google Account. Google Chrome is a fast web browser available at no charge. Before you download, you can check if Chrome supports your operating system and you have all the other system requirements. You can install apps, games, and digital content on your device from the Google Play Store. Sometimes you can also use instant apps that don’t require installation. To open Gmail, you can log in from a computer, or add your account to the Gmail app on your phone or tablet. Once you've signed in, check your email by opening your inb

2025.01.18 10:42 mamulated Stocks/Etfs from multiple exchanges

Does ibkr charge you per exchange that you use (like degiro does)? For example if i have XET and AEB etfs, will I get charged double the fee?
submitted by mamulated to interactivebrokers [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 10:42 PerceptionSmall8296 Harrogate incident??

Does anyone know what’s happening in Harrogate?? 3 police cars and a chopper but can’t see anything online?
submitted by PerceptionSmall8296 to Adelaide [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 10:42 aadikabhoot Outlier.AI Referral Opportunity

Looking for a flexible, remote AI training job with no interview process? Outlier AI offers exactly that! I've been working with them for several months, and it’s a great way to earn extra income. Pay ranges from $15 to $50 per hour, depending on the task, with weekly payments made through PayPal. The job covers diverse fields like coding, physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology, history, law, and medicine. If you're interested in this straightforward and well-paying opportunity, feel free to reach out, and I'll guide you through the process!
Apply link
submitted by aadikabhoot to JobFair [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 10:42 cpt_bambi Does anyone know these taskbar icons?

Does anyone know these taskbar icons? Hi, does anyone know what these two icons are? They appear on a Windows 10 taskbar, but I can't figure it out and urgently need help identifying them as it's important for a private matter.
Unfortunately, the screenshot isn’t mine, and the icons are quite pixelated, but I’m hoping someone might still recognize them. Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your help!
submitted by cpt_bambi to icon [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 10:42 DarkArmorReis24 Insomnia type from sickness?

Ive recently got sick and now I'm having a very tough time getting any time of sleep. I'm usually able to sleep or at least feel okay from prescription based insomnia or even when I have allergies. The best way to describe it is like drinking caffeine before going to bed and being stuck with a energetic mind. Thought I found a good fix but apparently I didn't. It sucks because my melatonin isnt working anymore ever since either and no massive changes to my daily schedule either. Any help is very appreciated!
submitted by DarkArmorReis24 to sleep [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 10:42 BaseDangerous7007 Síndrome do impostor por ter que estudar um 2o ano pra medicina

E ai galera. Estudei o ano passado inteiro, estava muito confiante, dominei boa parte dos conteúdos e fazia 150 acertos em provas antigas, mas no dia do enem me embolei no tempo e não consegui terminar o segundo dia, chutando varias e fazendo 140 acertos e 960 na redação. Foi meu primeiro ano tentando e comecei a estudar sem base nenhuma (não acho que isso importou, dominei os conteudos tranquilamente) mesmo tendo 19 anos e já tendo concluído o ensino médio. Com o objetivo de passar em medicina esse ano, mesmo sabendo que tenho boas chances de passar por já ter experiência e uma base absurda, frequentemente minha própria cabeça me sabota, fazendo eu me sentir uma fraude por ter que fazer um 2o ano de estudos, como se eu não fosse um verdadeiro merecedor e que perdi um ano de minha vida a toa( o passado). Como lidar com isso? vou fazer 21 anos no meio do ano e isso tbm pesa um pouco.
submitted by BaseDangerous7007 to estudosBR [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 10:42 EgriZalan Help - Real-time recognition

I've just got my a5x2 and when I create a real time recognition document it seems to me as it would not recognise my handwriting real time, just when I click the big A button with an eye on the toolbar. Then it shows "recognition..." and after a few seconds there is my text, but until I click on this button, I can't search in the note with words, because it wouldn't find them (I write in Hungarian)
Is this how it should be? Or when not what should I do?
submitted by EgriZalan to Supernote [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 10:42 HereForTheFreeShasta Encouragement for people to move to a LCOL area

I’m proud and excited and don’t have anywhere else I can share (can’t talk money with family/friends and husband is laid back about money).
Husband makes 200k, I make 450k as a doctor working her ass off on a contract I have 1.5 more years on.
6 months ago we were barely getting buy on this salary in a VCOL part of California with 2 daycare age kids, even when 1 of those kids went to public school (aftercare for 2.5 hours a day after public school was close to 1000/mo for her, because California), with a lot of student loan payment close to 3000/mo (med school). We both worked 8-6 after commute and I worked multiple nights and weekends on top of that, required by my job.
6 months ago we moved to a lower COL area on the east coast (still HCOL but less so). We sold our California house for a nearly 50% profit (owned for 3 years), narrowly missing cap gains which would have wiped out most of our profit, bought a forever home for half the price.
With our bonuses this year and savings/budgeting that we got motivated to do because costs are more reasonable here and we didn’t feel discouraged looking at our bank accounts every month, we paid off all loans except for our mortgage and have been paying down our principal faster now with 514k left on a 1.2m home.
Next year our younger kid goes to public school. Aftercare here is only 300/mo. I am going part time when my contract finishes and won’t be paying aftercare then at all. Husband makes the same salary working from home on California time now, which means he can do home chores and all the other life things we were pulling our hair out trying to find a way to do on our 8-6 work schedule with me working nights and weekends, which I no longer have to at my job (1 weekend morning a month, no nights).
I just recalculated our spending - because of paying these loans off and our budgeting habits, we now spend 13k a month which includes 529 contributions on track for state colleges for both, mortgage, and all insurances etc. We are both maxing out 401ks. Net worth 2.2m most of which is the house, but also 500+k in our retirement accounts. Our net worth was negative until mid-2020. Just started a brokerage account and are planning to start funding it this month instead of paying off our mortgage faster.
With our current tax structure, this means we could survive comfortably on a single salary of 220k which would include max contribution to one person’s 401k. I’m just so proud and thankful for the fact that the grinding I (and my husband of course) did for my entire life so far, college, med school, residency, working 60 hours a week with 2 kids back to back with no family help and a full time working husband who until this year did almost no household or family admin work, lots of therapy over the past 2 years to work through life and old traumas, has finally felt like it’s come to a place that feels free.
Thanks for listening to this rant/positive vent!
submitted by HereForTheFreeShasta to HENRYfinance [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 10:42 Chance_Cantaloupe_73 Conseils fiscaux pour maximiser mes gains sur la vente d’un véhicule

J’espère que vous allez bien. Je souhaite avoir votre expertise concernant la gestion fiscale de la vente d’un véhicule appartenant à mon entreprise, vendu pour un montant de 50 000 €. Mon objectif est de récupérer le maximum de cette somme à titre personnel avec l'amortissement tout en respectant la législation. 1. Quelle est la meilleure combinaison entre dividendes et salaire ou prime pour maximiser le montant net que je peux percevoir ? 2. Quelles sont les implications fiscales et sociales pour l’entreprise et pour moi en tant que gérant ? 3. Y a-t-il d’autres options ou optimisations que je devrais envisager ?
submitted by Chance_Cantaloupe_73 to Comptabilite [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 10:42 Cheap_Thing1322 hey i got admitted to the poly tech. Needed some suggestions regarding the housing and dorms. which ones are the best and also as a muslim, which dining provides halal food?

submitted by Cheap_Thing1322 to Purdue [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 10:42 Appropriate_Bake396 Timing the squeeze with release of the study

Here’s a link to the study, If we keep up to date with how it’s going we could time an insane volume day to pump it at the same time they release the results from the study.
I’m not sure how to organize this as of now, if anyone has any ideas let’s get something going Link to the feasibility study:
submitted by Appropriate_Bake396 to gctk [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 10:42 Significant-Party521 The Universe always existed

In this last years I started questioning all I’ve been told about the Universe, we always try to find meaning and be in control of nature, so when we think we know something but we cannot prove it we called it a theory, and I support that when I see that it makes sense. Big bang theory, “it started from nothing” ?? What is nothing? Nothing has to be some form of state, and if nothing exists it means that after the limit of the universe nothing is still there. I believe in my theory, we are programmed to put a beginning and end to everything bc of our environment, for example, let’s count 1, 2, 3, 4… etc or -1, -2, -3 etc.. will we ever find the end of this count? No.. it’s infinite!!! For me the Universe is Infinite and always existed.. the microwave background is simply the limit of our technology capabilities. We exist for 2000 years and we have the audacity to put an age in something that we simply cannot comprehend, we are biological limited because we evolve in a closed biome, imagine a being born are lived in orbit, he wouldn’t think of beginnings and end, he wouldn’t need to know whats TIME, and death he wouldn’t call it transformation.. we need to find a way to overcome our limitation, the Universe is programmed by something we call Nature, Nature is always changing little things to succeed, a follow a path of evolution, but sometimes Nature realizes that they created something super tough but with zero interest in evolution, like the dinosaurs, so, the same an artist puts the old canvas to the fire pit and brings a new fresh one, so did Nature. A supernova explodes, the material created by that explosion were the ingredients to create US!! Don’t tell me these are random events.. a new born animal, just came to this world, and he knows that he has to suck that milk in order to face life, that’s Nature that installed that software in that creature otherwise they would born, stay quiet in corner and than die from lack of food. We should focus our efforts in understanding the Universe! Thank you for your patience reading this, really appreciate.
submitted by Significant-Party521 to universe [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 10:42 leakhipies Picaboo Promo Code for January 2025

Go to this page for Picaboo Promo Code for January 2025. If you're looking for the newest coupons and promo codes, that page is the place to go. They always have the latest offers available.
submitted by leakhipies to ZapSupport [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 10:42 wakomorny Controversial Take: Bangalore's tolerance needs to go

If you don't have proper parking, maybe you shouldn’t own a car in Bangalore.
if you don’t have a designated parking spot, your car isn’t your personal street hog. Street parking isn’t your own parking lot. It clogs up narrow roads, and when you park on footpaths, you end up ruining them and putting pedestrians at risk. Get a proper parking spot or maybe think twice about owning one.
Food carts: A nuisance on our streets. Food carts are bad for us. They arent inspected for health violations. They block footpaths, add to the litter, and put local shops who legally pay rent, tax and staff at a huge disadvantage. And even if the cart owners clean up after themselves, their customers sure don’t. They throw it all over. I’ve even seen a tea stall burning plastic cups after hours.
The “morning drop-off circus” at school.
PARENTS!! dropping of your kids no helmet, triple riding and dangerously cutting lanes to stop suddenly. Do you think your except for the rules?? Apparently yes cause the cops don't do jack shit about it. Also parking wherever the hell you want. Can we all just follow some basic safety and parking rules, please?
What else you guys think we accept but needs to go without mercy?
submitted by wakomorny to bangalore [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 10:42 GoodLuvvin69 Millie Bobby Brown

Millie Bobby Brown submitted by GoodLuvvin69 to BritishCelebrityBabes [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 10:42 deepak_6191 Choosing the University

Hey all, I am confused in finalizing university the thing is I have shortlisted 3 university for business informatics Marburg, Sudwestfalen and Harz In three of them which one is better and which one will have value for job opportunities Can you please help me with this
submitted by deepak_6191 to studying_in_germany [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 10:42 pegawitch Dutch silver coin " gulden " 🤩👍👊

Dutch silver coin submitted by pegawitch to TreasureHunting [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 10:42 onefuckingstepahead then vs now

submitted by onefuckingstepahead to pics [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 10:42 nk127 In Dubious Battle by John Steinbeck would have been a classic too.

In Dubious Battle:
I read this book on a high soon after completing East Of Eden as some users on reddit suggested that this would be a great intermediate step before i go onto Grapes of Wrath.
What I loved in parts about this book i While there are some great aspects in part, I am disappointed on this book on a whole as it does not take a strong stand on anything - neither on the story nor on the cause(the injustice) nor on the philosophy pertaining to human nature. Everything felt just slightly touched upon.
Reviewers in the introduction say that Steinbeck’s intention was not to take a side or glorify anything but rather focus on the cause. If such was the case, i would have loved more character development and back stories.
I would have loved Steinbeck write in more detail and depth about Jimmy Nolan. While the strike did not amuse me(due to its familiarty), i was captivated by the few paragraphs that were related to his childhood and upbringing.
“The house where we lived was always filled with anger. Anger hung in the house like smoke; that beaten, vicious anger against the boss, against the superintendent, against the groceryman when he cut off credit. It was an anger that made you sick to your stomach, but you couldn’t help it.”
I would have been intrigued to learn more about him. I would have been intrigued to learn what the families in the valley went through or the social, economical and political conditions of the place. Such things would have made this book too a timeless classic.
I am not recommending to not read this book(This was a bestseller during the time it was published). This book is great in parts even today and inspired to me read more about literature pertaining to war between classes, communism and lifestyle of workers in that or any other era.
submitted by nk127 to books [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 10:42 NullandVoidUsername Kitchen leak update

Kitchen leak update Last week I posted that I thought a leak I was having in my kitchen was caused by the isolation valve. However, it appears to be caused by the parts that I've circled red. This section doesn't appear to tighten, so I presume it's may need replacing all together.
Would anyone be able to provide any advice. Thank you in advance.
submitted by NullandVoidUsername to DIYUK [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 10:42 Silver_Mixture_6764 Would your avatar pet Lilly’s dragon spirit? (He will have his maw chained shut for the petting)

Would your avatar pet Lilly’s dragon spirit? (He will have his maw chained shut for the petting) submitted by Silver_Mixture_6764 to RobloxAvatars [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 10:42 TheLionheart702 o2 have asked me to pay a debt which isn't mine

Hi all!
I have been in a back and forth with o2 for months now as they have wrongfully been pursuing me about a debt which I do not owe. I had taken out a contract for a new phone which ended up getting lost in transit and which I never received. I cancelled my contract within the two week window but o2 have been hounding me for the full contract amount (over £500). Eventually their customer service team told me this was all sorted and the debt would be cleared from my name within a week. Despite this assurance, less than three days later my account was passed to a debt collector and o2 refused any further communication. Having liaised with the debt collection company, o2 then decided they did wish to speak to me (I'm guessing they read the notes and realised I actually didnt owe this money).
They're now proposing that in order to clear the debt/zero the account they want to send me a cheque for the full amount and I'm to pay the debt collection company myself. So o2 pay me, I pay Moorcroft (debt company) who then I assume pay o2 back excluding their fees. O2 have accepted that I dont owe this debt but essentially want to pay me money to 'accept' the debt from Moorcroft. Is that even legal?? I've spoken to family and they've suggested that o2 are trying to avoid any additional fees from wrongly selling on a debt that wasn't owed. Does this seem likely?
I'm currently waiting on a call back where I'll be telling them a firm no to this proposal. Any backup or further information that might help my case would be much appreciated.
submitted by TheLionheart702 to UKPersonalFinance [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 10:42 MoVaunLatero What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by MoVaunLatero to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 10:42 Local-Evening-4830 fear of a new negative opinion (tilt test)

Good morning,
I have to take a tilt test and a broader exploration of the autonomic nervous system (with VO2 max) on February 12 in Toulouse (France).
I took a tilt test for the first time and it was negative for potency and hypotension. She noted hyperactivity of the sympathetic nervous system but nothing more.
For her, dysautonomia is not a topical issue, whereas I have unmanageable symptoms (fatigue, feeling like the flu/permanent hangover, skin that turns red at the slightest heat, tachycardia during sport, when I drink or when I eat too much sugar, dry eyes, tinnitus...). These are clearly symptoms of dysautnomia, so she's doing lots of tests again in a month.
But in fact, I don't have tachycardia while standing still, (when I wake up I have cardiac arrhythmia, my heart goes up to 115 then goes down to 100, 85, then goes back up..., I've had lots of heart tests , RAS), on the other hand when I get a little active it rises very quickly or very little, no standing hypotension (sometimes there are big drops in blood pressure, but it rises again...). BUT, despite that, my life is ruined: I can't do anything, my heart beats fast at the slightest effort while standing, I'm like I have a permanent flu and anxiety on top of it, it's weird to describe and I have everything cold, cold, cold, cold weather. My body is frozen with a normal blood tests are of course perfect! What should I do in my case?
submitted by Local-Evening-4830 to dysautonomia [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 10:42 fuckedintheheadlol Hiningian ng 10k ang kapatid ko for therapy

My 15-year-old brother was involved in a case where he and his peers targeted a 9-year-old boy with developmental delays and did malicious things. It was caught on video, but my brother's face is not visible, although he is the oldest among them. Now, there is an agreement that each of them will pay ₱10,000 for the boy’s therapy, and my mom keeps pressuring me about it. I saw the agreement from the Social Services Development Department, but I told them not to pay. I just feel uneasy because it seems like they are taking advantage of the families. Imagine, 8 kids are being asked to pay ₱10,000 each for that.
Is this legal? I know my brother cannot be jailed because he and the others are minors
submitted by fuckedintheheadlol to LawPH [link] [comments]